Wo finde ich paint bei windows 10

In diesem Artikel erfahren Sie, wie Sie die Microsoft Paint-App unter Windows 10/11 herunterladen, installieren, deinstallieren und neu installieren. Weitere Computerkenntnisse und Tutorials finden Sie auf der offiziellen Website der MiniTool-Software.

Erfahren Sie mehr über die Microsoft Paint- oder Paint 3D-App und sehen Sie unten, wie Sie Microsoft Paint für Windows 10/11 herunterladen.

Microsoft Paint oder Paint 3D-App

Microsoft Paint ist ein einfacher und leistungsstarker Rastergrafik-Editor mit einer Reihe professioneller Bearbeitungsfunktionen. Diese App ist in allen Versionen von Microsoft Windows enthalten.

Sie können eine Mal-App verwenden, um Bilder zu bearbeiten, und Bearbeitungswerkzeuge verwenden, um Meisterwerke zu erstellen. Es ermöglicht Ihnen, Dateien in einer Vielzahl von Formaten zu speichern und zu teilen. Mit der Paint 3D-App können Sie 2D-Meisterwerke oder 3D-Modelle erstellen.

Microsoft Paint kann Dateien in den Formaten BMP (Windows Bitmap), JPEG, PNG, GIF und TIFF öffnen und speichern.

Die Microsoft Paint-App ist kostenlos und sollte standardmäßig auf Ihrem Windows-PC installiert sein. Sie finden Microsoft Paint im Startmenü. Sie können auch Windows + S drücken, Paint in das Windows-Suchfeld eingeben und die Paint-Anwendung auswählen, um sie zu öffnen.

Benutzer von Windows 10 können Paint 3D in das Suchfeld eingeben und Paint 3D auswählen, um die Microsoft Paint 3D-Anwendung zu öffnen, die einige 2D- und 3D-Malwerkzeuge enthält. Es ist auch kostenlos.

Wenn Sie von Windows 10 auf Windows 11 aktualisieren, ist die Paint 3D-App weiterhin vorhanden. Allerdings, wenn Sie eine Neuinstallation von Windows 11 OS durchführen oder ein Gerät mit vorinstalliertem Windows 11 kaufen, ist die Paint 3D-App veraltet.

Wenn Sie die Anwendung Paint oder Paint 3D nicht auf Ihrem Computer finden können, erfahren Sie unten, wie Sie Microsoft Paint für Windows 10/11 herunterladen und installieren.

Microsoft Paint-Download für Windows 10/11

  1. Rufen Sie die Microsoft Store-Website auf oder öffnen Sie die Microsoft Store-App.
  2. Klicken Sie auf das Suchsymbol und geben Sie Paint Wählen Sie die Paint-App aus, um die Download-Seite aufzurufen. Wenn Sie die Paint 3D-App herunterladen möchten, können Sie die Paint 3D-App auswählen, um zu ihrer Download-Seite zu gelangen.
  3. Sie können dann auf die Schaltfläche Abrufen klicken, um die Anwendung MS Paint oder Paint 3D sofort auf Ihren Windows 10/11-Computer herunterzuladen.
  4. Nachdem der Downloadvorgang abgeschlossen ist, können Sie auf die Exe-Datei klicken, um die Paint-Anwendung auf Ihrem Computer zu installieren.

Um die Anwendung Microsoft Paint unter Windows 10/11 zu installieren, sollte auf Ihrem Computer Windows 10 Version 22000.0 oder höher ausgeführt werden. Um Microsoft Paint 3D unter Windows herunterzuladen und zu installieren, muss auf Ihrem Gerät Windows 10 Version 16299.0 oder höher ausgeführt werden.

Windows 10

Paint ist weiterhin eine Komponente von Windows. Geben Sie zum Öffnen von Paint Paint im Suchfeld auf der Taskleiste ein, und wählen Sie Paint aus der Ergebnisliste aus.

mehr dazu

Verwandter Artikel

Wie kann ich Paint net installieren?

Nachdem Sie Paint.NET heruntergeladen haben, doppelklicken Sie auf die Setup-Datei, um die Installation zu starten. Sie können Paint.NET entweder schnell oder benutzerdefiniert installieren.

Wie finde ich Paint auf meinem PC?

Paint unter Windows 10 aufrufen

Klicken Sie dazu links unten auf das Windows-Symbol und wählen Sie die Option "Alle Apps". Im Abschnitt des Buchstabens "W" finden Sie den Ordner "Windows-Zubehör". Im neuen Menü klicken Sie auf "Paint", um das Tool zu starten.

Ist Paint und Paint NET das gleiche?

Paint.NET Team

Paint.NET wurde als Ersatz für das Zeichenprogramm Microsoft Paint in Microsoft Windows entwickelt. Neben grundlegenden Funktionen einer Bildbearbeitung, wie Drehen, Spiegeln und Größenänderung, lassen sich Helligkeit, Sättigung, Kontrast und Farbton von Fotos anpassen.

Was kostet Microsoft Paint?

MS Paint ist vollkommen kostenlos und sollte sich bereits auf Ihrem Windows-PC befinden (Sie finden es im Windows-Startmenü im Ordner "Zubehör"). Wer Paint nicht auf seinem Computer hat, kann es ganz einfach installieren.. Wie installiert man Paint?

Installieren Sie die Paint-App erneut Windows 10

Schritt 2: Öffnen Sie die Store-App, suchen Sie nach Paint und klicken Sie auf Bezahlung/installieren Klicken Sie auf die Schaltfläche, um die neueste Version der Paint-App herunterzuladen und zu installieren.

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Ist ein Paint Horse ein Westernpferd?

Westernpferde sind mittelgroße Pferde mit starker Muskulatur, kräftiger Hinterhand und einem gutmütigen Charakter. Paint Horses sind leicht zu reiten, willig und nervenstark und eignen sich für Turniere, Spaziergänge, Wanderritte und Westernreiten.

Wie öffne ich ein Bild mit Paint?

So öffnen Sie Bilder

  1. Klicken Sie auf Datei. Öffnen.
  2. Wählen Sie den Ordner aus, in dem die Datei abgelegt ist.
  3. Klicken Sie auf einen Dateinamen. Sie können, falls nötig, mithilfe des Suchfeldes nach einem Bild suchen. Sie können nach Dateinamen, Titel, Thema, Autor, Stichwort und Kommentar suchen.
Wo finde ich bei Windows 10 das Bildbearbeitungsprogramm? Um zu beginnen, öffnen Sie das Foto oder Video, das Sie bearbeiten möchten. Wählen Sie oben auf dem Bildschirm Bearbeiten & erstellen aus.

Das klassische Microsoft Paint sollte bereits auf Ihrem Windows-PC installiert sein. Geben Sie in das Suchfeld auf der Taskleiste Paint ein und wählen Sie es dann in der Ergebnisliste aus. Wo werden Bilder von Paint gespeichert? Asuf eine Verknüpfung zur Paint.exe-Programmdatei (automatisch gibt es eine solche meist im Ordner "C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Accessories" führen Sie einen Rechtsklick aus und wählen im Kontextmenü Eigenschaften.

Obwohl die App zahlreiche Features besitzt und auf Windows-Systemen vorinstalliert ist, wurde Paint 3D lediglich von wenigen Nutzern verwendet. Aus diesem Grund hat sich das Redmonder Unternehmen dazu entschieden, Paint 3D aus dem Installations-Paket des Anfang März bereitgestellten Preview-Builds 21332 zu werfen.

A lot of methods can be used to access Paint in Windows 10 computer, and the article summarizes five of them for your reference.

Video guide on how to open Paint in Windows 10:

Way 1: Turn it on by searching.

Type paint in the search box on taskbar, and click Paint in the result.

Wo finde ich paint bei windows 10

Way 2: Open it in Start Menu.

Enter Start Menu, expand All apps, open Windows Accessories and choose Paint.

Wo finde ich paint bei windows 10

Way 3: Launch the app via Run.

Open Run, input mspaint and tap OK.

Wo finde ich paint bei windows 10

Way 4: Access it via Command Prompt.

Start CMD, type mspaint and press Enter.

Wo finde ich paint bei windows 10

Way 5: Open it via Windows PowerShell.

Get into Windows PowerShell, input mspaint.exe and hit Enter.

Wo finde ich paint bei windows 10

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  58. Windows 10 and Windows 11 paint, how to find Paint on windows 10 and Windows 11?
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  60. How to find paint in windows 10 and Windows 11?
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  78. Where can i find paint in windows 10 and Windows 11?
  79. Paint doesn't open windows 10 and Windows 11?
  80. How to open MS paint in windows 10 and Windows 11?
  81. In windows 10 and Windows 11 what is the path or how do you launch MS paint software?
  82. How to run exe program on windows 10 and Windows 11 desktop via cmd?
  83. Ms paint download windows 10 and Windows 11?
  84. How do i find paint utility in windows 10 and Windows 11, wheres paint on windows 10 and Windows 11?
  85. I can't find paint in windows 10 and Windows 11, Where is paint in windows 10 and Windows 11?
  86. How can search and find out paint on windows 10 and Windows 11/computer?
  87. How to open Microsoft paint in Windows 10 and Windows 11?

Page 2

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  13. Where do i find program files inwindows 10 and Windows 11?
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  23. Is there a program I can download to find all my apps and programs on my computer?
  24. Under Windwos 10 and Windows 11 there is a hidden folder that shows all installed programs.?
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  51. Here Windows lists all installed programs - both those that ... for uninstalling Windows programs can be found here.?
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  54. Whete is the file location of installed application in laptop?
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  57. Windows 10 and Windows 11 how to view packing list of installed program to uninstall windows10 and Windows 11 installed files in pc?
  58. Where installed files are stored in windows 10 and Windows 11?
  59. How to find uninstalled files on windows 10 and Windows 11?
  60. How do i see what programs i have on windows 10 and Windows 11,where do i find them??
  61. How to find the path to a file in windows 10 and Windows 11?
  62. Where are the program data files windows 10 and Windows 11?
  63. Go to program files on this computer, view latest installed programs winodws 10 and Windows 11?
  64. How to find where a program is installed windows 10 and Windows 11?
  65. How to find where a file is installed, program files folder on windows 10 and Windows 11?
  66. Windows 10 and Windows 11 cannot find program uninstall?
  67. How to find the full path of an app running on my pc?
  68. How to find a software that is not in program files folder?
  69. Learn how to find all of your apps and programs in the brand new Windows 10 and Windows 11 Start menu.?
  70. Can display all programs that are installed on your computer. Windows 10 and Windows 11 offers a function for this directly.?
  71. How to find the installation folder of all installed apps and how to access them.?
  72. When you down load a programe how can you tell you have installed it, how to find the location of a installed microsoft office software?
  73. Unable to find a program that is installed on my computer in windows 10 and Windows 11?
  74. How to get list of installed programs in Windows 10 and Windows 11?
  75. Moin, I'm looking for programs installed on my PC that are in 'Programs ... Windows 10 and Windows 11?
  76. Instructions: Create a list of all programs installed under Windows?
  77. Windows 10 and Windows 11 recognize all softwares installed in folder?
  78. Is there a registry key somewhere where all programs are registered?
  79. How to find the destination folder of the installed software in pc?

Page 3

If the laptop, or the notebook is closed and you want to continue working right now, it is quite annoying when he goes into sleep mode, here is a simple solution for the problem under Windows 11, 10, 8.1 and Windows 7!   You don't have to resort to free software like DONTSLEEP for example. In Windows 10 you can change ergo customize the settings for your laptop or ms surface go and pro.

Please start the Power-Options in Windows 10 and change the settings for your laptop, the Power-Options you can also find in the windows 10 & 11 control panel. 1. Open Control-Panel in Windows-10

2. [F3] Key and enter "power"

3. click Power Options or start the Power-Options

4. Please click or tap the text Choose what closing the lid does 

5. And switch the option to  Do nothing

(... see Image-1 Arrow 1 to 8)

Optional use the direct command control.exe /name Microsoft.PowerOptions /page pageGlobalSettings

(Image-1) Laptop don't sleep when closed in windows 10!
Wo finde ich paint bei windows 10

One of the most common problems with laptops is running out of battery power before you're finished using your computer. Battery Status in Windows 10 Mobility Center shows you how much charge is left in your battery and offers a quick way to change power plans so that your battery lasts longer.

See also:

► Disable auto sleep mode on windows 10 tablet PC, how to?

► Windows 10 remove frequent folders from explorer (quick access)?
► How do I set sleep mode in windows 10?
► Customize Recycle Bin in Windows 10, how to? At the same time you can set via what should happen when the power switch (... see Image-1 Point 4) , or the energy saving button is pressed!
(Image-2) Power Button Action windows 10!
Wo finde ich paint bei windows 10

When the lid closes:

The elegant solution to decide for yourself what should happen when the cover on the notebook or Surface is passed is written not only for Windows 10, as you can see above in Windows 10 shot screenshot, you can easy and simple use this example as a solution even on previous versions of Microsoft's Windows operating systems, not just to prevent the notebook / laptop from hibernating when closing or the lid, whether it's a plain Windows notebook, tablet PC, Surface Pro / Go, it really is very useful to have this free choice a simple, yet effective very useful function it has been tested on various MS-OS and successfully verified.

FAQ 47: Updated on: 11 April 2022 04:29 Windows

Wo finde ich paint bei windows 10
Here are some solutions to see installed programs under windows-10, this solution is also for Windows 8.1 and windows 7 DEFAULT INSTALLATION LOCATION

Wo finde ich paint bei windows 10
The example to find a downloaded program or APPs on Windows 10 and 11, for example in default Download folder, or in internet explorer download history

Wo finde ich paint bei windows 10
The solution is easy to create a desktop shortcut in Windows 10 and 11 for a program or a APP  Content: 1. Simply create a program desktop shortcut

Wo finde ich paint bei windows 10
To find stored fonts in the Windows 10, please start the MS Explorer to install, or uninstall the Windows Fonts Find and open the Fonts Location

Wo finde ich paint bei windows 10
The solution is simple to change the keyboard speed on Windows 11 or 10, and to make keyboard character repeat faster or slower 1.  The Keyboard Settings

Wo finde ich paint bei windows 10
Here are the solution to customize the pagefile.sys in MS Windows 11 and 10, ergo  size of paging file the virtual memory  1. Open the Settings of

Wo finde ich paint bei windows 10
The Links that help you to simple Turn-Off Windows 10 and 11 search indexing service, or customize it and add folders, for better search results in Windows

  My question is not there in the FAQ
Asked questions on this answer:

