How do I log into Candy Crush on another device?

How do I log into Candy Crush on a different phone?

To transfer your game from one device to another, you need to be logged in to Google Play. Simply log in on your new device with the same account you used on the old one, download the game in Play Market, and continue playing.

Can I continue my Candy Crush game on another device?

Please note that you can transfer progress only to the same platform (from Android to another Android and from iOS to another iOS). To continue playing on another device, you need to sign into a social network and activate the Cloud Storage that will save your current game progress.

Can you access Candy Crush on two devices?

To answer your question --> YES! You can definitely keep playing the game on your old device even after installing the App in another device. All of your Lollipops will still be intact on your old phone to use, UNTIL you delete the App from that device. So, you can keep playing on both devices.

How do I log into my old Candy Crush account?

You only need to go into the app and reconnect to the relevant Facebook/Kingdom account and your progress will return. To reconnect with Facebook please make sure first that you are logged in to the right account within the Facebook app/browser. Then on the home screen for Candy Crush.