When two tectonic plates collide the oceanic crust subduct under the continental crust because it is

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When an oceanic and a continental plate collide eventually the oceanic plate is subducted under the continental plate due to the high density of the oceanic plate. … When the oceanic plate is subducted due to partial melting of the asthenosphere magma with an andesitic composition is formed.

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When the two tectonic plates collide the oceanic crust usually subducts beneath the continental crust because it is?

When an oceanic plate converges with a continental plate the oceanic crust will always subduct under the continental crust this is because oceanic crust is naturally denser. Convergent boundaries are commonly associated with larger earthquakes and higher volcanic activity.

When two tectonic plates collide the continental crust usually rise up over the oceanic crust because it is?

Oceanic crust is typically denser than continental crust and is forced downwards into the hot mantle when it collides with continental crust. The less dense conitinental crust is forced upward. This occurred​ in Ireland with the closure of the Iapetus Ocean over 450 million years ago.

What is formed from the collision?

In order for a collision to be successful by resulting in a chemical reaction A and B must collide with sufficient energy to break chemical bonds. This is because in any chemical reaction chemical bonds in the reactants are broken and new bonds in the products are formed.

When plates move towards each other they collide this movement is known as?

Convergent boundaries are areas where plates move toward each other and collide. These are also known as compressional or destructive boundaries. Subduction zones occur where an oceanic plate meets a continental plate and is pushed underneath it.

What geologic feature is formed when two oceanic plates collide?

When two oceanic plates converge both a trench and a string of volcanoes are formed. These volcanoes can build to produce island chains such as the Mariana Islands which are located alongside the Marianas Trench.

Why do plates move toward each other?

The plates can be thought of like pieces of a cracked shell that rest on the hot molten rock of Earth’s mantle and fit snugly against one another. The heat from radioactive processes within the planet’s interior causes the plates to move sometimes toward and sometimes away from each other.

When two plates collide What is it that determines which plate Subducts?

When two plates meet at a convergent plate boundary the older denser plate subducts beneath the less dense plate.

When two plates collide what determines which plate comes out on top?

When two plates converge it’s called a collision. When two plates collide the density of the plates determine which one comes out on top. OCEANIC CRUST IS MORE DENSE THAN CONTINENTAL CRUST!

What will most likely see in a convergent plate boundary with two oceanic plates?

If the two plates that meet at a convergent plate boundary both are of oceanic crust the older denser plate will subduct beneath the less dense plate. The older plate subducts into a trench resulting in earthquakes. Melting of mantle material creates volcanoes at the subduction zone.

What will happen when two continental plates collide at a convergent boundary quizlet?

What happens at convergent boundaries where two continental plates collide? a collision between two continental plates crunches and folds the rock at the boundary lifting it up and leading to the formation of mountains and mountain ranges.

When convergent plates collide and both are continental plates what geologic feature is formed?

The compressional forces stemming from a convergent plate boundary where two plates collide with one another can create fold mountains. This may involve the collision of two continental plates or a continental plate and oceanic plate forcing sedimentary rocks upwards into a series of folds.

What happens when tectonic plates move?

When the plates move they collide or spread apart allowing the very hot molten material called lava to escape from the mantle. When collisions occur they produce mountains deep underwater valleys called trenches and volcanoes. … The Earth is producing “new” crust where two plates are diverging or spreading apart.

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How do the tectonic plates fit together?

The tectonic plates are floating on top of the molten rock and moving around the planet. … When the floating plates spread apart it’s called a spreading center. When they are moving together it’s called a subduction zone. When they are forced together it is called a zone of convergence.

What type of plate is A and B?

Answer: Plate A is an oceanic plate because it is relatively thinner compared to plate B. While Plate B is a continental plate because it is thicker and floats higher than the other plate.

What do you think may happen to the leading edge of plate A as it continue to move downward Why?

As plate A continues to move downwards going to the mantle. The leading edge of plate A will melt and turns into magma. Magma rise up to the surface to form volcanoes.

What is formed in plate B?

The volcanoes in Plate B are created of Magma which comes out when the edge of Plate A moves under Plate B and due to the high temperature in the mantle part.

What happens when two plates carrying oceanic crust collide?

When two plates carrying oceanic crust collide the plate carrying older oceanic crust will be forced below the other in a process called subduction….

What happens when two oceanic plates collide quizlet?

When two oceanic plates collide the denser plate is subducted and some material rises upward and forms an ISLAND. … Ocean floor is pushed away from a midocean ridge to form new sea floor.

What happens to the surface of the ocean when an oceanic plate moves towards another oceanic plate?

At a convergent boundary with at least one oceanic plate an ocean trench a chain of volcanoes develops and many earthquakes occur. At a convergent boundary where both plates are continental mountain ranges grow and earthquakes are common.

What are the 3 parts of collision theory?

There are three important parts to collision theory that reacting substances must collide that they must collide with enough energy and that they must collide with the correct orientation.

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