Why do cats like sitting on paper bags

Why do cats like sitting on paper bags

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Cats are intriguing creatures -- full of wonderment and surprises. Just when you think you know her, your whiskered baby does something unexpected. For example, if you purchased your cutie a fancy laser toy, you might just notice that she prefers the bland paper bag it came in.

Cats are naturally curious -- and perhaps kind of sneaky -- little things. Many cats love paper bags simply because, when totally empty, they make pretty good hiding spots -- and an ideal fit for a cat's small physique. Your pet may think she's pretty slick hiding in your empty supermarket bag long after you've put all of your groceries away. Apart from hiding, felines also usually love "attacking" these bags by pouncing on them. If you're on a budget but still want your pet to have oodles of fun, classic paper bags from the store may just be the solution.

The ASPCA says that cats enjoy paper bags for solitary play purposes. If a cat is fixated on a specific item, whether a paper bag or an old leather shoe, it is an example of solitary play. At the other end of the spectrum, cats also frequently partake in social play, which is interactive and involves either other animals or people.

Many cats adore playing with paper bags, and luckily, the ASPCA also states that this type of interactive activity can be beneficial for kitty's mental stimulation. If your cat is by himself with nothing else to do, playing with paper bags may be an effective and fun way to stimulate his brain -- and also possibly prevent behavioral issues from emerging in the future. An occupied cat is a happy cat, indeed.

If you allow your precious pet to play with paper bags, always make sure that she's 100 percent safe. If the bag consists of handles, take them off. With handles intact on the bag, your little one could risk getting trapped inside of them -- not fun at all. Just a little precaution could prevent a lot of distress in your kitty, and in you too.

Ever left the room for a few minutes only to find your cat sitting on your letter, newspaper, or piece of paper?

If you have witnessed this more than once, you must be wondering why cats love paper so much. Luckily, there are reasons for the eccentric behavior, and they include:

10 Reasons Cats Love Paper:

Did you know that cats feel cold at most times? They have a higher thermoneutral zone than humans. What does this mean?

A thermoneutral zone is the temperature range where your cat does not need to expend additional energy as they try to stay warm or cool off.

A cat’s normal temperature range is 86 to 101 degrees Fahrenheit, while a human is 64 to 72. This explains why your cat is always looking for warmer surfaces.

But what is the connection between paper and heat?

Well, paper comes from trees, which means it has some insulating properties. Papers, especially newspapers, are warm for cats, help regulate their temperature, and reflect their body heat. Therefore, your cat will prefer sleeping on paper instead of a concrete, hardwood, or tile floor.

However, this theory is questionable for pet owners with fluffy carpets. Even then, their cats leave the warm carpet and prefer to sleep on paper.

Image Credit: birgl, Pixabay

What is the weirdest thing you’ve ever done to get someone’s attention? It turns out that cats use tricks, in this case, sleep or play with paper, to capture your attention.

Cats are intelligent and learn through conditioning. If your pet observes that you pick them up any time they lie on paper, it will be more inclined to repeat the behavior.

Cats love attention. And if a bill, letter, or newspaper is what’s taking away their attention, they sure will sit on it.

Your cat’s curious nature will draw it towards the paper in the room. The quiet, still, and harmless nature of the object will attract your cat to look. When they discover it does not particularly belong, they sit or lie on it to mark their territory.

Image Credit: Nathan Riley, Unsplash

Cats are territorial and curious animals. So, when you bring a piece of paper to your home, your cat will sniff, knead, or lie it for some time. The reason behind this behavior is, your cat is naturally bestowing its scent onto the paper.

A sheet of paper has a neutral smell. So, when your cat kneads paper, it claims it by covering it with its scent. Unknown to many, cats have scent glands in their paws, forehead, cheeks, and chin. When the cat deposits its pheromones and oils on the paper, it becomes part of its territory.

But what should you do if you find your cat lying on a piece of paper on the floor? The best thing is to let your cat enjoy its new territory. Taking the paper away can inspire aggression. Besides, cats lose interest fast. So, wait until their interest shifts, then toss the paper.

Crinkly paper fascinates cats because it is noisy. Therefore, your cat will spend several happy hours batting and pawing a piece around.

In addition, the crinkling noise triggers a feline’s hunting instincts. It is like the crushing of leaves, or the noise produced by rodents as they scamper, which reminds your cat of the outdoor territory.

You need to be alert in case your pet starts to swallow paper. If your cat ingests large pieces of paper, it may suffer digestive blockage. In addition, some prints are toxic to cats.

