Why does my dog lick the air when I pet her

A dog’s quirky behavior can be entertaining to watch, and sometimes it’s about nothing more than them expressing a unique personality. Other times, however, there’s an underlying issue leading them to do seemingly strange things. One of those things is licking the air.

A dog that licks the air sticks their tongue out of their mouth and appears to lap up imaginary liquid. They’re not licking their lips like how some dogs do after dinner or when they’re nervous—they’re literally licking the air. There are a few reasons why dogs exhibit this strange behavior. Here are a few possibilities.

Why does my dog lick the air when I pet her

1. There’s something stuck in their mouth.

Imagine you just finished snacking on a peanut butter sandwich and now you have it coated to the top of your mouth. You’re going to do some serious acrobatics with your tongue to try and get that stuff off. Dogs do the same thing. They can’t use their fingers to pick things out of their teeth, so they use their dexterous tongues.

If it’s a case of peanut butter coating your dog’s teeth or a stray piece of kibble caught in their lip, their strange tongue action won’t last long, and there’s nothing to worry about. Dogs can also get non-food items stuck in their mouths, however. Sticks can become wedged between their jaws, and bits of their favorite chew toy can get stuck in their mouths. Carefully inspect your dog’s mouth to see if you can determine the problem. If it’s a stick or something else seriously stuck, head to the vet to have it removed by a professional.

2. It’s a stress-induced compulsive disorder.

Licking in general is often a sign of stress in dogs. PetMD lists licking as a canine behavior that releases endorphins in the brain. These feel-good chemicals are self-soothing to the dog, and in turn, licking turns into a habitual response when they’re stressed or anxious. If you see your pup licking the air for long periods of time every day, there’s a chance the habit has evolved into a compulsive disorder. Vet Street says,

“Comulsive behaviors are marked by high reptition over extended periods of time and often do not seem to fulfill a noticeable purpose.”

The best chance at diagnosing a compulsive disorder is to catch it early on. In the early stages, the licking will only happen when the dog is triggered by a stressful situation. For example, they only lick the air when the family is being extra loud or when guests come over. Over time, however, the compulsive behavior starts happening more often. This makes it harder to determine what the dog is actually stressed about. In some cases, the dog will lick the air for hours at a time, and they’ll only stop when they’re hungry or ready for bed. What started as a response to stress turns into a behavior that affects their entire life.

If you’re not sure if your dog is licking air due to stress, start a journal documenting what’s going on around your dog when it happens. Write down where they are, who’s around them, the noise level in the house, and look at the clock to see how long it lasts. If they’re also cowering, tucking their tail, yawning, or panting, stress is a likely culprit.

Compulsive disorders can be difficult to treat, but it’s not impossible. Take your journal to your next vet visit and explain to the veterinarian what’s happening. It will also help if you can get a video of your dog licking the air. The vet will be able to determine if the behavior is related to a compulsive disorder, and they can suggest a combination of behavior modification training and possible medication to help bring your pup some peace of mind.

3. It’s a symptom of a GI issue.

Excessive licking is generally a symptom of tummy troubles in dogs. Gastrointestinal disorders like acute pancreatitis and acid reflux disrupt the dog’s digestive system. Because dogs can’t complain about their pain, the issue often goes unnoticed by the dog’s owner. PetMD reports about 60% of dogs that show signs of excessive licking have an underlying gastrointestinal problem.

Licking the air seems to be a way for dogs to cope with nausea. Sometimes vomiting and diarrhea are included as symptoms, but they’re not always. The dog may also be sensitive to being touched around the abdomen and have a decreased appetite. Chronic pancreatitis and other GI disorders can lead to more health concerns if left untreated. It’s important to see a vet to start treatment.

4. It’s caused by a partial seizure.

While gran mal seizures are scary episodes where a dog loses control of their body and begins to twitch, paddle their legs, and foam at the mouth, there’s another type of seizure harder to identify. Partial seizures aren’t as dramatic, and they’re focused on only one side of the dog’s brain. The resulting symptoms depend on what area of the brain is having the seizure. One of the common movements associated with partial seizures is air licking or biting.

Why does my dog lick the air when I pet her

If your dog is having frequent partial seizures, it could be related to a serious medical issue. The trick, however, is in the diagnosis. Dog Discoveries explains,

“Diagnosing seizures is not easy in dogs as it would require recording the brain waves produced during the epileptic event in hopes of detecting the associated brain wave abnormalities, but it’s not like dogs can sit still for extended periods of time with electrodes stuck on their bodies while waiting for a seizure to happen!”

Showing a video of your dog licking the air to your vet and recording how long the episode lasts will help with a diagnosis.

Licking the air should only be a concern if you notice it happening on a regular basis and for long periods of time. The occasional tongue flick is nothing to worry about, and if your pup is especially enthusiastic about giving kisses, they could be licking the air in front of your face in an attempt to get closer and give you a good smooch. If you’re concerned the behavior is interfering with your dog’s quality of life or it’s difficult to get them to stop once they start, schedule a vet visit. Both you and your pup will benefit from a professional’s opinion.

Sources: PetMD, Vet Street, Dog Discoveries

Why does my dog lick the air when I pet her

Dogs licking air can be caused by several reasons, some of them are normal or safe behavioral displays while others might indicate a more serious behavioral issue or medical problem. Keep reading to learn about the most common reasons why dogs lick the air.

The 13 Main Reasons Dogs Lick the Air

Image Credit: 753204, Pixabay

We all know dogs have an amazing sense of smell, but what you might not know is that they have a specialized smelling organ called the vomeronasal organ. The vomeronasal organ (or Jacobson organ) receptors detect pheromones, chemical signs, and smells. Dogs and some other animals curl their upper lips and open their mouths to expose the vomeronasal organ receptors. This behavior is known as the Flehmen response. Licking the air can be used as an attempt to direct more air-dissolved particles towards the receptors of this organ.

