Polynomial addition using linked list in c

Polynomials and Sparse Matrix are two important applications of arrays and linked lists. A polynomial is composed of different terms where each of them holds a coefficient and an exponent. This tutorial chapter includes the representation of polynomials using linked lists and arrays.

What is Polynomial?

A polynomial p(x) is the expression in variable x which is in the form (axn + bxn-1 + …. + jx+ k), where a, b, c …., k fall in the category of real numbers and 'n' is non negative integer, which is called the degree of polynomial.

An essential characteristic of the polynomial is that each term in the polynomial expression consists of two parts:

  • one is the coefficient
  • other is the exponent


10x2 + 26x, here 10 and 26 are coefficients and 2, 1 is its exponential value.

Points to keep in Mind while working with Polynomials:

  • The sign of each coefficient and exponent is stored within the coefficient and the exponent itself
  • Additional terms having equal exponent is possible one
  • The storage allocation for each term in the polynomial must be done in ascending and descending order of their exponent

Polynomial addition using linked list in c

Representation of Polynomial

Polynomial can be represented in the various ways. These are:

  • By the use of arrays
  • By the use of Linked List

Representation of Polynomials Using Arrays

There may arise some situation where you need to evaluate many polynomial expressions and perform basic arithmetic operations like addition and subtraction with those numbers. For this, you will have to get a way to represent those polynomials. The simple way is to represent a polynomial with degree 'n' and store the coefficient of n+1 terms of the polynomial in the array. So every array element will consist of two values:

A polynomial can be represented using the C++ code:

#include <iostream> #include <iomanip.h> using namespace std; struct poly { int coeff; int pow_val; poly* next; }; class add { poly *poly1, *poly2, *poly3; public: add() { poly1 = poly2 = poly3 = NULL; } void addpoly(); void display(); }; void add::addpoly() { int i, p; poly *newl = NULL, *end = NULL; cout << "Enter highest power for x\n"; cin >> p; //Read first poly cout << "\nFirst Polynomial\n"; for (i = p; i >= 0; i--) { newl = new poly; newl->pow_val = p; cout << "Enter Co-efficient for degree" << i << ":: "; cin >> newl->coeff; newl->next = NULL; if (poly1 == NULL) poly1 = newl; else end->next = newl; end = newl; } //Read Second poly cout << "\n\nSecond Polynomial\n"; end = NULL; for (i = p; i >= 0; i--) { newl = new poly; newl->pow_val = p; cout << "Enter Co-efficient for degree" << i << ":: "; cin >> newl->coeff; newl->next = NULL; if (poly2 == NULL) poly2 = newl; else end->next = newl; end = newl; } //Addition Logic poly *p1 = poly1, *p2 = poly2; end = NULL; while (p1 != NULL && p2 != NULL) { if (p1->pow_val == p2->pow_val) { newl = new poly; newl->pow_val = p--; newl->coeff = p1->coeff + p2->coeff; newl->next = NULL; if (poly3 == NULL) poly3 = newl; else end->next = newl; end = newl; } p1 = p1->next; p2 = p2->next; } } void add::display() { poly* t = poly3; cout << "\n\nAnswer after addition is : "; while (t != NULL) { cout.setf(ios::showpos); cout << t->coeff; cout.unsetf(ios::showpos); cout << "X" << t->pow_val; t = t->next; } } int main() { add obj; obj.addpoly(); obj.display(); }


Polynomial addition using linked list in c

Representation of Polynomial Using Linked Lists

A polynomial can be thought of as an ordered list of non zero terms. Each non zero term is a two-tuple which holds two pieces of information:

