How can you help a person close to you to stop smoking or educate him or her about smoking

First, congratulate yourself. Just reading this article is a big step toward becoming tobacco-free.

Many people don't quit smoking because they think it's too hard, and it's true that for most people quitting isn't easy. After all, the nicotine in cigarettes is a powerfully addictive drug. But with the right approach, you can overcome the cravings.

Smokers often start smoking because friends or family do. But they keep smoking because they get addicted to nicotine, one of the chemicals in cigarettes and smokeless tobacco.

Nicotine is both a stimulant and a depressant. That means it increases the heart rate at first and makes people feel more alert. Then it causes depression and fatigue. The depression and fatigue — and the drug withdrawal from nicotine — make people crave another cigarette to perk up again. Some experts think the nicotine in tobacco is as addictive as cocaine or heroin.

But don't be discouraged; millions of people have permanently quit smoking. These tips can help you quit, too:

Put it in writing. People who want to make a change often are more successful when they put their goal in writing. Write down all the reasons why you want to quit smoking, like the money you'll save or the stamina you'll gain for playing sports. Keep that list where you can see it. Add new reasons as you think of them.

Get support. People are more likely to succeed at quitting when friends and family help. If you don't want to tell your family that you smoke, ask friends to help you quit. Consider confiding in a counselor or other adult you trust. If it's hard to find people who support you (like if your friends smoke and aren't interested in quitting), join an online or in-person support group.

Strategies That Work

Set a quit date. Pick a day that you'll stop smoking. Put it on your calendar and tell friends and family (if they know) that you'll quit on that day. Think of the day as a dividing line between the smoking you and the new, improved nonsmoker you'll become.

Throw away your cigarettesall of your cigarettes. People can't stop smoking with cigarettes around to tempt them. So get rid of everything, including ashtrays, lighters, and, yes, even that pack you stashed away for emergencies.

Wash all your clothes. Get rid of the smell of cigarettes as much as you can by washing all your clothes and having your coats or sweaters dry-cleaned. If you smoked in your car, clean that out, too.

Think about your triggers. You're probably aware of the times when you tend to smoke, such as after meals, when you're at your best friend's house, while drinking coffee, or as you're driving. Any situation where it feels automatic to have a cigarette is a trigger. Once you've figured out your triggers, try these tips:

  • Break the link. If you smoke when you drive, get a ride to school, walk, or take the bus for a few weeks so you can break the connection. If you normally smoke after meals, do something else after you eat, like go for a walk or talk to a friend.
  • Change the place. If you and your friends usually eat takeout in the car so you can smoke, sit in the restaurant instead.
  • Substitute something else for cigarettes. It can be hard to get used to not holding something or not having a cigarette in your mouth. If you have this problem, stock up on carrot sticks, sugar-free gum, mints, toothpicks, or lollipops.
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Handling Withdrawal

Expect some physical symptoms. If your body is addicted to nicotine, you may go through withdrawal when you quit. Physical feelings of withdrawal can include:

  • headaches or stomachaches
  • crabbiness, jumpiness, or depression
  • lack of energy
  • dry mouth or sore throat
  • a desire to eat

The symptoms of nicotine withdrawal will pass — so be patient. Try not to give in and sneak a smoke because you'll just have to deal with the withdrawal longer.

Keep yourself busy. Many people find it's best to quit on a Monday, when they have school or work to keep them busy. The more distracted you are, the less likely you'll be to crave cigarettes. Staying active is also a good distraction, plus it helps you keep your weight down and your energy up.

Quit gradually. Some people find that gradually decreasing the number of cigarettes they smoke each day is an effective way to quit. But this strategy doesn't work for everyone. You may find it's better for you to go "cold turkey" and stop smoking all at once.

Look into using a nicotine replacement if you need to. If you find that none of these strategies is working, talk to your doctor about treatments like nicotine replacement gums, patches, inhalers, or nasal sprays. Sprays and inhalers are available by prescription only, and it's important to see your doctor before buying the patch and gum over the counter. Different treatments work differently (for example, the patch is easy to use, but other treatments offer a faster kick of nicotine). Your doctor can help you find the solution that will work best for you.

Slip-Ups Happen

If you slip up, don't give up! Major changes sometimes have false starts. If you're like many people, you may quit successfully for weeks or even months and then suddenly have a craving that's so strong you feel like you have to give in. Or maybe you accidentally find yourself in one of your trigger situations and give in to temptation.

If you slip up, it doesn't mean you've failed. It just means you're human. Here are three ways to get back on track:

  1. Think about your slip as one mistake. Take notice of when and why it happened and move on.
  2. Did you become a heavy smoker after one cigarette? Probably not. It happened more gradually, over time. Keep in mind that one cigarette didn't make you a smoker to start with, so smoking one cigarette (or even two or three) after you quit doesn't make you a smoker again.
  3. Remind yourself why you quit and how well you've done — or have someone in your support group, family, or friends do this for you.