  1. How to open up Microsoft laptop sleep settings in windows 10 and Windows 11?
  2. Windows 10 and Windows 11 laptop closed monitor?
  3. Laptop sleep settings download windows 10 and Windows 11?
  4. Keep screens on with lapttop closed windows 10 and Windows 11?
  5. Dont want my laptop to go to sleep?
  6. How to stop laptop going to sleep when shut?
  7. Laptop sleep settings program for windows 10 and Windows 11?
  8. Prevent laptop sleep when closed windows 10 and Windows 11?
  9. How to make a windows 10 and Windows 11 laptop go to sleep when screen is closed?
  10. How to keep windows 10 and Windows 11 from sleeping?
  11. How to avoid going to standby while closing notebook screen?
  12. How to stop laptop from sleeping when closed?
  13. Prevent system sleep on closing monitor windows 10 and Windows 11?
  14. Where do you find laptop sleep settings in windows 10 and Windows 11?
  15. Laptop sleep settings in windows 10 and Windows 11?
  16. Windows 10 and Windows 11 logged out when closing laptop?
  17. Stop monitor sleep on close?
  18. Prevent laptop from sleeping when closing lid windows 10 and Windows 11?
  19. How to stop your laptop from going to sleep when closed windows 10 and Windows 11?
  20. Windows 10 and Windows 11 power mode closing laptop?
  21. Is there any way to prevent sleep on closing the lid of laptop in windows 10 and Windows 11?
  22. How to disable sleep when i close laptop win10 and Windows 11?
  23. How to stop windows 10 and Windows 11 going to sleep when laptop shut?
  24. Windows 10 and Windows 11 don't sleep when lid closed?
  25. Download Windows laptop sleep settings for Windows 10 and Windows 11, for free?
  26. How to stop laptop from sleeping when closing?
  27. How to find laptop sleep settings in windows 10 and Windows 11?
  28. Windows 10 and Windows 11, how to stop your laptop from going to sleep?
  29. Stop windows 10 and Windows 11 from sleeping when lid is closed?
  30. Preventing monitor from sleep when closing laptop?
  31. How to prevent laptop from sleep when flipping down the screen?
  32. How to stop screen from sleeping when closing the lap top?
  33. What is the laptop sleep settings for windows 10 and Windows 11?
  34. How to get to laptop sleep settings in windows 10 and Windows 11?
  35. Windows 10 and Windows 11 keep monitor on when laptop cover closed?
  36. How to start laptop sleep settings in windows 10 and Windows 11?
  37. Stop laptop from sleeping when closed windows 10 and Windows 11?
  38. MS laptop sleep settings for Windows 10 and Windows 11?
  39. Laptop no sleeping when closed windows 10 and Windows 11?
  40. How to stop my laptop from sleeping when closed?
  41. Prevent win 10 and Windows 11 from sleeping when screen down?
  42. How to find the ms laptop sleep settings in windows 10 and Windows 11?
  43. How to run exe program on windows 10 and Windows 11 desktop via cmd?
  44. Where is laptop sleep settings.exe in windows 10 and Windows 11?
  45. How to stop laptop from going to sleep when it's closed?
  46. Stop laptop from sleeping when closed in windows 10 and Windows 11?
  47. Windows 10 and Windows 11 laptop closed?
  48. Laptop going to sleep when I close it?
  49. What is the shortcut for laptop sleep settings in Windows 10 and Windows 11?
  50. Keep laptop on when closed windows 10 and Windows 11?
  51. Stop laptop from sleeping when closed windows 7?
  52. How to prevent sleep of pc after closing laptop screen windows 10 and Windows 11?
  53. Can't find the laptop sleep settings in windows 10 and Windows 11?
  54. Where do i find laptop sleep settings in windows 10 and Windows 11, to paint an image?
  55. Can not find on Windows 10 and Windows 11 computer the laptop sleep settings?
  56. Download Microsoft laptop sleep settings Windows 10 and Windows 11, and Shortcut for laptop sleep settings in windows 10 and Windows 11?
  57. Windows 10 and Windows 11 laptop sleep settings directory and folder?
  58. How to keep laptop screen on when closed windows 10 and Windows 11?
  59. How to stop laptop from sleeping when closed windows 10 and Windows 11?
  60. Stop sleep when laptop closed?
  61. How to keep my laptop from sleeping when closed?
  62. How i find out laptop sleep settings option in windows 10 and Windows 11?
  63. Keep laptop from sleeping when closed window 7?
  64. Stop windows 10 and Windows 11 laptop going to sleep?
  65. Stop laptop from sleeping when downloading, in Windows 10 and Windows 11 how to?
  66. Where is microsoft laptop sleep settings in window 10 and Windows 11?
  67. Clamshell sleep locked?
  68. I can't find laptop sleep settings in windows 10 and Windows 11, Where is laptop sleep settings in windows 10 and Windows 11?
  69. Shortcut key for laptop sleep settings in windows 10 and Windows 11?
  70. Where is the laptop sleep settings on windows 10 and Windows 11?
  71. How do i find laptop sleep settings in windows 10 and Windows 11, wheres laptop sleep settings on windows 10 and Windows 11?
  72. Can I stop laptop from sleeping windows 10 and Windows 11?
  73. How to stop windows laptop from sleeping when closed?
  74. All shortcut of laptop sleep settings in windows 10 and Windows 11?
  75. Where is laptop sleep settings on windows 10 and Windows 11?
  76. Windows 10 and Windows 11 laptop going to sleep?
  77. How to stop a laptop from hibernating when closing the lid?
  78. Windows 10 and Windows 11 close laptop kep display on?
  79. Prevent laptop from sleep when closing?
  80. How to prevent laptop sleeping from closing laptop screen?
  81. Where can i find laptop sleep settings in windows 10 and Windows 11?
  82. Where did the standard laptop sleep settings from windows go, like paint, win 10 and Windows 11?
  83. Laptop sleeps when close lid server 2008?
  84. Windows 10 and Windows 11 laptop display when closed?
  85. Stop windows 10 and Windows 11 from sleeping when i close lid?
  86. Laptop going to sleeping when closed in windows 8.1?
  87. How to avoid snoozing when closing laptop windows?
  88. Laptop sleep settings doesn't open windows 10 and Windows 11?
  89. Prevent sleep when laptop closed?

Keywords: windows, 11, 10, ten, 8.1, seven, stop, your, laptop, from, going, sleep, when, closed, standby, shutdown, Questions, Answers, Software

Page 4

This is not only for the Internet Explorer download history, it is also a solution for the Google Chrome and Firefox, other Third-party Browse use also by default this download folder under Windows 11, 10, 8.1, ..  and MS Server!

See also: ► download Windows-10 ► auto startup folder in 11/ 10 ► all apps folder in Win-10  ► change timestamp

Please open via Windows Run-Command Dialog [Windows-Logo] + [R] the default Downloads folder shell:Downloads
(... see Image-1)

Tip: shell:CommonDownloads is all user download folder! 

(Image-1) Default Download-Folder in Windows 10!
Wo finde ich paint bei windows 10

Start the for example MS-Internet Explorer and the keyboard shortcut [Ctrl]+[J]  to see the download history.  Info: The  keyboard shortcut [Ctrl]+[J] is also for Google-Chrome and Firefox!

And now: right click on the missing Download and select Open containing folder  (... see Image-2)

(Image-2) View Download-History in Internet Explorer!
Wo finde ich paint bei windows 10
Anyone who likes to work on the Windows 10 operating system and wants to downloaded files from the Internet! 

By default, the downloads are stored in a separate folder called Downloads. A shortcut is also available in the Windows 10 Start menu!

This example to find the downloads is not only for windows 10 this solution to find a recent downloads is also for Windows 11, 10 Pro, Enterprise, Home, Windows 8.1, Windows 8, Windows-Server 2019, 2016, 2012, Windows 7 Basic, Professional, Starter, Ultimate .

FAQ 48: Updated on: 11 April 2022 04:29 Windows

Wo finde ich paint bei windows 10
Example for Windows 10 and 11 to stop your Laptop from going to sleep or shut down when closed the laptop or notebook 1. Prevent hibernation / sleep

Wo finde ich paint bei windows 10
The solution is easy to create a desktop shortcut in Windows 10 and 11 for a program or a APP  Content: 1. Simply create a program desktop shortcut

Wo finde ich paint bei windows 10
To find stored fonts in the Windows 10, please start the MS Explorer to install, or uninstall the Windows Fonts Find and open the Fonts Location

Wo finde ich paint bei windows 10
The solution is simple to change the keyboard speed on Windows 11 or 10, and to make keyboard character repeat faster or slower 1.  The Keyboard Settings

Wo finde ich paint bei windows 10
Here are the solution to customize the pagefile.sys in MS Windows 11 and 10, ergo  size of paging file the virtual memory  1. Open the Settings of

Wo finde ich paint bei windows 10
The Links that help you to simple Turn-Off Windows 10 and 11 search indexing service, or customize it and add folders, for better search results in Windows

Wo finde ich paint bei windows 10
Easy change the default printer settings in MS Windows 11 or 10, to adjust and define for all programs the standard printer under Windows 11, 10, 1. 

  My question is not there in the FAQ
Asked questions on this answer:

  1. I can't find my downloaded games on windows 10 and Windows 11?
  2. View Downloads on My Computer?
  3. Windows cant find download?
  4. How to find downloads windows 10 and Windows 11?
  5. Can't find downloaded files windows 10 and Windows 11, Cannot view downloads in win 10 and Windows 11?
  6. Can not find on Windows 10 and Windows 11 computer the download program folder?
  7. Windows 10 and Windows 11 my downloads?
  8. How to aearch windows 10 and Windows 11 download hostory?
  9. How to find download program folder in windows 10 and Windows 11?
  10. How to open up Microsoft download program folder in windows 10 and Windows 11?
  11. Find downloaded programs?
  12. Windows 10 and Windows 11-cant find download?
  13. Cannot find downloads, where do i find download on windows 10 and Windows 11?
  14. Where can i find download program folder in windows 10 and Windows 11?
  15. How to run exe program on windows 10 and Windows 11 desktop via cmd?
  16. Download program folder program for windows 10 and Windows 11?
  17. Download Windows download program folder for Windows 10 and Windows 11, for free?
  18. Cant find windows 10 and Windows 11 already downloaded?
  19. Where do i find new downloaded programs on windows 10 and Windows 11?
  20. WIN 10 and Windows 11 how to find downloaded programs?
  21. Cant findprograms on windows 10 and Windows 11?
  22. How do i find my downloads folder windows 10 and Windows 11?
  23. I downloaded a program and cant find it on Windows 10 and Windows 11?
  24. Downloaded a software and cant find it?
  25. How to find windows 10 and Windows 11 folder?
  26. Find downloads on my computer windows 10 and Windows 11?
  27. Download program folder in windows 10 and Windows 11?
  28. How i find out download program folder option in windows 10 and Windows 11?
  29. Find my downloads windows 10 and Windows 11 or for example: how to find a recent download on windows 10 and Windows 11?
  30. All shortcut of download program folder in windows 10 and Windows 11?
  31. How do i find recent downloads in windows 10 and Windows 11?
  32. How to find the child plus shortcut after you downloaded it?
  33. Download program folder doesn't open windows 10 and Windows 11?
  34. I closed windows 10 and Windows 11 setup and cant find it again?
  35. Where do i find my downloads on my windows 10 and Windows 11, how to access the recent downloads on windows server?
  36. Where is download program folder.exe in windows 10 and Windows 11?
  37. How to find a program I downloaded to windows 10 and Windows 11?
  38. Cannot see downloaded file internet explorer windows 10 and Windows 11?
  39. How to Find Downloads on Windows 10 and Windows 11?
  40. Find what i just downloaded?
  41. Where is my download windows 10 and Windows 11?
  42. What to do if you cant find your download on windows 8.1?
  43. Find a file that you downloaded from the Internet to your windows 10 and Windows 11 computer.?
  44. What is the shortcut for download program folder in Windows 10 and Windows 11?
  45. Can't find a downloaded file in windows 10 and Windows 11?
  46. How to find the ms download program folder in windows 10 and Windows 11?
  47. Where do you find download program folder in windows 10 and Windows 11?
  48. I can't find download program folder in windows 10 and Windows 11, Where is download program folder in windows 10 and Windows 11?
  49. Where i find downloads in windows 10 and Windows 11?
  50. Download program folder download windows 10 and Windows 11?
  51. Downloaded ChordSmith program but can't find?
  52. I downloaded a program and can't find it?
  53. Where do i find download program folder in windows 10 and Windows 11, to paint an image?
  54. Cant find downloads windows 10 and Windows 11?
  55. Find Downloaded Files Windows 10 and Windows 11?
  56. Find downloads folder windows 10 and Windows 11, HOW TO LOCATE DOWNLOADS on all WINDOWS 10 and Windows 11?
  57. Where are my downloads in windows 10 and Windows 11, how to find downloads also on windows server?
  58. Where is my downloaded program?
  59. How do i find downloaded files on my computer on Windows 8.1 and 10 and Windows 11?
  60. Can't find my downloads on windows 10 and Windows 11?
  61. How do i find download program folder in windows 10 and Windows 11, wheres download program folder on windows 10 and Windows 11?
  62. Windows 10 and Windows 11 download program folder directory and folder?
  63. Software updated where can i find the downloaded exe?
  64. Find downloads windows 10 and Windows 11, how to open downloaded files in Windows10 and Windows 11?
  65. What is the download program folder for windows 10 and Windows 11?
  66. Where is microsoft download program folder in window 10 and Windows 11?
  67. How to get to download program folder in windows 10 and Windows 11?
  68. Shortcut key for download program folder in windows 10 and Windows 11?
  69. Can't find the download program folder in windows 10 and Windows 11?
  70. MS download program folder for Windows 10 and Windows 11?
  71. Where do i find my downloads in windows 10 and Windows 11?
  72. Where is download program folder on windows 10 and Windows 11?
  73. Where did the standard download program folder from windows go, like paint, win 10 and Windows 11?
  74. Can't find downloaded software?
  75. How do you find downloaded files in windows 10 and Windows 11?
  76. How to start download program folder in windows 10 and Windows 11?
  77. How do i find recent downloads on my computer?
  78. Where to locate internet downloads on windows computer?
  79. Download Microsoft download program folder Windows 10 and Windows 11, and Shortcut for download program folder in windows 10 and Windows 11?
  80. How to find Recent Downloads on Window 10 and Windows 11?
  81. Where is the download program folder on windows 10 and Windows 11?
  82. Cant find files just downloaded windows 10 and Windows 11?
  83. How to locate downloaded files windows, find recent downloads windows 10 and Windows 11?

Keywords: windows, ten, 10, 11, eight, 8.1, seven, download, program, cant, find, folder, default, location, path, stored, computer, downloads, internet, browser, Questions, Answers, Software

Page 5


In Windows 10 the fastest way is if you open the path of the folder or if you know the location of the program, e.g. for quick access or start from the Windows 10 desktop !  

See also: ►► Increase font size on Windows 10!

1. Find the program folder in this example "MS Internet Explorer" 

2. Use Windows 10 search (Windows+Q Key), open the file location

3. Then right-click on the program  icon and select the option: Send to desktop (create shortcut)

4. And you have an Internet Explorer icon on the Windows 10 desktop.

5. At this point you can also pin the program to Windows 10 Start or detach it from the Windows 10 task bar

(... see Image-1 Point 1 to 7)

PS: You can also use the drag & drop function with the right mouse!
(Image-1) Create desktop shortcut in Windows 10!
Wo finde ich paint bei windows 10

1. Use the key combination [CTRL + Shift + Esc] , 2. to start the Windows 10 Task Manager. 3. In Task Manager, click More Details 4. and select the Processes tab. 5. In the list view, select the program from which you require the file directory.

4. Right-click and select "Open file path" .

( ... see image-2 points 1 to 5 )

Many Window users love this solution, because while a program is open under Windows 10, it is really far too easy to open the program path via the Task Manager and then use drag and drop to link it to the desktop.  

(Image-2) Open the location of a Program in Windows-10 via the Task-Manager!
Wo finde ich paint bei windows 10

With more than 100 desktop shortcuts, the system can become a bit sluggish, luckily there are tools that can save desktop shortcut positions without having to rearrange them. You should be careful with the desktop shortcut, otherwise you won't see the desktop background anymore , but the practical desktop buttons are just too comfortable to do without them. 

