What type of energy is kicking a ball

What Happens When You Kick a Ball?


Teachable Topics:

  • Conservation of Energy
  • Newton's Laws
  • Sports


The collision of a rugby ball and a foot is elastic, meaning the kinetic energy of the swinging foot will be conserved to some extent (but not fully). Before the kinetic energy of the foot translates into the kinetic energy of the ball, there is some compression, meaning the energy first translates to elastic potential energy. The reason why this energy exists in the compression of the ball has to do with a couple things.

Firstly, the balls used in this demo are filled with air. When the balls are kicked, the air is compressed. This compressed air pushes out on the ball, resulting in the motion of the ball and the return to it's regular state.

Also, there is the elasticity of the material the ball is made of. How elastic it is defines how well it returns to it's original shape after it is struck or put under stress. If it is more resistant to stress, then it will be more resistant to the compression and more of the energy will be conserved.

In the end, the less compression there is, the higher the amount of energy conserved will be. Think about bouncing a flat ball versus bouncing an inflated ball. There is more air in the inflated ball, which can't be compressed as much as the flat ball. With less compression, there is more energy being conserved.


  • various balls (i.e. soccer ball, rugby ball, basketball, etc.)
  • high-speed camera
  • foot


  1. Kick the balls and observe the compression.

Energy is an entity that makes matter move. Without energy, there were be no motion, heat and light! There are eight different types of energies; Light Energy, Thermal Energy, Electrical Energy, Sound Energy, Chemical Energy, Gravitational Potential Energy, Kinetic Energy, and Elastic Energy. Every single one of these energies is seen in soccer! Also, all the energy that we take in as people (other objects as well) will be used equally. Some of the energy will be wasted, but the other energy will be used appropriately. 

Energy Transformation Diagram of Soccer Lights

Light energy is seen in the lights that allow you to play the game. I usually play at night which is why light is needed.

Thermal (or heat) energy is felt when you sweat on the field! You can also feel heat energy off of the lights! In this case both energies are wasted energies. A players purpose on the field is to play soccer (as vague as it is) not to sweat, and the light's purpose is to produce light. Therefore, thermal energy (in most cases) is seen as a wasted energy because it is just wasting the energy for the light and the players to do what they are meant to do. 

Electrical energy is also seen in the lights that allow you to play. The difference is, this energy is what went into the light to make it shine not what comes out. What comes out is the light and heat energy. 

I'm not sure if you're a soccer player, but I am! I know how much coaches yell, but it's not only the coaches! Good players communicate on the field. However, it does take up some of your energy out. In this case, it's good because it falls under the players' and coaches' purpose.

Chemical energy is similar to the electrical energy with the light that makes it shine. It is similar because like the electrical energy it is the energy that goes in to allow us players to play soccer. Chemical energy is what we eat and drink before the game. 

This energy is mostly seen when the ball is kicked in the air. It is called potential energy because it has the potential to do work. If the soccer ball is raised to a certain height, at the top, before it gains Kinetic Energy, it has the Potential stored that it will be used once it starts to move. 

Anything that is in motion has kinetic energy. In fact it is calculated by the object it acts on's mass multiplied by the velocity, multiplied by 0.5. 

Elastic Energy is seen when a player runs and their hamstring is stretched. When stretched it contains more energy than it does contracted.

Work is done on an object when a FORCE exerted on that object causes it to move through a distance. Now, let's refer back to the forces page. The final question I solved for gave me the applied force I had on my opponent. I'm going to take that amount of force and multiply it by the distance we traveled (3 m) to calculate how much work I had done on her. 

It's that simple! I used 74 Joules of energy to push her. 

Power combines the work done by the amount of time taken. It is calculated in Watts which in other words is a Joule/second. To show you an example of this, take me kicking the ball for example. I applied 20 N of force on the ball in which it traveled 10 m. This process took a total of 5 s. I do not yet have the amount of work done, but I can combine all those components in order to solve for power.

Therefore, the power of my kick is 40W. 

Total energy or Mechanical energy is very simple to understand. You see, when I kicked a soccer ball into the air the total energy at the maximum height the ball reached is equal to the amount of energy the soccer ball has when it hits the ground. In the following question I will calculate for the height maximum. However, before we do this we must acknowledge what energies the ball is using as it moves through the air. Simple the ball is moving, and it's in the AIR! Therefore, the two energies are kinetic and gravitational potential. Let me show you a diagram of the ball I kicked. The mass of the ball is 0.40 kg by the way. 

I know the diagram doesn't show you many variables, but it actually does show you enough to solve the question. (It does not show you the mass of the ball, but the mass cancels out anyways. However, I do use it in solving this question, but I do not have to).

To briefly explain the equation you see below, the total energy at the maximum height and the total energy at the ground are equal which means that the kinetic energy + the gravitational potential energy at the maximum height are equal to the kinetic energy + the gravitational potential energy. 

There are three types of forces when a soccer ball is in the air after its been kicked:

Our experiment was to see if different types of footwear would affect how far we could kick a soccer ball. Shoes are made to do different things, so we are seeing if there are differences in distance when we kick using different footwear. The types of footwear we used were soccer shoes, sports shoes and bare feet.

The people in our group are:  Akaash,Jego,Kelvin,Kian and Rico.

Gravity is the force when something is pulled down back onto the earth. Everything that goes up must come down, this is because of gravitational pull. When we kick the soccer ball up into the air, the soccer ball slowly comes down, the ball comes down because of gravity.

Drag is the force that is opposite to the way the ball is heading. If the soccer ball is kicked towards the right side, the drag will be on the left side, pushing the ball back. the drag depends on the shape and size of an object.

Lift  is the force that makes the ball spin, the lift depends on where you kick the soccer ball.

References: //www.grc.nasa.gov/WWW/k-12/airplane/socforce.html

The energy that  exists when you kick a soccer ball are



When a ball is ready to be kicked,it has potential energy, when the ball is kicked the potential energy is turned to kinetic energy.
Kinetic Energy is when you kick the ball, your leg puts kinetic energy into the ball. When you kick a soccer ball and the ball moves the ball has kinetic as well as potential energy.

When someone kicks the ball and it goes high into the air, when it comes back down, it hits the ground hard and the ball deforms, then it goes back to its original shape, also when someone kicks the ball the ball deforms, then it comes back to shape again. This is elastic energy.

There is a little bit of heat given out when someone kicks the ball. This is thermal energy.

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