Navneet takes out all the hearts from the cards what is the probability of picking out a face card

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Navneet takes out all the hearts from the cards what is the probability of picking out a face card

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Navneet takes out all the hearts from the cards what is the probability of picking out a face card

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Navneet takes out all the hearts from the cards what is the probability of picking out a face card

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1) 4/3

2) 16/3

3) 4/13

4) 5/3

Solution: Option (3) 4/13

Total cards in a pack = 52

Total number of queens in a pack = 4

Total number of hearts in a pack = 13

Hence, the probability of picking a queen or a heart = (4/52) + (13/52) – (1/52)

= (4+13-1)/52

= 16/52

= 4/13.

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