In ordinary use of desktop shortcuts but you can work much faster and desktop shortcuts give the Windows 10 desktop its own personalized touch, even when there is no touch screen is 


FAQ 49: Updated on: 11 April 2022 04:29 Windows

Page 6

  1. Folder for Windows Fonts?
  2. Where are the fonts stored in windows 10 and Windows 11?
  3. Where are fonts stored is hear a location or directory on windows 10 and Windows 11 system drive?
  4. Where are fonts stored for printers in windows 10 and Windows 11, cannot find?
  5. Install new fonts and colors in windows 10 and Windows 11?
  6. Where is fonts folder windows 10 and Windows 11?
  7. Windows 7 font location winsxs?
  8. Windows 10 and Windows 11 system fonts location?
  9. Where to find fonts on windows 10 and Windows 11?
  10. Where is the fonts folder?
  11. Windows 10 and Windows 11 font?
  12. Where are fonts stored in open office under windows 10 and Windows 11, where are the fonts located?
  13. Where do i find the font file in windows 10 and Windows 11?
  14. Where to find fonts folder in windows 10 and Windows 11?
  15. Where are fonts stored in windows 10 and Windows 11 and where is the fonts folder in windows 10 and Windows 11?
  16. Windows 10 and Windows 11 system font folder located?
  17. Windows 10 and Windows 11 font file location?
  18. Where is my fonts file on windows 10 and Windows 11 computer?
  19. Where we get font in control panel of windows 10 and Windows 11, where to find fonts?
  20. How to apply installed fonts on windows 10 and Windows 11?
  21. How to find font folder in windows 10 and Windows 11?
  22. Font files location on Windows 10 and Windows 11, where is the font files stored in windows 10 and Windows 11?
  23. How to install different fonts on windows 10 and Windows 11 desktops?
  24. Folder font di samsung s6, Install new fonts and colors in windows 10 and Windows 11?
  25. WHERE ON WORD WINDOWS 10 and Windows 11 I CAN FIND A 3D FONTS?
  26. Where are fonts in windows stored folder windows 10 and Windows 11?
  27. Fonts windows 10 and Windows 11 location?
  28. Where are fonts stored?
  29. Windows 10 and Windows 11 front path, Where are fonts on windows 10 and Windows 11?
  30. Cant open path to fonts folder in windows 10 and Windows 11 64 how to font install?
  31. Font directory windows?
  32. Fonts folder in windows 10 and Windows 11?
  33. Windows fonts location?
  34. Fonts included with windows 10 and Windows 11?
  35. Window 10 and Windows 11 font, Where is the font folder in windows 10 and Windows 11?
  36. Font folder in windows 10 and Windows 11?
  37. Please use drag & drop or copy and paste to install the new fonts for Windows 10 and Windows 11, or [Del] to uninstall fonts!
  38. Where ttf files stored in Windows 10 and Windows 11, font download?
  39. Where is the fonts folder located on windows 10 and Windows 11?
  40. How to get to font folder in 10 and Windows 11 windows?
  41. Microsoft word from office 365 fonts are stored in what directory?
  42. Installing fonts from a folder on windows 10 and Windows 11?
  43. I missing font folder in windows 10 and Windows 11?
  44. Where are windows 10 and Windows 11 fonts stored?
  45. Win 10 and Windows 11 fonts folder location?
  46. Where is excel and word fonts folder in the new windows 10 and Windows 11?
  47. How to find font path in windows 10 and Windows 11, where are all the font stored in windows?
  48. Where are fonts stored in windows 10 and Windows 11 find the font folder location 10 and Windows 11?
  49. Find win10 and Windows 11 font folder to Accessing fonts in.Window10 and Windows 11?
  50. Where are fonts located windows 10 and Windows 11 c drive, how to display windows 10 and Windows 11 folder font?
  51. Folder location to save font files in windows, name of the directory where fonts are stored?
  52. Fonts folder?
  53. Windows 10 and Windows 11 font download?
  54. Where to find fonts folder windows 10 and Windows 11?
  55. Where do i find ttf files, Fonts folder win 10 and Windows 11?
  56. How to uninstall fonts in windows 10 and Windows 11?
  57. How to apply installed fonts on windows 10 and Windows 11 and font location?
  58. Where is the font style sheet in Windows 10 and Windows 11 located, windows where are downloaded fonts stored?
  59. Download font from zipped file windows 10 and Windows 11?
  60. Where are printer fonts located on windows 10 and Windows 11, where are fonts stored for printers in windows 10 and Windows 11?
  61. Where is the fonts folder on windows 10 and Windows 11?
  62. How to change the fonts of the folder names windows 10 and Windows 11?
  63. How do i open the fonts folder in the control panel windows 10 and Windows 11?
  64. I can not find the windows 10 and Windows 11 font folder, to install new fonts on this Windows 10 and Windows 11 Computer?
  65. Index and listing the windows fonts location, where to find fonts in windows 10 and Windows 11?
  66. Win 10 and Windows 11 creators fonts location, Where are fonts kept?
  67. Windows 10 and Windows 11 what folder are fonts stored in?
  68. Name the directory where fonts are stored, where we get font in control panel of windows 10 and Windows 11?
  69. Where is the font folder in windows 10 and Windows 11?
  70. How do i separate a font from its folder in control panel?
  71. How do I move a font from one folder to fonts folder in Windows 10 and Windows 11?
  72. Where are fonts stored in windows 10 and Windows 11?
  73. How to find fonts folder in windows 10 and Windows 11, cant open path to fonts folder?
  74. Where is the windows font folder windows 10 and Windows 11?
  75. Windows 10 and Windows 11 system font?
  76. What directory are fonts in windows 10 and Windows 11?
  77. Shortcut for font folder window 10 and Windows 11?
  78. What folder are the fonts in on windows 10 and Windows 11?
  79. Where are font files stored in windows 10 and Windows 11?
  80. Where are fonts stored in windows 10 and Windows 11 or the Windows 10 and Windows 11 fonts folder?
  81. Where do my installed fonts go windows 10 and Windows 11?
  82. Where to find font files windows 10 and Windows 11?
  83. Font storage in windows 10 and Windows 11?
  84. Where are fonts stored on my windows 10 and Windows 11 computer?
  85. Win 10 and Windows 11 fonts folder?
  86. How do i seperate a font from its folder in control panel, where are the fonts located in windows 10 and Windows 11?
  87. Font windows 10 and Windows 11 location, where are my fonts stored in windows 10 and Windows 11?
  88. Where is my hd library fonts folder in windows 10 and Windows 11?
  89. Where are all fonts stored in windows is here a font folder or dir for windows 10 and Windows 11?
  90. Windows fonts map location?
  91. Free fonts for windows 10 and Windows 11?
  92. Directory fonts folder location windows 10 and Windows 11?
  93. Where are fonts saved in windows 10 and Windows 11, where is the windows 10 and Windows 11 font folder located?
  94. Where is font folder in windows 10 and Windows 11?
  95. Windows 10 and Windows 11 what folder are fonts stored in ttf files?
  96. Number of fonts in windows 10 and Windows 11?
  97. Windows 10 and Windows 11 fonts folder?
  98. Windows 10 and Windows 11 font folder?
  99. Search for fonts folder in windows ten?
  100. Windows 10 and Windows 11 font location?
  101. Windows 10 and Windows 11 fonts folder location?
  102. Where is font folder located windows 10 and Windows 11?
  103. Where does windows 10 and Windows 11 store font files, giving access to fonts folder?
  104. Whrere are fonts stored in open office under windows 10 and Windows 11?
  105. How to delete or change font in windows 10 and Windows 11, where can i find my fonts folder on windows?
  106. Can't find font in windows font folder?
  107. Windows 10 and Windows 11 default font folder?
  108. Windows ten where do I find my fonts, outlook folder name for font?
  109. Where is my fonts folder windows 10 and Windows 11 to create a backup of all windows 10 and Windows 11 fonts?
  110. How to copy fonts in windows 10 and Windows 11?
  111. Where is the fonts folder in windows 10 and Windows 11?
  112. Centralize text of folder windows 10 and Windows 11?
  113. Windows 10 and Windows 11 fonts folder where do we find it?
  114. Location of fonts windows 10 and Windows 11?
  115. Font location windows 10 and Windows 11?
  116. Where ttf files stored in Windows 10 and Windows 11?
  117. How to change font size in windows 10 and Windows 11 folders?
  118. Windows 10 and Windows 11 shorcut to install font help?
  119. Where are font files stored windows 10 and Windows 11?
  120. How to check font in win 10 and Windows 11?
  121. The font on my computer has changed windows 10 and Windows 11 2014?
  122. Can't install fonts in win 10 and Windows 11 gsc.tab?
  123. Where is font ttf file located in windows 10 and Windows 11?
  124. Folder font di samsung s6?
  125. Where are Windows 10 and Windows 11 fonts located?
  126. Where are fonts stored on windows 10 and Windows 11, where are fonts stored?
  127. Location of installed fonts?
  128. Where can i find my fonts folder on windows for example the TTF font folder?
  129. Windows 10 and Windows 11 folder names text alignment?
  130. Where is the police font dir in windows 10 and Windows 11?
  131. Where is font folder windows 10 and Windows 11, how can i access font folder on window 10 and Windows 11?
  132. Where to open the folder FONTS windows 10 and Windows 11?
  133. How do I change Windows file and folder name fonts for win 10 and Windows 11?
  134. Find and open the folder of fonts on C: in windows 10 and Windows 11?
  135. Where are font files stored on windows 10 and Windows 11 or a fonts directory to see all the windows fonts?
  136. Fonts windows 10 and Windows 11?
  137. Giving access to fonts folder in windows 10 and Windows 11, where are the fonts stored on windows 10 and Windows 11?

Page 7

  1. Keyboard type slow Windows 10 and 11, Typing Delay?
  2. How to I adjust keyboard responsiveness in Windows 10 and 11?
  3. Deleting typos is so slow in Windows 10 and 11?
  4. Shortcut key to increase keabord speed in laptop?
  5. Keyboard is slow to respond Windows 10 and 11?
  6. Keyboard typing slow Windows 10 and 11, Main.cpl keyboard speed delay?
  7. Windows 10 and 11 keyboard delay and to slow typing in Windows 10 and 11?
  8. Windows 10 and 11 slow when first start typing lag?
  9. Windows 10 and 11 keyboard sensitivity repeated tilde?
  10. Why keyboard is working slowly in Windows 10 and 11?
  11. Windows 10 and 11 creators update keyboard slow?
  13. Why is my Windows 10 and 11 lagging when typing?
  14. Desktop keyboard speed setting, Keyboard delay when typing?
  15. Windows 10 and 11 Microsoft office lag?
  16. Traag toetsenbord Windows 10 and 11?
  17. Microsoft keyboard very slow to respond Windows 10 and 11?
  18. My keyboard has a long delay Windows 10 and 11 new computer..?
  19. Keyboard has a long delay and repeat is slow Windows 10 and 11?
  20. Set my keyboard to type slow?
  21. How to adjust the pseed rate of your keyboard?
  22. Windows 10 and 11 changing typing speed in word?
  23. Typing email is too slow in Windows 10 and 11,> Slow typing Windows 10 and 11?
  24. Windows 10 and 11 font appearing on email lag?
  25. Keyboard properties repear delay repear rate?
  26. Windows 10 and 11 typing speed is slow, keboard types slow?
  27. Windows 10 and 11 typing lagging, how to reduce keyboard speed in dekstop?
  28. Input speed Windows 10 and 11 slow, Main.cpl keyboard speed delay?
  29. Short cut to show password while typing Windows 10 and 11?
  30. How to change thping speed on Windows ten, delay in typing Windows 10 and 11?
  31. Keyboard lags when typing Windows 10 and 11?
  32. Keyboard input slow Windows 10 and 11, how to change keyboard speed?
  33. Keyboard lag Windows server 2016?
  34. Keyboard sensitivity settings Windows 10 and 11?
  35. Input speed Windows 10 and 11 slow, change keyboard repeat delay?
  36. How to change the typing settings on Windows 10 and 11?
  37. I type faster than the setting?
  38. Keyboard Delays with Windows 10 and 11?
  39. Change keyboard repeat speed in Windows 10 and 11?
  40. Keyboard delayed response, Keyboard delay setting in regedit win 10 and 11?
  41. Typing is delayed Windows 10 and 11 seurface?
  42. Keys on keyboard run slow in 10 and 11?
  43. Wireless keyboard types slow Windows 10 and 11, change settings to make keyboards type faster?
  44. How to adjust keyboard speed Windows 10 and 11?
  45. Laptop keyboard delay when typing Windows 10 and 11?
  46. REPEAT DELAY LAPTOP KEYBOARD Windows 10 and 11?
  47. Typing lag Windows 10 and 11, how to speed up virtual keyboard on Windows 10 and 11?
  48. How to increase the speed to reduce slow time response?
  49. How to increase speed of arrow in Windows 10 and 11?
  50. Typing delay Windows 10 and 11, the keyboard slow on Windows 10 and 11 and keyboard lags?
  51. Keyboard typing problem speed changes?
  52. Slow typing in Windows 10 and 11 how to change delays in typing with Windows 10 and 11?
  53. How to fix slow typing on Windows 10 and 11?
  54. Some laptop keys taking a long time to respond Windows 10 and 11, how to speed up keyboard response Windows?
  55. Is this still slow typing?
  56. Windows 10 and 11 Keyboard Delay,> Typing email in Windows 10 and 11 it is too slow?
  57. Windows 10 and 11 toshiba keyboard delay type, Lenovo laptop keyboard slow?
  58. Slow typing with Windows 10 and 11?
  59. How to stop delayed typing in Windows?
  60. Windows 10 and 11 sometimes slow typing, find normal keyboard delay Windows 10 and 11?
  61. Windows technical preview - keyboard repeating?
  62. Windows 10 and 11 delayed typing screen slow reaction and Slow typing?
  63. Change keyboard settings Windows 10 and 11?
  64. Keyboard lag when typing Windows 10 and 11 start?
  65. Windows tablet keyboard slow response?
  66. Pc reacts very slowly when typing win dows 10 and 11?
  67. Typing slow on keyboard, Keyboard delay when typing Windows 10 and 11?
  68. Laptap idea pad Windows 10 and 11 slow get keys?
  69. Adjusting stroke time on my keyboard?
  70. Sortcut key to Increase typing speed in keyboard?
  71. Delay when typing in browser win 10 and 11?
  72. Reduce keyboard speed Windows 10 and 11?
  73. When I am typing on my Windows 10 and 11 tablet the letters are slow to appear?
  74. Change keyboard repeat rate Windows 10 and 11 command line?
  75. Keypad response observation level?
  76. Ow to speed up the response time of the keyboard keys on Windows 10 and 11?
  77. Window 10 and 11 slow keyboard,> Typing slow on deleting Windows 10 and 11?
  78. How can slow the writing speed in kiyboard setting?
  79. How to adjust keyboard sensitivity Windows 10 and 11?
  80. Windows 10 and 11 typing lag, Kea-Board working very slow in window?
  81. Slow keyboard response, Windows 10 and 11 cursor speed?
  82. Typing speed is slow in window 8.1 how i make fast?
  83. Windows 10 and 11 cursor feels sluggish when typing?
  84. Increasing keyboard input speed beyond normal speed?
  85. Windows 10 and 11 change keyboard repeat rate?
  86. How to change the speed of keyboard entries on Windows 10 and 11,1?
  87. Slow keyboard response Windows 10 and 11?
  88. Windows 10 and 11 keyboard typing probem, typing lag snd slow keyboard response Windows 10 and 11?
  89. How to resolve keyboard speed in.laptop?
  90. Keyboard faster Windows 10 and 11, how to increase typing speed in keyboard properties?
  91. Keyboard responds to one stroke at a time Windows 10 and 11?
  92. Change input delay on my keyboard, keyboard delay Windows 10 and 11?
  93. Change the speed of keystrokes on computer?
  94. Keyboard delay when typing Windows 10 and 11 how to adjusting keyboard in Windows 10 and 11?
  95. Buffering of keyboard input Windows 10 and 11?
  96. How to do speed working of keyboard, Lag When Typing Windows 10 and 11?
  97. How to adjust typing speed Windows 10 and 11?
  98. How to change keyboard speed, Why is my input so slow?
  99. I'm typing so slow on this keyboard, and I don't know why?
  100. Slow Keyboard Response Windows 10 and 11 and Slow Typing in Win 10 and 11?
  101. How to change keyboard from slow to fast, Typing is in Windows 10 and 11?
  102. How to adjust typing speed office 2010 and 11?
  103. Windows 10 and 11 slow keyboard response?
  104. Windows 10 and 11 bluetooth keyboard slow?
  105. Windows 10 and 11 keyboard lag, change keyboard repeat rate Windows 10 and 11?
  106. Win 10 and 11 1607 text boxes slow to fill?
  107. Keys missing from typing internet slow and lagging win 10 and 11?
  108. How to speed up keyboard in Windows 10 and 11?
  109. Why is my typing so slow to catch up Windows 10 and 11?
  110. Typing is slow Windows 10 and 11?
  111. Windows 10 and 11 on screen keyboard reapeat?
  112. Windows 10 and 11 typing speed is slow?
  113. Windows 10 and 11 keyboard program keys to work slow?
  114. Keyboard input slow Windows 10 and 11, change keyboard speed?
  115. How to change keyboard speed in Windows 10 and 11?
  116. Long latency response from lenovo laptop keyboard Windows 10 and 11?
  117. Typing speed slow Windows 10 and 11?

