What is Alaskas national fruit?

What is Alaskas national fruit?

Have you ever wondered if there’s a fruit that the people of Florida like more than oranges? Or if Wyomingites prefer local or tropical fruit? If you’re as big of a fruit lover as we are, you probably have. That’s why we’ve combed through Google Trends data to find the most searched fruit in each state to identify every state’s favorite fruits. First, we searched for fruits, drilled down by state, sorted by top (or most searched), and picked the first fruit we found. Though it may not be 100% definitive, this data was able to help us determine each state’s favorite fruit.

If our list of favorite fruits puts you in the mood for a delectable treat that features all of our favorite fruits, check out our Fruit Favorites Box. It’s packed with pineapple, strawberries, grapes, oranges, and more.

Here is every state’s favorite fruit:

1. Alabama: Blueberry

What is Alaskas national fruit?

The people of Alabama know that blueberries are super healthy and packed with nutrients, including fiber, manganese, and vitamins C and K. They’re also super delicious and taste great atop yogurt, stirred into yogurt, or all by themselves.

2. Alaska: Avocado

What is Alaskas national fruit?

Avocados are a stone fruit with a creamy texture. Some might mistake them for vegetables, but they’re actually fruits with lots of healthy fats, fiber, and vitamins C, E, and K.

3. Arizona: Cantaloupe

What is Alaskas national fruit?

Arizonians know that cantaloupe (also called rock melon) is a superior fruit. It belongs to the same family as cucumbers, pumpkins, and squash, and contains plenty of potassium for your heart and muscles.

4. Arkansas: Tomato

What is Alaskas national fruit?

Tomatoes are actually both a fruit and a vegetable. No matter what they’re classified as, Arkansans know that they’re super tasty and good for you due to their high lysine content.

5. California: Eggplant

What is Alaskas national fruit?

Yep, eggplants are actually fruits. Not only that, but they’re actually berries due to their small, edible seeds. Either way, Californians are crazy over these nightshades that taste great when fried or baked.

6. Colorado: Strawberry

What is Alaskas national fruit?

Coloradans know that strawberries are not only tasty and delicious, but they’re also a superfood packed with nutrients. We couldn’t agree more. Check out our Chocolate Dipped Strawberries Box full of juicy, fresh strawberries topped with semisweet chocolate.

7. Connecticut: Pitaya

What is Alaskas national fruit?

Pitayas, also called dragon fruits, are grown primarily in Asia, Mexico, and Central America, and taste similar to a kiwi or a pear. People in Connecticut know a good thing when they see it. Pitayas are packed with calcium, vitamin C, and vitamin A.

8. Delaware: Pineapple

What is Alaskas national fruit?

Pineapple is packed with nutrients, antioxidants, and enzymes that can help fight inflammation and disease. If you’re on board with the people of Delaware, check out our Pineapple Bouquet that looks as great as it tastes.

9. Florida: Mango

What is Alaskas national fruit?

Native to India, mangos are sumptuous, creamy, and delightfully delicious. They’re also good for you, with potential health benefits, such as improving digestion, gut health, and immunity. Not only that, but they also managed to beat oranges as the number one fruit in Florida.

10. Georgia: Orange

What is Alaskas national fruit?

Yeah, we would have guessed peaches, but Georgians are actually more interested in oranges. For good reason, too — just one medium-sized orange packs in about 78% of the recommended daily value of vitamin C.

11. Hawaii: Tamarind

What is Alaskas national fruit?

If you’ve never heard of tamarind, you’re not alone. Yet, this bean-like pod filled with seeds is Hawaii’s number one searched fruit. Tamarind is indigenous to Africa and may even have medicinal properties that can help lower blood sugar and promote weight loss.

12. Idaho: Huckleberry

What is Alaskas national fruit?

Huckleberries are quite tart and used for pies, jams, jellies, and more. Found in the Northwestern United States and Canada, huckleberries may inhibit uric acid levels in those with gout and may also lower blood sugar levels.

13. Illinois: Ugli Fruit

What is Alaskas national fruit?

Ugli fruit is a combination of three fruits: grapefruit, orange, and tangerine. People of Illinois know ugli fruits are full of potential health benefits, including boosting immune function, helping fight diabetes, and promoting heart health.

14. Indiana: Lychee

What is Alaskas national fruit?

Indianans know that lychees are the perfect blend of sweet and tart. They’re a fun, tropical summer fruit that tastes like a grape with a hint of rose. They have a bumpy skin that covers a translucent white flesh and is best eaten raw.

