Hunters tend to pass through five stages of development. what is the focus during the trophy stage?

The longer you hunt; you will probably find that your attitude and behavior will evolve. There are six distinct stages of hunter development. You may not pass through each of these stages and you may not progress through them in this exact order.

Hunters tend to pass through five stages of development. what is the focus during the trophy stage?

1) Shooting Stage

The impulse here is to get off a shot quickly, usually at the first animal that appears. This eagerness can lead to bad decisions:

  •  the wrong animal being chosen,
  • a poor shot being taken that wounds the animal or
  • even a shot that endangers others.

Target practice, good mentoring and more experience will lead most hunters out of this stage quickly.

Hunters tend to pass through five stages of development. what is the focus during the trophy stage?

2) Limiting Out Stage

This hunter wants to always bag the limit. This may cause a hunter to take unsafe shots or misidentify targets in the zeal to limit out. More experience and hunting with mature hunters will lead hunters out of this stage.

Hunters tend to pass through five stages of development. what is the focus during the trophy stage?
Hunters tend to pass through five stages of development. what is the focus during the trophy stage?

3) Trophy Stage

Success is judged by quality, not quantity. The hunter is very selective and will pass on many opportunities that do not match the desired trophy characteristics. Many trophy hunters focus on big game. The hunter’s patience and commitment must be highly evolved.

Hunters tend to pass through five stages of development. what is the focus during the trophy stage?

4) Method Stage

Here, the process and challenge of hunting becomes the primary focus of the hunter. A more challenging method, such as using a bow, muzzleloader, or handgun may be chosen. The hunter may choose to stalk or still hunt, rather than sit in a stand next to a feeder.

Hunters tend to pass through five stages of development. what is the focus during the trophy stage?

5) Sportsman Stage

The total experience of the hunt is what is important to the sportsman:

  • What animal is being hunted,
  • How it is being hunted,
  • The immersion into nature and the companionship of who you are hunting with,
  • all combine into creating a more sophisticated appreciation of the hunt.

Hunters tend to pass through five stages of development. what is the focus during the trophy stage?
Hunters tend to pass through five stages of development. what is the focus during the trophy stage?

6) “Give-Back” Stage

At this point the hunter is motivated by the desire to pass on the proper hunting values, safety skills and responsible attitudes to others. They want to preserve our hunting heritage by introducing new hunters to the sport in the most rewarding manner. The hunter may choose to join a conservation organization that improves habitat through wildlife management and promotes hunting.

Hunters tend to pass through five stages of development. what is the focus during the trophy stage?
Hunters tend to pass through five stages of development. what is the focus during the trophy stage?

Some become a volunteer Hunter Education Instructor.

or volunteer in the Texas Youth Hunting Program.

or volunteer in the Texas Brigades.

Hunters tend to pass through five stages of development. what is the focus during the trophy stage?

In 2016, 11.5 million people in the U.S. enjoyed hunting as a pastime, sport, or hobby in some form. If you’re a hunter who takes the sport seriously and has been exposed to hunting education, you may already know about the five stages of hunting. After conducting a survey with 1,000 hunters, Dr. Robert Jackson and Dr. Robert Norton of the University of Wisconsin - La Crosse developed this theory of hunting stages. 

The stages are reinforced in most educational programs because they provide a way for hunters to understand how they’re advancing in the field. By identifying with one of these hunting stages, hunters can see their progression and define their success in the sport. Learning about the five stages of hunting will help you set goals and get the most out of your time in the field.

Hunters who are just starting out may begin in the shooting stage. With this stage, a hunter measures success by how often they fire shots while out in the field. While most of these shots don’t land on game, and aren’t necessarily successful, shooting in the field allows the hunter to get more comfortable with the act of hunting.

Hunters in the shooting stage should work on their skills at the shooting range first. Knowing how to properly handle a rifle and working on aim helps these beginners to stay safe while hunting in the field. In the shooting stage, hunting isn’t necessarily about the kill but getting used to using equipment, navigating different locations, and firing shots when sighting game. Mentoring from other more experienced hunters helps those in the shooting stage advance more quickly to the next stage.

2. The Limit Stage

Once hunters in the shooting stage begin to actually hit targets, they advance to the limit stage. In this stage, the goal is to actually hit the game and a successful day occurs when the hunter kills enough game to reach the daily limit. Some hunters in this stage may set their own numbered goals for game instead of going by the limit set by local government agencies. 

In the limit stage, hunters are still inexperienced and some may be so focused on hitting their limit that they take shots that aren’t safe or are unnecessary. While hunters in the limit stage are advancing their skills in the field, hunter education courses and mentorships with more experienced hunters are still important. 

These resources help hunters ensure they’re remaining safe in the field, experimenting correctly with their firearms, and trying out new skills. Educational resources can also help hunters in the shooting stage advance their knowledge of game behavior, hunting packs and essential supplies, and hunting etiquette. 

3. The Trophy Stage 

Hunters who enter the trophy stage become less focused on the number of kills they experience per day and start to concentrate on the quality of the game. Instead of hitting the daily limit of 10 turkey kills in one day, a hunter in the trophy stage may focus on and stalk one single buck for the entire day, simply waiting for a shot. Most hunters in the trophy stage set their sights on big game, such as deer or elk, and leave behind smaller game.

Hunters know they’ve entered the trophy stage when they plan and prepare their hunt with more military precision. They may review trail cameras or study the behavioral patterns of the game they’re targeting. They’re more focused on packing the right gear and doing research on the area they’re entering and the game they may encounter. Hunters in this stage have more patience and don’t take shots unless they feel they’ll be successful.

In addition to focusing on quality instead of quantity, hunters who enter the trophy stage begin to appreciate the environment around them more. These more experienced hunters are more likely to consider conservation and be respectful of the wildlife and outdoors. 

4. The Method Stage

In the method stage, hunters may still be focused on successfully snagging their target game or reaching daily limits, but there’s more interest in the process. In this stage, hunters may want to begin experimenting with other ways to target game, such as bow hunting. 

Hunters in the method stage also focus more on sharpening other skills related to hunting, such as game calling or studying trail camera footage. In the method stage, hunters are likely to choose their favorite game to target and begin learning all they can about this species. They may spend time scouting areas and creating a plan for a hunt before attempting to execute it.

These more experienced hunters want to advance their skills so they may set lofty goals for snagging game or for their hunting trip in general. By challenging themselves and practicing other skills outside of hunting trips, these hunters hope to improve and master additional hunting methods.

5. The Sportsman Stage

Experienced hunters reach the sportsman stage when their primary focus is the whole hunting experience. While they may still have a number of kills or a specific target animal in mind, hunters in this stage don’t center their hunting trips around these goals. In this stage, a successful hunting trip is measured by how enjoyable and safe the day was and the beauty of the environment. 

Hunters in the sportsman stage understand and appreciate the nature and wildlife that surrounds them during a hunting trip. They’re more focused on enjoying their time in nature and the time they’re spending with their hunting companions. 

Conservation efforts and protecting the environment around them is usually on the mind of hunters in the sportsman stage. These hunters appreciate the advantages of adventure therapy and focus on learning how to respect and preserve the environment. They may also focus on mentoring and teaching young or beginner hunters who are entering the field. 

As you advance your knowledge and skills as a hunter, you’ll move through these five stages of hunting. When you spend more time in the field, your focus may move from limiting out to trying new hunting methods to simply appreciating time in nature. The goals you set and the gear you require as part of your hunting journey may evolve as your progress through each stage. No matter what stage you're in, as long as you enjoy your time hunting safely and with conservation in mind, you’re bound to advance your skills in the sport.