What methods of intervention are commonly used to implement specific changes within organizations?

In today's fast-paced, dynamic business environments, perhaps the only constant professionals can rely on is change. Organizations must be nimble and willing to make decisions quickly, and those that are able to do this will generally face a lot of change in short periods of time. This change could be organization-wide or team-based, and might stem from any number of factors, from technology to internal operating needs to finances to politics.

While change can often be a good thing, it's something that many individuals are uncomfortable with, or even fear. To many employees, hearing of coming changes implies negative outcomes: the loss of a job; a new manager; a restructured team; company-wide layoffs; reduced pay or benefits. As a leader, it's your responsibility to set the tone for your team and prepare yourself for managing organizational change as effectively as possible, helping your reports to understand and navigate this change as best you can. This is no easy task, especially when you might not have all the necessary information or have mixed feelings about the changes the organization is facing yourself!

That being said, learning how to manage organizational change is a key component of leadership. If you're facing changes within your business and want to learn more about the change management process, here are some of the key organizational change management strategies you can employ.

What Are the Best Change Management Strategies?

While there are many ways leaders can manage change, some of the best change management strategies include planning, transparency and honesty, communication, and employee participation. We go into more detail on these, along with some other key change management strategies, below.

Managing Change in Organizations

1. Plan Carefully

Before you bring proposed change to your team, make sure you have a clear plan in place that covers, at a minimum, when, how, and why the change is taking place. Ideally, you'll have documented the tasks needed to get you to where you want to be, outlined new or changing responsibilities for anyone affected, crafted a fully-developed timeline, and come up with responses to address potential concerns.

2. Be as Transparent as Possible

One of the tricky parts about organizational change is that it will often arrive in phases, or will involve a level of confidentiality on the part of the management team or certain individuals. However, especially when the change will be a major one, it's helpful to be as transparent as possible with your employees - even if you can't give them all of the details, being upfront about the pieces you can share (and clearly explaining their impact) will go a long way towards helping your staff feel more comfortable.

3. Tell the Truth

This is an easy rule to follow when the change in question is positive; when the change is in response to challenging circumstances or will result in short-term negative outcomes, this becomes trickier. However, being honest with your staff to the extent that you're able to is usually the best route: sugarcoating, presenting things in an overly optimistic way, and promising unrealistic outcomes will just make your staff suspicious and distrustful of your motives. While it's important, as a manager, to present an optimistic front to your team, do so in a way that acknowledges potential challenges and drawbacks.

4. Communicate

Keep the lines of communication open between you and your employees. Take the time to explain why the change is happening, and what it will look like in practice. Make yourself open to questions, hold team meetings, and invite your reports to come see you and talk through their concerns or thoughts in a neutral atmosphere.

5. Create a Roadmap

Help your employees understand where the organization is, where it's been, and where it's going. How does the change play into the business's history, and how is it going to shape its future? Laying this out clearly will demonstrate the thought and strategy behind the change, and will help staff see how it fits into, or is evolving from, the business model they've become accustomed to.

6. Provide Training

When the change involves shifts in technologies or processes, provide adequate training for your employees to help them master the new way of doing things. And make sure that you convey that this training will be available when the change is announced, so as to avoid employees feeling like they'll be left behind due to lack of skill or experience.

7. Invite Participation

Although this won't always be possible, giving employees the opportunity to participate in, or give feedback on, decisions can be a really positive strategy. Employees will be grateful for the chance to make their voices heard, and it can also be a great way to get different perspectives and understand impacts you might not have thought of otherwise.

8. Don't Expect to Implement Change Overnight

A longer, more strategic rollout is almost always the best option, rather than a hasty shift in direction. Not only will you give your employees a chance to adjust to the change, you'll be able to answer questions and address any issues well in advance of the change going into place. Additionally, people are generally slow to adopt new habits, so this will give your staff a chance to familiarize themselves with the new way of doing things and gradually phase out old practices in a more natural way.

9. Monitor and Measure

Once the change process is in motion, it's important to maintain consistent oversight over implementation and rollout to ensure that things go smoothly and that you'll ultimately be successful. Keep a close eye on potential problems, and address any issues in a timely manner. Define metrics to measure success, and continually monitor them to make sure that you're staying on track. And continually touch base with key stakeholders to gauge their perceptions and get any relevant feedback.

10. Demonstrate Strong Leadership

Above all else, remember to go back to basics and focus on maintaining and exemplifying the qualities of a great leader. Inspire your team; demonstrate strategic thinking; be open-minded and flexible; and show your team that they can depend on you to have their best interests at heart. A strong leader can help their team weather the storms of change with confidence and clear-sightedness, no matter how challenging they might be.

