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Page 2

From: Organizational Factors in the Individual Ethical Behaviour. The Notion of the “Organizational Moral Structure”

The OMS constituent The OMS constituent’s description
Leader’s values and character Leaders act as role models: their values and character foster behaviour of people within the organization.
Vision and exercise of power Actions of individual employees in an organizational context are conditioned by how top executives understand and use their power.
Corporate control systems Corporate control system pressures moral behaviour of people within the organization.
Internal network of influences The network of influences within the organization, which takes place through links, interdependences and interactions among individuals and groups, affects individual moral behaviour.
Organizational culture The organizational culture, which includes shared beliefs, values, and common practices, influences individual behaviour.
Internal and competitive pressures Internal pressures – especially those coming from the top – along with competitive pressures, can have an influence in misbehaviours.
External influences External elements of corporate environment influence managers’ behaviour, and indirectly—all people within the organization.