How to install PHP on Ubuntu Server?

PHP is the language that is mostly used for server-side programming. It is executed, run, and must be installed on the webserver. Since it is an interpreted language, it doesn’t need any compiler. PHP handles the interaction between the front-end of the web pages and the back-end servers or databases.

Installation of PHP on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS

Before getting started with the installation of PHP, first, always update Ubuntu’s package repository.

$ sudo apt update

How to install PHP on Ubuntu Server?

After updating Ubuntu’s package repository, install the PHP by typing the command given below.

$ sudo apt install PHP

How to install PHP on Ubuntu Server?

It will take a while to download and install the latest stable version of PHP.

Verify the installation of PHP on Ubuntu

Once it is installed successfully, you can verify and check the version of PHP by typing the “php -v” command.

$ php -v

How to install PHP on Ubuntu Server?

Alright! You can now see that version 7.4.3 of PHP is installed on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS.

Install Apache PHP module

If you want to install other requisite software like Apache PHP Module with it, then type the command below.

$ sudo apt install libapache2-mod-php

How to install PHP on Ubuntu Server?

Now restart the Apache server for the changes to take effect, and if you want to load the PHP module, type the following command.

$ sudo systemctl restart apache2

How to install PHP on Ubuntu Server?

If it is restarted without throwing any error, you can verify it by checking the status using the command given below.

$ sudo systemctl status apache2

How to install PHP on Ubuntu Server?

If it is active and running, then you are ready to go.

Find and Install Extensions of PHP on Ubuntu 20.04

In case you want to install some further extensions of PHP, you can type the following command in the terminal.

$ sudo apt install php-

Then, hit the tab button twice on your keyboard to see the available extensions of PHP.

How to install PHP on Ubuntu Server?

For example, if we want to install the PHP MySQL extension, the command would be like this:

$ sudo apt install php-mysql

It will ask you to take additional disk space for the extension to install, then press “y” to continue the process.

How to install PHP on Ubuntu Server?

Downloading and installation of the PHP MySQL extension will start.

How to install PHP on Ubuntu Server?

This is how you can find and install any extension of PHP of your desire.


This is the simplest way to install and get started with the PHP on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS. In this post, we have explained the installation of PHP and its extensions.

PHP is a general-purpose scripting language suited for Web development. PHP scripts can be embedded into HTML. This section explains how to install and configure PHP in an Ubuntu System with Apache2 and MySQL.

This section assumes you have installed and configured Apache2 Web Server and MySQL Database Server. You can refer to the Apache2 and MySQL sections in this document to install and configure Apache2 and MySQL respectively.


PHP is available in Ubuntu Linux. Unlike Python, which is installed in the base system, PHP must be added.

To install PHP and the Apache PHP module you can enter the following command at a terminal prompt:

sudo apt install php libapache2-mod-php

You can run PHP scripts at a terminal prompt. To run PHP scripts at a terminal prompt you should install the php-cli package. To install php-cli you can enter the following command:

sudo apt install php-cli

You can also execute PHP scripts without installing the Apache PHP module. To accomplish this, you should install the php-cgi package via this command:

sudo apt install php-cgi

To use MySQL with PHP you should install the php-mysql package, like so:

sudo apt install php-mysql

Similarly, to use PostgreSQL with PHP you should install the php-pgsql package:

sudo apt install php-pgsql


If you have installed the libapache2-mod-php or php-cgi packages, you can run PHP scripts from your web browser. If you have installed the php-cli package, you can run PHP scripts at a terminal prompt.

By default, when libapache2-mod-php is installed, the Apache 2 Web server is configured to run PHP scripts using this module. Please verify if the files /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/php8.*.conf and /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/php8.*.load exist. If they do not exist, you can enable the module using the a2enmod command.

Once you have installed the PHP related packages and enabled the Apache PHP module, you should restart the Apache2 Web server to run PHP scripts, by running the following command:

sudo systemctl restart apache2.service 


To verify your installation, you can run the following PHP phpinfo script:

You can save the content in a file

sudo apt install php-cli
0 and place it under the
sudo apt install php-cli
1 directory of the Apache2 Web server. Pointing your browser to
sudo apt install php-cli
2 will display the values of various PHP configuration parameters.


  • For more in depth information see the documentation.

  • There are a plethora of books on PHP 7 and 8. A good book from O’Reilly is Learning PHP, which includes an exploration of PHP 7’s enhancements to the language.

    How to run PHP server in Ubuntu?

    How to run PHP on Ubuntu.
    sudo apt-get install php. ... .
    In order to restart Apache web server just type the following command sudo gedit /var/www/html/index. ... .
    In this tutorial im using gedit to create my webpages but you can also install an IDE like netbeans and manage you projects from there in a way more efficient way..

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    For the other editions of Ubuntu, use the process below:.
    Step 1: Add PHP PPA Repository. We'll add ppa:ondrej/php PPA repository which has the latest build packages of PHP. ... .
    Step 2: Install PHP 7.4 on Ubuntu 18.04/16.04. Install PHP 7.4 on Ubuntu 18.04/19.04/16.04 using the command: sudo apt -y install php7.4..

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    How to install PHP on terminal?

    Download PHP 7.2.28..
    Unzip and rename the folder to PHP..
    Move PHP folder to C:/.
    Add new Environment Variables for PHP..
    Restart computer..
    Test PHP on terminal/command prompt..