Why do you want to be a nurse essay brainly

Why do you want to be a nurse essay brainly

Let’s face it—not everyone is cut out to be a nurse. But in the midst of it all, babies are born, lives are saved and life-long bonds are even formed between the medical staff and their patients. This rewarding career path is as multifaceted as it is essential to the medical field.

And what’s better? We need nurses now more than ever!

Baby boomers are aging and the need for healthcare professionals is skyrocketing as a result, according to the American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN). Nursing schools across the U.S. are struggling to expand at the rates necessary to meet this increasing demand.

The numbers reflect this widening gap. There were more than 750,000 job postings for nurses across the spectrum of specialties in the past year, according to Burning-Glass.com.* The job prospects for registered nurses (RNs) alone are expected to grow at a rate of 19 percent by 2022, much faster than the average vocation.

The field needs qualified nursing hopefuls to step up to the plate. But sometimes a bright job outlook isn’t enough to seal the deal for the medical professionals of our future.

That is why we spoke to a handful of nursing graduate students and asked them, “Why do you want to be a nurse?” They identified four distinct reasons why pursuing a career in nursing is worth it.

4 Reasons you should become a nurse

1. It’s an exciting, fast-paced profession

The shifts may get long and certain aspects of the job will inevitably become routine, but the life of a nurse is never boring. Whether you’re working out of a hospital, a private practice or a palliative care center, you have to be ready to respond to just about anything at a moment’s notice.

“I need to be in a fast-paced work environment,” says Danielle Mella. “In nursing, every day is different, so there’s always something new to figure out. Working as a clinician keeps me on my toes.”

From quirky patients to split-second decisions, rest assured that no two days will be alike when you’re working as a nurse. This makes nursing a great choice if you’re the type who thrives under pressure and craves excitement.

2. It gives you the opportunity to positively impact your patients & community

“I want to be a nurse because I really want to help people through some of their most vulnerable moments,” explains Meagan Thompson.

All nurses have at least one thing in common—they want to help people. Not only do they play the role of caretaker for their patients, but in some circumstances, they can also be a friend, a confidante and a trusted adviser. It takes a special kind of person to fill all of those roles the way nurses do.

“Ever since I was a little girl, my empathetic heart took over. When I saw a friend crying, I was the first to go over and comfort him or her,” says Brie Peters. After traveling to Guatemala as a young adult to assist an RN in administering medical treatment to underserved villagers, her childhood penchant for helping others transformed into a career dream.

The medical care administered by nurses isn’t just a temporary fix—it is also about teaching people afflicted by injury or illness to care for themselves as they move forward. “Empowering others to take control over their health and quality of life will be truly fulfilling,” says Elana Goldsmith.

3. It offers one-of-a-kind flexibility

There is a certain flexibility that comes with the profession of nursing—one that can often lead to a longer, more sustainable career. In fact, there are more than 100 different specialties in the world of nursing. These jobs include everything from critical care nurse to forensic nurse to nurse anesthetist.

“There is so much flexibility in terms of the areas that a nurse can specialize in,” Mella explains. “It truly makes for a career that will last a lifetime!”

Nurses relish this opportunity to locate the perfect specialty through which to utilize their specific strengths. This plethora of positions means it won’t be hard to find your perfect fit.

4. You can experience the benefits of a holistic approach to medicine

“One of the aspects I enjoy most is the holistic approach of nursing care. We are taught not to focus on the specific state of a disease, but rather the patient’s response to the disease or illness,” says Kara Somora.

She explains that the most effective method of patient care includes not only meeting their physical needs, but meeting their emotional, social and spiritual needs as well. “If any of these components are neglected, a person can’t be their healthiest self,” Somora says.

Using a holistic approach to medical care allows nurses to treat “the whole person” while also benefitting the nurses themselves—often preventing professional burnout among medical teams.

Join this rewarding career path

Americans consider nursing to be the most trusted, ethically-sound profession, according to a 2014 poll from Gallup. But, as our panel of nursing graduate students revealed, there is a lot more to this multifaceted career path than what is portrayed on TV shows like “Grey’s Anatomy” and “Private Practice.”

“I believe that patients’ willingness to place their lives in the hands of those assigned to care for them demonstrates the ultimate act of trust,” Peters says. “It is a great honor and responsibility.”

From the flexible job opportunities to the profound community impact nurses can make, this career path has the potential to reap a lifetime of rewards.

If you can identify with these reasons for pursuing a career in nursing, learn more about 9 of the different nursing jobs that are in demand now!

  1. Interviewing
  2. Interview Question: "Why Do You Want To Be a Nurse?"

By Indeed Editorial Team

Updated July 8, 2022 | Published April 30, 2019

Updated July 8, 2022

Published April 30, 2019

Why do you want to be a nurse essay brainly

During interviews for nursing school or entry-level positions, you may be asked, “Why do you want to be a nurse?” Preparing to answer this question will help you identify your reasons for pursuing a career in this field and feel more confident to respond to the interviewer.