Page 8


If you want to open the settings for swap (virtual memory) change it in ► advanced System Properties

1. Start Run-Dialog [Windows+R] and enter the command sysdm.cpl ,3

2. In advanced "System Properties" select the Tab "Advanced"  and click the Button "Settings" 

3. In the "Performance Options", please select also the tab "Advanced" and click the Button "Change..." 

In "Virtual Memory", please un-check  the box "Automatically manage paging file size for all drives" 

(... see Image-1 Point 1 to 7)

if you want co  ►... Customize or Move the Virtual Memory!

(Image-1) Open the settings of the paging file pagefile.sys in Windows 10!
Wo finde ich paint bei windows 10

If you receive Windows 10 warnings that your virtual memory is low, you need to increase the minimum size the paging file. Windows 10 sets the initial minimum size of the paging file equal to the size of random access memory installed on your windows plus some extra megabytes , and the maximum bigness equal to three times the amount of RAM installed on your computer. If you see warnings at these recommended levels, then increase the minimum and maximum sizes.

If you have: ►► open the Settings of the pagefile.sys easy resize or move  the pagefile.sys!

For example disable, the virtual memory in Windows 10 on C:\ Drive 

(... see Image-2 Point 1  to 3)

And use custom size for the swap file (pagefile,sys) on E:\  (SWAP)

(... see Image-2 Point 1 to 7)

Please don't forget the button "Set" 

(Image-2) Customize the paging file pagefile.sys for Windows 10!
Wo finde ich paint bei windows 10
When you move the pagefile.sys  on Windows-10 to another disk, it should be no external disk! At best, use the fastest hard disk on the operating system! Windows 10 can start without paging file. And the paging file (virtual memory) can be adjusted if necessary again. The old rule "use the double size of the RAM" is for old computers with 1 or 2 GB of RAM. There’s no one-size-fits-all answer to how much page file or swap space you need. It all depends on the programs you use and what they need. If you’re unsure, sticking with your operating system’s defaults is almost always a good idea.

Info: Info! This fairly brief FAQ is also suitable for Windows Server 2022, 2019, 2016 and Windows Web Server 2012 R2 as a smart and easy solution to customize pagefile.sys ergo virtual memory.

FAQ 52: Updated on: 15 June 2022 17:08 Windows

Wo finde ich paint bei windows 10
The solution is simple to change the keyboard speed on Windows 11 or 10, and to make keyboard character repeat faster or slower 1.  The Keyboard Settings

Wo finde ich paint bei windows 10
The Links that help you to simple Turn-Off Windows 10 and 11 search indexing service, or customize it and add folders, for better search results in Windows

Wo finde ich paint bei windows 10
Easy change the default printer settings in MS Windows 11 or 10, to adjust and define for all programs the standard printer under Windows 11, 10, 1. 

Wo finde ich paint bei windows 10
With the Display Color Calibration on Windows 10 and 11 laptops and notebooks, it is pretty easy to change the color settings to improve the readability

Wo finde ich paint bei windows 10
The solution is simple to change user password in Windows 11 and 10, via NET USER command, without knowing the current password 1.  Change user password

Wo finde ich paint bei windows 10
In Windows 10 and 11, as an administrator, you can easily run a command prompt in admin mode 1. Easy Run command prompt in administrator mode 2.

Wo finde ich paint bei windows 10
Activate the quick launch bar in Windows 10, the solution is very easy for QuickLaunch friends PS: You can not activate the Quick Launch in Windows 11 

  My question is not there in the FAQ
Asked questions on this answer:

  1. Move pagginile file another disk win 10 and Windows 11?
  2. Windows 10 and Windows 11 paging file size recommendation?
  3. How to turn off page files in windows 10 and Windows 11?
  4. Extending swap file to a second drive in windows 10 and Windows 11?
  5. What can my pagefile size be in windows 10 and Windows 11 with 16 gig memomry?
  6. Best way to use windows 10 and Windows 11 page filing settings?
  7. Pagefile recommended magician samsung windows 10 and Windows 11?
  8. What are rhe default settings for pag file in win 10 and Windows 11?
  9. How to restrict the page file setting?
  10. Change location of pagefile.sys windows 10 and Windows 11, How to change size of virtual memory in windows 10 and Windows 11?
  11. I cannot change to program instead of backgroand in file paging set up?
  12. Where to configure which devices used paging windows 10 and Windows 11?
  13. Windows 10 and Windows 11 where is swap file setting?
  14. How to resise the page file in windows 10 and Windows 11?
  15. Script how to disable paging file in windows 10 and Windows 11?
  16. How to adjust page file size in windows 10 and Windows 11?
  17. Virtual memory - system managed size versus custom size windows 10 and Windows 11?
  18. How to change paging file size in windows 10 and Windows 11 to create more space on c drive?
  19. How to change page file settings in windows 10 and Windows 11?
  20. Windows 10 and Windows 11 change page file location when it is not starting?
  21. Swap file in windows 10 and Windows 11, Change paging file size windows 10 and Windows 11?
  22. Recommended paging size for windows 10 and Windows 11, How to set page file win 10 and Windows 11?
  23. How to compute paging file size for virtual memory in windows 10 and Windows 11?
  24. Virtual memory windows 8#gsc.tab?
  25. How to change page file windows 10 and Windows 11, Create paging file?
  26. Change pagefile location in windows 10 and Windows 11, how to stop window size change in windows 10 and Windows 11?
  27. Setting up swap file on Windows 10 and Windows 11?
  28. What is the recommended paging file size on a desktop Windows 10 and Windows 11 computer?
  29. How to chage page file size in windows 10 and Windows 11?
  30. Windows 10 and Windows 11 Virtual Memory Recommendation?
  31. Windows 10 and Windows 11 system image manager disable pagefile?
  32. How to set windows 10 and Windows 11 page file?
  33. Should I change virtual memory on Windows 10 and Windows 11?
  34. Delete pagefile.sys windows 10 and Windows 11?
  35. How page file size windows 10 and Windows 11 64 bit lessen?
  36. Moving page file to a different drive windows 10 and Windows 11?
  37. Where do I change the pagefile for graphics win 10 and Windows 11?
  38. Disabiling paging file on windows 10 and Windows 11 laptop?
  39. Changing the virtual memory on windows 10 and Windows 11 will that destroy the program, Pagefile.sys windows 10 and Windows 11?
  40. Change virtual memory page rate windows 10 and Windows 11?
  41. Windows 10 and Windows 11 change location of swap file?
  42. Whats the recommended paging file size in windows 10 and Windows 11?
  43. How large should you page file be for windows 10 and Windows 11 64 bit?
  44. How to move windows 10 and Windows 11 temp and swap files to ram disk?
  45. Windows 10 and Windows 11 disable page file, paging off?
  46. How do I change the page file in Windows 10 and Windows 11?
  47. How to delete the pagefile.sys file in windows 10 and Windows 11?
  48. In windows 10 and Windows 11 how to move virtual memory from c to another drive?
  49. Cannot remove partition active paging file win10 and Windows 11?
  50. Is it ok to adjust the paging file on the hard disk that windows 10 and Windows 11 uses as if it were RAM?
  51. Do you chage your page file size when you have 8gb of memory in windows 10 and Windows 11?
  52. Windows 10 and Windows 11 Virtual memory custom recommendation?
  53. How to clear a page file in windows 10 and Windows 11 pro?
  54. Delete all files page file clean start windows 10 and Windows 11 dell?
  55. Move paging file to another drive windows 10 and Windows 11?
  56. Moving page file from C: in Windows 10 and Windows 11?
  57. How to increase page file space in windows 10 and Windows 11?
  58. Paging File error, please change the location of the paging file, or remove paging file and retry?
  59. Pagefile.sys windows 10 and Windows 11 and Page file size on windows 10 and Windows 11?
  60. Manually setting page file size windows 10 and Windows 11 home and professional?
  61. What is the best paging fiel size windows 10 and Windows 11?
  62. Windows 10 and Windows 11 virtual memory paging file size?
  63. Change location of Windows 10 and Windows 11 page file?
  64. Where can I find Pagefile or swap file in windows 10 and Windows 11?
  65. Windows 10 and Windows 11 page file, and page file settings in Windows 10 and Windows 11?
  66. Win10 and Windows 11 increase the size of the system paging file?
  67. Consequences of deleting pagefile.sys on windows 10 and Windows 11?
  68. How to increase page file size in windows 10 and Windows 11 is page file necessary with win 10 and Windows 11?
  69. Virtual memory settings 10 and Windows 11 custom size what size?
  70. Paging files change in Windows 10 and Windows 11 mobile?
  71. Windows 10 and Windows 11 page file recommendation, Paging file location windows 10 and Windows 11?
  72. Windows page file on sd card better on windows 10 and Windows 11?
  73. Windows 10 and Windows 11 page file in one disk location?
  74. What are computer page files windows 10 and Windows 11?
  75. How do i change the paging file and perforamance in windows 10 and Windows 11?
  76. How to change page file settings in windows 10 and Windows 11, pagefile support?
  77. How to set paging file size in windows 10 and Windows 11?
  78. Windows 10 and Windows 11 windows created a temporary paging file?
  79. How to modify virtual memory in win 10 and Windows 11 if it is blocked?
  80. Why do I have pagefile.sys and swapfile.sys on C: on windows 10 and Windows 11?
  81. How to set virtual memory from cmd windows 10 and Windows 11?
  82. The paging file is too small to complete win 10 and Windows 11?
  83. Windows 10 and Windows 11 move pagefiles to usb drive?
  84. Change page file location windows 10 and Windows 11?
  85. Pagefile manual 10 and Windows 11 windows home and professional?
  86. How to move pagefile and temp to another drive windows 10 and Windows 11?
  87. Swap file windows 10 and Windows 11 home and professional?
  88. Windows 10 and Windows 11 virtual memory pagefile location?
  89. How to change pageing file windows where are this settings in windows 10 and Windows 11?
  90. How do I adjust the paging file in Windows 10 and Windows 11?
  91. How to change the location of the swap file on windows 10 and Windows 11?
  92. Create paging file ON DRIVE windows 10 and Windows 11?
  93. What is the recommended windows 10 and Windows 11 page file?
  94. Recommended vitual memory page file size for windows 10 and Windows 11?
  95. Is it advisable to change the paging size in windows?
  96. Pagefile.sys windows 10 and Windows 11, change Paging file size?
  97. Is having a swap file better on a second drive in windows 10 and Windows 11?
  98. Delete partion with page file in widnows 10 and Windows 11?
  99. How to swap files on computers using windows 10 and Windows 11?
  100. How to optimize the page file in Windows 10 and Windows 11 and the recommended Page File Size?
  101. Best practice in page file size windows 10 and Windows 11?
  102. Optimum page file size for a 32gb windows 10 and Windows 11 tablet`?
  103. Windows 10 and Windows 11 virtual memory size how to change paging file?
  104. Paging custom size for Windows 10 and Windows 11, increasing page file size windows 10 and Windows 11?
  105. Setting for paging file in windows 10 and Windows 11?
  106. Win 10 and Windows 11 paging file, Page file windows 10 and Windows 11 support?
  107. How to change the place of hiber file in windows 10 and Windows 11?
  108. Should I make swap file permanent on windows 10 and Windows 11?
  109. Changing the paging file location in windows 10 and Windows 11?
  110. How to create the Pagefile.sys on a thumb drive?
  111. Reduce pagefile.sys windows 10 and Windows 11 and Paging file location in windows 10 and Windows 11?
  112. Windows 10 and Windows 11: how to reduce or delete pagefile.sys in Windows 10 and Windows 11?
  113. Windows 10 and Windows 11 move virtual memory page file?
  114. How to move the pagefile windows 10 and Windows 11?
  115. Where to set OS to automatically manage the size of the page file for windows 10 and Windows 11?
  116. Moving windows10 and Windows 11 swapfile to amother drive?
  117. Windows 10 and Windows 11 hiberfil and pagefile move to second disk?
  118. How much operational drive space is needed for windows 10 and Windows 11 page file?
  119. Win 10 and Windows 11. page file not working on secondary drive?
  120. Setting page file size in windows 10 and Windows 11?
  121. Do i need to change page file windows 10 and Windows 11?
  122. In windows 10 and Windows 11 is it ok to adjust the paging file on the hard disk that windows uses as if it were RAM?
  123. Windows 10 and Windows 11 change the settings for the Paging File?
  124. Importance of page file in windows 10 and Windows 11?
  125. Win10 and Windows 11 does not delete windows optimization file?

Keywords: windows, 11, 10, ten, customize, pagefile, paging, pagefile.sys, disable, enable, custom, move, virtual, memory, settings, change, size, location, Questions, Answers, Software

Page 9

Other Tipps:

The Indexing Options in Windows 10 and 11 can be find through the Windows 10 or 11 Control Panel, Symbol Indexing-Options. Windows 10/11 , like its predecessors, creates an index of specific files to allow a quick search for them if you want print the search results. The process is also called search indexing. This FAQ show you how to customize the indexing options, add more folders for quick search, disable them altogether, or enable them. Use this solution on older versions of Microsoft's Windows operating systems, whether it's a Windows desktop, tablet, Surface Pro / Go, or even a server operating system. 

FAQ 53: Updated on: 15 June 2022 17:08 Windows

Wo finde ich paint bei windows 10
Here are the solution to customize the pagefile.sys in MS Windows 11 and 10, ergo  size of paging file the virtual memory  1. Open the Settings of

Wo finde ich paint bei windows 10
Easy change the default printer settings in MS Windows 11 or 10, to adjust and define for all programs the standard printer under Windows 11, 10, 1. 

Wo finde ich paint bei windows 10
With the Display Color Calibration on Windows 10 and 11 laptops and notebooks, it is pretty easy to change the color settings to improve the readability

Wo finde ich paint bei windows 10
The solution is simple to change user password in Windows 11 and 10, via NET USER command, without knowing the current password 1.  Change user password

Wo finde ich paint bei windows 10
In Windows 10 and 11, as an administrator, you can easily run a command prompt in admin mode 1. Easy Run command prompt in administrator mode 2.

Wo finde ich paint bei windows 10
Activate the quick launch bar in Windows 10, the solution is very easy for QuickLaunch friends PS: You can not activate the Quick Launch in Windows 11 

Wo finde ich paint bei windows 10
The solution is very simple to remove password prompt in Windows 10, turn off from hibernation, or sleep mode, or activate again if needed 1. New Solution

  My question is not there in the FAQ
Asked questions on this answer:

  1. Turning off Windows search index Windows 10 and 11?
  2. Windows 10 and 11 how to disable search indexing?
  3. Turn on Windows search service Windows 10 and 11?
  4. Turn off Windows 10 and 11 indexing, turn off search and index?
  5. How to turn off Windows search in Windows 10 and 11?
  6. How to disable search indexing Windows 10 and 11?
  7. Windows 10 and 11 search indexer constantly running, Disabling Windows search service?
  8. Turn off indexing in Windows 10 and 11 or disable search index?
  9. Disable indexing Windows 10 and 11,ir turn off indexing?
  10. Turning off file indexing in Windows 10 and 11?
  11. How to shut off drive indexing in Windows 10 and 11?
  12. Windows 10 and 11 search results aren't quite ready?
  13. Windows 10 and 11 indexing no files included,is search indexing turned off?
  14. How to disable search indexing in win 10 and 11?
  15. How to stop Windows 10 and 11 search indexing?
  16. Windows 10 and 11 disable search indexing, Windows 10 and 11 search index?
  17. Windows 10 and 11 search indexing disable?
  18. Windows indexing service Windows 10 and 11?
  19. Stopping the searchindex service indows 10 and 11, how does indexing effect searches in?
  20. Windows 10 and 11 search results aren't quite ready, how to turn off indexing?
  21. How to turn on search indexing Windows 10 and 11?
  22. Turn off Windows 10 and 11 indexing?
  23. How to turn off Windows search index Windows 10 and 11, How to disable disk indexing in Windows 10 and 11?
  24. Windows 10 and 11 search service is turned off, how to turn on indexing?

