Arti kata "parroting" bahasa Inggris dalam bahasa Indonesia

Arti kata parroting bahasa

1. A tropical or sub-tropical bird from the order of Psittaciformes which is comprised of some 315 species. Parrots are known for their usually bright colored plumage, large heads, short hooked bill, blunt tongues, strong feet (two in the front and two in the back), and talking and mimicking ability. They are arboreal and eat seeds and fruit. Many are kept as pets and some are endangered and threatened with extinction. Most are very intelligent creatures and contrary to the meaning of parrot as applied to humans below, parrots don't necessarily repeat words mindlessly. It has been shown in research that parrots have the ability to use words to identify objects, describe them, count them and answer questions. 2. To imitate someone. To mimic or repeat their actions or sayings without thinking.


Alex the Grey is a very smart Parrot because he knows how to count.

Arti kata parroting bahasa

Parrot in Internet social media terms is someone who recites information (whether aware if its correct or not) for the sake of repeating it to increase their own percieved "social standing" in an social community. Can be applicable to both a single online community (a forum) or a group of sites of communities, for example a "blogosphere."


Parrots are: bloggers who blog about social media: what it is, what it is becoming, because they read it on someone else's forum. People in automotive or other technical forums who repeat something because it "sounded right."

Arti kata parroting bahasa

Fucking sick ass pets to have, they are literally better than any other pet and will live for longer then 10 years (if you take care of it. I mean that’s the reason why you have a pet isn’t it?) It’s like a expensive baby without ruining your wife’s body shape. Some just might summon Satan if you give them the right drugs. You can even teach them to talk. Bruh just teach them the N word and teach em to give you the n-word pass if they are black. some spin their heads around thinking that they are gods because they can’t snap their own neck Can also be used as a bottle opener


Owner- Hey Polly, want a cracker Parrot- “No fuck off, I only take seed you dick, seriuosly. You’ve had me as a pet for 10 years now and you still know that I am fucking allergic to crackers. Fuck off.”

Arti kata parroting bahasa

The act of repeating heard information without educating oneself on the subject or forming an intelligent argument of one's own.


"That guy doesn't know what he's talking about. He's just parroting what he read in a headline."

Arti kata parroting bahasa

To put your cock on someone's shoulder as if it were a parrot.


John: I tried to parrot Judy last night! Bill: Cool story, bro! Carter: I totally parroted Judy last night! Eric: Cool story, bro! Daniel: I can't wait to parrot Judy tonight! Mike: You motherfucker!

Arti kata parroting bahasa

1. The ability to take care of and love a parrot. 2. The ability to retain information and remember it word for word.


1. Freyja has great parrotability, she really loves birds. 2. Elissa has parrotability, she can repeat what she's been told word for word.

Arti kata parroting bahasa

This is a social media and/or message board personality who repeats information from other sources while acting as if they are liberating your ignorance with their brilliant intellect. The sources they rep are often total shit, and they display a pathetic understanding of the concept of critical reasoning. One particular example would be the modern evangelical conspiracy theorist, who repeats information from preposterously unreliable sources, adds no new perspective, and berates any detractors with parrot phrases such as sheeple, wake up, or best of all do your research. It does also apply to thoughtless fanatics of any persuasion, political, religious, sports, music, whatever - basically an arrogant recycler of information without credibility - often causing the opposite of their own intent by being so annoying that no one wants to consider the content of their message.


I tried to tell this fucking parrot that the site he always links to is only there to sell books and advertising, and that their biased perspective was not logical and in fact impinged upon legitimate concerns, but instead of considering what I was saying he just told me to wake up. Or - I wish these parrots would keep their mouths shut, because all they seem to be good for is feeding trolls.

Arti kata parroting bahasa

The best thing you can get your child as a pet they are awesome, cute funny, and amazing


Me: dad I wanna parrot Dad: well dang, sure, I’ll give you one!

Arti kata parroting bahasa

The process of repeating information or behavior with minimal or zero comprehension of the subject matter (much like the parrot bird repeats human speech). Parrotic information or behavior results in a cascade effect influencing the percentage of humans that find the information or act reasonable enough to parrotically propagate to others. Even a small parrotic event can lead to death. Example: law enforcement takes lethal action based on parrotic information. Large scale parrotic events can and have lead to war. But, in that context is more commonly defined as : propaganda.


64 billion dollars in stock losses due to parrotic information that apexed at the Facebok IPO.

Arti kata parroting bahasa

the act of looking over one's shoulder to view their actions.


Colon was parroting Taps while they watched a youtube video of Eric breaking his skull wide open after becoming heavily intoxicated.