Why is my dogs nose dry and cracked

By Sarah Wooten, DVM

How Dogs Use Their Nose

Dog noses are fascinating little structures. Not only do dogs use their noses for breathing, dog noses also drain excessive tears from the eyes through tear ducts. In addition, they have sweat glands, which help to cool the body through sweating.

Dog noses are also involved in collecting information about the environment. They do this through sniffing, but not all of the “information” is carried through the nasal passage. When a dog licks her nose, she transfers all sorts of scents to specialized scent detection olfactory glands located on the roof the mouth. This allows the dog to process her environment.

Check out your dog the next time she is intently sniffing something; you will notice that she sniff, sniff, sniffs, and then licks her nose, transferring all the information about what other dogs, cats, squirrels, or other creatures might have left — a “scent mail”, if you will — for her to read.

Does a Warm, Dry Nose Mean a Dog is Sick?

Clients often ask me if their dog’s nose is warm and dry, does that mean the dog is sick? Not necessarily, I tell them. Some dogs have dry noses because they just don’t lick their noses often. Sometimes, however, a dog will have a warm, dry nose in relation to a fever, but it can get tricky. That is because if a dog has the flu, she can have a fever with a warm, dry, nose, or a wet, runny nose.

Dogs can also lick their noses excessively due to neurological conditions (partial seizures), excessive anxiety, behavioral reasons (dogs will lick their muzzles to signal submission), or because their nose itches from allergies.

If your dog is acting sick, feels warm, seems to licking her nose excessively, and/or is coughing or sneezing, then it is time to the see your veterinarian to figure out what is wrong, and then fix it.

Diseases That Can Cause Dry Nose in Dogs

There are some diseases that can cause a chronically dry nose. Auto-immune disorders, such as lupus or pemphigus, can cause changes in the surface of the nose that leads to dryness, cracking, and bleeding.

Auto-immune disorders are diagnosed with blood and urine testing, and a biopsy of the nose. They are treated with immuno-suppressive drugs, such as prednisone.

Severe allergic reactions to pollen, mold, food, etc. can lead to redness and swelling of the nose, as well as to excessive rubbing and scratching of the face. Allergies can be treated with anti-histamines, and in severe cases, steroids must also be prescribed.

Dry Nose from Sunburn and Face Shape in Dogs

Excessive sun exposure, especially in dogs that have pink skin, can cause sunburned skin on the nose that can peel and crack.

Still other dogs, especially brachycephalic breeds such as Pugs and Bulldogs, can’t lick their nose very well because of the conformation of their skull. These dogs will often develop a lumpy, crusty, chalky, cracked, uncomfortable nose in place of the cute little black button that used to sit on their face.

Treatment for Dry Nose in Dogs

For a case of chronically dry nose, your dog may benefit from a prescription lotion specifically designed to hydrate and nourish the skin on the nose.

Because dogs are nose lickers, whatever lotion is used must be safe for ingestion. Most skin lotions that are sold over the counter are not safe for ingestion. It is for this reason that I do not recommend treating the nose with any over the counter lotions unless your veterinarian has specifically recommended it to you.

If you notice changes in the way the skin on your dog’s nose looks, schedule an appointment with your veterinarian to discuss options in diagnosis and treatment.

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5 Dog Nose Facts You Probably Didn’t Know

Why Do Dogs Have Wet Noses?

You’ve probably heard the old adage that a warm, dry nose is a sign of a sick dog. While that old wive’s tale is not entirely accurate, a consistently or excessively dry dog nose is something you should address. The temperature and moistness of a dog’s nose can vary throughout a given day, but in general, a dog’s nose should be damp most of the time.

Dogs can smell up to 10,000 times better than humans, and their cold, wet nose is vital to their survival. Scent is your dog’s primary sense—in fact, the olfactory region of their brain is 40 times larger than a human’s! Dogs are constantly experiencing the world around them by processing the smells in their environment.

Why is a dog’s nose wet?

Why is my dogs nose dry and cracked

A healthy dog nose is moist and shiny.