Keywords: windows, ten, 10, 11, eleven turn, search, indexing, service, customize, disable, folder, directories, options, remove, Questions, Answers, Software

Page 10

See also: ► Window-10 tool to change the color profile ► print job Windows 10  ► Lost Printer under Windows 10
1. Please open the real Printer folder in Windows 11, 10,... keyboard shortcuts Windows Logo + R 

2. Use the command: shell:PrintersFolder

3. By right-clicking on the printer, you can define the printer as the default printer for Windows 11 or 10

(... see Image-1 Point 1 to 3)

Optional: Or open the printer preferences and printer properties!

(... see Image-1 Point 3 and 4) The default and other Printer Properties (Point 6) Dialog Box typically includes options for the printer itself. For example, to update printer drivers or to configure printer ports and other printer settings.
(Image-1) Windows-10 change default printer!
Wo finde ich paint bei windows 10
If you regularly use multiple printers on Windows-10, you can pick one as your default ergo standard printer for Windows-10. Windows 10 and other programs then automatically use that device whenever you print.   A default Windows 10 printer doesn't have to be an actual physical device. Depending on your Windows 10 computer, you might have the option to send documents as faxes, or to save them as PDF or XPS files when you print on Windows 10. 

You can also open via the Windows 10 Control Panel Symbol Devices and Printers, to see the installed printers under Windows 10! 

1. Windows + R  2. Command Control

3. F3 enter Text "printer"

4. Open "Device and Printer" 
(... see Image-2 point 1 to 5)  

Most programs, use the default printer settings from Windows 10. 

(Image-2) Windows-10 Device and Printers Settings!
Wo finde ich paint bei windows 10
The Dialog Box of the standard or other Properties Printers, includes options for the printer itself, to update printer drivers, configuring ports, and other adjustments to the hardware. 

 If you ►►  Easy create via Drag & Drop a Printer and Devices 

(... see Image-4 Point 1)

OR: Right Click on "Device and Printers"  1. Pin to Quick access 2 .Pin to Windows 10 Start (easy access for Tablets and MS Surface)  2. Create Shortcut << on Desktop
(Image-4) Printer and Devices Desktop Shortcut for easy access!
Wo finde ich paint bei windows 10

FAQ 54: Updated on: 15 June 2022 17:09 Windows

Wo finde ich paint bei windows 10
The Links that help you to simple Turn-Off Windows 10 and 11 search indexing service, or customize it and add folders, for better search results in Windows

Wo finde ich paint bei windows 10
With the Display Color Calibration on Windows 10 and 11 laptops and notebooks, it is pretty easy to change the color settings to improve the readability

Wo finde ich paint bei windows 10
The solution is simple to change user password in Windows 11 and 10, via NET USER command, without knowing the current password 1.  Change user password

Wo finde ich paint bei windows 10
In Windows 10 and 11, as an administrator, you can easily run a command prompt in admin mode 1. Easy Run command prompt in administrator mode 2.

Wo finde ich paint bei windows 10
Activate the quick launch bar in Windows 10, the solution is very easy for QuickLaunch friends PS: You can not activate the Quick Launch in Windows 11 

Wo finde ich paint bei windows 10
The solution is very simple to remove password prompt in Windows 10, turn off from hibernation, or sleep mode, or activate again if needed 1. New Solution

Wo finde ich paint bei windows 10
Please Open the Control Panel, and simple change Windows 10 and 11 Control Panel to classic view, it is possible Content / Examples: 1. Find and Open

  My question is not there in the FAQ
Asked questions on this answer:

  1. How do you set default printer tray in windows 10 and Windows 11 ?
  2. Default printer settings windows 10 and Windows 11 ?
  3. Change printer preferences windows 10 and Windows 11 , How to reset the print with windows 10 and Windows 11 ?
  4. Windows 10 and Windows 11 cannot set default printer?
  5. Windows 10 and Windows 11 printer settings?
  6. Windows 10 and Windows 11 change default printer settings?
  7. How To Change Your Default Printer In Windows?
  8. How to set default printer in Windows 8?
  9. Select printer in windows 10 and Windows 11 ?
  10. Windows 10 and Windows 11 select printer?
  11. Set printer default in windows 10 and Windows 11 ?
  12. Windows 10 and Windows 11 how to set printer preferences?
  13. How to set a printer default windows 10 and Windows 11 ?
  14. Windows 10 and Windows 11 change default printer and properties?
  15. Default printer cannot be set windows 10 and Windows 11 ?
  16. Windows 10 and Windows 11 set up printer?
  17. Windows 10 and Windows 11 how to set default printer preferences?
  18. Print settings windows 10 and Windows 11 ?
  19. How to make a default printer for all users in windows 10 and Windows 11 ?
  20. Set windows 10 and Windows 11 default printer?
  21. How to set default printer windows 10 and Windows 11 ?
  22. How to change default printing in windows 10 and Windows 11 ?
  23. How to change the default printer in?
  24. Printer quality settings windows 10 and Windows 11 ?
  25. Change default printer for file explorer in windows 10 and Windows 11 ?
  26. Printer settings windows 10 and Windows 11 ?
  27. How to change default printer in windows 10 and Windows 11 ?
  28. Where is the default printer windows 10 and Windows 11 ?
  29. Where can I find my printer in Windows 10 and Windows 11 Mobile print?
  30. Cannot set default printer wind 10 and Windows 11 ?
  31. Change Printer Settings Windows 10 and Windows 11 and How to set up default printer?
  32. Setting default printer windows 10 and Windows 11 ?
  33. Change default printer in windows 10 and Windows 11 ?
  34. Set default printer for all users windows 10 and Windows 11 ?
  35. Windows 10 and Windows 11 default printer?
  36. In windows 10 and Windows 11 how to set default printer?
  37. Windows 10 and Windows 11 set default printer?
  38. Cara maintenance printer di windows 10 and Windows 11 ?
  39. Print Settings in Windows 10 and Windows 11 ?
  40. Change printer settings windows 10 and Windows 11 ?
  41. How do i set my printer as the default printer in all programs on windows 10 and Windows 11 ?
  42. Print settings change after windows 10 and Windows 11 upgrade?
  43. Set default printer 10 and Windows 11 ?
  44. Set default printer windows 10 and Windows 11 short cut?
  45. Resetting printer to windows 10 and Windows 11 ?
  46. Pengaturan printer di windows 10 and Windows 11 ?
  47. Windows 10 and Windows 11 home registry printer settings?
  48. How to make a printer default?
  49. Windows 10 and Windows 11 default printer cmd?
  50. How to extend printer options on Windows 10 and Windows 11 ?
  51. How to change printer settings on windows 10 and Windows 11 ?
  52. Print default per program?
  53. Printers on windows 10 and Windows 11 ?
  54. Cara mencari icon print setting di windows 10 and Windows 11 ?
  55. How to change default printer on windows 10 and Windows 11 ?
  56. How to adjust printer port settings on win 10 and Windows 11 ?
  57. Changing default print settings windows 10 and Windows 11 ?
  58. Default printer windows 10 and Windows 11 ?
  59. Change your default printer in windows 10 and Windows 11 ?
  60. How can I default my printer to one sided on windows 10 and Windows 11 ?
  61. How to change defeault printer?
  62. Set default printer windows 10 and Windows 11 ?
  63. Windows 10 and Windows 11 how to set ,y default printer?
  64. Change default printers?
  65. How do i default my printer to colour on windows 10 and Windows 11 ?
  66. Printer configuration windows 10 and Windows 11 ?
  67. System default printer in Windows 10 and Windows 11 ?
  68. Get help with change default printer in windows 10 and Windows 11 ?
  69. How do I set my printer with windows 10 and Windows 11 ?
  70. Printer default settings windows 10 and Windows 11 ?
  71. Change default printing to one sided in windows 10 and Windows 11 ?
  72. How to set printer as default in windows 10 and Windows 11 ?
  73. How do you default a printer in windows 10 and Windows 11 ,default printer cannot be set?
  74. Change default printer windows 10 and Windows 11 ?
  75. Printer settings in windows 10 and Windows 11 ?
  76. How do i change default printer in windows 10 and Windows 11 ?
  77. Cara meng high printer properties windows 10 and Windows 11 ?
  78. How to set default printer in windows 10 and Windows 11 ?
  79. Change printer default settings windows 10 and Windows 11 ?
  80. How do i use my printer's settings in windows 10 and Windows 11 ?
  81. Set default printer in windows 10 and Windows 11 ?
  82. How do you unlock the printer settings in windows 10 and Windows 11 ?
  83. How to change my default printer in windows 10 and Windows 11 ?
  84. Default printer settings?
  85. Change print settings windows 10 and Windows 11 ?
  86. How to set printer settings in windows 10 and Windows 11 ?
  87. Change printers settings windows 10 and Windows 11 ?
  88. Set printer properties in windows 10 and Windows 11 ?
  89. Set a printers default properties in windows 10 and Windows 11 ?
  90. How to set default of a printer in windows 10 and Windows 11 ?
  91. How to set printing preferences in windows 10 and Windows 11 ?
  92. How to change default printer settings in windows 10 and Windows 11 ?
  93. Open Printer settings in windows 10 and Windows 11 to Change default printer windows 10 and Windows 11
  94. How to check default printer?
  95. How to add default printer in windows 10 and Windows 11 ?
  96. Setting printer defaults in windows 10 and Windows 11 ?
  97. How to change default printer?
  98. Default printer preferences windows?
  99. Cara mendefaultkan printer di win10 and Windows 11 pro?
  100. Windows 10 and Windows 11 print defaulting to fax?
  101. How do you change your printer default with windows 10 and Windows 11 ?
  102. Epson wf-7620 windows 10 and Windows 11 administrator disable lock settings?
  103. Change preferences on printer in windows 10 and Windows 11 ?
  104. How to set printer default windows 10 and Windows 11 ?
  105. Setting up printers windows 10 and Windows 11 ?
  106. Windows 10 and Windows 11 change the default for my printer?
  107. How to change default printer in windows 10 and Windows 11 and set Printing Preferences Windows 10 and Windows 11 ?
  108. Windows 10 and Windows 11 change printer settings?
  109. Changing default printer in windows 10 and Windows 11 ?
  110. Printer preferences doesn't have color option?
  111. How to change printer settings in windows 10 and Windows 11 ?
  112. How to find printers and fax on win 10 and Windows 11 ?
  113. How to set the default printer windows 10 and Windows 11 ?
  114. How do i set a default printer on windows 10 and Windows 11 ?

Keywords: windows, ten, 11, 10, 8.1, change, default, printer, settings, device, define, standard, print, HP, printing, modify, epson, preferences, customized, Questions, Answers, Software

Page 11

This solution is also valid for Windows 8.1 and 7, MS Server 2019, 2016, ... , the Display Color Calibration on Windows improves your display color via adjust the different color settings. Not all monitors have the same color capabilities, the Color Calibration depend on your monitor's LCD-, TFT-, LED- display and its possibilities.

1. Please start Display Color Calibration dialog via Run-Command Dialog [Windows + R]

2. Easy enter the command: DCCW

3. In Window "Display Color Calibration" please click the "Next" Button, to start the calibration. 

(... see Image-1 Point 1 to 3)

And now, just follow the onscreen instructions, make sure that your display is set to monitors native screen resolution, to improve the accuracy of the resulting calibration.

(Image-1) Windows 10 - Run Display Color Calibration!
Wo finde ich paint bei windows 10
To get started and set basic color settings for your display on Windows-10, press the menu button for your display. The menu button, usually located in front of your monitor, opens the on-screen display menu. To determine which button opens the on-screen display menu, see the documentation for your display. If you have a display calibration device for windows or windows server that came with other software, consider using the color measurement device with the accompanying software instead of Display Color Calibration. Using the calibration device on windows 10 with the accompanying calibration software that often comes with it can help you get the best color on your windows 10 display. In general, using a color measurement instrument to calibrate your display will result in a better calibration compared to the results of doing a visual calibration on windows 10 . 
(Image-1) Color Calibration on Windows 10!
Wo finde ich paint bei windows 10

Windows-10 Display Color Calibration improves your display color by enabling you to change different color settings. After you adjust the different color settings using Display Color Calibration, you will have a new calibration that contains your new color settings. The new calibration will be associated with your Windows-10 screen display and used by color-managed programs. 

The Windows color settings that you can change, as well as how you change those color settings, depend on your monitor's display and its capabilities. Not all monitors have the same color capabilities and settings, so you might not be able to change all the different color settings when using Display Color Calibration on Windows. 

Finally to the color settings! As you can see in Windows 10 shot screenshot above, Windows color settings are not secret features, you can easily use this example as a color settings solution on previous versions of MS Windows operating systems, regardless of whether the settings on the Windows desktop computer must be made, or to change the color settings on the tablet PC, MS-Surface Pro / Go. This example for monitor color calibration is also suitable for Windows 11, 10 Pro, Enterprise, Home, Windows 8.1, Windows 8, Windows-Server 2019, 2016, 2012, Windows 7 Basic, Professional, Starter, Ultimate to ease change ergo customize display color settings!

FAQ 55: Updated on: 15 June 2022 17:09 Windows

Page 12

This example to Change the administrator password or User password is suitable for: Windows 11, 10 , 8.1, 8, 7: Pro, Home, Enterprise, Basic, Premium, Professional, Starter, Ultimate, Windows-Server 2019, 2016, 2012.

The solution is very simple and is not only used on Windows 10 This change of passwords via the command prompt we also like to be used by experienced administrators for example on Microsoft's Windows Web server 1016/2012, but can also be at home Windows PC as a quick and easy solution to be used without knowing the current password.

Page 13

In Windows 10 and 11, as an administrator, you can easily run a command prompt in admin mode!

Some commands can only be run in administrative mode, as these require admin rights to make system relevant changes on / for Windows OS, this example is also for Microsoft Web Server 2019, 2016, ... and some older Windows Operating System!

HOT-TIP: ► Run-Command alternative!

1. Use Windows + R Keyboard Shortcut 

2. Normal start: cmd + [Enter] Key

3. Admin Start: cmd + [Ctrl]+[Shift]+[Enter] Key

(... see Image-1 Point 1 to 4)

(Image-1) Easy Run: the command prompt in admin-mode on new Windows OS!
Wo finde ich paint bei windows 10

1. By right-clicking on an empty space on the Windows 10/11 desktop, the context menu appears, select: "New", "Schortcut".

2. As a path, simply enter CMD, as a name, you can also use CMD. Create a copy of the shortcut and rename it to "ADMIN-CMD", so you have both command prompt shortcuts on the Windows 10 desktop. (... see Image-2)

Now click with the right mouse button on the Windows 10 desktop the "ADMIN-CMD" (... see Image-2 Arrow-1)  and open the properties of the shortcut (... see Image-2 Arrow-2)

In the properties please click the button "Advanced" and check the "Run as administrator" (... see Image-2 Arrow-4)

Download: ... CMD_REGEDIT_ADMIN_Windows-8.1-8-7.zip! (... see Image-3)

(Image-2) Command prompt cmd.exe desktop shortcut Windows-ALL!
Wo finde ich paint bei windows 10
To start the Windows cmd.exe in administrator mode from Windows Explorer 

please start the Windows Explorer [Win-Logo]+[E],

then tap it into the address bar "shell:system" and confirm with Enter.

Use right click mouse button on the cmd.exe

In context menu select (... see Image-3 Point 1 to 4)

(Image-3) Run Windows 10 command prompt (cmd.exe) in administrator mode!
Wo finde ich paint bei windows 10

To start the command prompt in Windows-8 via new Windows 10 Start-Menu 1. press the key combination [Win-Logo]+[Q] or [Win-Logo]+[S] 

2. And then enter in the search box cmd

3. Press the key combination [Ctrl + Shift + Enter]

Or Right Click  menu select (... see Image-4 Point 1 to 4)

(Image-4) Run Windows 10 from Windows Start!
Wo finde ich paint bei windows 10

For system-relevant changes and folders, you as an administrator must start the command prompt so that you receive all rights. In conclusion, you should be very careful with what you do. The system changes can affect the system, which, if badly understood, can lead to system failures. Until the complete system crashes and inoperability of Windows 10.  

