Which is an important nursing consideration when caring for a child with end-stage renal disease

Parents of kids who are diagnosed with a chronic kidney disease have many questions about what might happen next, how their child might feel, and what treatments are likely to be involved.

Four major areas of concern are blood pressure, diet, anemia (low red blood cell count), and growth. Kids may feel sick at times, need to take medicines, and watch what they eat and drink.

Read on to learn about treatments for kidney disease and what parents can do to help.

Treating Kidney Diseases

Treatment begins with dietary changes and medicines. Your child may need to take several medicines, including vitamins, calcium, bicarbonate, and blood pressure pills. So, medication management can be a major challenge.

If your child has trouble remembering to take medicines, consider getting a medicine clock, which has two cardboard clocks — one for each 12-hour period — with a picture of the medicines posted on the the times they need to be taken. These clocks can provide valuable cues for kids who need to take several doses of different medicines throughout the day and evening. Also, alarms can be set to remind kids to take their medicine.

If your child must take so much medicine that it affects his or her appetite, call your doctor for advice. Try to find the most acceptable forms of medicine (smaller pills, capsules, or more concentrated liquids, for example) and simplify the schedule under your doctor's guidance.

Injectable medicines are available for treatment of anemia and growth failure in some kids with chronic kidney disease. Erythropoetin can increase the red blood cell count, which often improves energy and activity levels in kids with kidney failure. Many kids with chronic kidney disease will grow more normally with the help of human growth hormone injections.

Children with chronic kidney failure may not have any symptoms until about 80% of their kidney function is lost. Then, they may feel tired, have nausea or vomiting, have difficulty concentrating, or feel confused. Fluid build-up appears as swelling in the skin, fluid congestion in the lungs, and high blood pressure. At this stage, two treatment options are available — dialysis and transplant.


Nearly all kids with end-stage kidney disease eventually receive transplants. If a living related donor can't be found, dialysis may be required until a donor kidney becomes available.

The two forms of dialysis are hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis:

  1. In hemodialysis, blood is cleansed outside the body through a machine. These treatments take several hours at a time and usually need to be done three or more times a week. In most cases, hemodialysis is done in a dialysis center, but in some cases it can be done at home.
  2. Peritoneal dialysis uses the body's own peritoneal membrane — beneath the outer layers of the abdominal wall — to filter the blood. Two forms of peritoneal dialysis are available: continuous cycling peritoneal dialysis (CCPD) and continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPD). CCPD uses a simple machine called a cycler to perform the dialysis at night; CAPD is done throughout the day and no machine is needed. CCPD requires the assistance of a parent and is most suitable for younger children; CAPD is performed by the patient and may be more suitable for older kids and teens.

Both types of dialysis, but particularly hemodialysis, require dietary limits with regard to fluids, phosphorus, and salt. With fewer dietary and fluid restrictions, peritoneal dialysis can mean more lifestyle flexibility, and children tend to grow better.


Helping Your Child

Kids with chronic kidney disease often need dietary changes. Making sure that they get enough calories and nutrients can be a challenge. Supplementing your child's diet with extra carbohydrates and fats might help to increase calorie intake.

The kidneys cannot easily remove excess water, salt, or potassium, so their intake might need to be limited. Dairy products have to be restricted because they contain lots of phosphorus. Too much phosphorus may lead to calcium deposits in the eyes, heart, skin, and joints and may leach calcium from bones, which can increase the risk of broken bones.

But eliminating dairy foods can make it hard for kids to get enough calcium to maintain bones and support other body functions, particularly those affecting growth.

In kids with more severe kidney failure, reducing the intake of dairy products and other protein-rich foods (such as meat, fish, or eggs) can make the filtering work of the kidneys easier and can sometimes delay the need for dialysis. But it's important to remember that kids do need enough protein for growth — so strict protein restriction (the kind recommended for adult patients) should not be used.

You'll also need to monitor fluid intake. If your child's ability to produce urine is declining, fluid intake needs to be limited. Stay away from "super-size" drinks, and offer slushy beverages or ice cubes to suck on.


Some kids with kidney disease, particularly those with high blood pressure, may need to restrict their intake of sodium, which is found in table salt and many foods. Be careful of salt substitutes, too. Many have potassium in them, which can cause problems for kids with kidney failure. Some other salt preparations (for example, "natural salts," Himalayan salts, etc.) are just as high in sodium chloride as common table salt.

