Why would a dog bleed from the mouth?

March 19, 2013

Bleeding dog gums and red gums are associated with inflammation and gingivitis. These are indicators of poor oral health for your dog or cat. Many pet owners fail to recognize the need for brushing a dog’s teeth or professional dental cleanings. As a result tartar and plaque buildup on the teeth and gums and lead to dental conditions such as gingivitis and periodontal disease. Bleeding dog gums most often are a result of these conditions and inflammation.

Bleeding Dog Gums: Causes for Concern

Gingivitis is a reversible oral inflammation that can lead to bleeding dog gums while periodontitis affects the deeper structures, like the bones and ligaments that support the teeth.  Periodontitis cannot be reversed, but it can be slowed and even stopped. Other dental concerns, such as discoloration of the teeth and gums can also be linked to oral health problems with your dog. Symptoms like black tongue should indicate that veterinary care is necessary because of possible ulcerations, a lack of niacin, or serious dental issues.

Why would a dog bleed from the mouth?

Prevent bleeding gums by brushing and regular professional cleanings.

Unhealthy teeth and gums along with halitosis (bad breath) can be caused by dental diseases that can shorten the life span, cause pain and even turn fatal for your dog if left untreated. It is important to seek professional animal dental care when your furry friend experiences bleeding dog gums or other dental issues, to avoid a late diagnosis of these health concerns.

Inflammation of the gum or gingiva results from a growth of bacteria that comes from the poor oral hygiene – something that is easy to avoid! You may note when you brush your own teeth that the gums may begin to bleed if you haven’t been brushing or flossing consistently; it is the same for your dog.  Bleeding dog gums can be uncomfortable for your dog. Disregarding the simple task of brushing your dog’s teeth can accelerate into serious medical issues and poor dental hygiene.

What about foreign objects?

It is true that injuries from chewing objects or toys can lead to bleeding dog gums or dental injuries. Ingestion of something toxic like chocolate, antifreeze and other poisonous substances could potentially lead to bleeding dog gums. You should always consult a veterinarian when you notice gingivitis or bleeding dog gums to find the cause. In many cases it is linked to poor oral hygiene.

Preventing Bleeding Dog Gums

Bleeding dog gums, red gums, inflammation, loose teeth and other symptoms of poor oral hygiene can be prevented by a regular routine of brushing your dog’s teeth and regular professional animal dental cleanings. As a result of regular brushing, you are stimulating healthy gums, removing plaque and warding off tartar – all of which can lead to gum disease. In between regular brushing, provide your dog with veterinarian approved dental chews and bones is ideal to keep the teeth and gums healthy. Remember to always monitor your pets while they are chewing to avoid choking.

Dental hygiene is a key in preventing serious pet health problems and protecting your dog from the discomforts of bleeding dog gums. Applying good oral hygiene habits to your daily routine can prevent unnecessary health problems in every stage of a pet’s life.

If you wake up one day to find your dog bleeding from its mouth, you’d get sick with worry. But like us, dogs too get afflicted by health issues. So, I’ve amassed all these years of my dog parenting knowledge to give you the details on the matter and help you with your dog’s bleeding mouth.

If you’ve ever asked yourself “Why is my dog bleeding from the mouth?” then here’s the answer.

Why would a dog bleed from the mouth?

Why Do Dogs Bleed From The Mouth?

Due to a host of reasons, some of which can even be natural causes that escape your attention. For example, it is common to find your puppy bleeding from its mouth every once in a while when it’s growing up. When your pup is in its teething stage, the baby teeth start falling off and that causes temporary bleeding from the gums.

But not all reasons behind a bleeding mouth are as tame as milk teeth falling out. This is especially true if your dog continues to bleed from its mouth for a day or more.

The most worrisome causes behind a dog’s bleeding mouth include:

Dogs are curious creatures by nature and it’s not unusual for them to be up to some mischief behind your back. And sometimes, a bleeding mouth can result from their antics, resulting in tongue lacerations or nicks to the gums. Perhaps your dog has chewed on a sharp object or bitten its frisbee too hard.

Sometimes, oral trauma could cause their mouths to bleed too. By that, I mean a sudden fall, high-impact injury, or an unsavory encounter with another dog.

