Roblox HD Admin how to give admin

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Hi, I’m Blame.

I have one goal, and thats to give a player HD Admin mod rank on touch of a part in workspace, the issue is, I don’t know how to do this. I know you need to use :Touched for this but I don’t know how to grant the admin. If you could help or give an basic overview on this that’d be great!


I would Recommand Looking on the HD Admin API


Roblox HD Admin how to give admin

The source code behind V2. This is no longer maintained - visit V3 to view and contribute to the most up-to-date source code: - GitHub - 1ForeverHD/HDAdminV2: ...

Or using HD Admin Touched Script

--In a Server Script --Retrieve API local hdMain = require(game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage"):WaitForChild("HDAdminSetup")):GetMain() local hd = hdMain:GetModule("API") --Define the rank-to-reward and setup the corresponding rankId and rankName local rank = "Mod" local rankType = "Server" local rankId = tonumber(rank) or hd:GetRankId(rank) local rankName = hd:GetRankName(rankId) --Define debounce local touchDe = {} --Touch event ('touchPart' is the part players have to step on to receive the rank) touchPart.Touched:Connect(function(hit) --Check for character and player local character = hit.Parent local player = game:GetService("Players"):GetPlayerFromCharacter(character) if player and not touchDe[player] then --Setup debounce for player touchDe[player] = true --Check rank is lower than giver rank local plrRankId, plrRankName, plrRankType = hd:GetRank(player) if plrRankId < rankId then --Give rank hd:SetRank(player, rankId, rankType) else --Error message local errorMessage = "Your rank is already higher than '"..rankName.."'!" if plrRankId == rankId then errorMessage = "You've already been ranked to '"..rankName.."'!" end hd:Error(player, errorMessage) end wait(1) --End debounce touchDe[player] = false end end)

Or grabbing Their Ready Touch pad


  1. Take a free copy of HD Admin
  2. Open up Roblox and click Create.
  3. Click Edit on your game.
  4. In Studio, toggle to View then select the Toolbox and Workspace.
  5. In the Toolbox, change Models to My Models and insert in HD Admin.
  6. Publish your game and open it up in Play mode.
  7. All done! You can navigate to Commands or type ;cmds to view a list of all commands.


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There are other answers below:

Want to know how to add admin commands in your Roblox game? In this video, I show you how to add HD admin to your Roblox game and in the rest of this series …

How do I give someone admin commands? Invite the people you want to give admin command access to. Use the on-screen options to grant the players the admin position. Just click on the Player or Players you want and then click on the “Add Admin” dialog button, their names will be transfered to the administrator list. Is cheating in Roblox illegal?

Steps for How To Put Admin In Your Roblox Game Open up the Roblox library and navigate to HD Admin. You can also use other admins like Adonis and Kuros But Toady We are using HD Admin for adding commands because it’s open-source and the most up-to-date admin pannel. Just Take a copy of the model by clicking the green Get button.

Go into “Settings” and go to line 37 or look for “FreeAdmin” and set it to the designated admin power you want. 1 is VIP, 2 is Mod, 3 is Admin, 4 is Super Admin, 5 is Owner, and 6 is Game Creator. Thanks!

How to use Commands in ROBLOX? First, make sure you have access to the Admin commands by entering the chat box (by pressing the “/“ key) and then entering “;cmd” (without quotation marks) and…

Go to the HD Admin page, select Get, and the admin model gets added to your Roblox account. Click on Toolbox in the Roblox Studio menu at the top. Browse the Model library on the left of the screen…

Play. We added a new feature which allows you to add your friends or give specific group role testing permissions for your game. Just give a role-set or a friend the “Play” permission, and they can now navigate to the Game Details page and play the game with you without the game being required to be public.

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Custom Match Commands List. /give (player) (@all) (@team: team_color) (item) (item amount) – Use this command to give another player, all players, or a specific team an item. /sethealthregen (player) (regen_amount) – Use this command to set the health regeneration for a …

How do I add admin commands to a Roblox game?

You don’t need to do anything to add admin commands, you have to just place the model in the Workspace from Roblox Studio and publish the game, you will be given Game Creator powers in-game.

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Open up the Roblox library and navigate to HD Admin. You can also use other admins like Adonis and Kuros But Toady We are using HD Admin for adding commands because it’s open-source and the most up-to-date admin pannel. Just Take a copy of the model by clicking the green Get button. By doing this you can add the admin to your inventory.

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However, if you are fortunate enough to be trusted by an owner or another Admin, or if you’ve booted up your own ROBLOX game, you’re free to use these commands.

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How do I add admin to my Kohls Roblox game? You don’t need to do anything to add admin commands, you have to just place the model in the Workspace from Roblox Studio and publish the game, you will be given Game Creator powers in-game.

  • How can I allow everyone in my place to have admin?

    Go into "Settings" and go to line 37 or look for "FreeAdmin" and set it to the designated admin power you want. 1 is VIP, 2 is Mod, 3 is Admin, 4 is Super Admin, 5 is Owner, and 6 is Game Creator.

  • Type :cmds for a list of commands, but if you want to do it manually and not look at them type this: | :god me :fly me | without the |s.

  • How do I add more than one person - do I just add a comma or something?

    To add a person, you need to add the model to your game. Afterwards, open up the "Khol's Admin Infinite" Folder. Then, after you have opened it up, open up the "Credit" folder. You will see two sub-categories. You are going to open the "Settings" folder, where you will be greeted by this: local Owners={}-- Can set SuperAdmins, & use all the commands, local SuperAdmins={}-- Can set permanent admins, & shutdown the game, local Admins={}-- Can ban, crash, & set Moderators/VIP local Mods={}. Just, after you are in here, fill in whatever rank you want the new staff member to be, like this local Rank={"example"}. To make more thank one person this, do this local Rank={"example","example"}.

  • How do I put a game on Roblox on Windows?

    Go to ROBLOX and make a ROBLOX account. Then go to Develop and click Create New Place.

  • Type in :cmds for list of commands.

  • How do I put a person in a team permanently?

    You cannot do that. You can only put someone into the team, but he/she may change when they step on another team spawn.

  • How do I add someone as an admin?

    Type ":vip " (VIP), ":mod " (moderator), ":admin " (administrator), ":superadmin " (superadmin) and lastly, ":owner " for owner.

  • Why isn't command working? I'm testing it in studio.

    Test it out on a server. Admin doesn't work in studio, only on servers.

  • Can the Kohl's Admin Infinite be shared with some users?

  • How do I arrange it so that I can get admin by purchasing a gamepass?

    There is a lot of scripting when it comes to game passes, but you need to establish admin at your place with a plugin or script and then assign it to the game pass.