Why is my hair part so wide


A wide centre hair parting is generally an indication of diffuse hair thinning. The common causes are common balding (androgenetic alopecia), telogen effluvium (hair loss due to more hairs being pushed into the sleeping phase of the hair growth cycle; caused by recent illness, crash dieting, pregnancy, etc), underlying chronic illness (e.g. thyroid disease, iron deficiency), underlying acute illness (e.g. systemic lupus erythematosus).

It is best that you consult your doctor so that a thorough evaluation may be done to determine the root cause. Effective treatment will need to be directed at the most likely cause of your hair loss.

Hope this helps!

I’ve always had fine hair and so does everyone else in my family. I’m only 18 but conscious about my hair thinning.

ThanksName: DCF2E41A-49EC-4BF1-BA6B-295EF2080AED.jpeg Views: 524 Size: 65.8 KB

Last edited by EVMD17; 1 year ago

Me wondering what on earth hair parting is...

(Original post by Jonathanツ)
Me wondering what on earth hair parting is...

Surely you can figure it out from the picture

(Original post by tej3141)
Surely you can figure it out from the picture

Is it the larger line between the middle?

(Original post by Jonathanツ)
Is it the larger line between the middle?

Pretty much. Remember this fact; it will come in useful one day

(Original post by tej3141)
Pretty much. Remember this fact; it will come in useful one day

Indeed, once again I have learned more from a random user of TSR than I have of a day in school

(Original post by EVMD17) I’ve always had fine hair and so does everyone else in my family. I’m only 18 but conscious about my hair thinning.

ThanksName: DCF2E41A-49EC-4BF1-BA6B-295EF2080AED.jpeg Views: 524 Size: 65.8 KB

looks completely fine! i had this problem a few years ago so i started using a hair parting brush and it’s an absolute life saver. would 10/10 recommend to use a partition brush for those days it looks bad

There's nothing wrong with it.

You could always try parting your hair to the side or alternating how you part your hair. Some people report their hair part widening when they part it the same way all the time, although I'm not sure how much truth there is in that.

Last edited by 1582; 1 year ago

I wouldn’t say it’s wide, but looks like you just have medium density hair, combined with medium fine hair. Higher density hair gives a tighter (narrower) looking part, but it’s also dependent on the thickness of the hair itself. My tip would be to try finding your natural part and see if that helps. Also, clever hair colouring techniques, such as highlights, can give the impression of thicker looking hair, whilst also distracting away from the part. Darker hair contrasting against the lighter skin of the scalp, can also define the hair parting better.

If you feel your hair is getting finer, having a fresh blunt, one length cut, or slightly graduated cut (if opting for above the shoulders) can achieve a much thicker result. I often work with clients with the same problem and they’re much happier with the results after I’ve cut their hair in such a way.

(Original post by Jonathanツ)
Me wondering what on earth hair parting is...


There's nothing wrong with your hair, but I can tell that you have fine hair. So maybe consider choosing a hairstyle that goes well with your hair type instead of let them lay flat.

Yeah that’s my concern- maybe my hairstyle is making the hair around the parting become thinner?

(Original post by Baz_HHH) I wouldn’t say it’s wide, but looks like you just have medium density hair, combined with medium fine hair. Higher density hair gives a tighter (narrower) looking part, but it’s also dependent on the thickness of the hair itself. My tip would be to try finding your natural part and see if that helps. Also, clever hair colouring techniques, such as highlights, can give the impression of thicker looking hair, whilst also distracting away from the part. Darker hair contrasting against the lighter skin of the scalp, can also define the hair parting better.

If you feel your hair is getting finer, having a fresh blunt, one length cut, or slightly graduated cut (if opting for above the shoulders) can achieve a much thicker result. I often work with clients with the same problem and they’re much happier with the results after I’ve cut their hair in such a way.

Thank you so much! I had a one length hair cut about 6 weeks ago and my hair looks better for a couple of weeks but goes back to normal again. I had quite bad sunburn on my scalp a few weeks ago too; can that make you lose hair? I’ve seen that people use castor oil and biotin supplements would you recommend them?

Last edited by EVMD17; 1 year ago

(Original post by EVMD17)
Thank you so much! I had a one length hair cut about 6 weeks ago and my hair looks better for a couple of weeks but goes back to normal again. I had quite bad sunburn on my scalp a few weeks ago too; can that make you lose hair? I’ve seen that people use castor oil and biotin supplements would you recommend them?

