What happens if dogs lick milk?

Dogs love milk for its rich fat content. But that doesn’t mean it’s good for them. While cow’s milk is an excellent source of calcium that’s great for building strong bones in humans, it’s not necessary for adult dogs. Yes, dogs can drink milk in small quantities, but it’s not a vital part of a dog’s diet. They get all the nutrients they need from regular dog food.

It’s superfluous for dogs to drink milk after they’re weaned from their mother’s milk. When they’re puppies, their mother’s milk contains all of the essential nutrients, vitamins, electrolytes, and antibodies that support a pup’s immune system.

Dr. Peter Dobias, DVM, reasserts the notion that milk is no longer necessary for dogs after they have weaned from their mothers: “In general, no mammals in nature consume milk past weaning, which clearly suggests that milk is not essential and that applies to dogs.” However, they can take part in the occasional ice cream cone lick or cheesy cheddar treat if their stomachs can tolerate and digest lactose from dairy products.

Read on to learn how to recognize lactose intolerance in dogs, what to do about it, and how much dairy is safe for dog owners to give as a treat to a pooch with a strong stomach.

Lactose Intolerance in Dogs

While it’s not the end of the world if your dog drinks milk, there are many lactose intolerant dogs who have trouble digesting milk and other dairy products. Many people have the same problem and opt for lactose-free milk and plant-based milk alternatives like soy milk.

What does it mean for a dog to be lactose intolerant? The condition develops in dogs who do not produce enough of the enzyme lactase. Your dog needs this enzyme because it’s essential for breaking down lactose. Without the ability to digest dairy products easily, pet parents will notice side effects like loose stools, bloating, excessive gas, upset stomach, or abdominal pain in their dog.

If you have a dog who doesn’t handle lactose well, try lactose-free, dog-safe human foods like frozen peanut butter or blended bananas as an alternative treat. If you regularly feed table scraps, be careful about quantity and consider giving your pup a quality, natural digestive supplement as well.

Talk to your veterinarian before feeding new human foods, and seek veterinary care if your dog starts to show symptoms of lactose intolerance.

Safe Dairy Products and Treats for Dogs

What happens if dogs lick milk?

Ultimately, it’s OK to feed your dog dairy products as long as it’s done in moderation and they don’t have any known sensitivity. Dr. Dobias explains that some dogs “enjoy a spoon of yogurt or a small piece of cheese or even the odd lick of ice cream and, occasionally, it is OK unless your dog has suspected diet allergies.”

So be mindful of what you’re feeding your dog. If you choose to feed your dog dairy, watch for the signs of lactose intolerance and other signs of a food allergy like itchy skin, ears, and paws.

Dog Food Advisor suggests feeding dogs dairy products that have the lowest lactose content. These include cheddar cheese with 0 grams of lactose, cottage cheese with 3 grams of lactose per 1/2 cup, and plain Greek yogurt with about 4 grams per 1/2 cup. Greek yogurt, in particular, is packed with probiotics that will help your dog’s digestive tract if they’ve been experiencing diarrhea or gas.

Cheeses typically run low in lactose and are safe for dogs. A long-lasting, cheesy, and popular dog chew these days is made from yak’s milk. Himalayan dog chews are safer alternatives to many other chews because yak’s milk is more easily digestible and is lactose-free. They also soften as your dog chews, so there is a lower risk of tooth damage or splintering.

Protect Sensitive Stomachs With Probiotics for Healthy Guts

What happens if dogs lick milk?

With lactose intolerance triggering such an assortment of digestive problems in your dog, consider a probiotic dog treat. A probiotic supplement will promote healthy digestion and intestinal health, as well as keep your dog regular. Probiotics are also designed to help break down lactose the way enzymes do, so your pup can digest dairy products more easily.

Probiotics are good bacteria that boost your dog’s immune system to make sure your pup stays healthy. According to Jerry Klein, DVM, of the American Kennel Club, probiotics are believed to “help treat or prevent a variety of illnesses and diseases, especially those related to the gastrointestinal system.”

If your dog has a sensitivity to dairy or any other foods, probiotics will help by firming up loose stools and reducing gas.

Probiotics can be administered as needed (for example, when your dog is experiencing digestive upset or is on a course of antibiotics from an infection or as a preventative) or on a daily basis.

Supplements in pill or treat form aren’t the only options for giving your dog good bacteria for a healthy gut. There are several foods you can feed them that are naturally high in probiotics.

Some dairy-based foods that are high in probiotics and are safe for dogs to eat include plain yogurt, kefir, goat’s milk, and cheese. Probiotic-rich vegetables and fruits include asparagus, bananas, and apples.

A Warning on Xylitol and Chocolate

If you are going to treat your dog to a tiny bit of milk-based products like ice cream, don’t overlook the ingredient list. Vanilla is usually safest as it has the fewest ingredients. Some ice creams and yogurts could have xylitol in the recipe, which is a sugar substitute that is toxic to dogs.

Symptoms of xylitol poisoning include tremors, shaking, lethargy, weakness, and vomiting. Be on the lookout for this deadly ingredient before feeding your dog any human food. As an artificial sweetener, xylitol gets snuck into many products. If the packaging is marked “sugar-free” anywhere on the label, it most likely contains xylitol.

For the same reason you don’t give dogs chocolate, don’t give your dog anything flavored with cacao, including chocolate ice cream, fudge, etc. If you think your dog has eaten something with xylitol or chocolate, call animal poison control as soon as possible and alert your vet.

