Why does my dog eat my underwear Reddit

It's not just underwear -- leggings, pants, anything that smells remotely like my crotch. She'll be 5 years old in June and this has been happening since she was a puppy (I think it started in older pupphood, like 5-6 months?) Anyway, I've probably lost several hundreds of dollars worth of clothing over the years to this obsession of hers.

It is not nearly as frequent as it used to be bexause I got a hamper with a lid and made sure I didn't leave anything with a crotch out. It's been working well for the most part. The occasional panty gets left out, but I tend to see that more as my fault than hers: If I leave a hamburger on the floor, I can't expect her leave it alone.

However, this morning, I saw the lid to the hamper was open and three pairs were chewed up around her bed! I l just about lost it. I have no idea how to discipline her for this anymore. She seems to know that it was wrong, judging by the look on her face when I hold them up and shame her. But she still does it whenever she gets the chance, and I rarely catch her in the act. She's a sneaky one...

Does anyone else have experience with this problem? Suggestions? Please help!

My 2 yr old Aussie was acting very guilty when I came home last night and I found my laundry hamper knocked over and clothes strewn about. I didn’t see anything chewed but I know she has a habit of eating my underwear 🤦‍♀️ specifically she usually chews the crotch out, not the whole thing. I’m not entirely sure she ate them but I have a strong suspicion.

She’s about 50 lbs and acting perfectly normal. This happened anytime between 6pm and 9pm last night. I watched her very closely and planned to call the vet if we noticed anything unusual, but so far so good. How long would it take if this were to cause a problem? It’s been close to 20 hours now. I’m still a nervous wreck even though her dad thinks I’m losing my mind.

This has been bugging me for quiet some now because I've seen other dogs besides mine do this. What is up with dogs going after girls worn underwear? Sometimes when I take a shower and leave my clothes on the bathroom floor, whenever I peek out, I find my little girl digging through my clothes like a madman looking for my worn underwear just to lick at them. I've seen other friends dogs do this also. What is up with this???

In the spirit of trying to be more positive, I thought I'd share a funny story.

I have noticed my underwear disappearing from the laundry room. Even though my roommate isn't a creeper, the first thought was that maybe he was taking it. Nope. It appears that my dog has been eating it, just the crotch, of course, and then hiding it. There were four freaking pairs under the loveseat. He knows better, and he's now laying across the room, giving me the guilty doggy look. He's never done this before, so I guess no more dog in the laundry room. I know animals act weird, but this guy was weird to start with.

Why does my dog eat my underwear Reddit

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She's always trying to sneak into my room and will take my hats, bras, or undies and she'll take them to her kennel and chew them. Does anybody else's dog do this?

My dog loses his mind when I blow my nose and he somehow manages to get the tissue out of the trash. I mean, he will go to great lengths to find already worn undies too, but he could care less about clean tissues and underwear.

Seriously, underwear is the only thing that she will not give up even after she knows she's in trouble. I end up playing tug-of-war over already ruined panties. It's extremely annoying.

Hey everyone. We have had our dog for 2 years, she’s 6. She has started to eat my wife’s underwear when we leave the home. But never mine (male). In the grand scheme of things, it’s so little. But the concern of a blockage and annoyance of having to buy underwear frequently are all to real.

Anyone else have this issue? and yes I know the solution, keep it off the floor is the easiest. But we are thinking larger picture here.