If a structure cut has a circular appearance when observed, the sectional cut was a(n)

Bio 245Lab 8 EpitheliaTissues10 PointsDate: Aug 30 2017_Name (last, first): _Siepiora, Michael___Pre Lab1.the tissues that cover external and internal body surfaces are _
Bio 245Lab 8 EpitheliaTissues10 PointsDate: 09/08/2015Name (last, first): Arroyo, SandraPre Lab1.the tissues that cover external and internal body surfaces areEpithelial2.The cells with a flat shape are namedSquamous3.One edge of an epithelial cell attaches to theBasement Membrane4.If a structure cut has a circular appearance when observed the sectional was a(n)Cross Section5.

The tissues that cover external and internal body surfaces are A) Epithelial B) Connective C) muscle D) Nervous


The cells with a flat shape named a) Stratified B) Cuboidal C) Columnar D) Squamous

The basal surface of epithelial tissue cells attach to the A) Cillia B) Basement Membrane C) Nucleus D) Cytoplasm

If a structure cut has a circular appearance when observed, the sectional cut was a(n)A) Oblique section B) Cross Section C) Longitudinal section D) Lengthwise section

Which of the following is not a function of epithelial tissue A) Protection B) Secretion C) Bind and support D) Absorption

Which of the following epithelial tissues is more then one cell layer thick? A) Transitional B) Simple squamous C) Pseudostratified D) Simple cuboidal columnar

A) transtional epithelium

Which of the following epithelial tissues does not have all cells resting on the basement membrane? A) Stratified squamous B) Pseudostratified (Cilliated) Columnar D) Simple Squamous

The study of tissues is called histology. True or False

The basement membrane is composed of cillia. True or false

Which of the following is not a function of connective tissues? A) Fill Spaces B) Provide Support C) Bind structures together D) Body Movement

The most abundant fibers of connective tissues are A) Reticular B) Elastic C) Collagen D) Glycoprotein

Which of the following is a loose connective tissue? A) Fibrocartilage B) Areolar C) Spongy bone D) Elastic Connective

Which connective tissue has a liquid matrix? A) Blood B) adipose C) Reticular connective D) Hyaline Cartilage

The connective tissue that composes tendons and ligaments is A) Dense regular connective B) Elastic connective C) Elastic Cartilage D) Dense irregular connective tissue

The connective tissue ____ contains abundant fibers of collagen and cells in solid matrix A) Fibrocartilage B) Adipose C) Bone D) areolar connective

Adipose, areolar, and reticular connective tissues are considered loose connective tissue types True or false

Blood and lymph are considered loose connective tissue types True or false

Cells secrete the fibers and a ground substance of a connective tissue. True or false

Which muscle tissue under concious control? A) Skeletal B) Smooth C) Cardiac D) Stomach

Which of the following organs lack smooth muscle? A) Blood Vessels B) Stomach C) Iris D) Heart

Which muscle lacks striations? A) Cardiac B) Skeletal C) Smooth D) Voluntary

Which of the following conduct action potentials? A) Smooth B) Nuerons C) Neuorglia D) Skeletal Muscles

Muscles of facial expression are A) Smooth Muscles B) Skeletal muscles C) Involuntary Muscles D) Cardiac Muscles

Which muscle tissue is multinucleated? A) Skeletal B) Smooth C) Stomach D) Cardiac

Intercalated discs represent the junctions where cardiac muscle cells fit together A) True B) False

Both cardiac and skeletal muscles are under voluntary control A) True B) False