Image Credit: PxHere

As previously mentioned, cats are curious and like to experiment with new things. They will want to feel the texture of the paper on its paws.

This is why it is not uncommon to find your cat sitting on paper that has been in the room for weeks. Doing so helps it enjoy the sensation of the paper’s texture that its paw pads have not felt in a while.

Like humans, cats have evolved over the years. They have come to love small, well-defined spaces because these would be warm if they were outdoors. The tighter the enclosed space, the warmer it will be.

Likewise, you’ll find your kitty curled up inside a small cardboard box because it keeps them warm. In addition, the box gives them a sense of safety and security.

Do cats associate a piece of paper with warmth, too? Yes, they do. Researchers have concluded that cats create an optical illusion that paper and boxes are similar.

So, the next time you find your cat curled up on a piece of paper, remember that it offers your pet an imaginary sense of security and safety.

Image Credit: edbo23, Pixabay

Did you know that you have 5 million scent receptors while cats have between 100 to 200 million? With this in mind, it is safe to say that your cat loves paper because it smells like you.

Your feline can identify your odor from the objects you touch. And since you are a source of your cat’s happiness, they will be attracted to anything that has your scent, including paper.

Lastly, it could be that your cat loves paper so much because it was litter-trained with newspaper as a kitten. If this is the case, your pet may like paper because it makes cats feel safe.

However, some researchers question this theory. This is because there are cats who were not litter trained with newspaper, yet they love paper.

Image Credit: StockSnap, Pixabay

Yes, sitting or sleeping on paper is comfortable for some cats. They will leave their cozy, soft bed and lay on paper. And if your cat is not resting on paper, you might find them inside a cardboard box.

Final Thoughts

Now, you know why cats love paper so much. It is stimulating, comfortable, and it offers a sense of security. Should you find your cat playing, shredding, or sitting on paper, try to discern why they do so with the above reasons.

Related Read: Can Cats Eat Paper? What You Need To Know!

Featured Image Credit: Carla Luca de Tena, Unsplash

It is no secret that cats have a love for paper. They can be seen rolling or sitting on it, shredding it or sometimes even eating it. Attempting to provide them with a comfy cat bed is usually met with them choosing the box or a newspaper on the floor instead. And, cats always seem to lay right in the middle of whatever papers you’re working on. Why do our frisky felines exhibit this bizarre obsession for paper?

The Nature of the Beast

Cats are naturally both very active and curious, with a hungry appetite for playing, hunting and a need for affection. Paper tends to satisfy some of these natural instincts. Sometimes their love of paper is due to the crunch it makes when they step on it. This can be a satisfying sensation for such inquisitive animals. It piques their interest and ignites their playful side, especially when a wad of paper becomes a toy.

Cardboard can also provide stimulation as it meets the insatiable need to crunch, shred and tear with their claws or teeth. Cardboard (along with other paper products) is also said to help regulate their body heat, yet another reason for them to love paper.

Is it More Than Just for Fun?

It can definitely be for more than just fun. It has been well documented that cats rub on objects in order to release a chemical substance called pheromones. This is for the purpose of claiming it as his territory. It can be said that when you see your cat rubbing on the book you’re reading or on the box he’s currently inhabiting, he is making sure that any other pets or people know this is his box or you are his human.

Why is My Cat so Aggressive with Paper?

The next time you find your companion ripping up paper, keep in mind he may simply be bored or restless. Some cats show their frustration in tangible ways such as shredding or chewing the paper off a wall. When their need for play or attention go unnoticed, your pet may choose a more tenacious approach to receiving what he desires. Curbing this behavior is best done when understanding the reasons behind their actions.

If you find that Garfield is bored and becoming destructive, it is always helpful to invest in toys and regular play time for your feline friend. Cats need attention, not to mention both mental and physical stimulation just like we do. A set amount of time each day for play and affection can go a long way in curbing this unwanted behavior.

Possible Sign for Medical Issues?

There are times when an obsession with paper can go beyond being comical. If you notice your cat excessively shredding or chewing on paper, this may be a red flag that something else is amiss. Talk to your veterinarian as your cat could ingest enough paper to cause internal blockage. Excessive shredding or chewing can also indicate dental problems or nutritional deficiencies that are worth mentioning to your veterinarian as well.

Please ask your local veterinarian or one of us at Union Lake Pet Services if you have any questions regarding possible medical issues.