Read food labels and talk to your doctor or a dietitian about the sodium content of various foods. Consult your nephrologist about an appropriate diet that meets your child's need for calories and nutrients while minimizing damage to kidneys and avoiding other complications.


Exercise will help your child sweat, which will get rid of excess fluid and flush out toxins through the skin. Keep TV and video games to a minimum and encourage physical activity instead. Walking and strength training make bones stronger and stimulate muscles and nerves that can help ease "restless leg syndrome" and other nervous system problems sometimes associated with kidney disease.


Beyond these physical concerns, kids should be encouraged to express their feelings. Try to find well-adjusted young adults who had chronic kidney disease during childhood to talk with you and your child. You may find contacts and support groups through your nephrologist or the National Kidney Foundation. It's important for kids to see that the symptoms of the disease can be managed and controlled and that they can live a full life.

Kids whose health is stable should be encouraged to participate as fully as possible in school and activities, which will help them develop their self-esteem.

During hemodialysis treatments, doing homework, reading, and working on art projects are some positive ways to spend the time. 


Looking Ahead

As kids with chronic kidney diseases get older, they can take on more responsibility for their own care. School-age kids should know the names of their medicines and how and when they're taken. As they're making the transition to adulthood, teens can share in the responsibility of making appointments. Teens should also have time alone to speak with the doctor and other members of the health care team.

A big step for kids is being able to talk to others — such as teachers, coaches, and friends — about their condition. Teens especially don't want to stand out or seem different. Part of the process of learning and maturing will be identifying limitations and knowing when to ask for help.

Kids with chronic kidney disease might also have problems dealing with the side effects of medicines. For those taking prednisone for long periods of time, these effects can be significant, including weight gain (especially around the face and trunk), moodiness, sleep disturbances, cataracts, and osteoporosis (weakening of the bones). Long-term treatment with these medicines also can slow growth and delay pubertal maturation.

Long-term prednisone treatment can cause acne (or make it worse) in teens. To an adolescent dealing with body image, a clear complexion might be just as important as controlling the kidney disease.

Besides the stress of having a chronic illness, your child is going through the trials of growing up, just like other kids. Treat him or her as a child first, which includes setting rules about behavior. Sometimes, those standards can be relaxed during particularly difficult times; the trick is picking them up again after your child's health improves.

Keep the lines of communication open so everyone knows what's happening and never hesitate to ask for help from your doctor or a mental health professional if you think it might be needed.

Which is an important nursing consideration when caring for a child with end-stage renal disease

Learn about the nursing care management of patients with chronic renal failure in this nursing study guide.

What is Chronic Renal Failure? 

When the patient has sustained enough kidney damage to require renal replacement therapy on a permanent basis, the patient has moved into the fifth or final stage of CKD, also referred to as chronic renal failure.

  • Chronic renal failure (CRF) is the end result of a gradual, progressive loss of kidney function.
  • Causes include chronic infections (glomerulonephritis, pyelonephritis), vascular diseases (hypertension, nephrosclerosis), obstructive processes (renal calculi), collagen diseases (systemic lupus), nephrotoxic agents (drugs, such as aminoglycosides), and endocrine diseases (diabetes, hyperparathyroidism).
  • This syndrome is generally progressive and produces major changes in all body systems.
  • The final stage of renal dysfunction, end-stage renal disease (ESRD), is demonstrated by a glomerular filtration rate (GFR) of 15%–20% of normal or less.
  • Renal failure results when the kidneys cannot remove the body’s metabolic wastes or perform their regulatory functions.
  • The substances normally eliminated in the urine accumulate in the body fluids as a result of impaired renal excretion, affecting endocrine and metabolic functions as well as fluid, electrolyte, and acid-base disturbances.
  • Renal failure is a systemic disease and is a final common pathway of many different kidney and urinary tract diseases.
  • Accumulation. As renal function declines, the end products of protein metabolism (normally excreted in urine) accumulate in the blood.
  • Adverse effects. Uremia develops and adversely affects every system in the body.
  • Progression. The disease tends to progress more rapidly in patients who excrete significant amounts of protein or have elevated blood pressure than those without these conditions


There are many diseases that cause chronic renal disease; each has its own pathophysiology. However, there are common mechanisms for disease progression.