All of these reasons can cause your dog’s mouth to bleed, but in such cases, you need not worry about any hidden causes.

Poor dental hygiene that leads to plaque buildup can cause Canine Ulcerative Paradental Stomatitis (CUPS) in dogs. In layman’s terms, your dog will get painful mouth ulcers that eventually split open, and cause bleeding. Although a genetic predisposition in some breeds like the Labrador Retriever, and German Shepherd, CUPS can be avoided with proper care.

And it should be too, CUPS is a rather painful condition to endure.

Also Read: 30 Common Dog Health Problems and Solutions

Why would a dog bleed from the mouth?


Perhaps one of the most common and well-known (not sure if that word works well here) periodontal diseases in dogs, Gingivitis is a leading cause of bleeding from the mouth. An inflammation caused by plaque and tartar buildup, the disease often gives your dog bad breath (halitosis) along with swollen red gums and bleeding.

Gingivitis is extremely prevalent in dogs and is often linked to poor oral hygiene.

Poor Dental Hygiene

Your dog needs as much oral care as you do. If you fail to brush your pet’s teeth and keep its mouth clean, you will end up with a dog that has bad breath. Eventually, an unclean mouth will lead to plaque buildup and tartar accumulation, which, in turn, will cause a plethora of illnesses.

So, if you aren’t comfortable brushing your dog’s teeth at home, take it to a groomer or vet to get its teeth cleaned. Chew toys with teeth cleaning properties, and oral cleaning solutions that can be added to their drinking water are two other options you can explore.

Tooth luxation results from any blunt force trauma that dislocates your dog’s tooth from its gum socket. I know – sounds painful! And it is. While tooth luxation can result from an accident, you can exercise precautions to make sure your dog doesn’t get badly injured.

If your pet has the habit of getting into fights with other dogs, get it a muzzle to wear during walks. Better still, train them from the time they’re puppies to build their social skills. Obviously, make sure your dog doesn’t fall from a height or suffer any kind of major injury that could knock its teeth out. After all, prevention is better than cure.

Why would a dog bleed from the mouth?

Von Willebrand’s Disease

A commonly inherited genetic condition, Von Willebrand’s Disease afflicts both humans and canines. In this condition, the lack of a certain type of protein prevents your dog’s blood from clotting like it should, causing uncontrollable bleeding.

Without mincing words, I’ll have to let you know Von Willebrand’s Disease can cause your dog to bleed to death. You simply cannot fault treatment if your pet gets diagnosed with it. Apart from a bleeding mouth, this disease can prove to be fatal in case your dog suffers from an accidental injury.

Why would a dog bleed from the mouth?

How to Treat Bleeding Mouth in Dogs?

Take them to the vet. It’s that simple! Unless you’re completely sure your dog’s mouth is bleeding because of small nicks or cuts that you can cure with home remedies, do not experiment. Let the professionals examine and treat your pet.

Your vet may prescribe x-rays, CBD tests, anesthesia, sutures, and even blood transfusion depending on the severity of your pet’s condition. Do not freak out, let your veterinarian do their job. Go ahead and invest in good dog insurance for times like these when the bills may blow a hole in your pocket.

Be there by your dog’s side and comfort your pet to the best of your ability. If the animal hospital is far away, make sure the journey is as comfortable for your pet as you can afford to make it. Most of all, keep your calm.

Why would a dog bleed from the mouth?

How to Prevent Mouth Bleeding in Dogs?

Prevention is always the safer, easier, and better choice. Focus on your dog’s daily dental hygiene. Healthy teeth and gums will prevent your pet from contracting any disease.

However, in case of a genetic predisposition your pet may suffer from, you need to be somewhat vigilant. Regular check-ups and blood tests should be your go-to.

And nip all such problems in the bud, choose your breeder with care. Ethical breeders who focus on bringing up healthy puppies and provide health certificates are the ones to trust.

Then again always remember some dogs are more genetically predisposed to certain diseases than others. Doberman pinschers have very high chances of suffering from Von Willebrand’s Disease. If you know your dog is susceptible to something, treat it immediately.

Timely intervention and expert treatment can help your dog recover from a bleeding mouth. Just keep your calm and do what the situation demands. Your dog will get better, sooner or later.