15. Iowa: Pear

What is Alaskas national fruit?

Pears are a delicious, low-calorie snack, and they’re also packed with good-for-you nutrients. Iowans know pears are good for your digestion, have a low glycemic index, help fight free radicals, and may even provide heart health benefits.

16. Kansas: Plum

What is Alaskas national fruit?

The people in Kansas love sweet-tasting plums, which provide a healthy way to satisfy your hunger. They may also help protect your heart, keep your bowels regular, lower blood sugar, and boost bone health.

17. Kentucky: Fig

What is Alaskas national fruit?

Kentuckians love the soft and chewy texture peppered with crunchy seeds that figs provide. They don’t only taste great; they’re also packed with minerals including potassium, calcium, magnesium, and iron.

18. Louisiana: Durian

What is Alaskas national fruit?

Louisianans love this tropical fruit that can be served raw or cooked. It’s known for its strong odor and tastes pleasant with notes of almond with a custard-like texture.

19. Maine: Cranberry

What is Alaskas national fruit?

Down Easters (yes, that’s what people from Maine are called) know that cranberries are more than just a Thanksgiving staple. Due to their high nutrient and antioxidant content, they’re considered a bona fide superfood.

20. Maryland: Longan Fruit

What is Alaskas national fruit?

Longan is a tropical fruit native to Southeast Asia that’s a member of the soapberry family. Marylanders are obsessed with this fruit, which has been described as being jelly-like and sweet, but tart.

21. Massachusetts: Apple

What is Alaskas national fruit?

Massachusettsans and teachers alike can agree that apples are a superior fruit, packed with fiber, phytochemicals, and vitamin C. If you’re also a fan, check out our Classic Swizzle Apple Fruit Truffles®, featuring apple bites dipped in decadent semisweet chocolate.

22. Michigan: Grapes

What is Alaskas national fruit?

The people of Michigan understand just how special grapes are. Not only are they sweet and delicious, but they even boast potential health benefits, including supporting immunity, providing anti-aging antioxidants, protecting healthy vision, and aiding in digestive health.

23. Minnesota: Lime

What is Alaskas national fruit?

Minnesotans love their citrus fruits. Limes add a tart, zesty kick to any food or drink. Plus, they have been found to reduce inflammation, prevent infection, guard against strokes, and much more.

24. Mississippi: Papaya

What is Alaskas national fruit?

Mississippians know what’s up. Packed with inflammation-fighting enzymes and antioxidants, papayas are a knock-out win. They also taste great, with a mild to sweet flavor with a creamy, butter-like texture.

25. Missouri: Cashew Fruit

What is Alaskas national fruit?

Cashew nuts actually come from cashew apples, also known as “cashew fruits.” The cashew apple can be eaten raw, cooked into curries, or fermented into vinegar, and they boast numerous health benefits, too.

26. Montana: Cherry

What is Alaskas national fruit?

Montanans know that cherries are delicious and good for you. They’re packed with antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds and even contain melatonin that can help you sleep.

27. Nebraska: Apricot

What is Alaskas national fruit?

People in Nebraska love apricots, whether they’re eaten raw or dried. Apricots are nutritious little gems, too, boasting high levels of vitamin A, vitamin C, and potassium.

28. Nevada: Pomegranate

What is Alaskas national fruit?

Pomegranates are packed with nutrition, as most Nevadans would agree. They’re also an interesting fruit because you only eat the seeds, which are great tossed on top of a fruit salad, mixed into yogurt, or blended up in a smoothie.

29. New Hampshire: Soursop

What is Alaskas national fruit?

The people of New Hampshire know that the soursop fruit holds a lot of potential. It has been shown to kill cancer cells in the lab and may also reduce inflammation and fight bad bacteria. It tastes like a combination of strawberries and apple with notes of sour citrus.

30. New Jersey: Persimmon

What is Alaskas national fruit?

New Jersians love the silky, slippery texture of persimmons that taste like a combination of a mango and a roasted sweet pepper. They’re rich in vitamins A and B, are a good source of fiber, and are best eaten raw.

31. New Mexico: Passion Fruit

What is Alaskas national fruit?

Native to Brazil, passion fruit is the world’s largest berry. Inside, it has small seeds surrounded by a jelly-like pulp with a lemony, sweet flavor that’s packed with vitamin C.

32. New York: Peach

What is Alaskas national fruit?

New York may have the Big Apple, but its residents search for peaches the most. Peaches are healthy too, packing in plenty of vitamin C, vitamin A, potassium, and calcium.

