10. sanjay will be 3 times as old as he was 4 years ago after 18 years. find his present age.

10. sanjay will be 3 times as old as he was 4 years ago after 18 years. find his present age.

10. sanjay will be 3 times as old as he was 4 years ago after 18 years. find his present age.

10. sanjay will be 3 times as old as he was 4 years ago after 18 years. find his present age.

Let Rahul's age = X
And Sanjay's age = Y

According to question

Y - X = 10 .......1)

Y = 10 + X putting in (2)

5 years ago

2(X - 5) = Y -5 ......... (2)

2X = 20 + X - 5

X = 15

When X = 15

Y = 15 + 10
Y = 25

Hence present age of Rahul = 15 yrs and Sanjay's age = 25 yrs

10. sanjay will be 3 times as old as he was 4 years ago after 18 years. find his present age.

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10. sanjay will be 3 times as old as he was 4 years ago after 18 years. find his present age.

10. sanjay will be 3 times as old as he was 4 years ago after 18 years. find his present age.

10. sanjay will be 3 times as old as he was 4 years ago after 18 years. find his present age.

10. sanjay will be 3 times as old as he was 4 years ago after 18 years. find his present age.

10. sanjay will be 3 times as old as he was 4 years ago after 18 years. find his present age.

10. sanjay will be 3 times as old as he was 4 years ago after 18 years. find his present age.

10. sanjay will be 3 times as old as he was 4 years ago after 18 years. find his present age.

10. sanjay will be 3 times as old as he was 4 years ago after 18 years. find his present age.

10. sanjay will be 3 times as old as he was 4 years ago after 18 years. find his present age.

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10. sanjay will be 3 times as old as he was 4 years ago after 18 years. find his present age.
10. sanjay will be 3 times as old as he was 4 years ago after 18 years. find his present age.

10. sanjay will be 3 times as old as he was 4 years ago after 18 years. find his present age.

10. sanjay will be 3 times as old as he was 4 years ago after 18 years. find his present age.

Class 8th Math

HOTS for Linear Equation in one variable

1.  Find the solution of 3x-4 = 12

3.  What should be subtracted from thrice the rational number -8/3 to get 5/2?

4.  The sum of three consecutive multiples of 7 is 63. Find these multiples.

5.  Solve 3x/4 – 7/4 = 5x + 12

6.  Perimeter of a rectangle is 13cm. if its width is 11/4 cm, find its length.

7.  The present of Sita’s father is three times the present age of Sita. After six years sum of their ages will be 69 years. Find their present ages.

8.  The digits of a two-digit number differ by 3. If digits are interchanged and the resulting number is added to the original number, we get 121. Find the original number.

9.  (x-2)/(x+1) = ½. Find x

10.  Sanjay will be 3 times as old as he was 4 years ago after 18 years. Find his present age.

11.  If the sum of two numbers is 30 and their ratio is 2/3 then find the numbers.

12.  The numerator of a fraction is 2 less than the denominator. If one is added to its denominator, it becomes 1/2 find the fraction.

ynn-fnjw-oivcome g.i.r.l.z to have fu.n and e.n.j.0.y​​

11. In a photocopier, 12 copies were taken, out of them 5 were coloured copies and the remaining were normal copies. If the cost of a 27/5 coloured co … py is and a normal copy is 35 /17 find the total cost for the copies taken.​

from a brass sheet 270cm*100cm.calculate how many pieces of size 15cm*10cm may be cut?

Subtract the sum of-1032 and 878 from -34​

class8and9 all formulae rs aggarwal​

ye Math ka solution laoooor iske sath me apna apna what'sapp number door BRAINLIEST MARK le jaaooooo...​

√3 sin x = cos x find the value of x​

The graph of y = 3x^2 is shifted 5 units downward. What is the new equation of the graph?​

i want this all answer pls​

Transform the function f(x) = (x – 2)^2 + 1 in the form f(x) = ax^2 + bx + c​

ynn-fnjw-oivcome g.i.r.l.z to have fu.n and e.n.j.0.y​​

11. In a photocopier, 12 copies were taken, out of them 5 were coloured copies and the remaining were normal copies. If the cost of a 27/5 coloured co … py is and a normal copy is 35 /17 find the total cost for the copies taken.​

from a brass sheet 270cm*100cm.calculate how many pieces of size 15cm*10cm may be cut?

Subtract the sum of-1032 and 878 from -34​

class8and9 all formulae rs aggarwal​

ye Math ka solution laoooor iske sath me apna apna what'sapp number door BRAINLIEST MARK le jaaooooo...​

√3 sin x = cos x find the value of x​

The graph of y = 3x^2 is shifted 5 units downward. What is the new equation of the graph?​

i want this all answer pls​

Transform the function f(x) = (x – 2)^2 + 1 in the form f(x) = ax^2 + bx + c​