Building Organizational Change Strategies

As manager, having a pool of change management strategies you can draw on at any time is essential to strong leadership. While some change management skills can be built through real-world experience, one of the best ways to develop this skillset is to go back to school to pursue education in the field. There are many degrees and certificates available in related subjects; for example, a certificate in positive organization development will focus heavily on change management. For a broader education that will help you build other high-level skills in addition to change management, you may want to consider a master's in leadership, or an MBA program with a leadership focus.

Did you know? The company’s most important policy, according to 68%, is training and development.

Organizational development is a well-known word and a critical organizational function. In this blog, we will explore a concept many people have heard of but are unfamiliar with. 

Our goal is to present a basic understanding of organizational development, what it entails, and some examples of common OD interventions and how it operates. 

You will have a strong idea of what OD interventions are and the techniques that may be utilized to increase organizational performance by the end of this blog.

What are OD Interventions?

In order to become adaptable, organizations should create, enhance, and consolidate strategies, structures, and procedures. This is accomplished through organizational development, a scientific method based on empirical research.

The varied outcomes of OD interventions can include financial performance, employee engagement, customer satisfaction, and general change management because OD interventions aim to increase organizational effectiveness. 

However, it is important to emphasize that although OD and HRM (human resource management) are both people-centric strategies and are sometimes used similarly, they are different.

Meaning of OD Interventions

“OD interventions are actions and events that help a company perform better and work more efficiently.”

                                                                        Rober Zawacki
An OD intervention refers to a variety of planned activities that clients and consultants undertake throughout the program.”

                                                               – French & Bell

Goals of OD Interventions

Each organization has different objectives. Increasing revenues, profit margins, market share, moral and/or cultural values, and the organization’s overall adaptability (or agility) are just a few examples of goals.

Increasing the organization’s competitiveness would be the main objective if there were one.

The concept of competitiveness holds that each company has special assets and techniques that allow it to succeed in the market. Innovative technologies (SpaceX), first-class customer service (Four Seasons Hotels), corporate executives like Elon Musk, or a business culture (Zappos). It might also depend on how responsive the company is to changing consumer needs. 

For example, being the first to take advantage of an opportunity could guarantee your revenue for the following five years. These qualities can enhance the company’s success in the marketplace; thus, OD interventions intend to develop them.

This shows that the process of incidental change is different from organizational development. OD interventions focus on enhancing an organization’s capacity to evaluate how it is currently operating and make adjustments to meet its objectives. As a result, it is a continuous process as compared to change processes, which are often temporary.

OD intervention is therefore of even greater importance. Change is becoming a constant in this VUCA environment. OD intervention is a strategic component for guaranteeing this ongoing transition.

Types of OD Interventions

The OD interventions are also lengthy and complex. Cummings and Worley (2009) contend that it is impossible to know the precise number of different types of interventions. But broadly speaking, there are four types of OD interventions:

1. Human Resource Management Interventions

Even though an HR department and organizational development are not the same things, they do coordinate. Within a business, difficulties with “talent development,” performance management, child care, and even diversity may be identified that demand the HR department to create an intervention strategy.

Today, diversity is a prominent cultural and business issue. Gender, sexual preference, age, race, disability, and even culture are factors that enter the business world and affect an organization’s capabilities to implement its objectives.

Employee wellness is another area of intervention. For employees and other organization members, this involves boosting active lifestyles and stress management, among other health-related issues.

There are three ways to look at all of these interventions. They can bring about transformational change, which implies the organization is “rewired” completely. They can also take the form of ongoing change, whereby policies and culture are used to progressively reform and adapt the company. 

Trans organizational change is the final lens through which adjustments take place through networking, mergers, and acquisitions.

2. Strategic change interventions

Through mergers, restructurings, and transformational changes, strategic change interventions combine two or more organizations.

3. Human process interventions

These interventions focus on the dynamics of group performance and interpersonal relationships.

They can be implemented to modify how an individual, such as a manager, communicates with staff members or even how staff members communicate with one another. They can be used to eliminate unproductive habits, develop productive actions, and boost general self-esteem.

Group interventions analyze how groups are created and how they function to achieve their desired goals. The use of team-building strategies to change group dynamics or a diagnosis and management of intergroup communication are examples of OD interventions. 

Large groups, such as one consisting of management, employees, and stakeholders, could also be the focus of these interventions.

In some cases, it may be necessary to consult a third party. This may be due to the development of an “observer bias.” That simply refers to the willingness of the majority of individuals to perceive what they expect to experience. Consultants offer both a new perspective and a new methodology to the situation. 