33. North Carolina: Quince Fruit

What is Alaskas national fruit?

Did you know that you could eat the fruit that grows on quince trees that you can grow in your own backyard? North Carolinians do, and they adore this fragrant, yellow fruit that can be used to make jams and jellies.

34. North Dakota: Kiwi

What is Alaskas national fruit?

Known for its vibrant green color and refreshing taste, kiwis may promote healthy skin and hair, support immunity, and promote good digestion. North Dakotans agree that this fruit is a true superfood.

35. Ohio: Blackberry

What is Alaskas national fruit?

Blackberries are packed with nutrition, including potassium, magnesium, and calcium, as well as antioxidants called anthocyanins, which give them their deep purple color. People in Ohio can’t get enough of this fruit that is grown in their own home state and beyond.

36. Oklahoma: Raspberry

What is Alaskas national fruit?

People in Oklahoma go crazy over raspberries, with good reason. These sweet treats may reduce the risk of heart disease, promote weight loss, enhance eye health, and boost immunity.

37. Oregon: Date

What is Alaskas national fruit?

The people of Oregon are on to a good thing: dates are delicious and nutritious. Dates are a nutritional powerhouse, packing in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, which may help prevent oxidative stress–related illnesses.

38. Pennsylvania: Guava

What is Alaskas national fruit?

Guava might be easy to overlook, but Pennsylvanians know it’s too packed with nutrition to pass up. Guava has been shown to regulate digestion, boost immunity, maintain blood sugar levels, strengthen vision, and promote healthy skin.

39. Rhode Island: Acai

What is Alaskas national fruit?

Acai berries are tiny, dark purple-fleshed berries that are most often soaked and ground into a paste. Proponents of the fruit claim it aids in arthritis, weight loss, high cholesterol, detoxification, and more.

40. South Carolina: Jackfruit

What is Alaskas national fruit?

South Carolinians have jumped on board the jackfruit trend. This fruit has increasingly become popular as a plant-based meat alternative because of its “meat-like” texture when cooked.

41. South Dakota: Carambola (Star Fruit)

What is Alaskas national fruit?

When sliced horizontally, star fruit makes a beautiful star-shaped snack. Ripe starfruit can be very sweet and delicious and boasts a plethora of nutrients, including potassium, magnesium, calcium, folate, and selenium.

42. Tennessee: Rambuten

What is Alaskas national fruit?

People in Tennessee love these furry, red fruits with a creamy white center. The skin of rambuten is easily peeled away to reveal a sweet and sour center that tastes a lot like a grape.

43. Texas: Lemon

What is Alaskas national fruit?

Lemons are sour, bitter, and highly acidic, but they’re packed with nutrients, minerals, and antioxidants. That must be why people in Texas love them so much.

44. Utah: Honeydew Melon

What is Alaskas national fruit?

Melons are low in calories and fat, high in essential vitamins and minerals, and contain about 90 percent water. They are great sources of hard-to-get nutrients, including vitamin C, potassium, copper, and vitamin B.

45. Vermont: Watermelon

What is Alaskas national fruit?

Watermelons are also high in water, but they’re also soaked with nutrients, including vitamins A, B6 and C, lycopene, antioxidants, and amino acids. People in Vermont love this summer treat.

46. Virginia: Pomelo

What is Alaskas national fruit?

A pomelo is a large Asian fruit that’s closely related to grapefruit but can grow to the size of a cantaloupe. Virginians can’t get enough of this fruit, which tastes similar to grapefruit, but sweeter.

47. Washington: Olives

What is Alaskas national fruit?

The people in Washington all want to know one thing: are olives a fruit? The answer: yes. Olives are the small, fruit of the olive tree, Olea europea.

48. West Virginia: Coconut

What is Alaskas national fruit?

Coconut is a fruit, a nut, and a seed all at once. West Virginians love this versatile fruit that you can eat in a variety of different ways, including shredded coconut meat, coconut milk, coconut water, or pressed into coconut oil.

49. Wisconsin: Cucumber

What is Alaskas national fruit?

Yes, cucumbers are actually considered both a fruit and a vegetable. Wisconsinites love this easy to eat snack. Cucumbers can promote hydration due to their high water content while providing plenty of fiber, vitamins, and minerals.

50. Wyoming: Banana

What is Alaskas national fruit?

Rich in vitamin B6, bananas are also a good source of vitamin C, fiber, and manganese. Residents of Wyoming can’t get enough of this treat that’s one of the most popular fruits in the world.

Now that you know each state’s favorite fruit, what’s yours?