I’m a hairdresser, but I’m not medically trained to offer advice on supplements. I know lots of people take them and there are benefits in them, however, I personally feel that fundamentally, the type of hair one has is all to do with genetics, supplements and the things we put on our hair can enhance the appearance of the hair usually in the short term, but it won’t change the density and thickness (of each strand) for example. I’ve also heard positive stories on castor oil, regarding hair growth. However, there’s no clinical evidence to suggest it works. Again, from the photo I’ve seen, your hair looks healthy, only you can tell if the density has reduced over time. If it has, it could be due to factors such as stress, overall health etc, but more often than not, hormones play a huge role in women’s hair. Just look at the changes a woman’s hair goes through during pregnancy as an example. You may find over the years, hair density may improve again back to its former self. Don’t stress over it as that won’t help, your part is not that sparse, I’ve seen a lot worse!

Make sure you find a good hairdresser to give you advice, confidence and find the best style for you, it can make a huge difference. If you’re in the UK, PM me and I can see if I can help in any way with haircuts etc.

If you're dealing with thinning hair, and are feeling down about, it then know that you're not alone. In a world where a long, flowing mane is equated with vitality and youth, noticing your strands starting to shed can be a nasty shock.

But, the reality is, hair thinning is incredibly normal. A study from L'Oreal found that one in three UK women now claim to experience it – a fact backed up by the people at Harvard Medical School.

While no person should be made to feel insecure over a totally natural phenomenon, in the culture we live, it's easy to see how it might affect your confidence. So, if you do find yourself with thinning hair and it is bothering you, why is it happening and how might you treat it?

WH tapped up the experts to find out, plus, spoke to three women dealing with the issue, for different reasons. But, first: let's dig into the fundamentals.

What causes thinning hair?

Thinning hair is different from actually going bald – as is the case with male pattern baldness, in which hair follicles shrivel up and can no longer produce a strand. Thinning hair, instead, means that some of your hair is falling out – but not that everything is ultimately going to go.

You might notice your parting getting wider, a patch with no strands at your crown or that there is less hair all over your head. It can happen for a number of reasons – keep scrolling on to learn about them.

1. Telogen Effluvium (TE), or ‘excessive daily hair shedding’

'This is not genetic – it can happen to anyone – and it does not change the size of your hair follicles, or hair diameter. What TE does cause is a sudden and greater than normal number of hairs to move from the growth to the resting (and then shedding) phase of your hair cycle,' reveals trichologist Anabel Kingsley.

'It is a reactive hair loss caused by an internal imbalance or shift. The reason why TE is so common is that the growth of your strands is very easily thrown off-kilter. Your body has many tasks to attend to on a daily basis to keep you healthy and alive – your hair being the last thing it cares about. As your body views hair as non-essential to survival, it is the first thing to take a hit when your general health, lifestyle and/or diet is not up to scratch,' she adds.

The good news is that, in cases of TE, hair loss will stop and hairs will grow back as before once the cause is found and addressed.

Stress, hormonal changes, nutrient and vitamin deficiencies and pregnancy can all contribute to why this might be happening.

2. Androgenetic Alopecia, or ‘reduced hair volume’

'This is one the most common types of hair loss in women and is a slow, gradual and progressive reduction in hair density whereby hair follicles miniaturise, and hairs become finer with each passing growth cycle,' explains Kingsley.

'The reason why hair follicles become smaller is down to genes. It occurs when follicles are genetically predisposed to be sensitive to normal levels of circulating androgens (male hormones),' she clarifies.

'Treatment for this does take time, and the improvement you can expect to see does depend on the degree of your follicle sensitivity and how severe the density loss is when you start treatment. This is why seeking help as soon as you notice changes is really important,' says Kingsley.

Can you grow back thinning hair?

If a hair follicle has closed, then it is not possible to revive it, and no product is going to promote new growth in a matter of weeks. However, there are some things you can do. Scroll on for expert recommendations.

1. Try anti-androgens

These are prescription-only medications, which can be taken orally or applied topically to your scalp. They work by helping to block dihydrotestosterone (DHT), a hormone that can trigger hair thinning in people who have a genetic sensitivity to it.

'Applied topically to your scalp and in the right mixture, these can be very effective,' says Kingsley. 'The use of topical anti-androgens is long-term, but there is no doubt about their therapeutic effect. Hair loss is at least slowed, often stopped and sometimes improved in thickness. Topical scalp drops/tonics have to be applied daily and indefinitely; they only work for as long as they are used,' reveals Kingsley.

If you want to learn more, you can contact the Philip Kingsley clinic, to speak to a trichologist.

2. Reach for minoxidil

These make absorption of anti-androgens into your scalp easier. 'In terms of over-the-counter retail products that actively target hair loss, I recommend our Tricho 7 Scalp Drops.'

If you do want something stronger and prescription-only? 'At our London Clinic we have prescription-only scalp drops containing a combination of minoxidil and anti-androgenic hormones,' she says.

3. Don't rely solely shampoo

'It is important to note that shampoo will not grow your hair. This is because it is not left on the scalp for long enough to have an effect. You must use drops or tonics that are left on the scalp and not rinsed away,' explains Kingsley.

