The minimum phase difference between two SHM


The amplitude of SHM 

The minimum phase difference between two SHM


Two particles A and B execute simple harmonic motion of period T and 5T/4. They start from mean position. The phase difference between them when the particle A complete an oscillation will be


A particle executes simple harmonic motion with a time period of 16 s. At time t = 2 s, the particle crosses the mean position while at t = 4s, velocity is 

The minimum phase difference between two SHM
 The amplitude of motion in metre is


The displacement equation of a simple harmonic oscillator is given by


The minimum phase difference between two SHM

The amplitude of the oscillator will be


The motion of a particle varies with time according to the relation 

The minimum phase difference between two SHM


Two particles execute SHM of the same amplitude and frequency along the same straight line. If they pass one another when going in opposite directions, each time their displacement is half their amplitude, the phase difference between them is


Two simple harmonic motions are represented by the equations 

The minimum phase difference between two SHM
 The phase difference of the velocity of particle 1, with respect to the velocity of particle 2 is


A particle is undergoing a one dimensional simple harmonic oscillation of amplitude 

The minimum phase difference between two SHM
 about the origin on X-axis with time period T and is at 
The minimum phase difference between two SHM
 at. What is the position of the particle after a time interval t = 3.15T ?


The displacement of a particle performing simple harmonic motion is given by, 

The minimum phase difference between two SHM
 where distance is in cm and time is in second. The amplitude of motion is


The displacement-time graph of a particle executing SHM is as shown in the figure.


The minimum phase difference between two SHM

The corresponding force-time graph of the particle is