See also: ► Mange user accounts in Windows 10 ► change product key ► Auto login windows 10
Please press the key combination [Win-Logo] + [X], then appears at the left side of the Windows 10 desktop a context menu, the so-called win-X menu, here select the Command Prompt (Administrator). Optionally, you can call the Windows X menu in Windows 10 via right-clicking on the Windows logo!
(Image-1) Run Windows 10 command prompt (Admin)!
Wo finde ich paint bei windows 10

FAQ 57: Updated on: 1 May 2022 16:18 Windows

Page 14

  1. Download Windows quick launch folder for Windows 10, for free?
  2. MS quick launch folder for Windows 10?
  3. I cable a new toolbar, this is very easy, I want to restore a free area in the task bar the Quick-Launch toolbar, but please?
  4. Quick launch folder in windows 10?
  5. Windows 10 quick launch folder directory and folder?
  6. How to find quick launch folder in windows 10?
  7. Quick Launcher Windows 10 gone?
  8. How to get to quick launch folder in windows 10?
  9. Where did the standard quick launch folder from windows go, like paint, win 10?
  10. Quick launch folder doesn't open windows 10?
  11. My toolbar is gone windows 10, Tool bar disappears in Windows 10?
  12. Missing quick launch 10?
  13. Can't find the quick launch folder in windows 10?
  14. Where is microsoft quick launch folder in window 10?
  15. How to run exe program on windows 10 desktop via cmd?
  16. How to find the ms quick launch folder in windows 10?
  17. Quick launch windows 10 diappeared?
  18. Where is quick launch folder on windows 10?
  19. How do i find quick launch folder in windows 10, wheres quick launch folder on windows 10?
  20. Quick launch folder program for windows 10?
  21. I love the shortcuts on the toolbar, i.e. the shortcuts to start faster on the quick launch bar or quick launch, now it's gone, how do you activate it in the taskbar to use the quick launch bar again and add new buttons?
  22. Help! I made the switch to Windows 10 and I don't find the quick start bar, since Windows XP I have used it extensively and was never a problem, there is a trick to reactivate the quick start bar in Windows 10?
  23. Quick launch folder download windows 10?
  24. Can not find on Windows 10 computer the quick launch folder?
  25. I love the quick start bar, which has always been my companion on Windows after the last Windows 10 version update of Windows, my programs and shortcuts cannot be opened via the task bar, so it can simply be that I used the name "Quick Launch" and not quick start was deleted or I can simply reactivate the quick launch bar on Windows 10?
  26. Where do i find quick launch folder in windows 10, to paint an image?
  27. Download Microsoft quick launch folder Windows 10, and Shortcut for quick launch folder in windows 10?
  28. Quick launch for windows 10?
  29. Do I need an extra tool to be able to get the quick start bar again, to add a shortcut in the quick start bar and to set up every other folder on the Windows 10 computer as an icon, what do I need to use it I have to use commands in Windows PowerShell?
  30. What is the quick launch folder for windows 10?
  31. What is the shortcut for quick launch folder in Windows 10?
  32. How to start quick launch folder in windows 10?
  33. How i find out quick launch folder option in windows 10?
  34. Where is the quick launch folder on windows 10?
  35. Where is quick launch folder.exe in windows 10?
  36. Quick start bar windows 10 toolbar quick launch path?
  37. Where can i find quick launch folder in windows 10?
  38. I can't find quick launch folder in windows 10, Where is quick launch folder in windows 10?
  39. Where do you find quick launch folder in windows 10?
  40. As please, I re-enable the quick launch bar in Windows 10 so that the quick launch bar can also be used in Windows 10?
  41. Shortcut key for quick launch folder in windows 10?
  42. How to open up Microsoft quick launch folder in windows 10?
  43. If the Windows quick start bar or "Quick Launch" on Windows 10 is still there under Windows 10, how can this be activated on the task bar?
  44. All shortcut of quick launch folder in windows 10?

Page 15

This example is a easy solution for all Microsoft Windows operating systems not only for windows 10 you can use this for other Windows web Server OS for example Server 2019, 2016 is not only for Windows Administrators this is also an Example for Windows 10 Home Accounts!

Resume from Sleep without Password is also in Windows 10!

1. Please open the Windows 10 settings, for example by using Windows-Logo + I Keyboard Shortcut.

2. Please click "Accounts" and Sign-in options.

3. And change Require sing-in to Never

(... see Image-1 Arrow 1 to 4)

Its so easy on the new Microsoft  Windows 10!
(Image-1) Disable Password when resume from Sleep in Windows 10!
Wo finde ich paint bei windows 10
This example is for all Windows 10 Home, Pro, Enterprise, ...  The Location in Windows-10 Control Panel is:
Control Panel\All Control Panel Items\Power Options\System Settings

1. To directly open Password Protection on wakeup,

2. Please press the key combination [Win-Logo]+[R], 3. then just type the command:

control.exe /name Microsoft.PowerOptions /page pageGlobalSettings

(... see Image-2 Arrow 1 and 2)

If the options are grayed out, then please click on the text: "Change settings that currently unavailable" and activate the option Don't require a password

(... see Image-2 Arrow 3 and 4) Info: When your Windows-10 computer wakes from sleep, anyone can access your data because the computer isn't locked.
(Image-2) Disable Password Query in Windows 10!
Wo finde ich paint bei windows 10
It is very convenient that in Windows 10, instead of turning off the computer each time, you can simply put it to sleep by pressing the appropriate hibernation button.

How to enable sleep mode, how to disable it, what problems an ordinary user has when working with it: ► Hybrid Sleep Settings in Windows 10 (turn on, off)?

It is easy to deactivate the password / password entry after standby / hibernation even under Windows 11!

1. Open the Windows 11 settings as usual (Windows + i)    

2. Then go to Accounts > Login options

3. When should Windows request login  again after being away:> Never  

(... see Image-3 Point 1 to 4)

(Image-1) Windows 11: disable password after standby and hibernation!
Wo finde ich paint bei windows 10

FAQ 59: Updated on: 3 October 2021 08:16 Windows

Page 16

The solution is simple in new Windows 10 to open Control Panel in classic view and create shortcut, pin on Taskbar, or / and Windows-Star, this example is also suitable for Windows Server 2019, 2016, ...! Please use this example also as a solution on Windows operating systems whether it's a Windows desktop computer, to go on tablet-PC and Surface Pro / Go, or even a server operating system.

Please start the Windows 10 and 11 Control Panel, for example, about windows-10 run dialog, key combination  [Windows Logo + R] ergo keyboard shortcut!

And enter the control command, and set the display to Small Icons, now is also, the Window-10 Control Panel clearer. (... see Image-1 Arrow 1 to 4)

If you use the control panel very often, bring it to the desktop or attach it to the Taskbar or Start Menu.
(... see Image-1b) These operations are performed in several ways, but the effect is one-you get quick access to the system settings.
(Image-1) Windows 10 Classic Control Panel on the Desktop!
Wo finde ich paint bei windows 10
When migrating to a new operating system, users need to get used to the changed interface. Sometimes it is also not without difficulty: for example, many after the release of 10 did not understand Windows 10 control panel. In the usual place in the Start menu it is not, and you need to configure the windows 10 system.
(Image-1b) Control Panel pin to Windows-10 Task-Bar!
Wo finde ich paint bei windows 10

Optionally, you can create via drag and drop a desktop shortcut  and rename it in Control Panel All or Control Panel Classic. (... see Image-1 Arrow-4)  You can also if necessary, use the command control to start the Control-Panel via cmd.exe in Windows-10!
(Image-2) Command to Open Windows 10 Control Panel!
Wo finde ich paint bei windows 10

It is also possible to start the Control-Panel at startup ergo login in Windows-10!

Auto-Startup for current user or for all user on Windows 10 PC:   

Control-Panel in Autostart for currently logged-on user please use:

shell:startup or %appdata%\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup 

Add Control-Panel shortcut in Auto-Startup-Folder all users:

shell:common startup or %programdata%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup   

Please use drop action to add for example the Control Panel All Items to Startup Folder
(... see Image-3)

(Image-3) Auto-Start the Control Panel in Windows-10!
Wo finde ich paint bei windows 10

There is another command that allows you to access the control Panel via execute or via a command line: Explorer Shell:ControlPanelFolder There are really many possibilities under Windows 10 to determine in which view it should appear the Control Panel itself. Many Windows 10 users ask themselves the questions what has become of the classic control Panel, here are a few solution that make it easy for you or allow to create in the new Windows 10 and Server 2016 shortcut for the Control Panel, or this through Pinning on the desktop taskbar allow them to open faster!

FAQ 60: Updated on: 1 July 2021 06:47 Windows

Wo finde ich paint bei windows 10
The solution is very simple to remove password prompt in Windows 10, turn off from hibernation, or sleep mode, or activate again if needed 1. New Solution

Wo finde ich paint bei windows 10
To show hidden files and folders and system protected files in Microsoft File-Explore-it is also possible in new Windows 10 and 11 The solution is simple

Wo finde ich paint bei windows 10
If the desktop icons or shortcuts on the desktop are not displayed on Windows 10, please enable the option Show desktop icons

Wo finde ich paint bei windows 10
The size preview window in Microsoft Windows 10 can be quite easy to adapt, provided the preview is enabled in the File-Explorer The preview windows in

Wo finde ich paint bei windows 10
Dont panic, even the new Windows 11 and Win 10 has a fax and scan function to scan a page on the fly as a document and send as a scanned fax 1. Start

Wo finde ich paint bei windows 10
If you want that the folder / folders are automatically expanded under Windows 10 in the navigation pane of the Explorer, change the folder options of the

Wo finde ich paint bei windows 10
Here is the solution, how to display the dialog for confirmation of the deletion process in the new Windows 10, or activate or deactivate  1. Change

  My question is not there in the FAQ
Asked questions on this answer:

  1. Change windows 10 and Windows 11 view to classic?
  2. Switch control panel to classic view all the time?
  3. How to goto classic control panel in windows 10 and Windows 11?
  4. How to change view of control panel in windows 10 and Windows 11?
  5. Change desktop to classic view windows 10 and Windows 11,or change Control panel view?
  6. Extra Control Panel for Windows 10 and Windows 11!
  7. Windows 10 and Windows 11 Has no control panel what am I doing wrong
  8. start the control panel in windows 10 and Windows 11!
  9. Can not open Control Panel for Windows 10 and Windows 11!
  10. How do i change my setting in windows 10 and Windows 11 to classic view?
  11. Can I open and start the control panel in windows 10 and Windows 11!
  12. Control panel windows 10 and Windows 11 classic view?
  13. Where The control panel in Windows 10 and Windows 11!
  14. Control Panel in Windows 10 and Windows 11, can I find and start this!
  15. Why can't I change the view in the control panel om Windows 10 and Windows 11?
  16. I can't open windows 10 and Windows 11 control panel!
  17. Start the Control Panel in Windows 10 and Windows 11!
  18. Where I open and start the Control Panel in Windows 10 and Windows 11!
  19. How to make control panel in a classic view panel in win10 and Windows 11?
  20. Classic view control panel windows 10 and Windows 11?
  21. Control panel classic view windows 10 and Windows 11?
  22. Change view in windows 10 and Windows 11?
  23. How to change windows 10 and Windows 11 to classic view?
  24. Change view in win 10 and Windows 11 to classic?
  25. Change to windows classic view in windows 10 and Windows 11?
  26. Classic Desktop View Windows 10 and Windows 11?
  27. Windows 10 and Windows 11 classic view?
  28. The control panel in windows 10 and Windows 11 has been vanishing!
  29. Windows 10 and Windows 11 classic control panel?
  30. Classic View Windows 10 and Windows 11, Classic display.in?
  31. How to change windows 10 and Windows 11 to standard windows 7 view?
  32. Windows 10 and Windows 11 classic control panel,Classic Desktop View Windows 10 and Windows 11?
  33. Control panel will not open in Icon view; I changed it in the registry and Group editor but it still opens in category view.
  34. Classic view on windows 10 and Windows 11?
  35. Switch from windows classic to windows 10 and Windows 11?
  36. How do i change windows 10 and Windows 11 to classic view?
  37. How to get traditional view in windows 10 and Windows 11?
  38. Change control panel from classic view win 10 and Windows 11?
  39. How to change control panel to classic view in windows 10 and Windows 11?
  40. Windows 10 and Windows 11 Control Panel Classic View?
  41. Change windows 10 and Windows 11 control panel to classic?
  42. Windows 10 and Windows 11 control panel how to switch to classic view?
  43. Where can I find and start the control panel in windows 10 and Windows 11!
  44. How to set windows 10 and Windows 11 to classic view?
  45. How to change control panel display in windows 10 and Windows 11 to the classic view?
  46. Need classic desktop in windows 10 and Windows 11?
  47. Change Windows 10 and Windows 11 Desktop to Classic?
  48. How do i change from windows 10 and Windows 11 from classic view back to windows 10 and Windows 11 view in control panel?
  49. Changing windows 10 and Windows 11 to classic view?
  50. Change windows 10 and Windows 11 display to classic?
  51. Classic View in Windows 10 and Windows 11?
  52. Clasic mode di kontrol panel on Windows 10 and Windows 11 home classic view?
  53. How do i change the home screen in windows 10 and Windows 11 to classic view?
  54. Windows 10 and Windows 11 traditional desktop view?
  55. Windows 10 and Windows 11 how to view classic control panel?
  56. Change from 10 and Windows 11 to 7?
  57. How to change control panel for windows 10 and Windows 11 to older version?
  58. Windows 10 and Windows 11 Control Panel Classic View, How to change windows 10 and Windows 11 to classic view?
  59. How to get classic control panel view in windows 10 and Windows 11?
  60. can not find control panel on windows 10 and Windows 11!
  61. Switch windows 10 and Windows 11 to classic view or classic control panel windows 10 and Windows 11?
  62. Change windows 10 and Windows 11 to classic view?
  63. Going to classic view from control panel windows 10 and Windows 11?
  64. How to change the control panel to classic view in windows 10 and Windows 11?
  65. control panel on windows 10 and Windows 11!

Keywords: windows, 10, ten, change, control, panel, classic, view, possible, desktop, shortcut, button, auto, run, start, example, Questions, Answers, Software

Page 17

The solution is simple in new Windows 10 or 11 to show hidden files and folders in ms file explorer list view and tree view (navigation area), this short example is also suitable for Windows Server 2016/2012! 

Hot-Tip: ... Open the location of an Program in Windows-10!

See also: ► Find Administrative Tools in Windows 11 or 10!

Please open on via the Windows 10/11 Control Panel the Folder Options now File Explorer Options
(... see Image-1 Arrow-1 to 3)

1. Click on the View tab (... see Image-1 Arrow-4)  

2. And set the corresponding check mark the Show hidden files, folders and drives + file extensions

3. Optional disable "Hide protected operating System files" (pagefile.sys, ... etc.)


(... see Image-1 Arrow-6)

Here, several options are available, see: Advanced Options files and folders!

(Image-1) hidden files and folders in Windows-10!
Wo finde ich paint bei windows 10

You can apply the view (such as Details or Icons) that you are using for this folder to all folders of this type.

  Other advanced settings for files and folders:
  • Always show icons, never thumbnails
  • Always show menus
  • Display file icon on thumbnails
  • Display file size information in folder tips
  • Display the full path in the title bar
  • Hidden files and folders * Don't show hidden files, folders, or drives

    * Show hidden files, folders, and drives

  • Hide empty drives in the Computer folder
  • Hide extensions for known file types
  • Hide folder merge conflicts
  • Hide protected operating system files (Recommended)
  • Launch folder windows in a separate process
  • Restore previous folder windows at logon
  • Show drive letters
  • Show encrypted or compressed NTFS files in color
  • Show pop-up description for folder and desktop items
  • Show preview handlers in preview pane
  • Show status bar
  • Use check boxes to select items
  • Use Sharing Wizard (Recommended)
  • When typing into list view * Automatically type into the Search Box

    * Select the typed item in the view

See also:

You should not always work with the enabled options to display hidden files and folders, it is also mostly confusing (... see Image-2) , because you see all the files (in ms file explorer and for example Quad-Explorer) that are partially intended only for the operating system. Accidental deletion of system files is also not recommended.