  • The exponent part
  • The coefficient part

Program for the addition of Polynomials

#include <iostream> using namespace std; class polyll { private: struct polynode { float coeff; int exp; polynode* link; } * p; public: polyll(); void poly_append(float c, int e); void display_poly(); void poly_add(polyll& l1, polyll& l2); ~polyll(); }; polyll::polyll() { p = NULL; } void polyll::poly_append(float c, int e) { polynode* temp = p; if (temp == NULL) { temp = new polynode; p = temp; } else { while (temp->link != NULL) temp = temp->link; temp->link = new polynode; temp = temp->link; } temp->coeff = c; temp->exp = e; temp->link = NULL; } void polyll::display_poly() { polynode* temp = p; int f = 0; cout << endl; while (temp != NULL) { if (f != 0) { if (temp->coeff > 0) cout << " + "; else cout << " "; } if (temp->exp != 0) cout << temp->coeff << "x^" << temp->exp; else cout << temp->coeff; temp = temp->link; f = 1; } } void polyll::poly_add(polyll& l1, polyll& l2) { polynode* z; if (l1.p == NULL && l2.p == NULL) return; polynode *temp1, *temp2; temp1 = l1.p; temp2 = l2.p; while (temp1 != NULL && temp2 != NULL) { if (p == NULL) { p = new polynode; z = p; } else { z->link = new polynode; z = z->link; } if (temp1->exp < temp2->exp) { z->coeff = temp2->coeff; z->exp = temp2->exp; temp2 = temp2->link; } else { if (temp1->exp > temp2->exp) { z->coeff = temp1->coeff; z->exp = temp1->exp; temp1 = temp1->link; } else { if (temp1->exp == temp2->exp) { z->coeff = temp1->coeff + temp2->coeff; z->exp = temp1->exp; temp1 = temp1->link; temp2 = temp2->link; } } } } while (temp1 != NULL) { if (p == NULL) { p = new polynode; z = p; } else { z->link = new polynode; z = z->link; } z->coeff = temp1->coeff; z->exp = temp1->exp; temp1 = temp1->link; } while (temp2 != NULL) { if (p == NULL) { p = new polynode; z = p; } else { z->link = new polynode; z = z->link; } z->coeff = temp2->coeff; z->exp = temp2->exp; temp2 = temp2->link; } z->link = NULL; } polyll::~polyll() { polynode* q; while (p != NULL) { q = p->link; delete p; p = q; } } int main() { polyll p1; p1.poly_append(1.4, 5); p1.poly_append(1.5, 4); p1.poly_append(1.7, 2); p1.poly_append(1.8, 1); p1.poly_append(1.9, 0); cout << "\nFirst polynomial:"; p1.display_poly(); polyll p2; p2.poly_append(1.5, 6); p2.poly_append(2.5, 5); p2.poly_append(-3.5, 4); p2.poly_append(4.5, 3); p2.poly_append(6.5, 1); cout << "\nSecond polynomial:"; p2.display_poly(); polyll p3; p3.poly_add(p1, p2); cout << "\nResultant polynomial: "; p3.display_poly(); getch(); }


Polynomial addition using linked list in c
Polynomial addition using linked list in c
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Page 2

In this chapter, you will explore one of the most important data structures which are used in many fields of programming and data handling, i.e., the Stack. It falls under the category of an abstract data type which serves as a concrete and valuable tool for problem-solving. In this chapter, you will study the various operations and working technique of stack data structure.

What is stack?

A stack is a linear data structure in which all the insertion and deletion of data or you can say its values are done at one end only, rather than in the middle. Stacks can be implemented by using arrays of type linear.

The stack is mostly used in converting and evaluating expressions in Polish notations, i.e.:

In case of arrays and linked lists, these two allows programmers to insert and delete elements from any place within the list, i.e., from the beginning or the end or even from the middle also. But in computer programming and development, there may arise some situations where insertion and deletion require only at one end wither at the beginning or end of the list. The stack is a linear data structure, and all the insertion and deletion of its values are done in the same end which is called the top of the stack. Let us suppose take the real-life example of a stack of plates or a pile of books etc. As the item in this form of data structure can be removed or added from the top only which means the last item to be added to the stack is the first item to be removed. So you can say that the stack follows the Last In First Out (LIFO) structure.

