What belongs to you but is used by others

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Other than reading books, cooking, and exercising, some are indulging in various other activities live solving puzzles and riddles on social media. They have also become active on social media to keep in touch with their friends and family. People often come across puzzles on Whatsapp or on some other social media platforms like Facebook, even if they don't actively look for riddles or puzzles. People are sharing riddles and puzzles among themselves on major platforms like WhatsApp, Facebook, and more. One such riddle is This Belongs To You But Everyone Else Uses It. Take a look at the This Belongs To You But Everyone Else Uses It Riddle and solve it.

What is the This Belongs To You But Everyone Else Uses It riddle?

The riddle goes as follows:

This Belongs to You But Everyone Else Uses It more than you do. What is it?

What is the answer to the riddle?

The correct answer to This Belongs To You But Everyone Else Uses It Riddle is "Your Name"


The answer to this belongs to You But everyone else uses it Riddle is Your Name. Now when you look at it people your name belongs to you but everyone else uses your name.

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Riddle: What belongs to you, but other people use it more than you?

Answer: Your name. Source: https://www.riddles.com/1938

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What belongs to you but is used by others
What belongs to you but is used by others