See also:

(Image-2) Alert at hidden files and folders on Windows-10!
Wo finde ich paint bei windows 10

FAQ 61: Updated on: 3 September 2021 12:33 Windows

Wo finde ich paint bei windows 10
Please Open the Control Panel, and simple change Windows 10 and 11 Control Panel to classic view, it is possible Content / Examples: 1. Find and Open

Wo finde ich paint bei windows 10
If the desktop icons or shortcuts on the desktop are not displayed on Windows 10, please enable the option Show desktop icons

Wo finde ich paint bei windows 10
The size preview window in Microsoft Windows 10 can be quite easy to adapt, provided the preview is enabled in the File-Explorer The preview windows in

Wo finde ich paint bei windows 10
Dont panic, even the new Windows 11 and Win 10 has a fax and scan function to scan a page on the fly as a document and send as a scanned fax 1. Start

Wo finde ich paint bei windows 10
If you want that the folder / folders are automatically expanded under Windows 10 in the navigation pane of the Explorer, change the folder options of the

Wo finde ich paint bei windows 10
Here is the solution, how to display the dialog for confirmation of the deletion process in the new Windows 10, or activate or deactivate  1. Change

Wo finde ich paint bei windows 10
Simple enable on Windows 10 Home / Pro the guest account for the guest access, or create a new guest user account The solution is very simple and also suitable

  My question is not there in the FAQ
Asked questions on this answer:

  1. Can't find the hidden files options in windows 10 and Windows 11?
  2. Hide file in windows explorer?
  3. Where do i find hidden files options in windows 10 and Windows 11, to paint an image?
  4. Why are hidden files showing on win 10 and Windows 11?
  5. I can't find hidden files options in windows 10 and Windows 11, Where is hidden files options in windows 10 and Windows 11?
  6. Shortcut of hidden files in win 10 and Windows 11?
  7. MS hidden files options for Windows 10 and Windows 11?
  8. Windows 10 and Windows 11 hidden files options directory and folder?
  9. Show hidden files and options in windows 10 and Windows 11?
  10. How to open up Microsoft hidden files options in windows 10 and Windows 11?
  11. Where is hidden files options.exe in windows 10 and Windows 11?
  12. Undo hidden folders windows 10 and Windows 11?
  13. Show hidden files in windows 10 and Windows 11 mmc?
  14. Disable Show hidden files in explorer window 10 and Windows 11?
  15. Hidden folders windows 10 and Windows 11?
  16. Show hidden files windows 10 and Windows 11?
  17. How to see the hidden files in file explorer?
  18. How do i find hidden files options in windows 10 and Windows 11, wheres hidden files options on windows 10 and Windows 11?
  19. View hidden files windows 10 and Windows 11?
  20. Win 10 and Windows 11 hidden files?
  21. Setting hidden file windows 10 and Windows 11 from file path?
  22. Windows hidden path?
  23. What is the hidden files options for windows 10 and Windows 11?
  24. Windows 10 and Windows 11 show hidden files?
  25. Download Windows hidden files options for Windows 10 and Windows 11, for free?
  26. Can not find on Windows 10 and Windows 11 computer the hidden files options?
  27. How to find the ms hidden files options in windows 10 and Windows 11?
  28. Missing hidden folders windows 10 and Windows 11?
  29. How to open hidden files in window 10 and Windows 11?
  30. Show hidden icon windows 10 and Windows 11?
  31. How to restore hidden file windows 10 and Windows 11?
  32. Search extensions folder missing in windows 10 and Windows 11?
  33. Windows 10 and Windows 11 cmd hiiden files show?
  34. What is the shortcut for hidden files options in Windows 10 and Windows 11?
  35. Where can i find hidden files options in windows 10 and Windows 11?
  36. All shortcut of hidden files options in windows 10 and Windows 11?
  37. Hidden files options doesn't open windows 10 and Windows 11?
  38. How to get to hidden files options in windows 10 and Windows 11?
  39. Show hidden files in windows 10 and Windows 11?
  40. Show hidden folders windows 10 and Windows 11?
  41. How to see hidden files windows 10 and Windows 11?
  42. How to open hidden folders in windows 10 and Windows 11?
  43. Where is microsoft hidden files options in window 10 and Windows 11?
  44. Win 10 and Windows 11 show hidden files?
  45. Where did the standard hidden files options from windows go, like paint, win 10 and Windows 11?
  46. How to run exe program on windows 10 and Windows 11 desktop via cmd?
  47. How i find out hidden files options option in windows 10 and Windows 11?
  48. How to find hidden files options in windows 10 and Windows 11?
  49. Windows 10 and Windows 11 show hidden files and folders?
  50. Hidden files options program for windows 10 and Windows 11?
  51. Showing hidden folders windows 10 and Windows 11?
  52. How to find what windows 10 and Windows 11 extension will open a internet file saved?
  53. Hidden files options in windows 10 and Windows 11?
  54. Open folder files not displayed windows 10 and Windows 11?
  55. Not able to see folders windows 10 and Windows 11?
  56. Where do you find hidden files options in windows 10 and Windows 11?
  57. Where is the hidden files options on windows 10 and Windows 11?
  58. How to start hidden files options in windows 10 and Windows 11?
  59. Shortcut key for hidden files options in windows 10 and Windows 11?
  60. Windows 10 and Windows 11 show hidden files shortcut?
  61. View hidden icons in explorer, Windows 10 and Windows 11 dir don't show directory name?
  62. Hidden files options download windows 10 and Windows 11?
  63. Download Microsoft hidden files options Windows 10 and Windows 11, and Shortcut for hidden files options in windows 10 and Windows 11?
  64. Where is hidden files options on windows 10 and Windows 11?
  65. How show hidden file manager on server?

Keywords: windows, 11, 10, ten, show, hidden, files, folders, folder, option, system, object, directory, microsoft, Questions, Answers, Software

Page 18

  1. Why windows 10/11 is not displaying desktop?
  2. Window 10/11 not showing desktop icons?
  3. Desktop icons not showing?
  4. Windows 10/11 desktop icons not showing?
  5. Help the icon in the taskbar is missing to show the desktop, what can I do to display the shortcut on the desktop again can I activate it differently?
  6. Desktop icons not showing windows 10/11?
  7. How i find out Desktop icons options option in windows 10/11?
  8. Windows 10/11 Desktop icons options directory and folder?
  9. What is the shortcut for Desktop icons options in Windows 10/11?
  10. Windows 10/11 desktop not showing up?
  11. Desktop icons options program for windows 10/11?
  12. Download Microsoft Desktop icons options Windows 10/11, and Shortcut for Desktop icons options in windows 10/11?
  13. How to run exe program on windows 10/11 desktop via cmd?
  14. Windows 10/11 image icons not displayed correctly?
  15. Desktop icons want to show, where do I show other icons want a personalization button for desktop?
  16. Shortcut key for Desktop icons options in windows 10/11?
  17. Icons not being displayed in windows10/11?
  18. Can not find on Windows 10/11 computer the Desktop icons options?
  19. Where can i find Desktop icons options in windows 10/11?
  20. All shortcut of Desktop icons options in windows 10/11?
  21. Help with Windows the desktop icons are not displayed on the desktop My computer, trash and so on are suddenly gone, why does Windows 10/11 not show trash icon on the desktop?
  22. Icons not appearing on desktop sren of the windows 10/11 Pro?
  23. Where is the Desktop icons options on windows 10/11?
  24. Windows 10/11 not showing desktop?
  25. How to get to Desktop icons options in windows 10/11?
  26. Icons not show on desktop on Windows 10/11?
  27. Where do you find Desktop icons options in windows 10/11?
  28. Desktop icons options download windows 10/11?
  29. Desktop icons not appear at windows 10/11 startup, what can i do for this desktop icon Problem, i search for a smart solution?
  30. Find the Desktop icons options in windows 10/11 Creators Redstone Bug?
  31. How to find the ms Desktop icons options in windows 10/11?
  32. The desktop icons in Windows 10/11 are gone since today need tip want to show on the desktop I had many icons on the desktop?
  33. Shortcut key to show Desktop icons options in windows 10/11 Home Pro and Server 2016?
  34. Where do i find Desktop icons options in windows 10/11, to paint an image?
  35. What is the Desktop icons options for windows 10/11?
  36. Where is Desktop icons options on windows 10/11?
  37. How do i find Desktop icons options in windows 10/11, wheres Desktop icons options on windows 10/11?
  38. Can't find the Desktop icons options in windows 10/11?
  39. How to open up Microsoft Desktop icons options in windows 10/11?
  40. MS Desktop icons options for Windows 10/11?
  41. How to easy Easy show and display the Win 10/11 Desktop Symbols ergo Icons om the Screen?
  42. Files not showing on desktop windows 10/11?
  43. Icons are not showing on desktop windows 10/11?
  44. Icons not appearing on desktop windows 10/11?
  45. Where did the standard Desktop icons options from windows go, like paint, win 10/11?
  46. Desktop icons options in windows 10/11?
  47. I made icons for My Computer, Activate My Files and Control Panel, where are the desktop icons on the desktop gone? Can I show them?
  48. Why is the icon not shown on the desktop, but can be seen under settings in windows 10/11?
  49. Windows 10/11 desktop is not displayed, what went wrong?
  50. Windows 10/11 desktop icons disappeared and programs do not open?
  51. Desktop icons are not appearing in Windows 10/11?
  52. Where is microsoft Desktop icons options in window 10/11?
  53. Where is Desktop icons options.exe in windows 10/11?
  54. How to start Desktop icons options in windows 10/11?
  55. How to find Desktop icons options in windows 10/11?
  56. Desktop icons not appear on startup windows 10/11?
  57. Icons are not displayed correctly on the desktop in Windows 10/11?
  58. Desktop will not show on windows 10/11?
  59. I can't find Desktop icons options in windows 10/11, Where is Desktop icons options in windows 10/11?
  60. Download Windows Desktop icons options for Windows 10/11, for free?
  61. Desktop icons are not displayed in Windows 10/11, please help me?
  62. Desktop icons options doesn't open windows 10/11?
  63. Desktop not showing on windows 10/11?

Page 19

The preview windows in Windows can be easily activated, or deactivated, which is very convenient, especially for Tablet PCs or Ms surface, here the screen area is very limited, when disabled you then have more of the Explorer pane, especially if you move or copy files and folders. 

2. Please activate simply the Explorer preview. (... see Image-1 Arrow-1 & 2)  The same goes with the ALT + P!

3. The dividing line (splitter) to the preview window is difficult to see

Info: This screenshot has been snipped under Windows 10 Home, However, you can use this example to adjust the preview window size also for other W10 operating systems, whether it's a Windows desktop home, tablet-PC, Surface Pro / Go, or even a server operating system.

This example is also for Windows Web Server and other Microsofts Operating Systems for example: Windows 11, 10 , 8.1, 8, 7: Pro, Home, Enterprise, Basic, Premium, Professional, Starter, Ultimate, Windows-Server 2019, 2016, 2012 the preview pane is a very impressive feature of File-Explorer on Windows!

FAQ 63: Updated on: 5 August 2022 17:40 Windows

Page 20

You don't must use external a software such as ... WinScan2PDF for a easy scan!  

The quickest way to open the windows fax and scan software is with the command WFS, stands for (Windows Fax Scan) on MS all OS, also on the new Windows 10 whether desktop, tablet PC or Surface Pro / Go!

See also:  ► a PDF from Screenshot

1. Start the Windows run dialog and simply type the WFS command 2. this will start the Windows fax and scan software.

(... see Image-1 Arrow 1 to 3)

If an email client program is installed, you can send the scanned documents as an e-mail or fax

(... see Image-1 Point 4 and 5) .

The default folder for the scanned documents is:  Documents\Scanned Documents
(Image-1) Windows 11, 10, ... fax and scan software!
Wo finde ich paint bei windows 10
Useful info from (c) Microsoft: You can crop an image before scanning it by clicking Preview in the New Scan dialog box. In the preview area, drag the handles of the cropping tool to resize the image. Some scanners can save individual documents or photos placed on the scanner bed as separate files on Windows 10. If your scanner has that capability, you can select the Preview or scan images as separate files check box. If your scanner doesn't have the capability, this option will be unavailable. Scanned documents and photos in Windows 10 or 11 are stored in the Documents folder under Scanned Documents. If you create a new folder in the Windows 11 / 10 Scanned Documents folder, it won't appear in the Scan view until you close and reopen Windows Fax and Scan, or collapse and then expand the list of folders. To change the default file name for a scanned document or photo, right-click the file name in the Scan view, and then click Rename. To organize your scanned documents or photos on Windows, right-click the Scan folder in the left pane, and then click New Folder. To move a scanned document or photo to a folder, right-click the document, click Move to Folder, and then select the destination on Windows OS. You can automatically forward scanned documents to an e‑mail address or a Windows 10 network folder. To choose a forwarding option, click the Tools menu, and then click Scan Routing. Select your preferred option, enter the details, and then click Save on you Windows 10 or Windows 11 PC. Sometimes, it can happen that the function, which is responsible for the Windows FAX and Scan, disappears at once with Windows 11, 10, ... , for example at big update of Windows or some new installation of Software! Please start the MS-Explore from Window Run Command (Windows+R)  and enter the  command:
explorer /select, %WINDIR%\System32\wfs.exe

This command will auto select the wfs.exe in C:\Windows\System32\  folder. 

And now simply use Right Mouse Drag&Drop and rename the Desktop Shortcut for example to Fax&Scan on your Windows 10 Desktop.

You can also run The MS-Explorer Windows-Logo + E and Browse to C:\Windows\System32\ scroll down to Fax and Scan and select the wfs.exe File.

(Image-2) Start Fax and Scan function from Windows-Desktop!
Wo finde ich paint bei windows 10

A keyboard shortcut is also handy to start the fax and scan program. You can also start it from the Run dialog, but a direct keyboard shortcut will favor some Windows users because it's handy.

(Image-3) Keyboardshortcut for fax and scan!
Wo finde ich paint bei windows 10

If you would like to add Windows Fax and Scan to your own login, please use the  shell:startup directory and if you want Windows Fax and Scanning to start when Windows starts, for all users  shell:common startup  folder. 

If you created the  desktop shortcut for WFS, you can copy it directly to the Auto-Start folder. If you do not need the WFS desktop shortcut, just delete it afterwards. 

See also: ►►► ... Small Symbols in Task-Bar Windows 10!

(Image-4) Help Windows 10 has no fax and scan function, where is it?
Wo finde ich paint bei windows 10

If you have created the desktop shortcut for the WFS, do a Mouse Right Click and Pin Windows Fax and Scan on Start for Tablet Mode ie for MS Surface Pro!
(Image-5) Pin on Start The Fax and Scan feature!
Wo finde ich paint bei windows 10

(Image-6) Pin Windows Fax and Scan on Start 4 Tablet-Mode!
Wo finde ich paint bei windows 10

Info: As you can see above in Windows 10 shot screenshot, there is no great art to scan or fax under Windows You can easily apply this example as a solution on earlier versions of Microsoft Windows operating systems, whether it is a Windows Desktop Computer, or Mobile Tablet PC, Surface Pro / Go, or even a server operating system.

FAQ 64: Updated on: 5 August 2022 17:41 Windows

Page 21

  1. I want to keep an overview in Windows Explorer and in all folder structures, since the switch to Windows 10, as a loyal MS Windows user, I have missed Windows Explorer in the right window that automatically lists the corresponding folder in the directory tree in the navigation area in the left file is displayed or marked, is this possible with Windows 10. Has Microsoft completely forgotten the settings in Windows Explorer?
  2. When I navigate in the file explorer, it is only expanded to documents, why is that so that I can see the folder but have to click through to the subfolder, can the current folder be expanded automatically or if the behavior is fixed in the navigation area, would like to fix the problem !
  3. Stop windows from automatically expanding in windows 10?
  4. Windows Explorer Desktop User cannot open automatically, i.e. automatically expand the Windows 10 Explorer folder?
  5. Windows Explorer expand to current folder?
  6. Do I have to click the little arrow every time in the directory tree by web man navigates automatically extends the directory structure, why isn't all the folders up to the current directory expanded and marked?
  7. Explorer expand all?
  8. Windows 10 explorer automatically expand to folder?
  9. Windows 10 Explorer folder unfold?
  10. Windows 10 Automatically expand current folder?
  11. Windows 10 folder open?
  12. Windows 10 Explorer open folder?
  13. Expand to current folder?
  14. Windows 10 Explorer odner expand automatically?
  15. Where can I please set so that MS Windows Explorer automatically expands the selected folder in the navigation area when I open it in the view?
  16. Automatically upgrade to current folder windows 10?
  17. Do not open Windows explorer desktop user automatically?
  18. Windows Explorer to expand current folder?
  19. Expand to current folder, expand windows 10 folder?
  20. Can I use the tried and tested setting in Windows 10 in the navigation area as an option to expand to the open folder, i.e. automatically expand to the current folder in the folder structure I want a quicker overview of the well-structured folders on my hard drive!
  21. Explorer all expand?
  22. Windows 10 automatically expand to current folder?

