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Page 2

   Ethnicity Time Since Immigration
   White (n = 215,694) South Asian (n = 3,284) SE Asian (n = 4,962) Black (n = 1,858) Latin American (n = 861) West Asian (n = 878) Aboriginal persons (n = 6,921) Others (n = 2,138) Non-Immigrant (n = 204,764) Established Immigrant (n = 25,616) Recent Immigrant (n = 6,216)
Age 20-34 23.2 36.2 35.5 37.3 45.2 42.9 41.8 34.6 25.9 13.0 43.7
  35-49 30.8 38.3 36.2 36.4 39.2 35.1 31.5^ 35 30.8 29.9 41.8
  50-64 24.5 18.2 18.2 19.4 11.2 17.7 17.7 19.1 23.6 30.9 10.6
  65+ 21.5 7.3 10.1 6.9 4.4 4.2 9.0 11.3 19.6 26.2 3.8
Sex Male 46.7 52.0 49.7 45.7^ 44.4^ 56.1 43.2 52.1 46.5 48.7 49.8
  Female 53.3 48.0 50.3 54.3^ 55.6^ 43.9 56.8 47.9 53.5 51.3 50.2
Body Mass Index UW 2.3 5.2 9.0 2.6 3.2 3.4 1.7 2.5^ 2.4 2.8 6.8
  Normal 44.9 56.2 70.0 45.9 45.4 49.8 33.6 47.3^ 44.8 46.9 60.5
  OW 35.5 30.8 17.8 34.6 36.7 34.4^ 34.2^ 34.6^ 34.9 36.4 25.5
  OB 17.2 7.8 3.2 16.9 14.7 12.4 30.4 15.6^ 17.9 13.9 7.2
Education > Secondary 24.1 16.5 14.1 18.4 16.9 14.5 45.0 18.4 24.1 22.0 11.9
  Secondary Graduate 18.0 16.5 21.9 15.5 22.0 15.4 12.5 17.1^ 17.5 18.2 15.5
  Some post-secondary 7.4 9.3 8.1^ 12.1 10.0 12.1 9.0 8.4^ 8.0 6.1 8.2^
  Post-Secondary Graduate 50.5 57.7 55.9 54.0 51.1^ 58.0 33.6 56.2 50.4 53.6 64.5
Income > $5,000 0.9 1.3^ 3.2 0.9^ 3.7 3.2 2.7^ 2.1^ 0.9 0.9 3.9
  $5,000-14,999 9.6 4.1 6.5^ 8.7^ 8.9^ 11.1^ 20.6 8.1^ 10.0 6.8 8.7
  $15,000-29,999 17.4 14.4 15.3^ 22.9^ 12.2 20.8^ 22.7 19.3^ 17.3 16.7^ 19.7^
  $30,000-49,999 21.3 24.8^ 21.8^ 26.2 28.8^ 28.2^ 21.2^ 18.9^ 21.1 21.5^ 25.4
  $50,000-$79,999 24.9 29.5 25.9^ 22.4^ 30.5 21.3^ 19.3 24.1^ 24.7 25.2^ 25.4^
  $80,000 and more 25.9 25.8^ 27.3^ 18.9 16.0 15.4^ 13.6 27.4^ 26.1 28.9 16.9
PA Index Active 21.3 16.1 17.9 17.8 19.1^ 19.4^ 22.7^ 20.1^ 22.6 20.8 16.9
  Moderate 24.6 18.4 20.8 18.8 20.8 16.8 20.5 22 24.9 22.9 19.7
  Inactive 54.1 65.5 61.3 63.4 60.1 63.8 56.8 57.9 52.5 56.3 63.4
PA Mode Walking 68.3 56.7 55.8 55.3 57.5 56.2 70.8 59.5 69.1 64.2 55.7
  Endurance 34.6 29.7 35.8^ 29.2 33.3^ 33.6^ 29.2 31.5 37.1 30.2 36.2^
  Recreation 60.0 38.8 40.0 37.1 38.0 30.5 51.7 48.4 62.4 51.0 35.7
  Exercise 36.6 45.0 43.7 45.8 44.1 38.5^ 31.0 43.3 37.1 39.9 39.7
  Sports 28.8 24.3 27.6^ 26.8^ 27.4^ 31.6^ 25.0 29.9 26.9 18.8 28.4
  Commute 53.1 55.8 49.7 59.7 63.9 52.0^ 60.5 52.1^ 54.1 53.7^ 59.3
  No PA 10.5 18.7 15.9 17.4 15.6 20.9 12.5 14.1 9.7 13.4 17.9

  1. Note: All figures are in percentages and each coloumn sums up to 100% per variable, except for PA Mode. PA Mode figures represent % of sample who responded yes to participation in that particular activity. Sample size numbers are unweighted.
  2. Abbreviations: SE: South-East; BMI: Body Mass Index; UW: underweight; OW: overweight; OB: obese; PA: Physical Activity.
  3. Symbols: ^NS (p > 0.05) based on Pearson chi square analyses and standardized adjusted residuals.
  4. Referent group for ethnicity analyses was 'White' and referent for time since immigration was 'Non-Immigrant'.