However, regular shampooing is important as it keeps the scalp environment healthy – and this is key to healthy hair growth.

'Shampoos, conditioners and styling products can certainly give the appearance of more body and volume. To add immediate body to fine hair, or hair that lacks volume, use a body building shampoo. Containing proteins, these temporarily plump the hair shaft,' advises Kingsley.

Philip Kingsley Body Building Shampoo 1000ml (Worth £74.00)

Bleu Ingenious Thickening Shampoo

DALLAS Biotin Thickening Shampoo

invati advanced™ exfoliating shampoo rich

'When you style, use a thickening protein spray. This not only adds instant bulk to strands, but also protects them from environmental damage. This is especially important for fine hair, as it is naturally more fragile and vulnerable,' she adds.

4. Look after your scalp

Scalp health has a profound influence on hair growth. 'Weekly targeted scalp masks and daily scalp toners are fantastic in this instance,' says Kingsley.

Multi-Peptide Serum For Hair Density

Caffeine Stimulating Scalp Treatment

En-Root Scalp Treatment

Clean Rinse Clarifying Scalp Serum

5. Ensure your hair is in tip-top condition

This is also important. 'If your hair is damaged and breaking, its fullness and lustre will be further affected. Using a weekly pre-shampoo conditioning treatment is a great way to restore strength and elasticity to strands,' adds Kingsley.

Do vitamins help with thinning hair?

If you are losing your hair solely or in part due to a nutritional deficiency, supplements can do you a world of good.

'Due to your hair’s unique energy requirements, it can be difficult to meet its needs through diet alone. In many instances, taking a nutritional supplement is a very effective way to give your hair an extra helping hand; they can speed up the hair recovery process of a hair loss issue where a dietary inadequacy is a factor – and it very often is! I am yet to meet a client who has the time to eat a perfect diet all the time,' says Kingsley.

There are a couple of vitamins in particular, which you can get a robust dose of, via supplements, that can help out.

1. Vitamin B12

This can help to encourage hair re-growth. Find it in salmon, eggs, and supplements.

2. Vitamin D

The 'sunshine' vitamin can help your body to create new follicles. Try to spend 30 minutes outside daily, as ray's help your body to create it, and hit up a supplement, in the colder months.

3. Iron and Ferritin (stored iron)

These can rarely be raised sufficiently solely by changing what you eat. This is especially true if you have heavy periods or do not eat red meat. Ferritin deficiency most certainly can cause a shortened hair growth cycle. In these cases, an iron supplement can be instrumental in restoring healthy hair growth.

3 women on dealing with thinning hair

1. Post-natal thinning hair

The Patient: Claire Sanderson, WH Editor

My thinning hair story

‘I experienced all the lustrous hair and glowing skin you hear about during my first pregnancy, but things changed rapidly when I stopped breastfeeding as my son turned eight weeks old. My skin dried up like a prune and my hair fell out at such an alarming rate it looked like my hairline was receding.

‘The hair began growing back almost immediately, but I was left with fluffy baby hair along my hairline, which made me look as though I’d had an electric shock when I tied my hair up.

‘My daughter was born three years later and I stopped breastfeeding her when she was 12 months old. The shedding wasn’t as severe the second time round, but my hair seemed much drier and more brittle – and the dreaded baby hairs returned.’

What's happening, here?

‘The surge in oestrogen during pregnancy and breastfeeding means your hair remains in the anagen, or growth, phase throughout.

You don’t shed hair as regularly and there are more individual hairs on the head at one time, making it appear thicker,’ explains Dr Edward Maitland Ball, medical director and hair transplant surgeon at The Maitland Clinic.

‘But three to four months after you give birth, or stop breastfeeding, levels of the hormone plummet, sending many follicles into the telogen, or resting, phase. They stop growing, and the extra hair your body was holding on to is shed, a process called telogen effluvium.’

What does post-natal thinning hair look like?

Most women notice loss all over their head. A hairline further back than it was pre-pregnancy, that grows into wispy baby hair around the front, is a common symptom.

How to treat post-natal thinning hair

If you’re still breastfeeding, your options are fairly limited because anything that makes its way into your system could potentially be transferred to your baby – and many hair-loss treatments aren’t safety-tested on nursing mothers.

But a healthy diet goes a long way towards helping to fight it.

While your iron levels may show up as normal on a regular blood test, that doesn’t mean they’re high enough to maintain healthy hair growth. The focus is on ferritin – a protein that stores iron in the body.

Up your intake of iron-rich foods like lentils, spinach and broccoli as well as trying Ferrograd C, a supplement containing ferrous sulphate, a form of iron, and ascorbic acid (vitamin C), which encourages the iron to be fully absorbed through the gut wall.