The ASPCA Animal Poison Control Hotline is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week at 888-426-4435. Save the hotline number in your phone so you’re prepared in case of an emergency.

Can Dogs Drink Milk? The Bottom Line

Should you be giving your dog a bowl of milk? No, but you can safely give your dog small amounts. Milk is not toxic to dogs, but it’s also not an important part of a balanced dog diet. Once weaned, dogs do not require milk in order to thrive.

If you feel like giving your dog milk or any other dairy product, do so in moderation and look out for symptoms such as upset stomach, loose stools, and abdominal pain. And don’t forget to check with your vet before introducing new foods into your dog’s diet.

You might want to skip giving your dog a sip.

Does your canine companion give you those hard-to-resist puppy eyes while you're indulging in a tall glass of milk? You might wonder "can dogs drink milk?" as you take another sip, debating whether or not you should share.

After all, dogs drink their mother's milk as puppies … but what does that mean for cow's milk or dairy-free alternatives?

While milk is not toxic to dogs—meaning your pup can technically have a lick!—it's not recommended that they drink it, and the reasons why might surprise you.

Is Milk Good or Bad for Dogs?

Milk is an excellent source of calcium, potassium, and vitamin D. But is it at all beneficial for our thirsty pups?

Jamie Whittenburg, DVM at Senior Tail Waggers and the director of Kingsgate Animal Hospital in Lubbock, Texas, says there is no reason for dogs to drink milk.

"Milk is one of the top two leading food allergens for dogs, so many cannot tolerate it," she says.

Signs your dog may have a milk allergy, or a food allergy in general, can include:

  • Itchiness
  • Licking at their paws
  • Red, irritated skin
  • Hair loss
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea

Whittenburg adds, "[Milk] is high in fat and calories but isn't filling, so it is not a great option for dogs and may cause excessive weight gain if included in their diet."

If you have a young puppy, you might wonder if goat milk is appropriate to give. While it must be pasteurized to feed, Whittenburg says it's not recommended because goat milk is not a complete or balanced milk. (Instead, use a newborn puppy formula if you need to bottle-feed your pup.) As for adult dogs, goat milk is not filling or needed—and it could give them an upset stomach.

With that said, it's probably OK to let Fido have a small amount of milk every once in a while, assuming he can tolerate it. "In moderation" is usually best when it comes to human foods we can safely share with our dogs!

RELATED: Can Dogs Eat Whipped Cream? What to Know Before You Take Your Pooch for a Puppuccino

Can I Give My Dog Milk for Constipation?

Notice your dog straining as he tries to go potty? Canine constipation, while not necessarily common, can be extremely uncomfortable for your furry friend.

Whittenburg says to avoid giving your dog milk to treat constipation because it can lead to diarrhea and stomach upset. "You do not want to further upset your dog's gastrointestinal tract when they already have an issue, and you may make it worse," she explains.

Instead, try taking your dog out for some exercise or consult your veterinarian to see if over-the-counter medications might help your dog get back on track.

Can Dogs Drink Plant-Based Milks?

Plant-based milks are made without any dairy. So, does that make them safer for dogs to drink? It may come as a surprise, but they're not any better for pooches, Whittenburg says.

Like cow's milk, plant-based milks are not toxic to dogs, but the same issues exist … which is why Whittenburg doesn't recommend giving any milk to dogs.

"Plant-based milks are often an allergen for many dogs, and even in dogs that are not allergic, they can cause stomach and gastrointestinal upset," she says.

Whittenburg adds that plant-based milks—just like cow's milk—don't give dogs a sense of fullness but are high in fat and calories, which leads to unwanted weight gain if given often. An additional concern with plant-based milks, she says, is that "the sweetened versions may contain artificial sweeteners that may be toxic to dogs."

Almond Milk

Almonds and almond milk may sound healthy, but neither are recommended for dogs. Whittenburg says almond milk is high in fat and calories and often contains artificial sweeteners (like xylitol) that can poison your pup.

Oat Milk

Oat milk is a tasty milk alternative that's become a popular choice for us humans. While made with safe ingredients like rolled oats and water, oat milk is not recommended as a part of your pup's daily diet because of its high fiber content, Whittenburg says. It may give your dog an upset stomach.

Coconut Milk

Coconut milk is yet another human fan-favorite, but it should generally be avoided because it could be an allergen, doesn't have any major nutritional benefits, and can lead to an upset stomach in our canine companions.

RELATED: Can Dogs Eat Coconut?

Are Dogs Lactose Intolerant?

If you're a lactose intolerant pet parent, you know just how your body reacts when you indulge in milk, cheese, or ice cream. But did you know dogs can't digest lactose like we do—making them even more sensitive to dairy? It's true: Our four-legged friends can be lactose intolerant, too!

Cow milk contains more lactose and fewer nutrients when compared to dog milk. This, along with the fact that dogs' ability to produce lactase (the enzyme responsible for breaking down lactose) decreases as they grow older, is why dogs have more trouble digesting non-canine milk.

Your dog may be lactose intolerant if you notice signs like:

  • Bloating
  • Diarrhea
  • Gas
  • Vomiting
  • Lack of appetite
  • Weight loss

If your canine companion's belly can tolerate dairy, milk can be a cool, refreshing treat in moderation. Otherwise, save your pup's stomach the discomfort and avoid dairy altogether. (He'll thank you later.)

Show your appreciation for your best furry friend by surprising him with a wag-worthy homemade treat instead!