What is an editorial model

What is an editorial model

Editorial Modeling Description

Editorial Fashion models appear in publications such as newspapers, magazines and catalogs often to illustrate a topic theme made by the author, but may also stand alone as full page or cover pictures showcasing the latest high end beauty products, designer and fashion trends.

Tear Sheets & Exposure

Doing editorial work is widely sought after by fashion models because of the exposure it provides. Fitting high quality tear sheets in the portfolio will be beneficial in booking more clients and jobs afterwards. Because of these huge benefits however, doing editorial work usually isn’t paid as much as other modeling jobs, specially in the commercial categories.

Fashion models and editorial models in particular are usually associated with having a specific beautiful but edgy look, accompanied by an original personality. Unlike many other modeling categories where models in large remain anonymous, editorial models on the other hand, work to build up their reputation to establish themselves as a household name and brand.


This is where the previous exposure comes in handy, because thanks to the high end style and fashion magazines, prominent designers and brands may find a model from any such publications to offer lucrative campaign contracts to. This is one of the highest priorities for models in the fashion industry, as it not only grants further exposure but also yields very high earning potentials.

Editorial Fashion Model Requirements

Each magazine has a specific style and audience and so the requirements vary a lot from almost no restrictions for lesser known online publications, to very strict based on what magazine the editorial is for and their level of recognition, reach and reputation.


Editorial model requirements for mainstream fashion magazines are among the fiercest and are as such very strict demanding female models to be no less than 5’8” (173 cm) tall, and 5’10” (178 cm) and yet above for high fashion, while male models be 5’11” (180 cm), preferred at 6’ (183 cm) and even yet above for high fashion.

Age & Distinguishing Features

Equally important traits in addition to being tall are; being young. In many fashion categories, models may start from as early as 13, but it’s more common to be just about or around 18 years for editorial specific modeling. Additional requirements demand good looks, being thin with long legs, long neck, high defined cheekbones, great skin with no or at least a bare minimum of tattoos and piercings, a strong commitment and a willingness to travel, often alone.

Boys will have their primary focus on having a lean and toned body with slightly broader shoulders.

Exceptions to the Rule

There are many instances where a model didn’t quite make the required measurements, yet are accepted because of a very interesting and unique personality among other peripheral traits.

Therefore, it is important to note that these are guidelines as there are examples of successful fashion models being 5’5” (165 cm) aged 20+ or 30+ while some may even have completely diverse measurements from the industry standard.

Editorials are pictures, which will be published in a magazine. A model will get a lower payment for these photoshoots but similar to the cover shoots they will get published within a magazine and that will help their image. For a model, it is important to have tear sheets of these editorials. The payment might be lower, but the pictures of these editorials are also not used to promote a product. Many magazines are published internationally and that will increase the image and value of the model. Due to these jobs, most of the models get better paid follow up jobs.

Backstage Shooting

Along with physique and features, models require patience. There is a lot of makeup and hair preparation, light set up, and prop placement that is involved. Models should also know how to move and deliver different expressions. Lastly, they must be open-minded; editorials are constantly evolving with new creative concepts.

Editorial poses consist of angular lines and are either static or in movement; including jumping and running. The model’s expression is typically pensive, or a strong reaction to something. However, for a lifestyle magazine, models are more likely to smile while showing off the clothes, product, or even fitness exercise. Nevertheless, models must move with fluidity.

Editorial modeling is not as easy as it looks. Holding your body in uncomfortable positions for hours under hot lights, or wearing inappropriate footwear while traversing mountains is no picnic. Additionally, because editorials promote trends for the upcoming season, a common challenge is modeling summer clothes during winter, and vice versa. Nevertheless, you will most likely end up with beautiful photos that will give your portfolio a boost.

If you’re an aspiring model, you’ll have likely heard the phrase ‘editorial’. But what is an editorial, and what does it have to do with modelling?

If you read Vogue, Harper’s Bazaar or Cosmo magazines, you’ll probably have already come across an editorial without realising it. Many models dream of featuring in one – they’re big news and can pay extremely well depending on your demand and exposure.

Read on to find out everything there is to know about editorials.

What is an editorial model

What is an Editorial?