A healthy dog’s nose is wet because of a thin layer of mucus secreted by their nasal lining; scent particles are more easily trapped on this damp surface than a dry one. Frequent nose-licking helps to keep their snout moist and pulls those trapped scent particles into the dog’s mouth, where olfactory glands receive the smelly intel. Working dogs use their wet noses to detect bombs, drugs, missing people, even bed bugs, but even house pets rely on a healthy nose for optimal sniffing performance.

So Why is My Dog’s Nose Dry?

A dog’s nose may become dry at various times throughout the day or year for many reasons, but a dry nose doesn’t necessarily mean the dog is sick. However, if your pup’s nose appears rough, flaky, or cracked, their sense of smell will be affected. A crusty nose is also quite uncomfortable and should be remedied as soon as possible! To relieve a dry dog nose, it’s important to first diagnose what is causing the dryness, as this can sometimes indicate underlying health problems.

Common causes of a dry dog nose:

Why is my dogs nose dry and cracked

Dogs who nap in front of fireplaces or heaters may experience dry nose.

Exposure to the elements or dry air

Just like your skin, your dog’s nose can get sunburn when they’re spending a lot of time in the sun. Similarly, while you’re stocking up on lotions to relieve your dry winter skin, your dog’s skin can be much drier in the cold winter months. If they spend a lot of time lounging in front of a cozy source of warmth like a space heater or fireplace, their nose can dry out.


Dogs can develop allergies to all sorts of things, sometimes even later in life. Since dogs experience their world nose-first, if they have an environmental allergy to something in their living space, chances are they’ll show a reaction on their nose. Allergic reactions include other symptoms like persistent sneezing, itching, hives, watery fluid from the nose, and ear infections.

Why is my dogs nose dry and cracked

Flat-faced breeds like pugs and bulldogs cannot reach their nose with their tongue to moisten it.

Breed trait

Brachycephalic (flat-faced) breeds like Pugs and Bulldogs have difficulty licking their noses because their snouts are so short. Other breeds, such as Poodles and Lhasa Apsos, are prone to blocked tear ducts, which can also dry the nose out.

Just woke up

Dogs don’t lick their noses while they’re asleep. Without any other symptoms, a dry nose after waking up from a cat nap (yep, we said it) is usually nothing to worry about.


Often the result of strenuous exercise or hot temperatures, dehydration can cause a dog’s nose to dry out. Whenever you observe a dry nose, also check the gums—and get in the habit of monitoring your dog’s gums, especially if they lead an active lifestyle. Properly hydrated gums are pink and moist to the touch, while gums that are dry, tacky, and pale indicate dehydration. Keep fresh water available at all times, and remember: dogs should drink approximately one ounce of water per pound every day!

4 Steps to Soothe a Dry Dog Nose:

If your dog has developed a dry, cracked nose, start with these four steps to soothe your pup’s snout!

Step 1: Keep track of when your dog’s nose is dry or wet

The first thing you should do is start taking detailed notes whenever you notice your dog’s snout looks or feels a bit parched. Is their nose drier during certain times of the day or year? How often does it happen? How long does the dryness last? As you track nose condition, consider the common causes listed above to help you pinpoint the reason.

Step 2: Remove potential allergens

Allergies can be tricky to diagnose since there are so many things that can trigger an allergic reaction and many different symptoms which can indicate allergies. However, you can start with some common allergens that may come into contact with your dog’s nose.

Plastic allergies are common in dogs, so if you’re using plastic food or water bowls, try swapping them for stainless steel bowls. If you’ve recently added a new type of toy to your dog’s collection, consider removing it to see if the dry nose clears up. Same with new household products like floor cleaners, carpet deodorizers, and laundry detergents, which can cause reactions in sensitive dogs. Anything that your dog might bump with their nose and which you’ve changed recently should be temporarily removed from their environment to pinpoint the source of new allergies.

