Why do dogs lick their paws at night

Dogs lick their paws for many reasons. They probably lick their paws on a daily basis to keep them clean. But if you dog is licking their paws constantly or aggressively, this excessive paw-licking may be a sign of a problem, such as a cyst, an infection, or an injury. If you see your dog frequently licking its paws, it's time to take some action. Learn why your dog is licking its paws and how to react appropriately.

Dogs can occasionally lick their paws as a part of self-grooming. Even dogs that don't do a lot of self-grooming will occasionally clean their paws. If you notice your dog licking its paws every once in a while, then there's probably nothing to worry about.

It is not normal if your dog seems to be licking its paws frequently or aggressively. This is usually a sign of a health problem or a behavior issue.

The Spruce / Katie Kerpel

If you think your dog's paw-licking is abnormal, the first step is to determine if there is a health problem with the paws. Dogs often lick their paws excessively if they are itchy, irritated, or painful.

A paw injury or foreign object may explain a sudden onset of paw-licking. The dog may have stepped on something that causes discomfort, like a sharp object or hot pavement. Or, he could have been stung or bitten by an insect or another animal. There may even be an object or substance stuck to its paws and he needs help removing it. Foreign objects like splinters or grass awns can get embedded in the paws and cause irritation.

Another possibility is that your dog has an abnormal growth on one of its paws, such as a cyst or a tumor. Or, your dog may have arthritis or an injury to the soft tissue or bones of the paw. The latter may not be something you can see with the naked eye.

if your dog is focusing on one paw more than the others, then it's more likely a paw injury, foreign object, or growth. However, these problems can easily affect more than one paw at a time.

A very common cause of licking paws for relief is allergies in dogs. Allergies often cause itching or irritation of the paw pads, causing a dog to lick its paws for relief. Many dogs have allergies that make the paws itch. Food allergies and environmental allergies are especially known to cause paw itching.

It's not uncommon for dogs to develop bacterial or fungal infections of the paws which means they need a trip to the veterinarian. These infections may occur secondary to allergies or for unknown reasons. When a dog frequently licks its paws, they stay damp and are more susceptible to bacteria and fungi.

External parasitic infections like fleas or mange or hookworms also tend to make the paws very itchy, leading to excessive licking.

If it feels like your dog is constantly licking their paws, you can begin by taking a close look at the paws. Inspect the tops and bottoms of the feet, the toenails and nail beds, and the spaces in between the digits. Look for foreign objects, cuts, bruises, bleeding, swelling, redness, crusting, scabs, discharge, broken nails, and anything else that looks abnormal. Administer first aid if necessary.

It's important to contact your veterinarian whether or not the paws look abnormal to you. Your vet needs to rule out health problems before you start trying to address a behavior issue.

Note that excessive licking often causes saliva stains on the hair around the paws. This rust-colored staining is easiest to see where the hair is a light color.

If your dog has a problem that may need advanced testing or treatment, your vet may refer you to a specialist, like a veterinary dermatologist or a veterinary surgeon.

If there is no physical reason for your dog to lick their paws excessively, then there's a chance your dog has developed a behavior issue.

If all health concerns have been ruled out, your vet may think the paw licking is occurring due to behavioral reasons though these are far less common. It may be as simple as boredom. Or, it could be a sign of stress, fear, or anxiety.

The licking might have started due to boredom, and then developed into a habit that has become relaxing or satisfying for your dog. In severe cases, your dog may have obsessive-compulsive tendencies that lead them to obsessively lick their paws.

A simple way to address behavioral paw-licking is to distract your dog. Take them for more walks, play with them more often, and offer them toys to hold their focus. Don't scold them for licking, but don't reward them with treats either. If these methods do not work, consider a recheck with the vet to look into other causes or treatments.

If the licking continues, consider behavior modification techniques to help your dog. Consult a dog trainer or behaviorist for help.

  • Behavioral modification to stop paw licking and chewing takes time, patience, and consistency.
  • Consider a bitter-tasting topical product that is pet-safe to discourage licking. If this does not work, a physical restraint like an e-collar may be necessary.
  • If additional behavior help is needed, consider working with a dog trainer, animal behaviorist, or a veterinary specialist in behavior.

When not snoozing, playing or running after their own tails, dogs can often be found licking their paws.

Should this be a cause for concern for owners? There is no simple answer, as there are several reasons why a dog might take excessive interest in its paws. So, it's best to identify the issue before any complications arise.

What Does It Mean When Dogs Lick Their Paws?

Golden retriever licks its paws. If you cannot explain your dog's constant paw licking, it's a good idea to call your vet.chendongshan/Getty Images

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Kirsten Dillon, an animal behaviorist for pet food retailer Natural Instincts, points out that licking comes naturally to dogs, but owners must pay attention if their pups are acting out of the ordinary around their paws.

