Apa maksud dari iso 17024

ISO/IEC 17024: Conformity assessment - General requirements for bodies operating certification of persons is an International Standard which specifies criteria for the operation of a personnel certification body (also known as a 'certification body for persons'). The standard includes requirements for the development and maintenance of the certification scheme for persons upon which the certification is based.

ISO/IEC 17024:2012 was released in July 2012[1] and was last reviewed and confirmed in 2018.[2]

This version contains requirements for certification bodies for persons in the following areas:

  • Structure
  • Resources
  • Records and information
  • Development of certification schemes
  • Certification processes
  • Management system

The major changes between the 2003 version and the 2012 version are within the detailed information regarding the development of the scheme for certification of persons. The 2003 version required the certification body to have a scheme committee that had overall responsibility for the development of the scheme, but it did not elaborate on the components that must be included in the scheme. The 2012 version has an entire clause (clause 8) that provides detailed information regarding the components that must be included in the development and maintenance of the scheme but allows the scheme owner to be outside of the certification body.

Other changes include a change in reference of "personnel certification body" to "certification body for persons", defining of additional terms such as "validity" and "reliability", and the addition of a "principles" section that defines the foundational principles for the standard.[3]

This section describes the general requirements for certification bodies. General requirements include criteria for the legal status of the certification body (the certification body must be a legal entity), criteria associated with the financial resources and liability responsibilities of the certification body (the certification body must have sufficient finances to cover its liabilities and for the operation of the entity), requirements regarding the impartiality and impartial operation of the certification body, and requirements that the certification body maintains responsibility for the decision on certification (the decision to award certification to a person cannot be outsourced to any other body).


This section describes the structural requirements for certification bodies. Structural requirements contain criteria for the organizational structure of the Certification Body for Persons including how it is managed. Specific requirements relating to the structure of the certification body in relation to training is included in this section. Specifically, if the certification body also offers training it must demonstrate how the impartiality of the certification is not compromised by the training.


This section describes the resource requirements for certification bodies. Resource requirements include criteria for the personnel and staff of the certification body. Specific requirements for persons (both internal to the organization and external to the organization such as consultants and volunteers) involved in certification activities are included as are criteria associated with outsourcing to other bodies. This section also includes requirements for other resources such as examination equipment required to operate the certification activities.

Records and information

This section describes the records and information requirements for certification bodies. The requirements include criteria relating to the records of applicants, candidates and certified persons. Requirements regarding information that must be made public as well as information that must be kept confidential are included in this section and criteria for the information security (exam papers, etc.) are described.

Certification scheme

This section includes requirements for the development and maintenance of the certification scheme. The certification scheme is the competence and other requirements for awarding the certification to a person and includes a scope of certification, job and task description, required competence, abilities (when applicable), prerequisites (when applicable), and a code of conduct (when applicable). Criteria for the initial certification and recertification must be part of the scheme and includes description of the assessment methods, and the criteria for suspending and withdrawing the certification.

Certification process

This section includes requirements for the certification process including criteria for the certification application process, assessment process, examination process, and the decision on certification. Criteria for suspending, withdrawing or reducing the scope of certification and recertification requirements are included in this section. This section also includes requirements for the use of certificates, logos and marks, and requirements associated with appeals and complaints.

Management system

This section requires the certification body to establish, document, implement and maintain a management system capable of supporting the requirements of the standard. A body that has established and maintains a management system in accordance with ISO 9001 and that is capable of supporting the management system requirements of ISO/IEC 17024.

Released by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) in 2003, ISO/IEC 17024 was designed to harmonize the personnel certification process worldwide.[4] In the European Union ISO/IEC 17024 replaced EN 45013 (1989), which was published in the UK as BS 7513:1989.

The issues that ISO 17024 tackles can be summarized as:

  • Defining what it is you examine (the competencies)
  • Knowledge, skills and personal attributes
  • Examination must be independent
  • Examination must be a valid test of competence

Where competency is typically described as "the demonstrated ability to apply knowledge, skills and attributes".[quote citation needed]

Each accreditation body provides various levels of guidance around compliance and the implementation of ISO/IEC 17024.