Page 22

  1. Windows 10 Delete, delete options warning message?
  2. Confirm Win10 delete where to activate confirm delete?
  3. A message with the deletion confirmation, for a file as well as for a directory?
  4. Windows 10 delete confirmation, delete with confirmation?
  5. Where can I find the confirmation dialog in Windows 10?
  6. Windows 10, Server 2012 u 2016 confirmation file delete?
  7. How do I disable this query or even turn it off to prevent accidental deletion of the files so in the trash, how do I go about the question do you want to turn on delete?
  8. Delete Confirm Win 10, Server 2012 u 2016?
  9. Windows Recycle Bin Properties Deactivate and reactivate the confirmation dialog for deletion, set in Windows 10 that I delete the file the additional confirmation dialog?
  10. Windows 10 delete files confirm, Windows 10 directly delete recycle bin?
  11. No prompt before deleting the file or folder in the new Windows 10 Pro?
  12. Delete with confirmation Windows 10, confirm delete files, do not delete trash directly?
  13. Where is Delete confirmation dialog in Windows 10?
  14. Windows 10 delete options warning message?
  15. Folder delete confirmation Windows 10?
  16. Ask for remove windows 10, delete options warning message?
  17. Show confirmation when deleting files on computer happens Operating systems Windows 10?
  18. Confirmation show when deleting files on computer happens operating systems windows 10?
  19. Windows 10 File Delete Confirm?
  20. Windows 10 confirm delete are not prompted to delete file?
  21. Windows 10 confirmations necessary before delete?
  22. Ask Windows 10 before deleting?
  23. Windows 10 confirmation before file deletion, or where can I find the confirmation dialog to delete in Windows?
  24. Windows 10 delete settings prompt ask?
  25. Where is the solution that the dialog for confirming the deletion also appears in activated Windows 10?
  26. Confirm delete switch on Windows 10, ask for delete settings?
  27. Set the dialog to confirm the deletion on Windows 10, Windows Explorer who deleted a file before Windows Recycle Bin wants the dialog to confirm the deletion?
  28. Confirm delete files windows 10?
  29. Windows 2016 R2 ask for deletion, confirmation or deletion?
  30. Delete desktop confirm windows 10?
  31. Deletion without confirmation, ask to set WIN 10?
  32. Delete file confirm windows 10, Server 2012 u 2016?
  33. Don't have a prompt to delete the file or folder in the new Windows 10 Pro?
  34. No prompt before delete file or folder in the new Windows 10 Pro?
  35. Confirmation of the deletion process is missing under Windows so confirm with OK, display the query for the trash !?
  36. Can't recover windows 10 recycle bin?
  37. Confirm delete file windows 10, server 2019 u 2016?
  38. Delete folder confirmation from windows 10?
  39. Where do I activate the important security question when deleting files and folders on Windows, so if I delete files in MS Windows Explorer does not appear Query is important to me?
  40. Windows 10 delete with confirmation?
  41. Windows 10 confirmations are necessary before deletion, also on server 2016 and 2019 confirmation file is important?
  42. Confirm delete Windows 10, display dialog to confirm the deletion?
  43. 2016, 2019 Server: Show dialog to confirm the deletion?
  44. Delete Explorer Settings Demand?
  45. Show confirmation whne deleting files om My Computer OS Windows 10?
  46. 10 confirmation when deleting the files the delete dialog?
  47. Theres a weird behavior with the new version, there is no popup to confirm deleting files. there is a small flash where there is suppose to be the popup, but then it disappears and the file/folder is deleted. i am not running in admin mode.?
  48. Delete ask windows 10?
  49. Confirm Windows 10 delete, display dialog to confirm the deletion?
  50. Deletion process without confirmation, set inquiries for WIN 10, settings in Explorer when deleting?
  51. I want to display the dialog to confirm the deletion, so if I delete the files, do I have a question before deleting them in the trash?
  52. Confirm windows 10 delete files, or confirm delete from desktop windows 10?
  53. Windows 10 trash dialog for confirmation, does it have a file delete confirm?

Page 23

The solution is very simple and also suitable for Windows 8.1, and 7, if a known or unexpected family visit wants to use your private PC with personal data and passwords, this second solution is often used by administrators at server 2016 / 2012 Used. But can also serve as an example under Windows 11, 10 Home!

Tip:► Enable Windows 10 System Administrator

In general, the built-in guest account in Windows 10 is available, but this must be activated (turn-on)!

1. Please run the command: control /name Microsoft.UserAccounts from the Windows 10 run dialog [Windows Logo + R].

2. Click the text "Manage another account" and then you see the inactive Windows 10 / 11 guest account!

(... see Image-1 Arrow 1 to 3)

3. Click guest (guest account) and press the Button "turn on" (... see Image-2 Arrow 1 and 2)

Tip! Additional guest user, you can add with this method: ... make Windows-10 Standard User to guest-Account!

(Image-1) Windows-10 Turn-On the guest account!
Wo finde ich paint bei windows 10
(Image-2) Enable the guest account access in Windows-10!
Wo finde ich paint bei windows 10

Please start the Command Prompt  (Run-Dialog) in the admin mode via Windows+X keyboard-shortcut
(... see Image-3 Arrow 1 and 2)
If is not in: Windows-X: ► Run Windows 10 command prompt (cmd.exe) in administrator mode!  Now you run three commands, and in the right order! In this example the guest accaunt name is Guest-007 is created. Since Windows 10 creates these when creating a new user with the default user rights, this user account "Guest-007", must be added to the guest group, and also be removed from the user group. Command 1. (Create Guest Account "Guest-007") 

net user "Guest-007" /add

Command 2. (add "Guest-007" to Guest Group)

net localgroup Guests "Guest-007" /add

Command 3 (remove "Guest-007" from the Standard User Group)

net localgroup Users "Guest-007" /delete

To check all the fun:

Please run the command: control /name Microsoft.UserAccounts from the Windows 10 run dialog [Windows Logo + R].

Now you can see the guest account Guest-007. (... see Image-4 Arrow 1 to 4)
 (Image-3) Windows 10 create new guest account!
Wo finde ich paint bei windows 10
(Image-4) Create Windows 10 Guest Account via NET USERS!
Wo finde ich paint bei windows 10

This solution to 10 create or enable guest account is suitable for: Windows 10 Pro, Windows 10 Enterprise, Windows 10 Home, Windows 8.1, Windows 8.1 Enterprise, Windows 8.1 Pro, Windows 8, Windows 8 Enterprise, Windows 8 Pro, Windows 7 Enterprise, Windows 7 Home Basic, Windows 7 Home Premium, Windows 7 Professional, Windows 7 Starter, Windows 7 Ultimate, Windows Vista Enterprise 64-bit edition, Windows Vista Ultimate 64-bit edition, Windows Vista Business, Windows Vista Business 64-bit edition, Windows Vista Enterprise, Windows Vista Ultimate

Use the keyboard shortcut Windows key + R to open the run command, type command: netplwiz, and press Enter. Select the user account and click or tap the Properties button.
(... see Image-5)

See also: ► ... Enable or disable secure logon in Windows 10!

(Image-5) user account to guest account!
Wo finde ich paint bei windows 10

Click the Group Membership tab. Choose the account type: Other, select Other

Click or tap Apply Button to complete the task.
(Image-6) user to guest account!
Wo finde ich paint bei windows 10

This solution to create a new or enable a guest account is suitable for: Windows 11, 10 Pro, Enterprise, Home, Windows 8.1, Windows 8, Windows-Server 2019, 2016, 2012, Windows 7 Basic, Professional, Starter, Ultimate. Thus, the question of guest access to Windows Home and Pro clarified the guest account activate or create a guest account and setting up Windows 10 is not a big task whether on the laptop or tablet and MS Surface the procedure is always the same.

FAQ 67: Updated on: 5 August 2022 17:42 Windows

Page 24

Is quite easy in Windows 10, 8.1 make the standard user account to guest user with appropriate access rights, and vice versa, this solution works also on all MS Server!

Content / Solution / Tip:

1.) ... Remove the user from the Windows default user group!

2.) ... Make the Windows 10 user to a guest account!
3.) ... Standard User to a guest account (works also on Windows 10 Home) via net command! See also:

► Windows-10 System Administrator ► User-Accounts in Windows 10 ► Auto-Login without Password 

1. Please start from the Windows 10 Run dialog local user and group manager!

2. Command lusrmgr.msc

(... see Image-1 Arrow 1 and 2)

3. Select User, and double-click the user to view the properties. (... see Image-1 Arrow 3 and 4)

4. Now select the Member Of tab and select membership Users and remove from Users Group.

(... see Image-1 Arrow 1 to 7)

►► .... Now just add to the guest group!

(Image-1) Remove Windows-10 User from Member-Group!
Wo finde ich paint bei windows 10
1. Open User Account Properties, click Member Of and click Add, enter the text Guests,

2. Check Names (membership name), Button OK, then Apply!

(... see Image-2 Arrow 1 to 8) It's that simple! About the Advanced button, you can also search for specific user groups.
(Image-2) Standard User to Gust-Account Windows-10!
Wo finde ich paint bei windows 10
In this example the guest accaunt name is Guest-User2 is created. Since Windows 10 creates these when creating a new user with the default user rights, this user account "Guest-User2", must be added to the guest group, and also be removed from the user group. 

1. See all Windows 10 Use command: net user

2. See the Group of "Guest-User2"  command: net user Guest-User2

3. Add the "Guest-User2" to Guests Group command: net localgroup Guests "Guest-User2" /add

4. And Remove "Guest-User2" from the Standard User Group command: net localgroup Users "Guest-User2" /delete

That is it :-) 

See also: ► 
... Enable or disable secure logon in Windows 10!

Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.10240] (c) 2015 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. C:\Users\User1\Desktop>net user User accounts for \\WIN10-HOME1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Administrator DefaultAccount Guest Guest-007 Guest-User2 User1 The command completed successfully.
C:\Users\User1\Desktop>net user Guest-User2 User name Guest-User2 Full Name Comment User's comment Country/region code 000 (System Default) Account active Yes Account expires Never Password last set 11/6/2015 9:12:18 AM Password expires 12/18/2015 9:12:18 AM Password changeable 11/6/2015 9:12:18 AM Password required Yes User may change password Yes Workstations allowed All Logon script User profile Home directory Last logon Never Logon hours allowed All Local Group Memberships *Users Global Group memberships *None The command completed successfully. C:\Users\User1\Desktop>net localgroup Guests "Guest-User2" /add The command completed successfully.
C:\Users\User1\Desktop>net localgroup Users "Guest-User2" /delete The command completed successfully. C:\Users\User1\Desktop>

FAQ 68: Updated on: 5 August 2022 17:42 Windows

Page 25

  1. File description show in wimdow explorer status bar, Status bar in windows 10?
  2. Does Internet Explorer have a status bar, menu bar, favorite bar, command bar?
  3. View status bar in file explorer in windows 10?
  4. Where do you find the explorer status bar on nextbook 10 tab?
  5. How do you make a explorer status bar visible windows 10?
  6. Status bar missing windows 10,file explorer status bar?
  7. Windows explorer showing no status bar, Enable status bar?
  8. How to status bar in win 10 browser, Windows 10 information bar?
  9. Win10 progress bar missing, Enable status bar bottom of windows 10?
  10. Where can i find the explorer status bar on windows 10?
  11. Status bar in Windows 10 show, Information bar windows 10?
  12. Using windows 10, does it have a explorer status bar?
  13. Hoq to enable statusbar on internwt explorer wondows 10, Customize status bar in win 10 with pic?
  14. How do i get in windows 10 Pro explorer status bar?
  15. Where is the explorer status bar windows 10 screen?
  16. Windows 10 status bar?
  17. Where is the explorer status bar on windows 10 eg the?
  18. Window 10 status bar option?
  19. Where is the explorer status bar located on my HP windows 10 laptop?
  20. How to get to explorer status bar in windows 10?
  21. Where is the explorer status bar on win 10?
  22. How do you get the explorer status bar in windows 10?
  23. What is information bar windows 10?
  24. How to find the explorer status bar on windows 10?
  25. Cara expanded status bar file explorer windows 8.1,> Windows explorer status bar offline status?
  26. Windows 10 file explorer info bar, what is a status report of a folder windows?
  27. How to get information bar in windows 10 ie, Windows 10 internet explorer status bar?
  28. Why can't see status bar in explorer in windows 10?
  29. Status bar in windows 10 ismissing, Status bar windows 10?
  30. Windows 10 explorer status bar?
  31. Find details bar in explorer, How to find status bar in a text file?
  32. Status bar makes it appear the file is in use, Why does explorer folder view show status online on the bottom?
  33. Need to know where the explorer status bar on the windows 10?
  34. Ie windows 10 information bar not showing, Status hide in wifi win 10?
  35. Windows 10 windows explorer status bar, Win10 explorer status bar display file size?
  36. How do I get the old explorer status bar on my Windows 10?
  37. Win 10 file explorer status bar?
  38. How do i pull up the explorer status bar on Windows 10 computer?
  39. Where is the exlporer status bar, Can I show a file status in a directory?
  40. Windows 10 how to open a explorer status bar?
  41. Internet explorer windows 10 status bar, Windows 10 status bar?
  42. No information bar internet explorer windows 10, Status bar file explorer windows 10?

Page 26

  1. Create a PC password?
  2. Login options current password enter new password, use at login, where are passwords in Windows 10?
  3. Set password Windows 10 or login?
  4. Remove password in windows 10 in config?
  5. Windows new password?
  6. Search Tips and Tricks Windows, Windows 10 Change Password I want to change the password to log in to?
  7. Windows 10 password remover?
  8. I want to change the login password for security in Windows 10, how does password change login securely, i.e. change the login password in Windows 10 a guide?
  9. Windows 10 new password, where to delete Windows 10 password?
  10. How do I install a new password?
  11. Set password Windows 10, or assign password?
  12. Remove password in Windows 10 in via config, or change password?
  13. Can't remova password from settings windows 10?
  14. How do I set up Windows 10, how do I install new Windows 10 password?
  15. Set new password Windows 10, password set?
  16. Create password windows?
  17. Create password window to set Windows 10 password?
  18. How to set password on window 10?
  19. Can I create a PC password, i.e. create a new Windows password for Windows 10?
  20. Windows 10 password data reset, password set?
  21. Forgot password, create new password for windows 10?
  22. Set up Windows 10 password, so as not to forget the login password?
  23. WINDOWS 10 Set up password?
  24. Windows 10 password remover, can't the password be removed from Windows 10 settings?
  25. Windows 10 password set up?
  26. I'm looking for Windows 10: change password and how it works?
  27. How do I install a new password, password Windows 10?
  28. Open accounts settings, change password, confirm current password with change password on Windows 10?
  29. I want to assign a new password, set a new password for the Windows?
  30. Create new password?
  31. Windows 10 administrator password change, can you change the administrator password?
  32. Login options, key point "Password", password change new password for entering the password on the lock screen?
  33. Windows 10 password assigned?
  34. Windows 10 set password?
  35. How to install windows 10?
  36. New password windows 10?
  37. I cannot change my password in Windows 10, do I want to be able to log in without a password?
  38. Password for windows10?
  39. Win 10 password reset?
  40. New password assigned?
  41. When logging on Windows user password query, set an account and delete the password, want to find step by step instructions without a user password in Windows 10?
  42. Windows 10 Change Password?
  43. Set new password windows 10?
  44. Windows create new password, how do I install a new password, create a for Login on?
  45. Create new Windows-password for Windows-10?
  46. Setting a new password for the windows?