Stack as Abstract Data Type

He stacks of elements of any particular type is a finite sequence of elements of that type together with the following operations:

  • Initialize the stack to be empty
  • Determine whether the stack is empty or not
  • Check whether the stack is full or not
  • If the stack is not full, add or insert a new node at the top of the stack. This operation is termed as Push Operation
  • If the stack is not empty, then retrieve the node at its top
  • If the stack is not empty, the delete the node at its top. This operation is called as Pop operation

Polynomial addition using linked list in c

Representation of Stack using Arrays

The stack can be represented in memory with the use of arrays. To do this job, you need to maintain a linear array STACK, a pointer variable top which contains the top element.


#include <iostream> #include<stdlib.h> using namespace std; class stack { int stk[5]; int top; public: stack() { top = -1; } void push(int x) { if (top >= 4) { cout << "stack overflow"; return; } stk[++top] = x; cout << "inserted " << x; } void pop() { if (top < 0) { cout << "stack underflow"; return; } cout << "deleted " << stk[top--]; } void display() { if (top < 0) { cout << " stack empty"; return; } for (int i = top; i >= 0; i--) cout << stk[i] << " "; } }; int main() { int ch; stack st; while (1) { cout << "\n1.push 2.pop 3.display 4.exit\nEnter ur choice: "; cin >> ch; switch (ch) { case 1: cout << "enter the element: "; cin >> ch; st.push(ch); break; case 2: st.pop(); break; case 3: st.display(); break; case 4: exit(0); } } }


Polynomial addition using linked list in c
Polynomial addition using linked list in c
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Page 3

The queue is a linear data structure used to represent a linear list. It allows insertion of an element to be done at one end and deletion of an element to be performed at the other end.

In this chapter, you will be given an introduction to the basic concepts of queues along with the various types of queues which will be discussed simulating the real world situation.

What is a Queue?

A queue is a linear list of elements in which deletion of an element can take place only at one end called the front and insertion can take place on the other end which is termed as the rear. The term front and rear are frequently used while describing queues in a linked list. In this chapter, you will deal with the queue as arrays.

In the concept of a queue, the first element to be inserted in the queue will be the first element to be deleted or removed from the list. So Queue is said to follow the FIFO (First In First Out) structure. A real-life scenario in the form of example for queue will be the queue of people waiting to accomplish a particular task where the first person in the queue is the first person to be served first.

Polynomial addition using linked list in c

Other examples can also be noted within a computer system where the queue of tasks arranged in the list to perform for the line printer, for accessing the disk storage, or even in the time-sharing system for the use of CPU. So basically queue is used within a single program where there are multiple programs kept in the queue or one task may create other tasks which must have to be executed in turn by keeping them in the queue.

Queue as an ADT (Abstract Data Type)

The meaning of an abstract data type clearly says that for a data structure to be abstract, it should have the below-mentioned characteristics:

  • First, there should be a particular way in which components are related to each other
  • Second, a statement for the operation that can be performed on elements of abstract data type must have to be specified

Thus for defining a Queue as an abstract data type, these are the following criteria:

  • Initialize a queue to be empty
  • Check whether a queue is empty or not
  • Check whether a queue is full or not
  • Insert a new element after the last element in a queue, if the queue is not full
  • Retrieve the first element of the queue, if it is not empty
  • Delete the first element in a queue, if it is not empty

Representation of Queue as an Array

Queue is a linear data structure can be represented by using arrays. Here is a program showing the implementation of a queue using an array.


