What is the secret of subconscious mind?

Dr. Murphy changed the lives of people all over the world. His legacy is being carried forward by the JMWGroupforlife.com and Dr-Joseph-Murphy.com.

Dr. Murphy wrote, taught, counseled, and lectured to thousands of people all over the world, as Minister-Director of the Church of Divine Science in Los Angeles. His lectures and sermons were attended by thousands of people every Sunday. Millions of people tuned in his daily radio program and have read the over 30 books that he has written, which have sold over ten million copies worldwide.

Dr. Joseph Murphy has been acclaimed as a major figure in the human potential movement, the spiritual heir to writers like James Allen, Dale Carnegie, Napoleon Hill, and Norman Vincent Peale and a precursor and inspirer of contemporary motivational writers and speakers like Tony Robbins, Zig Ziglar, Louise Hay and Earl Nightingale. He was one of the best selling authors in the mid-twentieth century. His book THE POWER OF YOUR SUBCONSCIOUS MIND has sold millions of copies and has been translated into thirty languages. This book has never been out of print and is still one of the best sellers in the self-help genre. The only authorized edition is published by Penguin Random House and JMW Group.

Over the years Dr. Murphy has given lectures and radio talks to audiences all over the world. In his lectures he points out how real people have radically improved their lives by applying specific aspects of his concepts, and gives the listener guidelines on how they too can enrich their lives.

What is the secret of subconscious mind?

Your mind power is more amazing than you can imagine; the biggest reason for this is because you can change the landscape of your entire life if you can unleash this power of mind.

The subconscious mind has unbelievable power hidden within it. If you’ve had the opportunity to watch, ‘The Secret’ you realized the potential and possibly used it to your advantage. This uses the idea of the ‘power of mind’.

It's likely that almost every day you come across at least one person who has changed their life using Mind Power.

Since Mind Power program was approved by The American Medical Association in 1958, it's been used to help people: lose weight, stop smoking, end procrastination, reduce pain, increase self-esteem, manage stress, end public speaking fear, and take control over their lives generally.

For years, I have been absolutely fascinated with the power of the subconscious mind. Its power have made the sick healthy, the poor wealthy, and the sad happy. Those who understand and apply the methods for using the subconscious mind find themselves bathed in more abundance and joy than they could have ever imagined. In this article, I will explain two of the most powerful tips for harnessing and applying your subconscious mind power, to help you achieve far greater success than you have ever dreamed. As you might already be aware of, the subconscious mind is the seat of all memory, fears, phobias, behavioral patterns, habits, beliefs, and expectations. An astonishingly true fact is that only 2-4% of our day is controlled by our conscious mind, and the other 96-98% is all done by the subconscious. 96% of all your decisions, actions, thoughts, and feelings are all done automatically, unconsciously by your subconscious mind. It is amazing to think how much our subconscious mind does for us. It beats our heart, digests our food, and breathes for us all without any conscious effort. With all of the amazing things it does, our subconscious doesn’t always do everything we want it to. Many people have realized that they have several bad habits of doing and thinking, and understand that in order to grow and prosper, those habits must be changed. But here is in the problem most people face. How do you change the subconscious to promote success in all areas of life? The answer is simple. You must harness the power of your subconscious mind. The first technique in order to do that is called suggestion. A suggestion is a passive statement given to the subconscious to either accept or reject. Hypnotists use the power of suggestibility to promote changes in their subjects. When a person is in a deeply relaxed state, their conscious mind is out of the way, and the gateway to the powers of subconscious is open. This is where true changes happen. In order to suggest the subconscious to change, the body and mind must be completely relaxed. A person must first have a reason to change, and accept the new suggestion. Then the suggestion for change may be given with intense emotion and desire so that the suggestion is firmly accepted. In quick summary: Enter a deeply relaxed state – Subconscious is open to suggestion – Give suggestion and firmly accept with intense emotion. The next subconscious mind power tip is repetition. If you are suggesting your subconscious to accept the idea of wealth in your life, using repetition can help firmly implant that idea quicker and easier. Our reptilian brain is highly receptive to ritual and repetition. Repetition of an affirmation, or suggestion, such as “I am wealthy and successful” helps firmly implant the idea deeply into the subconscious mind. Over long periods of repetition, the suggestion will reshape thinking patterns, habits, and deeply held beliefs. The entire neuronal structure of your brain will begin change in order to promote the new idea of wealth and success. And once the idea is finally accepted without doubt or question, new worlds of possibilities begin to arise. In summary: Repetition is the tool of suggestion – Repeat an affirmation for change in a deeply relaxed state – Repeat on regular intervals to help the reptilian brain accept the suggestion (repeat affirmation with intense emotion every morning, deeply relaxed, for 10 minutes for a period of one month or more). These two subconscious mind power tips can help you clear mental and emotional blockages in your life that are withholding your from your full potential. The power of suggestion to the subconscious mind, combined with ritualistic repetition is the ultimate key to unlocking your mind, and achieving all that you desire.

