What happens if my cat eats pothos?

Cats and pothos- for real. Has anyone’s cat ever had a REAL ISSUE with chewing pothos (beyond yakking it up on the floor). My vet told me it’s a non issue and irritating at worst and he’s never actually had a patient. I have had cats my whole life- no issue. Wondering if google is alarmist. from IndoorGarden

Golden Pothos is one of the most common houseplants. They are exceedingly easy to take care of and easy to find. Their large leaves make them very aesthetically pleasing. They’re also relatively slow-growing, so they don’t need to be repotted often.

However, these plants are extremely toxic to cats. The leaves and stems contain a chemical called calcium oxalate crystals. These little crystals can penetrate the soft tissues of your cat’s mouth, throat, and stomach. This can cause damage to your cat’s digestive system – sometimes severely.

Is Pothos Toxic or Poisonous?

Pothos isn’t technically poisonous. It doesn’t contain any poison and won’t affect your cat’s kidneys. However, the plant contains a particular type of mineral called calcium oxalate crystals. These minerals are not digested easily like most other minerals. Instead, they pierce your feline’s soft tissues, including those in the mouth, throat, and stomach.

This can cause sensitivity in the mouth at the very least. However, it can also cause breathing trouble and digestive issues. It isn’t that they’re poisonous, but that the minerals can cause damage to the soft tissues in the cat’s soft tissues.

Credit: Foto2rich, Shutterstock


Sometimes, we may see our feline eat the plant. Other times, we will likely not. In these cases, we may only have symptoms to tell us that something is wrong.

Any irritation in the mouth is an obvious sign that your feline may have eaten a pothos leaf or stem. Pawing at the mouth is a common sign of pain, as your feline may try to remove the minerals from their mouth, though they cannot in any meaningful way. However, there are other signs as well, such as not eating or drinking. If you notice your cat has any mouth pain, it may be a symptom.

Extreme drooling can also be a symptom, as your cat’s mouth may also try to remove the minerals. Drooling may remove some of them, though it won’t remove enough to make a noticeable difference.

Your cat’s appetite will also be affected. This is because their mouth is irritated and may also be because their digestive tract is damaged, making it painful or nearly impossible for them to eat. Vomiting can occur as well because of this. Their digestive tract may reject the food.

Discomfort when swallowing is also expected since the minerals will damage their throat.

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If you notice that your feline has any of these symptoms, you should take your cat to the vet right away. It should be considered an emergency, which means visiting an emergency clinic may be necessary. You should also collect a sample of the plant to show the vet, as they will want to confirm that it is a pothos before they begin treatment. If you can grab the actual part that the cat chewed, that is even better.

Be sure to take note of your cat’s symptoms and let your vet know. There is no test for pothos poisoning, so the information you provide is essential for your vet to treat your feline. The information you provide will play a significant role in your cat’s treatment plan.

An examination will usually begin with your cat’s mouth, which can help determine the level of irritation. This can also help rule out any other apparent cause for the irritation and pain. Sometimes, the presence of calcium oxalate crystals can be detected.

Credit: SandeepHanda, Pixabay


Treatment should begin as soon as possible. First, you will need to make your cat more comfortable by alleviating the pain in their mouth, throat, and stomach. Often, your vet will do this by flushing your cat’s mouth and stomach. A gastric lavage will also be necessary. This is a stomach wash, which will remove as much of the crystals as possible.

The vet may feed your cat dairy products, as there is anecdotal evidence that dairy products can help your cat’s pain. Benadryl may also be given to prevent swelling, which can affect your cat’s breathing. Without the proper medication, the symptoms may worsen, and more complications may occur. Benadryl is usually administered early on in the treatment phase for this reason.

Vomiting may need to be treated as well. Several medications can prevent vomiting, from Kapectolin to sucralfate. Vomiting can lead to dehydration if it goes on for too long, so your cat may need IV fluids as well.


Many cats will recover quickly after they are treated. Once the crystals are flushed, they will no longer damage, and your cat can begin to heal. If your cat was dehydrated or has a swollen airway, he may need to stay overnight to regain his strength.

Your cat may need to eat softer food for a time since they will likely have some irritation for a while. Wet food may be necessary, especially if your feline is dehydrated. Wet foods contain many fluids, which can help your feline get back to their original healthy state.