#include <iostream> #include<stdlib.h> using namespace std; class queuearr { int queue1[5]; int rear, front; public: queuearr() { rear = -1; front = -1; } void insert(int x) { if (rear > 4) { cout << "queue over flow"; front = rear = -1; return; } queue1[++rear] = x; cout << "inserted " << x; } void delet() { if (front == rear) { cout << "queue under flow"; return; } cout << "deleted " << queue1[++front]; } void display() { if (rear == front) { cout << " queue empty"; return; } for (int i = front + 1; i <= rear; i++) cout << queue1[i] << " "; } }; int main() { int ch; queuearr qu; while (1) { cout << "\n1.insert 2.delet 3.display 4.exit\nEnter ur choice: "; cin >> ch; switch (ch) { case 1: cout << "enter the element: "; cin >> ch; qu.insert(ch); break; case 2: qu.delet(); break; case 3: qu.display(); break; case 4: exit(0); } } }


Polynomial addition using linked list in c
Polynomial addition using linked list in c
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Page 4

This chapter starts with the basic information regarding the fundamental knowledge required to solve various problems. Algorithm design is one of the primary steps in solving problems. Algorithms are set of steps or instructions required and designed to solve a specific problem.

What is Software Development Life Cycle?

Developing good software is a tedious process which keeps on going i.e. under development for a long time before the software or the program takes the final shape. This process is often termed as Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC). Here, the output of one stage becomes the input of next stage.

The various steps involved in the Software Development Life Cycle are as follows:

  • Analyze the problem with precision
  • Create a prototype and experiment with it until all requirements are finalized
  • Design an algorithm for the task using the tools of the data structure
  • Verify the algorithmic steps
  • Analyze the algorithm for checking its requirements
  • Code the algorithm to any suitable programming language
  • Test and evaluate the code
  • Refine and repeat the preceding steps until the software is complete
  • Optimize the code to improve performance
  • Maintain the application that you have designed so that it meets the upcoming client's and users need

Program Design

Program design is an important stage of software development. This phase takes the help of algorithms and different concepts of data structures to solve the problem(s) that is proposed.

Different Approaches to Designing Algorithms

Complex code can be subdivided into smaller units called modules. The advantage of modularity is that it allows the principle of separation of concerns to be applied into two phases are -

  • While dealing with details of each module in isolation
  • While dealing with overall characteristics of all modules and their relationships

Modularity enhances design clarity, which in turn eases implementation and readability. Debugging, testing, documenting and maintenance of product also increase due to modularity.

What Do You Mean by Complexity of Algorithm?

Complexity is an essential concept in Data structure. When you talk about complexity is related to computer, you call it as computational complexity. It can be termed as the characterization of time and space requirements for solving a problem using some specific algorithm. These requirements are expressed regarding one single parameter which is used to represent the size of the problem.


Let 'n' denotes the size of the problem. Then the time required for a specific type of  algorithm for solving a problem can be expressed as:

f : R -> R, where f is the function and f(n) is the most significant amount of time needed. Thus you can conclude that analysis of any program requires two vital concepts:

  • Time Complexity
  • Space Complexity

Time Complexity of a program can be defined as the amount of time the computer takes to run a program to its completion. On the other hand, the space complexity of an algorithm can be defined as the memory that it needs to run that algorithm to its completion.

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Page 5

In this chapter, you will learn about the different algorithmic approaches that are usually followed while programming or designing an algorithm. Then you will get the basic idea of what Big-O notation is and how it is used. Finally, there will be brief lists of the different types of algorithmic analysis that is being performed using the types of complexity.

Various Approaches to Algorithmic Design

Any system can have components which have components of their own. Certainly, a system is a hierarchy of components. The highest level of components corresponds to the total system. There are usually two approaches to design such hierarchy:

  1. Top-down approach
  2. Bottom-up approach

Now let's discuss both of them:

Top-down approach

The top-down approach starts by identifying the major components of the system or program decomposing them into their lower level components and iterating until the desired level of modular complexity is achieved. The top-down method takes the form of stepwise working and refinement of instructions. Thus the top-down approach starts from an abstract design, and each step is refined into more concrete level until the final refined stage is not reached.

