What happens to your heart rate after you exercise and why?

When we workout, we typically think about muscles in our arms, legs, back or abdomen. However, these aren’t the only muscles that get stronger with regular exercise.

Your heart, which is a muscular organ, gets a workout during exercise, too. Your heart’s full-time job is to distribute blood throughout your entire body. When it beats harder and faster, it can grow stronger and more resilient.

When you’re stationary, your heart should beat between 50 to 100 times per minute to fall within the normal range. To narrow this down a little, most people’s hearts beat between 60 to 80 times per minute.

When you start your exercise, your muscles will start to work harder and demand more oxygen. This demand will cause sympathetic nerves to stimulate the heart to beat faster and with more force to increase overall blood flow. The sympathetic nerves will also stimulate the veins, causing them to compress. These narrower veins will increase the velocity at which blood flows through your body. This will ultimately increase the amount of blood returning to the heart.

How fast your heart pumps during exercise depends on numerous factors such as:

  • Your age
  • Your fitness level
  • Intensity of the workout
  • Your heart’s overall strength

Cardiac output is the rate of blood pumped by the heart. You can calculate this output by multiplying the rate at which the heart beats (heart rate) by the volume of blood the heart ejects with each beat (stroke volume). When your heart is pumping at full force, the cardiac output is about 20-25 liters per minute —compared to 5 liters a minute for a heart at rest.

Once you are done with your exercise, your heart rate will begin to slow to a normal pace.

Since your heart is a muscle, it can benefit from being “strained” to a certain degree which trains and prepares it to work harder when you need it to, but it also helps it to perform better – even while at rest. Frequent exercise will cause your heart to grow stronger, making it easier for it to distribute blood throughout your body. A stronger heart means that each time your heart beats, it pumps more and more blood throughout you body. This allows your heart to beat less, while still distributing the same amount of blood. All of this can keep your blood pressure under control.

Keep your heart healthy with regular check-ups by your doctor. Don’t have a doctor? Find one here.

What happens to your heart rate after you exercise and why?

A stress test should include measuring how quickly your elevated heart rate returns to normal after exercise.

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Your heart rate slows down when you stop exercising. Your pulse two minutes after exercise is what is called your "recovery heart rate," and that rate will go down as you become more fit. The actual numbers vary because everyone's heart rate varies--even between similar people at similar fitness levels. In some people, the heart rate remains elevated after exercise, and electrical pulses from the heart are irregular. This is often a sign of potential health problems, according to the Harvard Medical School Family Health Guide.

Recovery Time

The heart rate of a typical individual will return to resting levels shortly after light or moderate exercise.The heart rates of athletes--particularly endurance-trained and strength-trained athletes--will return to normal after exercise faster than nonathletes.

Slow Recovery

A healthy person should see his heart rate decline by 15 to 20 beats per minute in the first minute after stopping exercise. Your "recovery heart rate"--the pulse you register two minutes after you stop exercising--is a measure of how fit you are. Say you run for 30 minutes at an average heart rate of 155 beats per minute and your heart rate two minutes after finishing is 95 beats per minute. As you become more fit, your heart rate will decrease faster after that 30-minute run, and your recovery heart rate will be lower at the two-minute mark. In healthy individuals, an effective program and healthy diet can also lower significantly resting heart rate.

Stress Test

Doctors use stress tests to examine how well a heart functions during exercise. A stress test uses a blood pressure cuff and an electrocardiograph to measure how exercise on a treadmill or exercise bike affects your blood pressure, heart rate and the heart's electrical activity. The test can reveal conditions--such as clogged arteries--that don't show up when the person's heart rate is normal. According to the Journal of Exercise Physiology, a slow return to a normal heart rate could mean the person has a great risk of developing diabetes, abdominal obesity, high cholesterol and other cardiovascular risks.

Abnormal Pulse

In recent years, doctors have started examining what happens to a patient's heart as it returns to its normal pulse rate after a stress test. While uncommon rhythms during exercise don't seem to be cause for concern, abnormal pulses in the heart ventricles that occur only after exercise can indicate a higher risk of imminent death, the Family Health Guide says.

Death Studies

In one study, 11 percent of the people who had this problem died within five years while only 5 percent of those who didn't show this characteristic died. In another study, those whose heart rates took longer than normal to recover were four times more likely to have died over the next three years, the Family Medical Guide reported.


If your doctor notices an irregular rhythm during the 5- to 10-minute cool-down period after a stress test, she may take more proactive actions to control the factors that can trigger heart attack or stroke in the patient, such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol, high blood sugar, obesity and smoking. Your doctor may also order an echocardiogram to more closely examine your heart in action.

Exercise Helps

People who show signs of future heart problems may still be advised by their doctor to exercise. According to the University of New Mexico, exercise helps control and prevent high blood pressure, diabetes and other health problems. But most doctors will want to confer with their patients before a patient with potential heart problems begins or continues an exercise program.

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Page 2

Hemodynamic adjustments during the recovery from aerobic and resistance exercise

Hemodynamic ParameterPostaerobicPostresistance
Mean arterial pressure
Cardiac output
Systemic vascular conductance↑↑
Skeletal muscle conductance↑↑?
Splanchnic and renal conductances?
Cutaneous conductance?
Cerebral conductance?