You should also prevent your cat’s exposure to the plant in the future. Remove it from your yard and garden. You should also check your home’s other plants to ensure that none of them are poisonous as well.

Of course, this won’t prevent your cat from eating poisonous plants for other areas if they are allowed to wander. For this reason, it may be best to keep your cat confined until they are completely recovered.

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Pothos plants aren’t poisonous, but they contain a mineral that can cause damage soft tissues, like those found in your feline’s mouth, throat, and stomach. For this reason, it is essential to visit your vet immediately if you suspect your cat has eaten some of this plant. Their mouth, throat, and stomach will need to be flushed to remove the crystals from their system.

In the future, be sure to check all plants before bringing them into your household. You’d be surprised by the number of toxic plants out there.

Featured image credit: sweetlouise, Pixabay

What happens if my cat eats pothos?

Pothos plants are commonly kept in households because they are bright and green, which helps bring life to the home. They also help purify the air, which is healthy for anyone living there. These plants happen to be easy to take care of, and they grow slowly, so they rarely need to be replanted in newer, bigger pots. However, these plants are not suitable for all households.

Unfortunately, Pothos plants are dangerous for cats to be around. If you have even one pet cat living in your household, it is important to make sure that no Pothos plants are present. Let’s discuss exactly what a Pothos plant is and why it is toxic to cats.

What Exactly Is a Pothos Plant?

The Pothos plant’s technical name is Epipremnum aureum. It is a common houseplant mostly due to its resistance to drought and ability to withstand harsh environments. What is unique about this plant is that it can grow without the help of any natural sunlight. You can keep this plant in the middle of a room or even in a garage where no sunlight can reach it.

The leaves on a Pothos plant are smooth and have a waxy coating that can give them a faux look. The thick and hardy leaves are hard-pressed to succumb to the elements, so they typically stay full and green. It is not common to see leaves turn brown or fall off the plant. There are different types of Pothos plants available, including the Jade and the Golden. They all have green leaves with small variations.

Image Credit: Sandeep Handa, Pixabay

Why Are Pothos Plants Toxic to Cats?

Unfortunately, Pothos plants are toxins for cats of all shapes, sizes, ages, and breeds. Both the stems and leaves contain a chemical that is toxic to cats: calcium oxalate crystals. This substance is known to affect a cat’s soft tissues in a way that makes it tough for them to effectively digest food.

This type of plant is not toxic to a cat’s organs, but the chemical calcium oxalate crystals that it contains can cause mouth sensitivities that may affect the appetite and nutritional intake of your pet cat. Calcium oxalate can also cause breathing problems and overall fatigue. If the problem is not addressed by a qualified veterinarian, the chances are that a cat that has been exposed to the toxins of a Pothos plant could die.

Signs and Symptoms of Pothos Plant Toxin Exposure

If you see your cat eating a Pathos plant, they may suffer from toxic side effects, so it is a good idea to contact your veterinarian immediately. Sometimes, we do not see our cats eat our plants, and we have to rely on signs and symptoms of toxicity to ensure that we address the problem before it’s too late.

The signs and symptoms of Pothos plant toxicity include:

  • Mouth irritation
  • Mouth pawing
  • Lack of appetite
  • Lack of interest in drinking water
  • Excessive drooling
  • Whining or crying while eating, drinking, and swallowing

If any of these symptoms present themselves, it is crucial to schedule a checkup with the veterinarian as soon as possible. Your vet may request that you bring your cat in for treatment right away or seek emergency services. Alternatively, they might offer home remedies that you can use until their offices open again.

Image Credit: one photo, Shutterstock

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In Conclusion

Pothos plants should never be in a home with pet cats. If they must be present, they should be kept out of reach via hanging pots and other means. Keeping an eye out for signs and symptoms of Pathos plant poisoning should always be a priority. Luckily, there are many other types of plants that are safe for cats that you can fill your home with. Most are easy to care for and will filter the air just like the Pothos plant will.

Looking for more information on plant toxicity? Check out:

  • Are Roses Toxic to Cats?
  • Are Tulips Toxic to Cats?

Featured Image Credit: Luisella Planeta Leoni, Pixabay