Step 3: Soothe your dog’s nose with a balm

Why is my dogs nose dry and cracked

Snout Soother treats dry dog noses of all shapes and sizes! @coop_poppy_rosi

Whether your dog needs temporary relief or a regular nose care regimen, an all-natural balm like Snout Soother can help keep your dog’s nose moist and healthy. Bonus: Snout Soother acts as a natural sunscreen and moisturizer formulated specifically for canine noses. Sensitive dogs are more prone to skin issues, so we carefully source each ingredient to ensure that our vegan, all-natural dog products are 100% safe for all pups.

The best part? This balm really works: read hundreds of real customer testimonials and see for yourself!

Step 4: Watch out for other symptoms

Most dry dog noses can be solved by eliminating allergens and using an effective dog nose balm like Snout Soother. If you don’t see any improvement after trying the steps above, consult with your veterinarian to explore allergy testing and get a checkup.

Take note of other symptoms like fever, dry eye, lethargy, vomiting or diarrhea, or changes in appetite. In combination with a prolonged dry nose, symptoms like those could be a sign of more serious conditions requiring medical attention, including autoimmune conditions like discoid lupus erythematosus, pemphigus, or nasal hyperkeratosis.

Are There Other Solutions for a Dry Dog Nose?

As with any canine condition, there are a plethora of options for treatment, but not all are advisable or effective. Some are not even safe for your dog!

Can I put Neosporin on my dog’s nose?

The short answer is no. You should avoid putting Neosporin anywhere your dog can easily reach with its tongue, as it isn’t safe for ingestion. Dr. Danel Grimmett, a veterinarian with Sunset Veterinary Clinic in Oklahoma, told the AKC that while “small amounts of Neosporin are not harmful,” the main concern is the potential to impact healthy gut bacteria. Grimmett also explained that “a second potential cause of GI upset would be the lubricant base,” which could also cause vomiting or diarrhea. So stick with a dog-specific balm and save the Neosporin for your own scrapes.

Can Vaseline heal my dog’s nose?

Vaseline is another human-only remedy for chapped skin which should never be used on our pets—and maybe not on humans, either! Petroleum jelly is a synthetic product that can clog pores, exacerbating skin issues, and which won’t do much to moisturize an already-dry nose. Additionally, petroleum jelly causes lipoid pneumonia in dogs if too much is inhaled, which can happen if applied to a chronically dry dog nose!

Is baby oil safe for dogs?

Baby oil is safe to use on fur, but it should be applied conservatively. Because it often contains chemicals and fragrances that aren’t digestible, you should keep it away from the mouth or areas of frequent licking. As always, consult your vet about home remedies ahead of time.

Will coconut oil help my dog’s dry nose?

The benefits of coconut oil can be just as helpful for dogs as they are for humans. Organic coconut oil (a key ingredient in many of our products) offers powerful moisturizing qualities for your dog’s dry nose, skin, and hair. The biggest drawback of using coconut oil on your dog’s nose is the mess, which is why we’ve formulated our balms for quick absorption and minimal melting.

Snout Soother is the best solution for your dog’s dry nose!

There are many reasons for a dog’s dry nose, but most are easily treatable with nose balm and good habits. However, prolonged dryness, along with other symptoms, can indicate a more serious health issue, so pay attention to that sniffer. If you’re looking for a safe and effective all-natural solution to your dog’s dry nose, give our Snout Soother a try—these results speak for themselves!

Why is my dogs nose dry and cracked

[These] before and after pictures are results after only 24 hours of using the Snout Soother. I couldn’t be happier, I really think he’s a happier dog because of the relief he has from Snout Soother! — Emily; Boston, MA

Why is my dogs nose dry and cracked

When we started to notice our dog’s nose was dry, crusty and parts of it were peeling off – we knew we had to do something. We tried every trick in the book. Nothing helped.

After the first application of SnoutSoother, I could see it looked less crusty immediately. After a week of daily applications, I could see a huge improvement. After a few weeks, her nose wasn’t even crusty anymore. We have been using the Snout Soother religiously for about a year now and haven’t looked back. No more crust, no more peeling, no more dryness.— Lee-Ann; Vancouver, BC