What are the effects of acting ethically?

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Employers usually look at the past actions of an employee as an indicator of potential behaviour. Someone who has a history of immoral behaviour will have difficulty securing employment in a meaningful job, as that person may not be trusted. This also applies to the business world. Businesses with questionable moral backgrounds are usually viewed with scepticism and are unlikely to gain new customers by word of mouth, so it is unlikely that they will prosper. This is especially the case where social media allows makes customer reviews readily accessible.

When management leads an organization, workers ethically follow in those footsteps. With corporate ethics as a guiding principle, workers make better choices in less time; this improves efficiency and overall workplace morale. When employees complete work in a way that is based on honesty and integrity that benefits the entire organization.

Companies should have ethics codes to promote ethical behavior – not to enhance productivity, profits, or public relations.  Still, a sound, well-administered code can benefit a company and its stakeholders in a variety of ways.


Related: The Failure of Corporate Governance and Its Impact on Business


Benefits of business ethics

What are the effects of acting ethically?

The importance of business ethics reaches far beyond employee loyalty and morale or the strength of a management team bond. As with all business initiatives, the ethical operation of a company is directly related to profitability in both the short and long term. The reputation of a business in the surrounding community, other businesses, and individual investors is paramount in determining whether a company is a worthwhile investment. If a company is perceived to not operate ethically, investors are less inclined to buy stock or otherwise support its operations.

Draws more investors toward the business

If investors know that the company they work with prioritizes having high morals and will operate ethically, they will be safe in the knowledge that their money is being used responsibly. Plus, it means they can be comfortable knowing they’re not indirectly contributing to unethical practices. Strong business ethics are also an attractive quality, which means other investors are more likely to be interested in investing their money into the company, keeping its share price high, and protecting it from takeover.

Provide a competitive advantage in terms of customers

When a company behaves ethically, it can attract customers to its products and services and sway them towards loyalty. This is indicated by a Unilever survey which found a third of consumers (33 percent) choose to buy from brands that are making a positive social or environmental impact.

Build Customer Loyalty

Consumers may let a company take advantage of them once, but if they believe they have been treated unfairly, such as by being overcharged, they will not be repeat customers. Having a loyal customer base is one of the keys to long-range business success, since serving an existing customer does not involve marketing costs, whereas acquiring a new one does.

Enhance a Company's Reputation

A company’s reputation for ethical behavior can help it create a more positive image in the marketplace, which can bring in new customers through word-of-mouth referrals. Conversely, a reputation for unethical dealings hurts the company’s chances to obtain new customers, particularly in this age of social networking when dissatisfied customers can quickly disseminate information about the negative experience they had.


Often the management of a business may be tempted to cut corners in search of profit, such as refusing to fully comply with environmental legislation or labour laws, ignoring workers' health hazards, or using inferior materials in its goods. The penalties for being caught can be severe, including legal fees and fines or sanctions by governmental agencies. The resulting negative publicity can cause long-range damage to the company’s reputation that is even more costly than legal fees or fines. The advantages of business ethics become crystal clear in these situations since companies that maintain the highest ethical standards are very unlikely to find themselves in such situations.

Retain Good Staff

Talented individuals at all levels of an organization want to be compensated fairly for their work and dedication. They want career advancement within the organization to be based on the quality of the work they do and not on favoritism. They want to be part of a company whose management team tells them the truth about what is going on, such as when layoffs or reorganizations are being contemplated.

Related: Ethics and Human Resource Management

Keithley Tongai is a Consultant intern at Industrial Psychology Consultants (Pvt) Ltd, a business management and human resources consulting firm.


What are the effects of acting ethically?

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What are the effects of acting ethically?

Ethics Word Cloud

We are all encouraged to make ethical choices and apply ethics in all areas of our lives. But what does ethics mean, and why do ethics matter for business?

We can think of ethics as the principles that guide our behavior toward making the best choices that contribute to the common good of all. Ethics is what guides us to tell the truth, keep our promises, or help someone in need. There is a framework of ethics underlying our lives on a daily basis, helping us make decisions that create positive impacts and steering us away from unjust outcomes. Ethics guides us to make the world a better place through the choices we make.

Ethics in business is just as important as ethics in personal life. Business leaders have a unique role and a great responsibility in shaping the ethical culture of their businesses, and thereby influence their broader communities as well.

Key Questions to Ask

Business leaders may not set out to define the ethical culture of their businesses but they inevitably do. Here are a few key questions to consider to bring ethics into your business mindset:

  • How do I define the common good for my business? What does it mean for my customers, my employees, the community where my business is located, my investors, and my supporters?
  • How do I make good ethical decisions? How do I analyze a situation and make a decision that positively contributes to the common good?
  • How can I influence the character of my business?
  • What kinds of structural conditions or company policies do I need to put in place to create an ethical culture?
  • How will I monitor the ethical culture of my business?
  • How will I address or correct unethical behavior in my business?

How Ethics May be Tested

Business leaders, and entrepreneurs especially, are under tremendous pressure and can face very significant ethical challenges. Here are a few examples of how unethical decisions arise for entrepreneurs:

  • If I exaggerate the number of customers or orders I have, I could attract more investors and get better funding.
  • If I tell customers all the features on our product roadmap are available now, I could close more deals.
  • I can save some money if I choose a production facility that does not abide by environmental laws.

Ethics and Social Responsibility

Social responsibility is the idea that an individual (or organization) has an obligation to act for the benefit of society at large. Today, social responsibility has become an important part of culture at businesses of all sizes. TOMS Shoes is an excellent example of a business that prioritizes social responsibility. TOMS was founded with the commitment to provide a new pair of shoes for a child in need for every pair of shoes purchased. The company has now expanded to support other causes such as safe water, mental health, and equality. TOMS Shoes’ inspirational tagline “Stand for Tomorrow” communicates its dedication to social responsibility in just three words.

Social responsibility can be practiced in big or small ways every day. Businesses can volunteer with local organizations, donate funds to a chosen cause, sponsor a neighborhood group or sports team, and much more. Even planting flowers, applying a fresh coat of paint, or picking up trash in front of your store has a positive impact on the community surrounding your business. When businesses give back, they not only contribute to the common good, they engage with their communities in meaningful ways, build morale among employees, and create positive regard for the business.

Ethics When Things Go Wrong

It is not easy to handle a business crisis, but avoiding it or postponing a response could make it worse. Businesses should think ethically when coming up with a plan to handle an ethical crisis. In other words, act in a way that promotes the greatest common good and encourages trust rather than diminishing it.

Some situations may warrant the advice of a lawyer and a crisis expert. Here are some general practices that could be followed:

  • Be open and transparent
  • Prioritize those impacted by the situation
  • Apologize
  • Fix the problem

Source: "Principles for Handling Ethics Crises," Kirk O. Hanson, senior fellow of the Markkula Center for Applied Ethics at Santa Clara University and former executive director of the Center

Ethics is a Lifestyle

Ethics has influence over the decisions we make and the actions we take, from our personal lives to our professional careers, and beyond. We are all part of an interconnected global community. Our contributions to the common good, no matter how big or how small, can have a lasting impact. Choosing an ethical lifestyle will ensure our impact is positive. Business leaders have a unique opportunity to create and influence the ethical culture of their businesses and among their stakeholders. Even bringing ethics into your business mindset will help you approach situations in a more ethical way. And if you are unsure how to create an ethical culture in your business, leading by example is a great way to start. It’s a simple as be good, do good.