Cara menggunakan php net mongodb

Visual Studio Code has great support for working with MongoDB databases, whether your own instance or in Azure with MongoDB Atlas. With the MongoDB for VS Code extension, you can create, manage, and query MongoDB databases from within VS Code.

Install the extension

MongoDB support for VS Code is provided by the MongoDB for VS Code extension. To install the MongoDB for VS Code extension, open the Extensions view by pressing ⇧⌘X (Windows, Linux Ctrl+Shift+X) and search for 'MongoDB' to filter the results. Select the MongoDB for VS Code extension.

Cara menggunakan php net mongodb

Connect to MongoDB

Once you've installed the MongoDB for VS Code extension, you'll notice there is a new MongoDB Activity Bar view. Select the MongoDB view and you'll see the MongoDB Explorer.

Cara menggunakan php net mongodb

To connect to a MongoDB database, select Add Connection and enter the connection details for the database then Connect, the default is a local MongoDB server at mongodb:// You can also enter a connection string, click the "connect with a connection string" link and paste the connection string.

Cara menggunakan php net mongodb

Note: Make sure your MongoDB server (mongod.exe) is running if you are connecting to a local MongoDB server.

Once attached, you can work with the MongoDB server, managing MongoDB Databases, Collections, and Documents.

Cara menggunakan php net mongodb

You can expand databases to view their collections with their schema and indexes and you can select individual MongoDB Documents to view their JSON.

Cara menggunakan php net mongodb

You can also attach a MongoDB shell to the active connection, simply by right-clicking on the connection itself.

Cara menggunakan php net mongodb

Note: Make sure the MongoDB shell (mongo or mongosh) and is on your path. In the extension's settings, you can choose which shell you are using.

MongoDB Commands

There are MongoDB specific commands available in the VS Code Command Palette (⇧⌘P (Windows, Linux Ctrl+Shift+P)) as well as through Explorer context menus.

Cara menggunakan php net mongodb

Using Playgrounds

One of the most powerful features of the VS Code MongoDB integration is Mongo Playgrounds. Playgrounds let you create, run, and save MongoDB commands from a VS Code editor. Create a new playground with the MongoDB: Create MongoDB Playground command.

Cara menggunakan php net mongodb

In a playground, you can reference MongoDB entities and commands and you get rich IntelliSense as you type. Playgrounds are useful for prototyping database operations and queries. Execute selected lines in the playground queries with the MongoDB: Run Selected Lines From Playground command.

Cara menggunakan php net mongodb

Cara menggunakan php net mongodb

MongoDB on Azure

You can easily create a MongoDB cluster on Azure for Free with MongoDB Atlas.

Choose Create a New Cluster from the dashboard and choose Azure as the Cloud Provider. Once the cluster is created, connect to using the connection string provided by MongoDB Atlas.

Welcome to the documentation site for the official MongoDB PHP driver. You can add the driver to your application to work with MongoDB in PHP. The MongoDB PHP Driver consists of the two following components:

  • The

    extension, which provides a low-level API and mainly serves to integrate libmongoc and libbson with PHP.
  • The library, which provides a high-level API for working with MongoDB databases consistent with other MongoDB language drivers.

While it is possible to use the extension alone, MongoDB recommends using both the extension and the library together. Download the components you need or set up a runnable project by following our tutorials.

  • Tutorials

  • Extension Architecture and Internals

  • Documentation

    • Library

    • Extension

  • Changelog

    • Library

    • Extension

  • Source Code

    • Library

    • Extension


First, make sure you have a recent version of PHP installed on your system. See the official PHP manualfor download and installation instructions.

Install the PHP MongoDB Extension before installing the PHP Library for MongoDB. You can install the extension using PECLon the command line:

$ sudo pecl install mongodb

Finally, add the following line to your

php.ini file:


On some systems, there may be multiple INI files for individual SAPIs (e.g. CLI, FPM). Make sure to enable the extension in all SAPIs that you need.

The preferred method of installing the PHP library is with Composerby running the following from your project root:

$ composer require mongodb/mongodb

Additional installation instructions may be found in the library documentation.

Connect to MongoDB Atlas

To connect to a MongoDB Atlas cluster, use the Atlas connection string for your cluster:

$client = new MongoDB\Client(
$db = $client->test;


For information about connecting to Atlas Serverless, see the for the minimum driver version you need.

