Apa itu Lead Generation di Facebook?

Did you know that there are about 1.6 billion people globally who are connected to a small business on Facebook? 

With this in mind, think about how many members of your target audience you can reach on Facebook through your advertising and marketing.

The opportunities are limitless. 

Apa itu Lead Generation di Facebook?

So, how can you effectively reach your business's potential leads on Facebook? The answer is: Lead Ads. 

Before we dive into Lead Ads, let's cover some important background knowledge first. 

It's the job of marketers to meet prospects where they’re spending their time, not the other way around. As we stated above 1.6 billion people around the world are connected to a small business on Facebook. Additionally, Facebook has 2.9 billion monthly active users. All of this to say — many of your current and potential customers are using the platform, making it an effective place to reach them with your advertisements. 

Facebook Ads help you reach your target audience, buyer personas, and current customers on the platform. The social media site allows you to customize your advertisements to ensure they reach qualified leads.

Facebook does this by asking you for information about your goals and objectives, characteristics of your audience members (e.g. age, demographics), ad placement (e.g. News Feed, Messenger), ad format (there are six options), budget, and more. 

In addition to these all-encompassing advertisements, you can get more specific on the platform and create Lead Ads.

Now to the fun part — setting up your Lead Ads across Meta platforms. 

Now, let's review some Facebook advertising tips to keep in mind throughout the process of Lead Ad creation and implementation. 

1. Capitalize on Facebook Audience Insights.

Facebook collects a lot of data from its users from in-app activity and third parties. The social platform allows you to use this data, known as Facebook Audience Insights, to create highly targeted advertisements. Filter your audience by using very granular criteria to target the right prospects.

2. Create unique ad sets for each audience.

Your Facebook Ads campaign will have multiple Ad Sets (audience targets) and multiple ads within those sets. You’ll create various ads to target multiple pain points. Each ad should focus on one message. The more targeted your message, the more likely your ad will appeal to the right prospects.

3. Use high-quality imagery that blends into the feed.

You’ll want to use high-quality images and videos. However, that imagery shouldn’t look so foreign to users that they immediately identify it as an ad. Remember, you’re targeting users in the app so you want your ads to blend into their social feed.

Pro Tip: Be sure to stay within the ad specs so your ads look natural and fit into the designated space.

4. Experiment with video.

Facebook Lead Ads allows you to choose between images and video in your ads. Video gives you an opportunity to tell a captivating story to your prospects. Not only that, but video is actually preferred by users — 64% of users will watch videos on Facebook and users give their undivided attention to videos on Facebook. With stats like these, video ads have a potentially high ROI. 

5. Check out the competition.

Your competition might have creative ways to target your audience. If you notice your competitor using carousel ads to engage prospects, then it might be a tactic worth considering for your own ads. Your goal is not to imitate but to be aware of other ways your prospects are being targeted.

6. Review your analytics regularly.

The work doesn’t end when you set up your ads. You want to be sure to maximize your ad budget by checking your Facebook Analytics often. Monitor how your ads are performing and how your audience is responding to them so you can adjust your campaign before you waste spend on the wrong methods. This becomes even more important if you have a smaller budget.

7. Remember to retarget your audience.

It typically takes someone viewing an ad seven times before they take action (see: The Advertising Rule of 7). Retargeting uses tracking pixels to follow your prospects around the web, showing them relevant ads on external sites to give your ads more exposure. Retargeted audiences are primed for conversion because they’ve already interacted with your brand in some way.

8. Optimize your Lead Ads. 

Creating and publishing your Lead Ad is only the beginning. You’ll gain a better understanding of what works for your audience as your ad runs — that’s why testing, analyzing, and optimizing your ads is critical to getting qualified leads in the door.

Below is a list of resources that will teach you what metrics to track, what those metrics mean, and how to revise your ad strategy to hit your lead goals.

Use these resources to learn how to optimize your Facebook page and your Lead Ads:

20 Facebook Ad Metrics Marketers Should Know

How to Tell if Your Facebook Campaign Was Actually Worth It

The 5-Step Process HubSpot Uses to Optimize Facebook Advertising Costs

The Ultimate Guide to Facebook Marketing

This Facebook Ad Experiment Generated $1.1 Million

Video or Images: Which Performs Better in Facebook Ads?

What We Learned From Spending $100k On Facebook Ads

Apa yang dimaksud Lead Generation?

Lead generation adalah proses meningkatkan minat prospek terhadap produk atau brand tertentu. Selain minat, bisnis juga harus menjaga ketertarikan mereka hingga berhasil menjadi pelanggan.

Apa itu leads di Facebook?

Leads adalah calon konsumen yang bersedia meninggalkan kontak mereka. Banyaknya leads bisa sangat berpengaruh pada keberhasilan promosi produkmu. Ada banyak cara untuk memperbanyak leads.

Apa itu lead dalam digital marketing?

Bagi Anda yang berkecimpung dalam dunia bisnis khususnya marketing pasti sudah tidak asing dengan istilah lead. Secara umum lead adalah orang yang memiliki ketertarikan terhadap produk atau layanan yang ditawarkan oleh suatu perusahaan. Orang-orang seperti ini bisa menjadi prospek yang potensial bagi sebuah perusahaan.

Apa itu leads Dalam Youtube?

Leads adalah setiap orang yang memiliki ketertarikan terhadap produk dan layanan Anda dan memiliki potensi besar sebagai pelanggan atau pembeli. Secara umum, orang-orang tersebut akan meninggalkan informasi tertentu seperti kontak yang dapat dihubungi.