  1. Pathologic features include fibrosis, loss of renal cells, and infiltration of renal tissue by monocytes and macrophages.
  2. Proteinuria, hypoxia, and extensive angiotensin II production all contribute to the pathophysiology. In an attempt to maintain GFR, the glomerular hyperfiltration; this results in endothelial injury.
  3. Proteinuria results from increased glomerular permeability and increased capillary pressure.
  4. Hypoxia also contributes to disease progression. Angiotensin II increases glomerular hypertension, which further damages the kidney.

Predisposing Factors

  • Diabetes, which is the most common risk factor for chronic kidney failure in the United States
  • Age 60 or older
  • Kidney disease present at birth (congenital)
  • Family history of kidney disease
  • Autoimmune Disorder (Lupus erythematosus)
  • Bladder outlet obstruction (BPH and Prostatitis)
  • Race (Sickle cell disease)

Precipitating Factors

Schematic Diagram

Here’s a schematic diagram or concept map for Chronic Kidney Disease:

  • Chronic Kidney Disease Pathophysiology and Schematic Diagram (via Scribd)

Clinical Manifestations

Because virtually every body system is affected in ESRD, patients exhibit a number of signs and symptoms.

  • Peripheral neuropathy. Peripheral neuropathy, a disorder of the peripheral nervous system, is present in some patients.
  • Severe pain. Patients complain of severe pain and discomfort.
  • Restless leg syndrome. Restless leg syndrome and burning feet can occur in the early stage of uremic peripheral neuropathy.


Potential complications of chronic renal failure that concern the nurse and necessitate a collaborative approach to care include the following:

  • Hyperkalemia. Hyperkalemia due to decreased excretion, metabolic acidosis, catabolism, and excessive intake (diet, medications, fluids).
  • Pericarditis. Pericarditis due to retention of uremic waste products and inadequate dialysis.
  • Hypertension. Hypertension due to sodium and water retention and the malfunction of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system.
  • Anemia. Anemia due to decreased erythropoietin production decreased RBC lifespan, bleeding in the GI tract from irritating toxins and ulcer formation, and blood loss during hemodialysis.
  • Bone disease. Bone disease and metastatic and vascular calcifications due to retention of phosphorus, low serum calcium levels, abnormal vitamin D metabolism, and elevated aluminum levels.

Assessment and Diagnostic Findings

Laboratory studies required to establish the diagnosis of CRF include:

  • Glomerular filtration rate. GFR and creatinine clearance decrease while serum creatinine (more sensitive indicator of renal function) and BUN levels increase.
  • Sodium and water retention. Some patients retain sodium and water, increasing the risk for edema, heart failure, and hypertension.
  • Acidosis. Metabolic acidosis occurs in ESRD because the kidneys are unable to excrete increased loads of acid.
  • Anemia. In ESRD, erythropoietin production decreases and profound anemia results, producing fatigue, angina, and shortness of breath.
  • Urine
    • Volume: Usually less than 400 mL/24 hr (oliguria) or urine is absent (anuria).
    • Color: Abnormally cloudy urine may be caused by pus, bacteria, fat, colloidal particles, phosphates, or urates. Dirty, brown sediment indicates presence of RBCs, hemoglobin, myoglobin, porphyrins.
    • Specific gravity: Less than 1.015 (fixed at 1.010 reflects severe renal damage).
    • Osmolality: Less than 350 mOsm/kg is indicative of tubular damage, and urine/serum ratio is often 1:1.
    • Creatinine clearance: May be significantly decreased (less than 80 mL/min in early failure; less than 10 mL/min in ESRD).
    • Sodium: More than 40 mEq/L because kidney is not able to reabsorb sodium.
    • Protein: High-grade proteinuria (3–4+) strongly indicates glomerular damage when RBCs and casts are also present.
  • Blood
    • BUN/Cr: Elevated, usually in proportion. Creatinine level of 12 mg/dL suggests ESRD. A BUN of >25 mg/dL is indicative of renal damage.
    • CBC: Hb decreased because of anemia, usually less than 7–8 g/dL.
    • RBCs: Life span decreased because of erythropoietin deficiency, and azotemia.
    • ABGs: pH decreased. Metabolic acidosis (less than 7.2) occurs because of loss of renal ability to excrete hydrogen and ammonia or end products of protein catabolism. Bicarbonate and PCO2 Decreased.
    • Serum sodium: May be low (if kidney “wastes sodium”) or normal (reflecting dilutional state of hypernatremia).
    • Potassium: Elevated related to retention and cellular shifts (acidosis) or tissue release (RBC hemolysis). In ESRD, ECG changes may not occur until potassium is 6.5 mEq or higher. Potassium may also be decreased if patient is on potassium-wasting diuretics or when patient is receiving dialysis treatment.
    • Magnesium, phosphorus: Elevated.
    • Calcium/phosphorus: Decreased.
  • Proteins (especially albumin): Decreased serum level may reflect protein loss via urine, fluid shifts, decreased intake, or decreased synthesis because of lack of essential amino acids.
  • Serum osmolality: Higher than 285 mOsm/kg; often equal to urine.
  • KUB x-rays: Demonstrates size of kidneys/ureters/bladder and presence of obstruction (stones).
  • Retrograde pyelogram: Outlines abnormalities of renal pelvis and ureters.
  • Renal arteriogram: Assesses renal circulation and identifies extravascularities, masses.
  • Voiding cystourethrogram: Shows bladder size, reflux into ureters, retention.
  • Renal ultrasound: Determines kidney size and presence of masses, cysts, obstruction in upper urinary tract.
  • Renal biopsy: May be done endoscopically to examine tissue cells for histological diagnosis.
  • Renal endoscopy, nephroscopy: Done to examine renal pelvis; flush out calculi, hematuria; and remove selected tumors.
  • ECG: May be abnormal, reflecting electrolyte and acid-base imbalances.
  • X-ray of feet, skull, spinal column, and hands: May reveal demineralization/calcifications resulting from electrolyte shifts associated with CRF.

