Why does pre workout make you poop Reddit

I have a physical job so I’m always tired when I get to the gym. I’ve been drinking pre workout lately and about 60% of the time I spend my first 20 minutes at the gym pooping and then I’m burning up the whole time. I take the smallest serving size. I don’t drink caffeine normally so maybe my body just isn’t used to it. What do y’all do to get energy to lift?

Using a throwaway bc this is such an embarrassing question but I recently just starting taking pre-workout (ghost sonic legend pre workout that some guy at the vitamin shop recommended). I've been taking it for about 3 weeks now, but only on my leg/butt days which is twice a week. And while, I think I feel more focused...other than that, I don't really feel any other benefits of it. But I do feel the downside that after taking preworkout, while I'm at the gym I feel the undeniable urge to shit. I tried searching up what the reason for this could have been, and many people say it's because of the caffeine in pre-workout...so in that case should I just take a caffeine-free preworkout to prevent the preworkout shits? I heard that you are supposed to take pre-workout 30mins before a workout, but I've started taking it an hour before, so that I can shit at home first before I go to the gym...but I wonder if that's the reason why I may not be feeling much of the benefits of preworkout because the it's already worn off by then?? I don't know. Is there an ideal timeframe of when to take preworkout before a workout? I almost want to throw the preworkout away all together, but my friend uses my preworkout too, and she doesn't have this problem, she says it makes her feel stronger. But so far all I get are the shits 😭😭😭

Hi, I got a strange issue. Every time I take a pre workout , 20 min later I gotta take a huge dump. This always seems to occur after I warm-up at the gym. So I have to break my routine and run to the bathroom and then come back out to see someone else at the squat rack. I could hold it for most exercises but not squats and deadlift. Is this an issue for anyone else.? I can't take one at home cause my bowels don't go full retard until I'm warmed up and into my workout.

So lately I've been trying to lose weight and get back in shape. I kinda inflated over the past few years after a few back injuries and I'm trying to get my body back to full fighting order.

I'm a 29 year old Male, 5ft 11inches Tall. At the start of my diet I was 252lbs, as of today I'm down to 244. I'm trying to get down to around 180 and I've been using a combination of calorie counting using myfitnesspal and going to the gym, and I have a fitbit coming in the mail.

Well today I decided to try using a pre-workout formula for the first time and follow up with protein powder after the workout.

Things seemed fine at first, I had a weird pin and needle feeling in my extremities (not a sleepy feeling but the exact opposite) and my body started to feel really bouncy. So I guess that's a good sign.

Anyways I went to my gym weight room and started doing various workouts. About 45 minutes in I started to feel kinda gassy. And then as I was on a bench facedown doing leg curls on one of the machines I felt another fart which ended up being a suprise shart. I ended up clenching and running/hobbling to the toilet as fast as possible where I had the runniest and most supercharged diarrhea of my life. Like it was literally shooting out my ass like a super soaker.

Is this normal when you start taking pre workout? Did I do something wrong? I'm trying to figure out if I'm sick, not used to the mix or if I chose the wrong stuff. (I bought Bodylogix if anyone needs to know.)

Almost every time without fail I have the most absolute massive Hershey squirt shits after having a pre-workout drink.

Any other day minus the pre-workout, everything is good. It's literally the only thing I've been able to determine is the problem. I normally have N.O. Xlpode or BSN Hyper FX.

Okay so I just bought some C4 Extreme pre workout and it makes me want to shit bad during my workouts (today is back day and I don't know if I will even attempt a deadlift because butt explosion) I'm just wondering if my body will get used to it (like drinking coffee when I started vs. now) or if i should sell it to a buddy and get something I can take better.

Do pre workout drinks make anyone else take a dump right after drinking it, or is it just me? from TooAfraidToAsk

I use Goku Gains Yummy Gummy Gasms & sometimes the cotton candy flavor and no joke, I’m running faster to the bathroom than on the treadmill. Anyone else go through this?

Whenever I take my preworkout, I get the shits super badly. Am I alone? Also, what kind of preworkout do you take?

P.S. Thank you r/fitness for welcoming me