Conflict resolution is another argument for hiring a consultant. Conflict frequently promotes conversation and results in solutions. Thus, it is often a good thing. 

However, it can also lead to shutdowns where no progress is achieved. The topic can be justified by consultants who have no personal interest in the discussion.

4. Techno-structural interventions

These interventions were developed in response to the organization systems’ successful implementation of innovations. To do that, it is necessary to assess which technologies should be used as well as to ensure that staff members are qualified to use them. 

The interventions also deal with issues with organizational structure. Particularly if the organizational structure and function are effective because it allows the organization to adapt to change. For example, the central authority model is one that certain design organizations use. 

This assumes that all administrative decisions are made autonomously by a single individual or small group. Employees are subject to strict control and have little to no input. Decentralized management is a different mindset that gives everyone, including employees, a say in decision-making.

Employees engage with clients and consumers and are interested in the success of the business. Incentives for innovation and improvement are also included in this strategy.

This intervention analyzes quality management and explores whether organizations change quickly to meet demands or if changes are continuous as part of the corporate culture. To improve the quality of life for employees, it also aims to boost productivity while making the job more exciting and challenging.

Several OD interventions target specific organizational resources at various levels. This will depend largely on the issues being addressed, the number of employees forced to engage in the change, and the chosen solution. 

However, for an OD intervention strategy to be successful, cooperative management and employees at different levels of the hierarchy should work together.

The number of people involved 

The number of participants in the OD intervention is a key factor to consider. Change takes longer to implement the more people are involved. For example, a human process intervention with a small team will proceed more swiftly in a tech firm than techno-structural interventions.

Among the issues being addressed

OD interventions help companies in resolving problems that have a root cause. A significant number of employees resigning from an organization is one example. High employee turnover rates are currently a problem, although OD interventions aim to address the underlying issues of high turnover. 

You can expect that the issue of employee resignation will have a complete, all-encompassing impact on a tiny firm. A multinational company, on the other hand, will only be affected in places with a high turnover rate.


Solutions are made after identifying the fundamental cause of a problem. But they might not happen right away. An alternative definition of a solution includes transformational initiatives aimed at forging the organization’s ideal future. 

Until the change has taken place, senior management and decision-makers are typically more affected than the workforce in the latter scenario.

Difficulties of OD Interventions

1. Change is necessary

The fact that managers and corporate officers don’t make a case for why the change is important is likely the biggest obstacle that people who wish to influence business change should face. They simply make a unilateral announcement that change will occur. 

Furthermore, they make that announcement utilizing language that is loaded with data and facts that some people may not even understand. But everyone needs to agree on the idea for change to stay. This implies that there must be “something to sweeten the pot” for each member. 

Fear is a common yet ineffective motivator. People are most motivated to seek change when they can see how it will improve their lives, such as through building their careers and promoting a better work environment.

2. Poor Planning

Lack of preparation can occasionally lead to failure. The individuals implementing the change are so intent on making it happen that they do not invest the necessary time in identifying difficulties, developing solutions, setting targets, and creating timelines. 

The project fails because no foundation has been created upon which the OD interventions may be supported.

3. Investing in systems rather than people

Although adding new technology or systems may play a major role in an intervention, managers occasionally overlook the fact that there are also people issues. 

For employees to effectively use the technology, they should receive training and support.

4. Limited Resources

Lack of funding for implementing change is another problem facing organizations. The management believes that the change will be affordable and immediate (which it won’t be). 

Change is a long-term process that necessitates numerous interventions that have been attempted, tested, modified, and reapplied. Many organizations simply lack the resources to do that since it costs money and takes time.

5. Poor Management

Strong leadership abilities are necessary for all aspects of affecting change, including problem recognition, issue identification, intervention design and implementation, and success evaluation. 

The talents that are frequently referred to as “soft skills,” such as the capacity to interact with both individuals and groups of people, inspire and encourage others, and communicate effectively, are necessary for a leader. Visionaries who can turn ideas into reality make strong leaders.

Examples of OD Interventions

When carried out correctly, OD interventions help organizations accomplish their goals, facilitating management, and enhancing overall operations.

As previously mentioned, there are four major categories of OD interventions: human process interventions, techno-structural interventions, human resource management interventions, and strategic change interventions.

Now let’s look at some examples of OD interventions from each of the categories.

1. Technostructural Interventions

There can be no doubt that technology plays a significant role in business. To increase their competitive advantage and stimulate growth, businesses all over the world rely on technological innovations. 