Related: Top 10 Nursing Interview Questions and Answers

Registered nurse Alexa discusses the top 10 nursing interview questions and example answers, which are designed to prove your potential.

How to answer “Why do you want to be a nurse?”

When considering this question, there are several steps you can take to plan your answer before your interview. While it is helpful to write down what you want to say, avoid memorizing it so your answer sounds genuine and you don’t feel like you need to remember a script.

Here are several tips for answering this interview question:

1. Be genuine

Avoid embellishing your answer or crafting a response that you think might sound good to interviewers. Instead, simply take some time to reflect on your core values and the reasons why you felt motivated to pursue a career in nursing.

If you’re unsure, think of answers to the following questions: What is it about nursing that makes you feel excited, happy or fulfilled? How does nursing relate to your skills, values or motivations? What made you interested in nursing as a career? What do you hope to achieve as a nurse?

2. Provide a personal anecdote

Sharing a personal story about why you want to be a nurse offers employers a unique view into your values with context. Sharing anecdotes also differentiates you from other candidates as no one else shares your same background.

For example, you may be pursuing a career in nursing because a close friend or family member experienced a health problem. Perhaps the nurses that provided them with care during their hospital stay inspired you to pursue a career in nursing. No matter your reasons for pursuing the nursing field, this question allows you to identify and articulate motivating factors in your own life. A personal story will always be memorable.

Related: Nursing Interview: Give an Example of a Positive Change You’ve Created

Registered nurse Alexa discusses an interview question regarding creating positive change, provides an example answer, and explains why employers ask this question.

3. Draw on your own experiences

There are many ways you can use your background and interests to answer this question. For example, perhaps you have had a lifelong interest in helping specific populations, such as seniors or children. If you have experience working with these people, share those details in your answer. Working your experience into the answer will communicate additional value to the interviewer.

Example answers

Here are a few example answers to the question, “Why do you want to be a nurse?” You can use these as inspiration while preparing your response:

Example 1

“Several years ago a beloved family member of mine was seriously ill and his nurses were incremental in his treatment and recovery. While visiting him in the hospital, I was inspired by their ability to intercede for their patients by understanding their needs, making them feel comfortable and promptly administering care when needed. I would feel honored to do the same for other families who need a strong, intelligent caretaker.”

Example 2

“Throughout high school, I volunteered at a local hospital and had the opportunity to witness the difference nurses made in the lives of their patients. As I grew older, it became obvious that nursing was the perfect fit between my passion for biology and a desire to work with people.”

Example 3

“I have always been motivated by helping others achieve their goals. Nursing offers a unique opportunity to help people work towards achieving a healthy state of being, one of the most important aspects of life. The rewarding nature of the job, combined with the potential to enjoy stable work opportunities have motivated me to pursue a career in nursing that I hope to continue growing in for the entirety of my professional life.”

More common nursing interview questions

Along with the above question, there are several other answers you might consider preparing before your interview.

Some of the other open-ended, commonly asked nursing job interview questions include:

  • What aspect of nursing do you find to be the most rewarding?

  • How have your education and training prepared you for a nursing role?

  • What did you like most/least about previous nursing roles or internships?

  • How well do you work in a team setting?

  • How do you plan to stay organized during your shifts?

  • What value do you feel you will offer your patients?

  • How would you handle a patient who is unhappy with their care?

  • How do you deal with stress on the job?

  • Have you experienced conflict with colleagues on the job? How did you resolve your differences to work together?

  • How do you handle interactions with physicians?

Tips to prepare for a nursing interview

By taking some steps to plan for your interview, you will feel more confident and prepared. Here are several tips you can use to get ready for your next nursing interview:

Prepare an elevator pitch

Writing down and practicing a short bio about your background, qualifications and personal strengths will help you reply to conversation starters like, Tell me about yourself. It is also a good networking tool to have prepared for future opportunities.

Do company research

Researching the hospital or organization you are interviewing with will help you answer interview questions like “Why do you want to work here?” It can also help you to connect your skills and qualifications with the organization’s values and mission. Visit their website and look for recent related news stories and press releases.

Prepare for salary conversation

It can be helpful to gain context about average salaries for the position so you are prepared to discuss pay if it comes up. Visit indeed.com/salaries to browse salaries by company, location and job title.

Preparing for your interview by planning answers to several common questions asked during nursing interviews can alleviate interview-related stress and build your confidence. Although nerves are certainly normal and expected, you can feel more prepared by practicing your answers and revisiting why you want to pursue a career in this field.

Related: Nursing Interview: Describe a Time You Had a Conflict With a Coworker

Registered nurse Alexa discusses an interview question regarding conflict with coworkers, provides an example answer, and explains why employers ask this question.