In modelling, an editorial refers to a spread of photos, usually found in the middle of the magazine. Each photo tends to take up a whole page and they tell a visual story. They tend to range from four to ten pages long. The goal of an editorial is to sell clothing, shoes or accessories by making it look appealing and inspiring.

In the fashion industry, ‘editorial experience’ may also be referring to a model who has featured in a printed publication.

Many models dream of being the face of an editorial, particularly in big magazines like Vogue. Editorial photos are great ways to showcase your experience and expertise as a model, and they can really help to boost a model’s exposure and popularity in the industry. They’re also very creative and fun to do.

Editorial shots regularly feature movement such as running or jumping. Shooting an editorial can be time-consuming because the shoot director will already have a very specific image in their head of what they want the images to be like. A model may be asked to repeadely take the same image over and over until it is deemed perfect.

Editorials can be good fun but they are also a lot of hard work. They can require hours of waiting in a chair while hair and make-up is applied. They may aso require significant travel to far away destinations, depending on the shoot location. This could be anything from a beach or desert, to a forect, jungle or snowy mountain.

Editorial modelling can also be unfortunable; outfits can be creative and unusual, which means they may also be uncomfortable to wear. Women may have to wear high heels in random places, or you may need to wear many layers in a hot environment. Whatever is thrown at you, it is the model’s job to make it look easy, effortless and cool.

What is an editorial model

Who Does Editorials?

Magazines like Vogue and Harper’s Bazaar regularly feature high fashion editorial spreads within their magazines. The style of the editorial depends entirely on the theme and type of magazine; while clothing and accessories are always the main feature, props and locations can often be exotic, interesting and unique.

The type of model chosen also depends on the style and feel of both the magazine and the individual editorial. Catwalk models – those who are tall and willowy – most commonly feature in high fashion magazines. Commercial models tend to feature in Cosmo and Marie Claire. More athletic models will be selected for Men and Women’s Health magazines. Children and commercial adults of any age will be required for family-themed spreads.

Why Are Editorials Such a Big Deal?

Many models consider editorials to be a peak of their careers because editorials tend to set the trends and standards for the upcoming year. Editorials take a whole host of people to create; they are taken very seriously, and as such the model that is selected has a very important job because they will be the face of all this hard work. Successful editorials can really help to lauch a model’s success.

What is an editorial model

Models can get selected for editorial shoots if they are signed to a modelling agency.

To get signed to an agency, you need to have a strong modelling portfolio. A modelling portfolio is a lot like a model’s CV; it showcases some of their best photos to show potential employees their range, experience and skills as a model.

Models usually use work photos they have had taken in their portfolio – but what do you do if you don’t yet have any experience? It’s a good idea to hire a professional photographer to take photos of you at a proper photoshoot. This is the easiest and best way to get the high quality images you’ll need for your portfolio.

Once you have a portfolio, you can start applying to agencies. There are many out there and it is your responsibility to research and find them (this shouldn’t be too difficult as they tend to have a website). Once you have a list of your favourites, you can start applying. You can apply to as many as you like, as many times as you like, but a good rule of thumb is to wait at least 6 months before re-applying.

If you aren’t successful, keep going. Try not to get too despondent – you will be up against fierce competition, as many agencies claim to recieve hundreds of applications each week.

While you wait, use your free time to garner as much modelling experience as possible. You may have to do the odd free job, or jobs that pay via freebies like clothing. At this stage in your career, it is worth considering these opportunities just so you can get some decent experience that can be added to your portfolio. Once you are more established, you can ensure you get paid properly.

Nearly all models start working part-time initially; it can be difficult to get enough work to work full-time and pay the bills. However, as you become more established and recognised, you will earn more per job. A lucky few will find themselves really in-demand, and these are the models who can earn hundreds of thousands of pounds for their work.

Editorials tend to pay well because they like to use more experienced models. Payment can range depending on the magazine and the model’s demand in the industry.

We recommend you look at magazines each month and take particular notice of the editorial spreads in them. Look at the model’s that are selected; their body shape and overall look. Next, take a look at their facial expressions and poses. Can you replicate them? Practice in your spare time to get this right and it will really help.

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What is an editorial model