"Licking any part of their body is completely natural behavior for a dog as they like to keep clean and irritant-free. Often, they will lick their paws as this is the area that comes into contact with, literally, everything," she told Newsweek.

"If you see your dog licking excessively, it is time to investigate without delay."

Dr. Jerry Klein, chief veterinary officer at the American Kennel Club, agrees, adding: "A thorough exam of the paw and pads can be warranted.

"When a dog excessively licks one paw, often there has been an injury such as a laceration or irritation or foreign material causing pain or inflammation.


A dog that keeps licking the same paw could be in pain from an injury or infection.Cavan Images/Getty Images

Kim Melotte, from dog supplement brand Buddy & Lola, suggests allergies might be to blame. "These reactions usually come in one of three forms," she told Newsweek.

"Seasonal—allergies like pollen might be more prevalent at some times of the year.

"Food—like humans, dogs can have allergies to food. Wheat, as well as beef and dairy products, are common dog allergies.

"Household products—cleaning products, floor cleaners, and detergents can potentially cause a reaction. It's not common, but it is possible."

She also warned that certain breeds were more prone to allergies than others. "Terriers, cocker spaniels and German shepherds all have a high risk of food intolerance. If your dog is one of these breeds it could explain biting at their paws."

Hallé Yetken-Salvadori, the owner of raw animal food specialist Petculiar Little Shop, believes healthy dogs will deal with allergies better than others.

She told Newsweek: "Health starts from the gut. Balance the microflora of the gut and make natural substances readily accessible to your pet to give them a better chance of healing themselves.

"Keep chemical use in the house to a minimum. This includes smelly candles and plug-in [air fresheners].

"Reducing stress is also very important. Active household, out-of-the-norm activities and new visitors can all cause stress. Give your dog a safe place to de-stress."

Dry Skin

Jack Russell terrier shows affection to its owner. Dogs' paws come into contact with all sorts of surfaces and substances, so it's no surprise they clean them frequently. IRYNA KAZLOVA/Getty Images

Melotte also suggests dry or irritated skin might be a contributing factor in paw licking.

She said: "Like humans, in extreme temperatures, dogs are more likely to get dry skin. If it's been really hot or really cold, this could explain it. If this is the reason for paw biting, you can help your dog."

She recommends salmon oil. It contains Omega 3 and 6, which improves moisture levels in your dog's skin. "On top of this, salmon oil can help joint health and promotes a healthy coat."


Dog licking his paw. Fleas and ticks can cause irritation.Tevarak/Getty Images

When dogs are out exploring the world, their paws are usually the first point of contact for parasitic critters such as fleas, ticks and lice.

Melotte said: "If you're a dog owner, this is the real 'F word.' Flea bites cause itching all over your dog, and they can spread to other animals or even to other surfaces. An infestation is a nightmare.

"A further complication is flea allergy dermatitis. This is a condition a lot of dogs experience. It's an allergic reaction to flea saliva, and if they have any bites around their legs or feet it can cause your dog to obsess over the area."


A Great Gascony Blue hound licks its paw. Excessive licking could be related to separation anxiety or other stresses.slowmotiongli/Getty Images

Boredom and separation anxiety could lead to excessive licking as well as other unhealthy habits such as barking, digging and destructive chewing.

Melotte said: "Dogs often over-groom to try and soothe themselves. This can take place if they are lonely, depressed or feeling anxious.

"You can try to prevent this in a number of ways. Stimulating your dog and providing plenty of interaction is a good way to prevent anxiety from setting in.

"Some anxious feelings can't be solved with attention. Separation anxiety, for example, is quite a complex issue. Paw licking and biting can be a sign of this."

"Of course, you should support your dog psychologically. Providing them with plenty of attention and removing anything that triggers anxiety. On top of this, dietary supplements can be an effective treatment."

Why Do Dogs Lick Their Paws Before Bed?

Owners often see their dogs licking their paws at bedtime. Dr. Klein from the American Kennel Club describes this behavior as understandable, as it "may be just a way to clean and relax" before sleep.

However, he added: "If the licking is excessive and only one paw, the paw should be carefully inspected to make sure there is not an underlying medical problem, such as a foreign body, torn nail or an interdigital laceration or inflammation causing the dog to lick. If this is the case, your veterinarian should be contacted."

The excessive licking itself might lead to a problem, according to Melotte. "Dog tongues are rough and if they keep licking at their feet then they can even cause themselves an injury."

Malinois puppy in a green meadow licking its paws. Some dogs suffer from seasonal allergies.K_Thalhofer/Getty Images

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