What to say when someone leaves you on read reddit

They will respond when they have time. And if they don't, you won't die. Chill out.

Why or why not?

When I have done it unintentionally this one guy used to get so P red off at me. But what I don't get is guys that message you "hello.how are you" And then I respond how I am and ask them back.....and then they read it but don't respond???!!!!

If someone starts leaving you on read, is it egotistical to think “well I don’t need them in my life then” and stop reaching out? from ask

I wonder what girls feel when a boy left them on read cause i do that sometimes

Just wanted to have your opinion of that. Obviously I'm going through that right now, else I wouldn't ask, but let's not focus on my case. Let's say you're chatting with a guy or girl or whatever, and it's going great, they seem interested in the conversation, and all of a sudden they left you on read and don't answer. Would you hit them up again, to remind them that you exist or whatever?

Personally I don't anymore, because I think that if the girl was interested in talking to me she wouldn't forget to answer, but I'm starting to wonder if that's the right stance. Maybe I should switch to "Do it only once, if it happens again she's done.", at least when it's a girl I actually know from somewhere and not a girl I met on a dating app. This way I give the girl the benefit of the doubt once, just in case she legit forgot she got the message or something.

Would love to hear what you think about that particular case!

I met this girl through a friend, we exchanged numbers, I felt she had a personality pretty similar to mine and that maybe we could connect, I don't think she was trying to get into a relationship but I felt ok with that. Then my friend decided to loose contact with her, so After like three weeks of being unable to get her out of my head I decided to text her, the last time I texted someone who wasn't a close friend without reason was like 6 years ago, because it causes me severe anxiety, but I'm trying to get out of my comfort zone. It was hard for me to send the message but everything was fine. We were speaking about university, and I told her about how I was loosing interest on my career, she told me that it sucked that I was loosing interest after only two semesters, so I wrote a long text explaining why I was loosing motivation and how I was planning to regain it, and after that I got left on read. I don't know if what I said could have been interpreted as rude, or as if I was angry at her comment.

That was yesterday, now I'm feeling on the same situation I was before texting her on the first place, I just can't get it out of my head, and this plus other stressful things that are happening right now is affecting me in a negative way, just when I was thinking that my life was making a turn on the right direction. What makes me think so much about it, is that I didn't perceived her as a rude person, but as introvert and very correct, and the fact that if I loose contact with her I'll probably never see her again.

I feel I'm getting extremely obsessed with this situation and that it's not healthy, but I feel it would be pity just to ignore it, try to forget about it, and not act as I have been doing for my whole life. I'm trying to be more open about this things with my close friends, but after having already talked with them about it when I was planning to write her on the first place I think they could start getting annoyed about it.

This recently worked for me so I figured I’d share.

So you and your new friend/prospective partner and having a lovely conversation, and all of a sudden, they stop responding. Where do you go from here?

First thing’s first, give them an hour or two. Maybe they got caught up with something personal or work related. It doesn’t mean they hate you, just that they thought their time was better spent elsewhere.

If a lot of time goes by and you still haven’t heard from them, add something new to the conversation. Don’t say “where did you go,” add an afterthought to the last thing you said, or even something new and interesting. It’s more likely to pull them back into the conversation and doesn’t paint you as begging for their attention.

If you get left on read again, don’t say anything else. Wait a few days. You have better things to do with your time than talk to someone who’s not listening. Your time is just as valuable as theirs, and this gap in time will let them know that. I suggest 3 days to a week.

Try one last time, this can be a simple “hey,” but really anything works. If they have any interest in talking to you, they should respond at this point. If they don’t, they weren’t worth it in the first place and it’s time to move on to someone who really respects and values you.

I've had it a few times when messaging a girl where you just see 'read' or 'seen' on your latest message and you sit there thinking okay, she'll message in a second. Then you think maybe she got distracted, no worries. Then you think hmm it's been 24hrs she's just busy and will remember to message when she can. THEN you start thinking well she has just forgot to respond but why? Am I forgettable? Did she ever like me? Should I double message her to remind her if she's just forgot or should I leave it so I don't look desperate? When is acceptable to message and how do I come across good when I do message?

So on so forth...

Ever experienced this? What did you do?