Planning events together with a colleague can help early childhood teachers

As a teaching mentor, I'm constantly asked how new teachers can be good colleagues to their fellow teachers. As new teachers try to earn their colleagues' respect, they worry about stepping on the toes of veteran teachers. They need guidance on how to build strong, lasting relationships.

Further Reading: The 6 Secrets to Building a Relationship with Your Principal

I tell all of my mentees that teacher relationships with colleagues are incredibly important because they contribute to a more positive school climate. Here are some tips I give to my mentees to help them develop meaningful, respectful, and helpful relationships.

1. Be Trustworthy

Few things damage a teacher's relationship with their colleagues more than spilling secrets, gossiping, or talking smack about administrators. So don't. When—not if, but when—someone tells you something in confidence, keep it to yourself. When you hear gossip, don't participate. And never talk trash. It will always come back to bite you. Showing your colleagues that they can trust you is a fundamental step in building strong relationships with them.

Planning events together with a colleague can help early childhood teachers

2. Listen

If you're a new teacher, it's absolutely imperative to listen to the vets around you. We get it: You're full of enthusiasm, and you're eager to contribute to meetings. But be careful—you don't want to come across as a know-it-all when you're a novice.

Of course veteran teachers want to hear new teachers' voices. But presentation is critical. Veteran teachers and staff will help you acclimate to the culture of your building. They'll help you navigate the ups and downs of teaching. Observe how veterans speak in meetings, during professional learning group time, and with other colleagues. You'll learn valuable information.

3. Ask Questions

Asking questions is an easy and effective way to build relationships with your colleagues. If you don't understand something or you need help, don't be afraid to ask questions. Your administrators, your teachers, and especially your mentors—they want to help you. They'd much rather you ask a question than watch you flounder.

Ask your colleagues questions about their interests and hobbies outside of work, too. Get to know them better. Maybe you both love Pearl Jam—that could help build your bond. I love listening to my colleagues share their child-rearing tips and cooking ideas and talk about their travel adventures.

4. Support Your Colleagues

Almost every teacher I know is working on an initiative, engaged in committee work, or piloting new lessons or assessments. Supporting your colleagues' work shows them that you care about their interests and are willing to show up when they need you. Participate in their committees. Test-drive their new lesson plans. Take their surveys. And if you see something that resonates with you, talk to the teacher handling that work. They'll appreciate the support and interest.

5. Offer Your Help

My mentee this year, Patric, was very technologically savvy. He helped me and several other teachers navigate our new online testing system, and we were eternally grateful.

If you have a special skill, let your colleagues know and offer your help. Reverse mentoring is powerful.

6. Respect Boundaries

Look, we don't need to tell you that teaching is a stressful gig. If you see a teacher on the phone, in a conversation with another colleague, or enjoying a solo lunch, just keep moving. Don't bother them. If you borrow something, return it in a timely manner. Respecting your fellow teachers' boundaries is critical to building bridges—and keeping the workplace civil.

Modeling this respect can also help your students learn how to identify and respect others' boundaries, something kids learn through practice, the Child Mind Institute says. Developing your emotional intelligence will help you empathize with your colleagues and know when to engage—and when not to.

7. Be Real

No one likes a phony. When you interact with a colleague, be yourself, and be honest. Look to create genuine relationships with your fellow teachers, not transactional ones. This will show your colleagues that you're invested in the relationship.

8. Celebrate

Get to know your colleagues better by creating memories with them.

Teachers frequently go out for dinner or drinks, and sometimes they attend cultural events together. Schools throw holiday parties. Teachers unions hold soirees. At my school, most of the teachers go to prom every year. Many teachers attend student sporting events, musical performances, and school plays. Take part in these outings when you can.

You don't need to attend every school-related event, but showing up at least once in a while shows that you're a team player.

9. Branch Out

Forming relationships with teacher colleagues can help you feel more fulfilled in your career, but it's also perfectly acceptable to develop relationships with your principal or other administrator, too. Over the years, I've counted many of my bosses as dear friends.