Dogs can start licking air when they anticipate food is coming or as a sign of hunger.

Some dogs lick air when scratched in areas where they cannot reach as a mimicry act of the scratching itself. This behavior is similar to that one observed when most dogs moves a rear limb rapidly imitating a scratching movement as a response to when certain parts of their bellies are scratched.

Image Credit: JackieLou DL, Pixabay

When dogs have irritation of the skin or feel itchy in areas where they can’t reach, some dogs will lick air to mimic the scratching of these areas. If your dog is air licking and you can see its skin looks irritated or it has been scratching different areas, it is advised to visit the clinic for a veterinary check. The veterinarian will address the many possible causes of skin irritation and give advice on appropriate treatments.

Air licking and licking of their own lips have been overserved as a display behavior for submission in dogs in scenarios such as when a more dominant dog approaches. It is a way of expressing their gentleness and signaling to others that they are timid and not interested in competition or fight.

Image Credit: MabelAmber, Pixabay

Animals suffering from stress or anxiety, such as when suddenly moved into a new environment, can lick the air and their lips as a way of self-soothing.

Behaviors that develop as a way of dealing with stress can develop until turning into aberrant behavior. Compulsive or aberrant behaviors are constantly repeated beyond what would be a normal behavioral response to a stimulus in the environment. There is a great number of possible aberrant behaviors, air licking is one possibility. An aberrant behavior develops when the anxiety or stress is not addressed in earlier stages. Aberrant behaviors are difficult to eradicate. To successfully deal with this kind of problem, a specific case and environment study from a professional dog trainer or behaviorist is needed. Consistency is the key to fixing behavioral problems.

Sometimes dogs lick air when they feel nauseous, this is a common behavior to observe in a dog just a few moments just before vomiting. It could be something as simple as a bad meal or something more complex. Endocrine diseases such as adrenal glands-related diseases like Addison’s disease and Cushing’s syndrome can lead to electrolyte imbalances and nausea. To diagnose these kinds of diseases,  the veterinarian will need to analyze a series of blood samples before and after administering specific substances.

If the dog has suddenly started licking air chances are there is something stuck between the teeth, in the plate, or around the lower jaw. Whether it’s a piece of food or a foreign object, the behavior might be an attempt to remove it or dealing with the pain and discomfort. Visually inspect the mouth and carefully try to remove any obvious foreign object. If you spot something difficult to reach or don’t spot anything at all, it is best to take your dog to the veterinarian to aid with the foreign object removal or make a more detailed inspection of the mouth.

Image Credit: Rebecca Scholz, Pixabay

Small cuts, punctures, abrasions, and other small injuries of the nose, face, or mouth might cause dogs to lick air as a way of dealing with the pain. In these cases, the behavior might be accompanied by other displays such as rubbing its face. It is important to visually inspect the dog and try to identify the source of discomfort. If the injury is considerable or looks infected, a vet visit is in line.

Air licking can indicate a loose tooth, periodontal disease, or any tooth-related cause of infection or pain. Just as we humans, dogs need regular cleaning to avoid bacteria accumulation and dental plaque formation. Occasional visits to the veterinary dentist for teeth cleaning should be a part of their care. Infections in the teeth or gums are dangerous due to the risk of developing a root abscess and the risk of oral bacteria spreading to the heart, liver, or kidneys. Other signs of mouth or tooth infections are halitosis or bad bread, drooling, licking of their own teeth, lips, or the air, and trouble chewing. In this case, take your dog to the Veterinarian for an oral exam.  The vet will advise on treatment or refer your dog to a specialized veterinary dentist.

Image credit: Zivica Kerkez, Shutterstock

Irritable bowel syndrome, foreign objects in the stomach, pancreatitis, giardiasis, and other gastrointestinal pathologies could be the cause of a dog licking air excessively. Other signs that indicate gastrointestinal problems are vomit, diarrhea, bloating or excessive gas passing, and reduced appetite. A veterinarian needs to perform a good examination and probably collect blood and fecal samples, and even perform diagnostic imaging tests such as ultrasounds and X-rays to appropriately diagnose and treat gastrointestinal issues.

Canine cognitive dysfunction is a degenerative disease of dogs where the brain cells die as the dog ages. This brain atrophy can cause different symptoms, one of them is the possibility of repetitive behaviors such as chewing, or licking, including air licking. If your senior dog suddenly starts licking air repetitively, speak to the veterinarian about the possibility of canine cognitive dysfunction for advice.

Firstly, you should consider if the air licking is just a normal behavioral response to a stimulus such as food anticipation or showing submission, in this scenario, the behavior should be just sporadic and as a response to the environmental or social stimulus.

If the behavior has suddenly presented and you notice its frequency and duration are abnormal, check the mouth to help your dog in case there is an easy to remove a foreign object or a small injury. In both cases, the behavior should stop once the object is removed or the injury healed. In the case of small injuries, you will have to regularly check it to make sure it is not infected; otherwise, you must take the dog to the veterinarian.

For anything other than these situations you should bring your dog to the veterinarian for an examination to try to find out the cause of the air licking behavior. Because it is very likely the dog might not display the behavior at the clinic, it is a bit of good advice to try recording videos of the dog licking air for future reference to the vet or behaviorist.  If the vet rules out any medical issue of concern but your dog continues presenting the behavior, refer to a dog trainer for advice on the best ways to handle this specific case.

Featured Image Credit: Huong Nguyen, Pixabay