Reward yourself. Quitting smoking isn't easy. Give yourself a well-deserved reward! Set aside the money you usually spend on cigarettes. When you've stayed tobacco-free for a week, 2 weeks, or a month, give yourself a treat like a gift card, movie, or some clothes. Celebrate again every smoke-free year. You earned it.

Medically Reviewed by Melinda Ratini, DO, MS on April 18, 2018

Now that you've quit smoking, you have a chance to pay it forward and help out someone who wants to kick the habit.

You know that smoking isn’t good for your health or the good health of those around you. But you also know that quitting, and staying quit, isn’t easy.

You’ve probably heard a lot of advice. A favorite bit of wisdom from folks who never smoked: “Just throw them away.” If only it were that easy.

The best advice usually about comes from people who have been there, done that. So here’s some inspiration as you help your friends or relatives put smoking in their past.  

Let your friend know that they may feel frustrated if it takes them several tries to stop smoking. A lot of people go through that. For many smokers, it can take anywhere from eight, 10, or even more attempts to quit for good.

Lisa Fiorello thought smoking was the best thing ever. “I looked at cigarettes as my little friends and I loved them,” says Fiorello, a social worker in her 40s who started smoking when she was 21 years old.

In her mid-30s, Fiorello started to get a lot of colds that turned into a nagging cough. The diagnosis: bronchitis.

Her doctors told her to quit smoking since she was also starting to develop early signs of emphysema, a chronic lung condition. She tried to quit many times, but would fall back into her old habits within weeks or months.

Instead of looking at those lapses as failures, Fiorello looked at quitting as a process. “The best advice I ever received was from a doctor who said there’s no such thing as failure if I tried again,” Fiorello says.

She kept trying and has been smoke-free for years.

“Quitting smoking is like riding a bike because there is a lot to learn before you finally get it right,” says  Erik Augustson, PhD, a behavioral scientist who leads the National Cancer Institute’s program.

If your relative or friend talks about quitting as just a matter of willpower, give them a reality check.

The addiction to cigarettes comes from nicotine. Nicotine raises levels of a brain chemical called dopamine that’s linked to the pleasure and reward centers of the brain.  For a lot of tobacco users, there are actual brain changes that happen due to nicotine exposure and result in addiction.

Roger Tayfel always told his two young children about the dangers of drugs. But when his kids would call him an addict because of his cigarette habit, he didn’t buy it.

“I remember telling them they didn’t know what they were talking about,” says Tayfel, an engineer in his 40s who started smoking when he was 15 years old.

The addiction message hit home when he ran out of a fresh pack of smokes late at night and went sneaking in the trash for a long cigarette butt that he could potentially light up.

Tayfel found a butt, lit it, and “felt ashamed,” he says. “My kids were right. I was an addict.”

It was then he decided to quit.

“Realizing I was an addict and I needed help, helped me quit,” he says. “Maybe it will help someone else.”

John Polito never thought of himself as an addict either.  He was a successful lawyer who smoked cigarettes since age 15.

“I must have quit a thousand times and I would go right back to it,” Polito says.

He even once decided he was going to be a smoker for life. A few months later, he found a web-based support group filled with people trying to quit smoking.

“I was overwhelmed by the number of people who were helping each other and eventually helping me,” Polito says. Now in his 60s and smoke-free for more than 15 years, Polito works as a nicotine cessation educator. He even founded a free online quit smoking education and support group.

Now that you’re smoke-free, try to remind your friend who wants to quit that if they light up, they need to stop ASAP.

Nancy Salisbury started smoking at age 15, and started quitting at about age 16. “It took me nearly 20 years to get it right,” says Salisbury, an avid gardener who’s now in her 50s.

Getting it wrong meant bumming a cigarette so she could take a puff. And then one thing led to another and the habit roared back to life.

“I was caught in this loop of quitting for months, cheating with a puff, smoking again, quitting again, taking a puff again,” Salisbury says. “It was terrible and I wanted to be healthy and not smoke.”

Her advice: “Don’t cheat. There is no such thing as just one puff.”

In her years of helping people quit smoking, Alison D. Nix learned one important truth: People have to find their own reasons for quitting. And those reasons have to be important to them.

For Nix, a former smoker who quit in her 20s, it was money. Cigarettes were expensive for a graduate student. And getting a future job in public health meant that smoking was absolutely “not acceptable,” says Nix, who is the program manager for the University of Michigan's Healthy Tobacco Consultation Service.

For Augustson, also a former smoker, it was the birth of his daughter. “I smoked back in college and I liked it, but when my daughter was born I didn’t want her around cigarettes, so I didn’t want to be a smoker anymore,” says Augustson, who has been smoke-free for 30 years. “My daughter was more important than the cigarettes.”

For people like Tayfel, it’s about control over your own body. And for Fiorello and Salisbury, health was the top reason.

“Everyone can find one thing that is very important to them that smoking takes away,” Nix says. Ask your friend or relative what their reason is, and be ready to remind them of it.

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