Bottom-up approach

The bottom-up design starts with designing the most basic or primitive components and proceeds to the higher level component. It works with layers of abstraction. Starting from below, the operation that provides a layer of abstraction is implemented. These operations are further used to implement more powerful operations and still higher layers of abstraction until the final stage is reached.

What is Big - O notation?

When resolving a computer-related problem, there will frequently be more than just one solution. These individual solutions will often be in the shape of different algorithms or instructions having different logic, and you will normally want to compare the algorithms to see which one is more proficient. So, this is where Big O analysis helps program developers to give programmers some basis for computing and measuring the efficiency of a specific algorithm.

If f(n) represents the computing time of some algorithm and g(n) represents a known standard function like n, n2, n log n, then to write:

f(n) is O g(n)

which means that f(n) of n equals to the biggest order of the function, i.e., the g(n).

So what Big - O does? It helps to determine the time as well as space complexity of the algorithm. Using Big - O notation, the time taken by the algorithm and the space required to run the algorithm can be ascertained. Some of the lists of common computing times of algorithms in order of performance are as follows:

  • O (1)
  • O (log n)
  • O (n)
  • O (nlog n)
  • O (n2)
  • O (n3)
  • O (2n)

Thus algorithm with their computational complexity can be rated as per the mentioned order of performance.

Algorithm Analysis

In the last chapter, you have studied about the time and space complexity. This complexity is used to analyze the algorithm in the data structure. There are various ways of solving a problem and there exists different algorithms which can be designed to solve the problem.

Consequently, analysis of algorithms focuses on the computation of space and time complexity. Here are various types of time complexities which can be analyzed for the algorithm:

  • Best case time complexity: The best case time complexity of an algorithm is a measure of the minimum time that the algorithm will require for an input of size 'n.' The running time of many algorithms varies not only for the inputs of different sizes but also for the different inputs of the same size.
  • Worst case time Complexity: The worst case time complexity of an algorithm is a measure of the minimum time that the algorithm will require for an input of size 'n.' Therefore, if various algorithms for sorting are taken into account and say 'n,' input data items are supplied in reverse order for a sorting algorithm, then the algorithm will require n2 operations to perform the sort which will correspond to the worst case time complexity of the algorithm.
  • Average Time complexity Algorithm: This is the time that the algorithm will require to execute a typical input data of size 'n' is known as the average case time complexity.
Polynomial addition using linked list in c
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Page 6

This chapter explores various searching techniques. The process of identifying or finding a particular record is called Searching. You often spend time in searching for any desired item. If the data is kept properly in sorted order, then searching becomes very easy and efficient. In this chapter, you will get to know the basic concepts of searching that are used in the data structure and case of programming also.

What is searching?

Searching is an operation or a technique that helps finds the place of a given element or value in the list. Any search is said to be successful or unsuccessful depending upon whether the element that is being searched is found or not. Some of the standard searching technique that is being followed in the data structure is listed below:

  • Linear Search or Sequential Search
  • Binary Search

This is the simplest method for searching. In this technique of searching, the element to be found in searching the elements to be found is searched sequentially in the list. This method can be performed on a sorted or an unsorted list (usually arrays). In case of a sorted list searching starts from 0th element and continues until the element is found from the list or the element whose value is greater than (assuming the list is sorted in ascending order), the value being searched is reached.

As against this, searching in case of unsorted list also begins from the 0th element and continues until the element or the end of the list is reached.

Polynomial addition using linked list in c


The list given below is the list of elements in an unsorted array. The array contains ten elements. Suppose the element to be searched is '46', so 46 is compared with all the elements starting from the 0th element, and the searching process ends where 46 is found, or the list ends.

The performance of the linear search can be measured by counting the comparisons done to find out an element. The number of comparison is 0(n).

It is a simple algorithm that searches for a specific item inside a list. It operates looping on each element O(n) unless and until a match occurs or the end of the array is reached.