  1. ^ Gasiorowski-Denis, E. (24 July 2012). "New and improved ISO/IEC 17024 standard for personnel certification programmes". ISO.
  2. ^ "ISO/IEC 17024:2012". ISO. Retrieved 27 January 2021.
  3. ^ MacCurtain, S.; Woodley, C. "Presentation of the New Standard:ISO/IEC 17024:2012" (PPT). ISO.
  4. ^ Davies, S. (June 2007). "Easy reference for ISO 17024". Personnel Certification and Training.

  • ISO 17024:2003
  • ISO 17024:2012

Retrieved from "https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=ISO/IEC_17024&oldid=1096577762"


Komite Akreditasi Nasional memberikan akreditasi kepada Lembaga penilaian kesesuaian (LPK) yang menyediakan jasa sertifikasi personil terhadap persyaratan ISO/ IEC 17024. KAN menyambut baik LPK  baru yang tertarik untuk mendaftar, namun LPK perlu menyadari bahwa mereka perlu untuk menunjukkan bahwa mereka memiliki minimal satu personil operasional skema sertifikasi seperti ISO 9001 auditor. lS0 14001 auditor, auditor HACCP, petugas sampling, petugas pengelasan dan lain-lain. Personil skema sertifikasi memiliki peran penting memfasilitasi standardisasi di dunia meningkatkan mobilitas dalam komunitas sertifikasi antar negara. meningkatkan keselamatan publik, dan melindungi konsumen. Skema ini bernama mengkonfirmasikan kompetensi individu untuk melakukan jasa layanan atau tugas. Pelatihan ini akan memberikan pemahaman mengenai Training ISO 17024 : Penilaian kesesuaian – Persyaratan Umum Lembaga Sertifikasi Personel serta mengoptimalkan kemampuan perusahaan untuk mencapai tujuan strategis perusahaan.


Setelah mengikuti pelatihan ini, peserta diharapkan dapat :

  1. Memahami konsep Training ISO 17024 : Penilaian kesesuaian – Persyaratan Umum Lembaga  Sertifikasi Personel;
  2. Mampu membuat sistem prosedur kerja dimana prosedur kerja atau instruksi kerja  yang efektif;
  3. Mampu membangun sistem prosedur kerja atau pedoman kerja dengan misi sebagai landasan perusahaan Anda untuk mencapai “goal perusahaan” yang nantinya bertumbuh semakin besar.


  1. Konsep Training ISO 17024 : Penilaian kesesuaian – Persyaratan Umum Lembaga  Sertifikasi Personel 
  2. Peraturan dalam Persyaratan Umum Lembaga Sertifikasi Personel
  3. Tips dan trik menciptakan prosedur kerja yang efektif
  4. Hambatan dan Solusi dalam Penilaian kesesuaian – Persyaratan Umum Lembaga  Sertifikasi Personel
  5. Studi Kasus dan Diskusi


Training ini diperuntukkan bagi:

  1. Staff, Supervisor, Manager ataupun level di atasnya dari berbagai macam perusahaan yang membutuhkan training ini;
  2. Praktisi atau Profesional yang ingin menambah pengetahuan mengenai Training ISO 17024 : Penilaian kesesuaian – Persyaratan Umum Lembaga  Sertifikasi Personel 



    • Ibis Style Hotel Yogyakarta
    • Gino Feruci Hotel Bandung
    • Sofyan Betawi Menteng Hotel Jakarta
    • Harris Seminyak Hotel Bali
    • In House Training*

Fasilitas dan Investasi

    • Ibis Style Hotel Yogyakarta
    • Fasilitas: Hard Copy Materi, USB Flashdisk, Training Kits, Coffee Break & Lunch, Sertifikat, Foto Group, Souvenir
    • Investasi sebesar Rp. 6.000.000,- (Enam Juta Rupiah) per peserta non residential
    • Harga tidak termasuk pajak


    • Ibis Style Hotel Yogyakarta
    • Menggunakan Aplikasi Zoom
    • Fasilitas: Hard Copy Materi, USB Flashdisk, Training Kits, Sertifikat, Souvenir
    • Investasi sebesar Rp. 4.000.000 (Empat Juta Rupiah) per peserta


Agus Sutarna, MNSc dan Team

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