Technostructural interventions focus on strengthening organizational performance and employee productivity by focusing on technology and the organizational structure.

Quality Management at its Best

Continuous process improvement, lean, and six sigma are other names for total quality management. It is a strategy that prioritizes customer satisfaction to enhance quality and performance. To do this, there is a heavy emphasis on full employee engagement in an ongoing product, process, and workplace culture improvement.

One of the best-known companies that utilize TQM is Ford Motor Company. They envisioned greater product development, a more stable environment, efficient management, and increased revenue. 

The DMAIC (Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, and Control) process was implemented by Art Hyde, Ford’s then-chief engineer, to find specific problems before it was presented to the consumers.

Work Planning

The outcomes of an organization are influenced by its work design, with well-designed work promoting increased productivity and financial development. Moreover, it can impact how an employee feels about their job, including whether they are inspired, involved, bored, or stressed out at work.

Sometimes a redesign is necessary for a company to accomplish its goals. The technological and structural interventions are used in this scenario. Redesigning a task, however, doesn’t always include modifying how things are done throughout the entire organization. 

Instead, simple adjustments to how work is done or how employees interact with one another can have a big impact on the organization’s bottom line and the employees who work there.

2. Human Process Interventions

The earliest and best-known OD intervention types concerning the interpersonal, group, and organizational dynamics are human process interventions. 

While focusing on enhancing employee performance, organizational development strategy should not be confused with human resource development. 

While human process interventions concentrate on improving organizational effectiveness, HR development is much more concerned with the personal development of the employee. 

Individual Interventions

These interventions are targeted at the specific employee and frequently concentrate on enhancing interpersonal communication. The goal of this intervention is to help the person understand their feelings, motivations, and behaviors as well as those of others. 

The employee may receive help in determining their professional requirements, establishing complimentary career objectives, and resolving conflicts.

Forming A Team

One of the most well-known organizational growth strategies is team building. It refers to initiatives that help teams in enhancing their performance, communication, and employee engagement.

Interventions in Intergroup Relations

Inter-group interventions are used in OD interventions to promote efficiency and cooperation among a few teams within an organization in achieving a common objective. 

These interventions typically occur in larger organizations when competing departments are competing just for a few resources or when departments are not aware of one another’s requirements.

3. Strategic change interventions 

Strategic change interventions are measures a company decides to shift to a new organizational structure and mode of operation to establish a competitive edge. Organizational development plays an important role in implementing these changes.

Constant evolution

This intervention encourages businesses to make minor, ongoing improvements. The most popular example of ongoing transformation is a learning organization. 

Businesses that shift away from a top-down hierarchical structure to a learning model are more likely to cooperate, take risks, and grow as well as become more competitive in the constantly developing workplace.

Moreover, rather than punishing errors and mistakes, this methodology focuses on experimentation and learning from them.

A Transorganizational transformation

Interventions involving two or more organizations are referred to as transorganizational transformation. This can take the shape of business collaboration to accomplish goals as well as mergers and acquisitions.

Allied businesses can be a successful approach to increase brand recognition and expand into new areas without undertaking all the risks.

4. Interventions in Human Resource Management

Through strengthening team members’ engagement, performance, and flexibility, human resources management initiatives aim to boost an organization’s effectiveness and efficiency. Methods that concentrate on managing the individual are primarily used to achieve this.

Diversity interventions

A corporation that values diversity in the workplace hires individuals of diverse color, ethnicity, age, religion, gender, physical abilities, sexual orientations, and other qualities. 

OD intervention techniques aim to boost diversity in businesses since it promotes creativity, productivity, and increased revenue.

Managing performance

Companies utilize performance management (reviews) to support, among other things, employee training, career development, salary decisions, and promotions. 

In general, the performance management process includes developing clear expectations for each employee and providing constant formal and informal feedback.

Wrapping It Up

You must adapt your strategy to your company’s needs and apply appropriate OD interventions as a result if you want to achieve long-lasting change within your organization. If so, you’re moving in the correct direction for prolonged organizational success.

What methods of intervention are commonly used to implement specific changes within organizations?

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. What are the 4 Main Stages of OD Interventions?

The Organizational Development (O.D.) interventions process consists of four processes: 

  1. Problem identification 
  2. Planning a change strategy
  3. System intervention
  4. Evaluation.

2. How can I Design an OD Intervention?

Designing an OD intervention requires paying close attention to need and change dynamics. It is based on an organization’s ability to change, cultural context, and, primarily, the expertise and expertise of the change agent. In particular, the above three characteristics help you develop intervention strategies.