  • algorithm Seqnl_Search(list, item)
  • Pre: list != ;
  • Post: return the index of the item if found, otherwise: 1
  • index <- fi
  • while index < list.Cnt and list[index] != item //cnt: counter variable
  • index <- index + 1
  • end while
  • if index < list.Cnt and list[index] = item
  • return index
  • end if
  • return: 1
  • end Seqnl_Search

Binary search is a very fast and efficient searching technique. It requires the list to be in sorted order. In this method, to search an element you can compare it with the present element at the center of the list. If it matches, then the search is successful otherwise the list is divided into two halves: one from the 0th element to the middle element which is the center element (first half) another from the center element to the last element (which is the 2nd half) where all values are greater than the center element.

The searching mechanism proceeds from either of the two halves depending upon whether the target element is greater or smaller than the central element. If the element is smaller than the central element, then searching is done in the first half, otherwise searching is done in the second half.

  • algorithm Binary_Search(list, item)
  • Set L to 0 and R to n: 1
  • if L > R, then Binary_Search terminates as unsuccessful
  • else
  • Set m (the position in the mid element) to the floor of (L + R) / 2
  • if Am < T, set L to m + 1 and go to step 3
  • if Am > T, set R to m: 1 and go to step 3
  • Now, Am = T,
  • the search is done; return (m)
Polynomial addition using linked list in c
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Page 7

In this chapter you will be dealing with the various sorting techniques and their algorithms used to manipulate data structure and its storage. Sorting method can be implemented in different ways - by selection, insertion method, or by merging. Various types and forms of sorting methods have been explored in this tutorial.

What is sorting?

Sorting refers to the operation or technique of arranging and rearranging sets of data in some specific order. A collection of records called a list where every record has one or more fields. The fields which contain a unique value for each record is termed as the key field. For example, a phone number directory can be thought of as a list where each record has three fields - 'name' of the person, 'address' of that person, and their 'phone numbers'. Being unique phone number can work as a key to locate any record in the list.

Sorting is the operation performed to arrange the records of a table or list in some order according to some specific ordering criterion. Sorting is performed according to some key value of each record.

The records are either sorted either numerically or alphanumerically. The records are then arranged in ascending or descending order depending on the numerical value of the key. Here is an example, where the sorting of a lists of marks obtained by a student in any particular subject of a class.

Categories of Sorting

The techniques of sorting can be divided into two categories. These are:

  • Internal Sorting
  • External Sorting

Internal Sorting: If all the data that is to be sorted can be adjusted at a time in the main memory, the internal sorting method is being performed.

External Sorting: When the data that is to be sorted cannot be accommodated in the memory at the same time and some has to be kept in auxiliary memory such as hard disk, floppy disk, magnetic tapes etc, then external sorting methods are performed.

The Complexity of Sorting Algorithms

The complexity of sorting algorithm calculates the running time of a function in which 'n' number of items are to be sorted. The choice for which sorting method is suitable for a problem depends on several dependency configurations for different problems. The most noteworthy of these considerations are:

  • The length of time spent by the programmer in programming a specific sorting program
  • Amount of machine time necessary for running the program
  • The amount of memory necessary for running the program

The Efficiency of Sorting Techniques

To get the amount of time required to sort an array of 'n' elements by a particular method, the normal approach is to analyze the method to find the number of comparisons (or exchanges) required by it. Most of the sorting techniques are data sensitive, and so the metrics for them depends on the order in which they appear in an input array.

Various sorting techniques are analyzed in various cases and named these cases as follows:

  • Best case
  • Worst case
  • Average case

Hence, the result of these cases is often a formula giving the average time required for a particular sort of size 'n.' Most of the sort methods have time requirements that range from O(nlog n) to O(n2).

Types of Sorting Techniques

  • Bubble Sort
  • Selection Sort
  • Merge Sort
  • Insertion Sort
  • Quick Sort
  • Heap Sort
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