Which of the following actions is required by an agent who is replacing an existing life insurance policy?

Life insurance isn't a one-time purchase for many people. Reasons why they would replace their policy with a new one include changing the level of coverage, reducing the premium, or finding a policy better suited to their needs. Sometimes people are enticed into replacing their policies for reasons that may not be in their best interests, which is why strict rules, laws, and regulations to protect them are in place.

  • Limitations to protect the insured are in place when it comes to replacing life insurance policies. 
  • Major issues with replacing a life policy include contestability, surrender fees, and churning. 
  • The National Association of Insurance Commissioners lays out model regulation for replacement policies, such as a specific set of questions to be asked on an insurance application and a system the insurer puts in place to monitor replacement activities.

Replacing a life insurance policy isn't as easy as changing your car insurance. Factors involved can negatively affect a policyholder’s coverage and future costs. Although a replacement could improve coverage or lower the premium amount, life insurance contracts include certain restrictions that might put an unwary policyholder at greater risk.

First, life insurance contracts typically include a contestability period. This is usually two years long, during which, if the insured dies, the life insurer may contest the claim based on any misrepresentations made on the application. When a policyholder replaces a policy, that contestability period starts all over again, as does the suicide exclusion, which allows the insurer to deny a claim if the insured’s death is caused by suicide within the first two years.

For cash value policies, such as whole life, universal life or variable life, there are additional complexities that would make a replacement less desirable. For example, some policies include surrender fees, which are charged when the policy is surrendered or cash values are withdrawn within a certain period of time. 

The fee is charged on any amount of cash values surrendered above a certain amount, such as 10% of the account value. The fees start out high at the beginning of the surrender period and are reduced each year until they reach zero. A policyholder replacing a policy while it is still within the surrender period has to pay the fee to transfer the cash value from one policy to another.

There is also the issue of churning by life insurance agents, which is the practice of persuading a policyholder to replace a policy for the sake of earning a new commission. It is for all of these reasons that the insurance industry, through state insurance departments and the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC), have established procedures that must be followed by life insurers and their contracted agents and brokers.

While each state department of insurance is allowed to issue its own specific rules and procedures on replacements, they are required to follow the model regulation established by the NAIC. The model regulation establishes minimum requirements that must be included in each state’s replacement procedures that must be followed by the insurers and the producers involved in the replacement.

The triggering mechanism for replacement procedures is a couple of questions typically asked on the life insurance application, such as, “Do you currently have a life insurance policy?” and “Do you plan to replace your current policy with a new one?”

A “yes” answer to both triggers a clearly defined process for handling the replacement: informing the policyholder of the implications of a replacement; submitting a notice of replacement statement signed by the policyholder and the agent to the replacing insurer, which is the company proposing to issue a new policy, and the existing insurer, which is the company whose policy is being replaced; and providing the policyholder with a hard copy of all sales materials used leading up to the transaction.

The insurer is required to demonstrate that the state’s replacement procedures are in place, including the training of producers and a system to monitor the replacement activities of all producers.

The model regulation also establishes penalties for violations, which could include revocation or suspension of a producer’s or a company’s insurance license and a monetary fine. Under certain circumstances, an insurer could be ordered to make restitution or restore the policy and cash values for the policyholder.

For those who've determined that replacing their policy is still the best move for their circumstances, it's important to take the time to find the best possible life insurance policy in order to make it worth the trouble.

Reasons include changing the level of coverage, reducing the premium, or finding a policy better suited to their needs. Sometimes people are enticed into replacing their policies for reasons that may not be in their best interests, which is why strict rules, laws, and regulations to protect them are in place.

This is the unethical practice of persuading a policyholder to replace a policy for the sake of earning a new commission. This is something for consumers to watch for, and it's among the reasons why the industry, through state insurance departments and the National Association of Insurance Commissioners, have established procedures for replacing insurance.

Contestibility and surrender fees are two things to also watch for. Life insurance contracts typically include a contestability period of two years, during which, if the insured dies, the life insurer may contest the claim based on any misrepresentations made on the application. Some policies include surrender fees, which are charged when the policy is surrendered or cash values are withdrawn within a certain period of time.

Florida's Replacement Rule sets forth the requirements and procedures to be followed by insurance companies and insurance producers when a proposal is being made to a client who plans to replace existing life insurance contract(s) with the proposed new life insurance policy.

Replacing an existing policy with another should be done for only one reason: The producer genuinely believes that canceling the policy (or reducing its values) to replace it with another policy is beneficial to the client and in the client's best interest. To replace a policy to reap the reward of a higher first-year commission is totally unethical.

It is seldom in the best interest of a policyholder to replace a life insurance policy with a new one due to the following issues.

  • Most of the first year's premium is consumed by the commission.
  • The premium is higher due to the insured's advanced age.
  • Waiting periods begin anew.

Policy replacement is "...an action which eliminates the original policy or diminishes its benefits or values."

Examples of this are policy loans, taking reduced paid-up insurance, or withdrawing dividends. The replacement of existing life insurance policies with new contracts of life insurance requires a written comparison and summary statement at the request of the policyholder.

An agent must submit to the insurer with or as a part of each application:

  1. A statement signed by the applicant as to whether or not such insurance will replace existing coverage.
  2. A signed statement as to whether or not the agent knows replacement is or may be involved in the transaction.

Where replacement is or may be involved, the agent must:

  • Present to the applicant, not later than at the time of taking the application, a "Notice to Applicant Regarding Replacement of Life Insurance". The Notice must be signed by the applicant and agent and left with the applicant.
  • Leave with the applicant the original or a copy of all Sales Proposals used for presentation to the applicant.
  • Submit to the replacing insurer with the application, a completed copy of the "Notice to Applicant Regarding Replacement of Life Insurance.

Surrender recommendations

Insurance agents, insurers, or persons performing insurance agent activities under an exemption from licensure who recommend the surrender of an annuity or life insurance policy containing a cash value and do not recommend that the proceeds from the surrender be used to fund or purchase another annuity or life insurance policy, before execution of the surrender must provide, on a form that satisfies DFS requirements, information relating to the annuity or policy to be surrendered. Such information must include, but is not limited to, the amount of any surrender charge, the loss of any minimum interest rate guarantees, the amount of any tax consequences resulting from the transaction, the amount of any forfeited death benefit, and the value of any other investment performance guarantees being forfeited as a result of the transaction. [Sec. 627.4553]

Improper policy replacement can be divided into two categories: (1) Twisting and (2) churning.