Medical Management

The goal of management is to maintain kidney function and homeostasis for as long as possible.

  • Pharmacologic therapy: 
    • Calcium and phosphorus binders treat hyperphosphatemia and hypocalcemia;
    • Antihypertensive and cardiovascular agents (digoxin and dobutamine) manage hypertension;
    • Anti-seizure agents (IV diazepam or phenytoin) are used for seizures, and;
    • Erythropoietin (Epogen) is used to treat anemia associated ESRD.
  • Nutritional therapy. Dietary intervention includes careful regulation of protein intake, fluid intake to balance fluid losses, sodium intake to balance sodium losses, and some restriction of potassium.
  • Dialysis. Dialysis is usually initiated if the patient cannot maintain a reasonable lifestyle with conservative treatment.

Nursing Management

The patient with ESRD requires astute nursing care to avoid the complications of reduced renal function and the stresses and anxieties of dealing with a life-threatening illness.

Nursing Assessment

Assessment of a patient with ESRD includes the following:

  • Assess fluid status (daily weight, intake and output, skin turgor, distention of neck veins, vital signs, and respiratory effort).
  • Assess nutritional dietary patterns (diet history, food preference, and calorie counts).
  • Assess nutritional status (weight changes, laboratory values).
  • Assess understanding of cause of renal failure, its consequences and its treatment.
  • Assess patient’s and family’s responses and reactions to illness and treatment.
  • Assess for signs of hyperkalemia.


Based on the assessment data, the following nursing diagnoses for a patient with chronic renal failure were developed:

  • Excess fluid volume related to decreased urine output, dietary excesses, and retention of sodium and water.
  • Imbalanced nutrition less than body requirements related to anorexia, nausea, vomiting, dietary restrictions, and altered oral mucous membranes.
  • Activity intolerance related to fatigue, anemia, retention of waste products, and dialysis procedure.
  • Risk for situational low self-esteem related to dependency, role changes, changes in body image, and change in sexual function.

Planning & Goals

Main Article: 6 Chronic Renal Failure Nursing Care Plans

The goals for a patient with chronic renal failure include:

  • Maintenance of ideal body weight without excess fluid.
  • Maintenance of adequate nutritional intake.
  • Participation in activity within tolerance.
  • Improve self-esteem.

Nursing Priorities

  1. Maintain homeostasis.
  2. Prevent complications.
  3. Provide information about disease process/prognosis and treatment needs.
  4. Support adjustment to lifestyle changes.

Nursing Interventions

Nursing care is directed towards the following:

  • Fluid status. Assess fluid status and identify potential sources of imbalance.
  • Nutritional intake. Implement a dietary program to ensure proper nutritional intake within the limits of the treatment regimen.
  • Independence. Promote positive feelings by encouraging increased self-care and greater independence.
  • Protein. Promote intake of high-biologic –value protein foods: eggs, dairy products, meats.
  • Medications. Alter schedule of medications so that they are not given immediately before meals.
  • Rest. Encourage alternating activity with rest.