Friendships with administrators can lead to complications, however, so keeping the relationship healthy is key. To avoid blurring lines, make your intentions clear when speaking to an administrator by saying things like, "I'm speaking to you as a friend now," or "As an employee, I think..." Entrepreneur suggests remembering that the purpose of your relationship with your principal isn't to win favor; it's to build a connection based on "mutual respect, which will lead to better communication, the ability to work through disagreements and ... a partnership where you can support one another through difficult times."

Further Reading: Survive the Gossip Target on Your Back

As you build teacher relationships with colleagues, you'll find that your job becomes more enjoyable. It's easy territory to navigate if you follow these simple guidelines.

This lesson will highlight the importance of teamwork when managing your preschool classroom. You will learn how collaborating with colleagues and family members creates high-quality practices and better outcomes for the children and families in your care. You will also learn the importance of reflecting on your own experiences in teamwork and practices in classroom management.

The childcare profession offers numerous opportunities to build rewarding positive relationships with children, colleagues and parents. Building collegiality in childcare is the key to gaining maximum satisfaction and fulfillment.

Effective communication with colleagues and families

You will find that there is a lot of information available on building collaborative relationships between families and colleagues in childcare. This article is intended to introduce you to the key concepts of relationship building with the key stakeholders.

Collaboration with families in childcare

Establishing strong connections with families will help to build mutual trust and respect. This will help parents to build confidence in the care worker’s professionalism and ability. This confidence helps to break down barriers and encourages open communication about any issues or concerns that they may hold about their child. This rapport will help to encourage parents to  more readily participate in centre activities.

Some proven ways to foster good relationships with families include:

  • A welcoming atmosphere in childcare encourages families to participate in daily activities. Encourage an open environment that encourages questions about centre activities and programs. This openness can be extended to displaying the child’s work and sharing it with his or her parents.
  • Pursue a policy of open communication. It is a parent’s right to know how their child is progressing. While communicating with families in early childhood education may at times appear to be one way, it is the childcare professional’s duty to maintain open lines of communication through a range of channels including personalised notes, newsletters, question boxes and child communication books.
  • Make use of a notice board to share general news about the centre. A notice board is a great tool and means of collaboration with families in childcare. Typically, you can provide information about the weekly program, upcoming events and the latest newsletter. Often the notice board acts as a visual prompt and reminder for events mentioned through other channels.
  • Give plenty of advance notice for special family day events such as a mother’s day event, or a parent’s information evening.
  • Encouraging family input into the program and planning is a wonderful way of building relationships with families in early childhood education. Open conversations provide opportunities to incorporate family events into the program. This interaction helps to build bridges between families and educators.
  • Organise social events for educators and parents. A social event can be a fundraiser or simply a social occasion. The point is that these events can really help to break down barriers and build connections.

Effective communication with colleagues

Working to build positive relationships with colleagues helps to build a better atmosphere within the childcare environment. The key to building positive relationships is open and clear communication. Ways to make communication effective include:

  • Be open to fresh ideas and feedback regardless of how many years of experience that you may yourself have in childcare. A willingness to listen to new perspectives and even concerns helps to keep the lines of communication open.
  • Be prepared to offer help when required. There’s a fine line here between being overbearing and helpful. The key is to make it known that you are available and willing to help when required. A simple enquiry asking if somebody needs help with something can go a long way towards building trust and relationships.
  • Encourage people to collaborate on problems.
  • Foster an atmosphere of open, honest communication. Creating an atmosphere where staff feel free to communicate openly but respectfully with each other helps build rapport and a sense of team. To support this, any staffing issues that arise should be dealt with promptly, fairly and appropriately.
  • Don’t forget the social aspect. Social settings help staff to get to know each other better and to let their personalities shine through. The great thing about staff social functions is that they don’t have to be over thought – they can be as simple as an occasional get together for a meal at a restaurant or a barbecue.

Ultimately building effective relationships relies upon a preparedness to work together. It is an essential factor in the childcare setting and one that makes the working environment a more inviting place for all.