Do you know the language of your Subconscious mind. The subconscious mind understands a different language. It doesn’t work with mere words, its actually the 


“Whatever we plant in our subconscious mind and nourish with repetition and emotion will one day become a reality.”—Earl Nightingale.

After looking into how the subconscious mind works, it’s hard not to be grateful for everything we are. We are all products of our thoughts. And if we know how much power our thoughts hold, we would work endlessly to protect them. The subconscious mind is like a robot. It only works according to the orders we give to it.

In all the articles I’ve read, they say that the subconscious obeys, and the conscious commands. They also say that the subconscious mind works to keep our self-concept intact. This means that the concept or image we have of ourselves is constantly being adhered to. The subconscious acts in a way that is exactly in line with our natural pattern of behaviour.

Studied patterns of behaviour

Our subconscious has studied every single experience we’ve had and stored it in our minds. By the age of 21, we’ve already stored more than one hundred times the contents of the entire Encyclopedia Britannica. How insane is that? The subconscious also sees a red light when we try to do something that is out of the ordinary. In other words, something we are not used to doing. It is dangerous and uncomfortable. This is why doing something new is always terrifying.

Our subconscious mind makes decisions before our conscious mind even knows what’s going on. That’s how invasive it can be. Within less than a split second, our mind has already weighed the pros and cons and made a decision. Which is based on previous experience, learned behaviour, and comfort zones. As we know, it works hard to stay within our comfort zone. This is why repeating positive affirmations work so well. Because we can reprogram our mind to remain and revert to a positive state.

If we look at the few facts listed above, it shows how critically important it is to better understand how our bigger and better half works. It’s very hard to excuse why we don’t push ourselves to allow our subconscious to expand in beliefs. Or even why we don’t practice gratitude. It is a beautiful thing to know our anatomy. 

There is no limit

Another fact about the subconscious mind is that it takes everything literally. It does not distinguish between positive and negative. It works like a machine and holds everything we inform it. Therefore, we can say that our conscious mind is like a gardener. Who plants seeds and waters the garden. And our subconscious is like very fertile soil, growing flowers, roots, and being watered every day.

There is no limit to what you train yourself to do. The subconscious is the part that keeps our body temperature stable. It keeps you breathing. And it works to keep your heart beating at a normal rate. It keeps a balance among the hundreds of chemicals in your billions of cells. So your entire physical machine functions in complete harmony most of the time. Your subconscious also practices homeostasis in your mental realm. In other words, by keeping you thinking and acting in a manner consistent with what you have done and said in the past.

So if you think that “that’s just the way I am” is a perfectly good excuse, think again! We have only discussed a few minor facts on the subconscious. Imagine what the rest of our body has to offer! So whenever you are feeling like you ‘cant’ or that things are too difficult, remind yourself of your subconscious. And how it is only working the way you’re programmed to work. There is no one forcing you to stay within the comfort zone of your subconscious. Every moment is an opportunity to expand its limits.

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