‘If you’re not breastfeeding, try minoxidil,’ says Trisha Buller, a trichologist at Ciente Salon. ‘It’s the only drug that has medical backing to speed the process of hair growth.’ It works by increasing the blood flow to hair follicles, stimulating the growth phase.

Minoxidil product Regaine For Women Once A Day Scalp Foam 5% is said to slow shedding within a month of regular use, and deliver three inches of growth after six months.

2. Hormonal thinning hair

The Patient: Vanessa Wiles, WH contributor

My thinning hair story

‘I fought cancer as a teenager, and though my hair grew back post-treatment, it was never as long or as strong as it was before. It looks fluffy and fine and breaks off before it reaches my shoulders.

‘It hasn’t been helped by the fact that I bleach my hair to help bring out the blonde, which makes it even drier.’

What's happening?

Another example of telogen effluvium, hormonal shedding can be triggered by a medical imbalance or traumatic life event, like surgery, stress or significant weight loss, which affects your hormone levels.

A dip in hair-growth-promoting hormones oestrogen and progesterone, paired with a spike in hair-loss-promoting hormones androgen and testosterone, flicks a switch to send all hairs into the telogen phase.

Usually only 10% of the scalp hair is in this phase at any given time, but this can triple due to hormone fluctuations, which can cause up to seven months of zero growth in certain areas.

What does hormonal thinning hair look like?

Shedding tends to happen in patches across the scalp. You won’t necessarily find bald patches, but you’ll notice a thinner ponytail.

How to treat hormonal thinning hair

If life circumstances have thrown your hormones out of whack, it could be a case of letting the storm pass, or making lifestyle tweaks to get back on track.

‘Exercise can help to ease your stress symptoms, paired with a balanced diet,’ says Dr Ball.

This doesn’t just mean getting your five-a-day, but making sure you’re getting optimum amounts of vitamins and minerals. Iron-rich foods like spinach, and those high in omega-3s, like salmon, are good for boosting natural hair growth.

If your condition was brought on by a medical-related hormonal issue, you may be put on hormone-regulating medications, like progesterone or the contraceptive pill to help balance your hormones.

No matter the cause of the shedding, both minoxidil and other supplements that address multiple sources of hair loss are great solutions, says Dr Ball.

He recommends Viviscalm, a supplement formulated with a marine protein called AminoMar C, which promotes hair growth and nourishes existing strands from the inside out.

3. Genetic thinning hair

The Patient: Amelia Jean Jones, WH contributor

My thinning hair story

After my dad died, I noticed my parting getting wider and I realised I was losing my hair. Initially, I put it down to grief and assumed it would grow back in time. But it never did.

Three years on, the bald patch is still there, but I’ve since noticed my mum has a similar hairless patch on her scalp, so now I realise that it’s genetic.

What’s happening?

Androgenetic alopecia can affect women from their early teens throughout their lives. With this, the follicle does die, rather than going into the resting phase.

‘The follicles gradually shrink when exposed to dihydrotestosterone (DHT – a derivative of testosterone that’s present in men, and to a lesser extent in women) in the bloodstream, until there’s no hair follicle or hair left,’ says Dr Ball.

This largely happens in women with a genetic history of hair loss on the maternal or paternal side, or both.

What does genetic thinning hair look like?

Hair loss occurs all over the head, but most noticeably on the crown, centre parting and temples.

How to treat genetic thinning hair

You can’t fight genetics, but Dr Ball says that there are things you can try. Minoxidil (yes, that one again) should be your first port of call.

Then there’s platelet-rich plasma therapy, which works by taking your blood, enriching its plasma by spinning it at high speed in a centrifuge, then injecting it back into the scalp, which encourages hair growth and nudges follicles to grow outwards, rather than flat to the scalp, making the hair appear thicker and fuller.

In fact, a 2014 study of people with androgenetic alopecia, who hadn’t responded to minoxidil, found that the therapy caused a significant reduction in
hair loss, with their average number of follicles increasing.

If that sounds a little too much, Davines Energizing Superactive contains natural plant-based ingredients like black cohosh, which, when dotted all over the scalp after a shampoo, stimulates cell metabolism and improves blood circulation to bring back hair that’s MIA.

What's to be expected, when it comes to thinning hair?

Just because you see hair in the plughole doesn’t mean you’re losing it.

Thanks to dry shampoo and a penchant for tousled waves that work on greasy hair, we’re washing our hair less frequently, which means more comes out when we do shampoo. ‘The average person loses 30 to 50 strands a day,’ says Buller. ‘But if you wash your hair less frequently, then that’s multiplied every time you do wash.’

So what’s abnormal? If you see what you’d estimate to be more than 1,000 strands sinking down the plughole, it’s time to see a trichologist.