What is the completely factored form of x2 16xy 64y2

We think you wrote:

This solution deals with factoring multivariable polynomials.

Changes made to your input should not affect the solution:

 (1): "y2"   was replaced by   "y^2".  1 more similar replacement(s).

Step  1  :

Equation at the end of step  1  :

((x2) - 16xy) + 26y2

Step  2  :

Trying to factor a multi variable polynomial :

 2.1    Factoring    x2 - 16xy + 64y2 

Try to factor this multi-variable trinomial using trial and errorFound a factorization  :  (x - 8y)•(x - 8y)

Detecting a perfect square :

 2.2    x2  -16xy  +64y2  is a perfect squareIt factors into  (x-8y)•(x-8y)
which is another way of writing  (x-8y)2

How to recognize a perfect square trinomial: • It has three terms • Two of its terms are perfect squares themselves • The remaining term is twice the product of the square roots of the other two terms

Final result :

(x - 8y)2

Home Work Help

What is the completely factored form of x2 – 16xy + 64y2? A. xy(x – 16 + 64y) B. xy(x + 16 + 64y) C. (x – 8y)(x – 8y)

D. (x + 8y)(x + 8y)

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