At what temperature will oxygen molecules have same root mean square speed as hydrogen molecules at 200 Kelvin?

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At what temperature will oxygen molecules have same root mean square speed as hydrogen molecules at 200 Kelvin?


At what temperature will oxygen molecules have same root mean square speed as hydrogen molecules at 200 Kelvin?

At what temperature will oxygen molecules have same root mean square speed as hydrogen molecules at 200 Kelvin?

Text Solution

4800 K3600 K2400 K300 K.

Answer : A

Solution : Since root mean square velocity of oxygen =rms value of hydrogen <br> `therefore sqrt((3RT_(0))/(M_(0)))=sqrt((3RT_(H))/(M_(H)))` <br> `rArr T_(0) =T_(H) cdot (M_(0))/(M_(H))=300xx(32)/(2)=4800 k` <br> Thus, correct choice is (a).