Connect to a MongoDB Server on Your Local Machine

If you need to run a MongoDB server on your local machine for development purposes instead of using an Atlas cluster, you need to complete the following:

  1. Download the Communityor Enterpriseversion of MongoDB Server.

  2. Install and configure MongoDB Server.

  3. Start the server.


Always secure your MongoDB server from malicious attacks. See our Security Checklist for a list of security recommendations.

After you successfully start your MongoDB server, specify your connection string in your driver connection code.

If your MongoDB Server is running locally, you can use the connection string "mongodb://localhost:<port>" where <port> is the port number you configured your server to listen for incoming connections.

If you need to specify a different hostname or IP address, see our Server Manual entry on Connection Strings.

To test whether you can connect to your server, replace the connection string in the code example and run it.


Due to potential problems representing 64-bit integers on 32-bit platforms, users are advised to use 64-bit environments. When using a 32-bit platform, be aware that any 64-bit integer read from the database will be returned as a MongoDB\BSON\Int64instance instead of a PHP integer type.

MongoDB Compatibility

The following compatibility table specifies the recommended version(s) of the PHP driver for use with a specific version of MongoDB.

The first column lists the driver version(s).

Compatibility Table Legend



All features are supported.

The Driver version will work with the MongoDB version, but not all new MongoDB features are supported.

No mark

The Driver version is not tested with the MongoDB version.

PHP Driver Versions

MongoDB 6.0

MongoDB 5.0

MongoDB 4.4

MongoDB 4.2

MongoDB 4.0

MongoDB 3.6

MongoDB 3.4

MongoDB 3.2

MongoDB 3.0

MongoDB 2.6

ext + lib 1.15

ext 1.14 + lib 1.13

ext 1.13 + lib 1.12

ext 1.12 + lib 1.11

ext 1.11 + lib 1.10

ext 1.10 + lib 1.9

ext 1.9 + lib 1.8

ext 1.8 + lib 1.7

ext 1.7 + lib 1.6

ext 1.6 + lib 1.5

ext 1.5 + lib 1.4

ext 1.4 + lib 1.3

ext 1.3 + lib 1.2

ext 1.2 + lib 1.1

ext 1.1 + lib 1.0

ext 1.0

[1](, ) Version 1.14 of the MongoDB PHP library has been skipped to restore version parity between the library and extension.[]The extension 1.10 + library 1.9 driver does not support snapshot reads on secondaries. For more information, see the

Language Compatibility

The following compatibility table specifies the recommended version(s) of the PHP driver for use with a specific version of PHP.

The first column lists the driver version(s).

PHP Driver Versions

PHP 8.2

PHP 8.1

PHP 8.0

PHP 7.4

PHP 7.3

PHP 7.2

PHP 7.1

PHP 7.0

PHP 5.6

PHP 5.5

ext + lib 1.15

ext 1.14 + lib 1.13

ext 1.13 + lib 1.12

ext 1.12 + lib 1.11

ext 1.11 + lib 1.10

ext 1.10 + lib 1.9

ext 1.9 + lib 1.8

ext 1.8 + lib 1.7

ext 1.7 + lib 1.6

ext 1.6 + lib 1.5

ext 1.5 + lib 1.4

ext 1.4 + lib 1.3

ext 1.3 + lib 1.2

For more information on how to read the compatibility tables, see our guide on MongoDB Compatibility Tables.

Apa saja bahasa pemrograman yang didukung oleh MongoDB?

Sampai saat ini, bahasa pemrograman yang telah mendukung MongoDB antara lain: C, C++, C#, Haskell, Java, JavaScript, Lisp, Perl, PHP, Python, Ruby dan Scala.

Apakah MongoDB termasuk database?

MongoDB adalah database yang berorientasi pada dokumen. Data apa pun yang disimpan di dalam MongoDB itu berbentuk dokumen, bukan tabel. Dalam dokumen-dokumen tersebut, datamu disimpan dalam field, bukan baris atau kolom. Hal ini juga yang mendukung fleksibilitas MongoDB.

Jelaskan langkah langkah dalam instalasi MongoDB?

Proses Install MongoDB.
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