What is the x component vx of v⃗ ?

What is the x component vx of v⃗ ?
+118147 Melody moderator

What is the x component vx of v⃗ ?
+36455 ElectricPavlov

What is the x component vx of v⃗ ?
+33292 Alan moderator

What is the x component vx of v⃗ ?
+23218 geno3141

What is the x component vx of v⃗ ?
+14090 asinus moderator

What is the x component vx of v⃗ ?
+4709 MathsGod1

What is the x component vx of v⃗ ?
+3958 Probolobo

What is the x component vx of v⃗ ?
+2448 BuilderBoi

What is the x component vx of v⃗ ?
+2426 GingerAle

What is the x component vx of v⃗ ?
+1041 proyaop

What is the x component vx of v⃗ ?
+741 Mathefreaker2021

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