The co-ordinates of two points P and Q are (2, 6) and (-3, 5 Find the gradient of PQ)

The co-ordinates of two points P and Q are (2, 6) and (−3, 5) respectively Find the gradient of PQ;

Given, co-ordinates of two points P and Q are (2, 6) and (-3, 5) respectively

Gradient of PQ=`(5-6)/(-3-2)`

Gradient of PQ `=(-1)/-5`

Gradient of PQ `=1/5`

Concept: Equation of a Line

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The co-ordinates of two points P and Q are (2, 6) and (−3, 5) respectively Find the equation of PQ; 

The equation of the line PQ is given by:
y − y1 = m (x − x1)y − 6 = 1/5 (x − 2)5y − 30 = x − 2

5y = x + 28

Concept: Equation of a Line

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The co-ordinates of two points P and Q are (2, 6) and (−3, 5) respectively Find the co-ordinates of the point where PQ intersects the x-axis.

Let the line PQ intersects the x-axis at point A (x, 0).Putting y = 0 in the equation of the line PQ, we get,0 = x + 28

x = −28

Thus, the co-ordinates of the point where PQ intersects the x-axis are A (−28, 0).

Concept: Equation of a Line

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The co-ordinates of two points P and Q are (2, 6) and (−3, 5) respectively Find the co-ordinates of the point where PQ intersects the x-axis.

Let the line PQ intersects the x-axis at point A (x, 0).Putting y = 0 in the equation of the line PQ, we get,0 = x + 28

x = −28

Thus, the co-ordinates of the point where PQ intersects the x-axis are A (−28, 0).

Concept: Equation of a Line

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The co ordinates of two points P and Q are 2, 6 and 3, 5 respectively. Find : i the gradient of PQ; ii the equation of PQ; iii the co ordinates of the point where PQ intersects the x axis.

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