A successful nursing care plan has achieved the following:

  • Maintained ideal body weight without excess fluid.
  • Maintained adequate nutritional intake.
  • Participated in activity within tolerance.
  • Improved self-esteem.

Discharge and Home Care Guidelines

The nurse should promote home and self-care to increase the esteem of the patient.

  • Vascular access care. The patient should be taught how to check the vascular access device for patency and appropriate precautions, such as avoiding venipuncture and blood pressure measurements on the arm with the access device.
  • Problems to report. The patient and the family need to know what problems to report: nausea, vomiting, change in usual urine output, ammonia odor on breath, muscle weakness, diarrhea, abdominal cramps, clotted fistula or graft, and signs of infection.
  • Follow-up. The importance of follow-up examinations and treatment is stressed to the patient and family because of changing physical status, renal function, and dialysis requirements.
  • Home care referral. Referral for home care gives the nurse an opportunity to assess the patient’s environment and emotional status and the coping strategies used by the patient and family.

Documentation Guidelines

The documentation in a patient with chronic renal failure should focus on the following:

  • Existing conditions contributing to and degree of fluid retention.
  • I&O and fluid balance.
  • Results of laboratory tests.
  • Caloric intake.
  • Individual cultural or religious restrictions and personal preferences.
  • Level of activity.
  • Plan of care.
  • Teaching plan.
  • Response to interventions, teaching, and actions performed.
  • Attainment or progress toward desired outcomes.
  • Modifications to plan of care.
  • Long term needs.

Practice Quiz: Chronic Renal Failure

Here’s a 5-item practice quiz for this Chronic Renal Failure Study Guide. Please visit our nursing test bank for more NCLEX practice questions.

1. A major sensitive indicator of kidney disease is:

A. BUN level. B. Creatinine clearance level. C. Serum potassium level.

D. Uric acid level.

2. Significant nursing assessment data relevant to renal function should include information about:

A. Any voiding disorders. B. The patient’s occupation.

C. The presence of hypertension or diabetes.

D. All of the above.

3. Decreased levels of erythropoietin, a substance normally secreted by the kidneys, leads to which serious complication of chronic renal failure?

A. Anemia. B. Acidosis. C. Hyperkalemia.

D. Pericarditis.

4. Dietary intervention for renal deterioration includes limiting the intake of:

A. Fluid. B. Protein. C. Sodium and potassium.

D. All of the above.

5. In chronic renal failure (end-stage renal disease), decreased glomerular filtration leads to:

A. Increased pH. B. Decreased creatinine clearance. C. Increased BUN.

D. All of the above.

Answers and Rationale

1. Answer: B. Creatinine clearance level.

  • B: Creatinine clearance is a major sensitive indicator of kidney disease.
  • A: BUN level could also detect kidney disease but it is not as sensitive as creatinine clearance.
  • C: Serum potassium level may indicate presence of kidney disease.
  • D: Uric acid level may indicate presence of kidney disease.

2. Answer: D. All of the above.

  • D: All of the answers listed above are relevant data to renal function.
  • A: Voiding disorders are signs of impending or presence of kidney disease.
  • B: The patient’s occupation could predispose him or her to kidney disease.
  • C: The presence of hypertension or diabetes could predispose the patient to kidney disease.

3. Answer: A. Anemia.

  • A: Anemia due to decreased erythropoietin production could occur in patients with chronic renal failure.
  • B: Metabolic acidosis occurs in ESRD because the kidneys are unable to excrete increased loads of acid.
  • C: Hyperkalemia occurs due to decreased excretion, metabolic acidosis, catabolism, and excessive intake (diet, medications, fluids).
  • D: Pericarditis occurs due to retention of uremic waste products and inadequate dialysis.

4. Answer: D. All of the above.

  • D: All of those mentioned above should be restricted in patients with chronic renal failure.
  • A: Fluid should be restricted because the patient may result to excess fluid volume.
  • B: Protein is restricted because its end products may accumulate in the blood stream.
  • C: Sodium and potassium is restricted because they can aggravate the disease.

5. Answer: D. All of the above.

  • D: The abovementioned laboratory results occur in patients with decreased GFR.
  • A: Increased pH occurs due to decreased GFR.
  • B: Decreased creatinine clearance occurs due to decreased GFR.
  • C: Increased BUN occurs due to decreased GFR.

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