What to do for ear mites in cats

One day you're scratching your cat's ears when you notice something unusual inside: a dark brown, crumbly substance that looks sort of like coffee grounds. This could be ear mites, tiny, pinpoint-sized parasitic insects that live and breed in the ear canals. Ear mites feed on skin debris, cell fluids and blood, and can gnaw on the tissue of the ear canal.

Ear mite infestations usually itch, so cats with infections will scratch their ears, sometimes until their ears are raw, shake their heads, or hold their ears at an odd angle.

Ear mites are common and can spread between cats and other animals. Treatment involves removing the mites from the ears and using a topical insecticide in the ear canal to kill off the remaining mites and new mites that hatch out of eggs left behind. All animals in the household must be treated; if you don't, the ear mites that you get rid of from one cat will just take up residence in another cat's (or a dog's) ears.

Before even treating your cat for ear mites, however, you need proof that they're there. Gently remove a little bit of the crumbly debris from your cat's ear canal with a cotton ball. Then examine it under bright light with a magnifier or spread it on a piece of dark paper. Any movement — including tiny white moving specks — means mites.

Other symptoms of mites in your cat's ears could include:

  • strong odor in the ears
  • inflammation and redness of the ear(s)
  • hair loss around the ears
  • skin problems and scabs around the ears
  • persistently shaking their head

Sometimes, mite debris is located deep in the ear canal where you can't see it. If you suspect your cat has mites, gently massage the back of the ear at the base between your thumb and forefinger. A cat with no mites usually enjoys it or, at worst, will fuss and try to get away. A cat who has unwanted company living in her ear canal will usually start scratching vigorously.

Other ear problems can cause itchiness and debris in the ear canal, so don't start home remedies for ear mites until you're fairly certain that's the problem. If you can't get proof of ear mites, it's better to take your cat to the vet so you can be sure that there's not something else going on.

If you know that your cat has a case of mites, read on to learn about some home remedies.

Ear mites (otodectes cynotis mites) are commonly found in cats and are part of the arachnid family. This extremely contagious external parasite makes its home on the surface of your cat's ear canal, and sometimes on their skin. 

Ear mites in cats are tiny, but you may be able to notice them as quickly moving white spots if you've got good eyesight. They have eight legs, with a noticeably smaller pair of hind legs (ear mites in cats pictures can be found by using your favorite online search engine, and the thumbnail image for this post shows a buildup of black wax inside the ear of a cat with ear mites).

They can cause severe irritation in our feline friends. While ear mites are fairly easy to treat, if left untreated they can lead to severe skin and ear infections. When we see cats with suspected ear infections, ear mites are often the underlying cause. Ear mite infections in humans are rare, and are not generally considered a risk to people.

Causes of Ear Mites in Cats

Our vets are often asked 'What causes ear mites in cats?' This parasite is highly contagious, spreading quickly and easily from one infected animal to another. While they are most common in cats, ear mites can also be found in dogs and other wild animals. If your cat spends time in boarding environments or outdoors and gets too close to another animal or touches a contaminated surface such as a grooming tool or bedding, ear mites can easily be transmitted. 

Cats in shelters often carry ear mites, so be sure to check your newly adopted cat for ear mites and schedule a routine exam with your vet as soon as possible. 

Symptoms of Ear Mites

The most common signs of ear mites in cats include: 

  • Hair or loss or irritation due to excessive scratching around the ears 
  • Dark crusty or waxy discharge from the ear that looks like coffee grounds 
  • Head shaking
  • Scratching at ears
  • Pus 
  • Inflammation 

How to Treat Ear Mites in Cats

Many a pet owner who has dealt with ear mites in their furry friend has likely frantically typed 'How to get rid of ear mites in cats' into their favorite search engine, looking for solutions. Fortunately, when it comes to ear mites in cats, treatment is relatively straightforward. If your vet diagnoses your cat with ear mites, an anti-parasitic medication will be prescribed. These medications are available in oral or topical form. The veterinarian may also clean your cat's ears with a cleaning solution designed for this purpose and prescribe a course of antibiotics depending on the severity of the infection.

Your vet will also assess if there are any secondary infections present from the infestation and treat them as required. Your vet will probably suggest you return to the office in a week or two to ensure the mites are gone and that further treatment is not necessary. Due to the contagious nature of ear mites, your vet will probably also prescribe medication for any other household pets to ensure the infestation doesn't continue. 

Using home remedies for ear mites in cats is not advisable. While there are some methods that can kill mites, many at-home treatments do not kill the eggs of the mites. So it while it may appear that the mites are gone, the infestation will start again when the eggs hatch. 

How to Prevent Ear Mites in Cats

Arranging a monthly checkup and ear cleaning with your vet will help to keep ear mites from gaining a foothold. Set yourself a bi-weekly reminder to clean your cat's kennel, bedding and your house to reduce the risk of an infection occurring at home. Your vet at LakeCross Veterinary Hospital can recommend parasite prevention products for your cat.

Note: The advice provided in this post is intended for informational purposes and does not constitute medical advice regarding pets. For an accurate diagnosis of your pet's condition, please make an appointment with your vet.

Do you think that your kitty may have ear mites? Contact our Huntersville, Mecklenburg County vets today to book an appointment for your feline friend.

Ear mites are common and highly contagious parasites (although they don't usually affect humans) that can make life miserable for your pet, especially outdoor cats that seem to attract them. They're not usually life-threatening but ear mites can cause infections of an animal's ear canal and sometimes can cause your pet to scratch so much that blood vessels in the ear rupture, which may require surgery.

Ear mites are tiny parasites that live out their life cycles mostly inside the ear canal. They are quite common and can cause severe irritation and itchiness of a cat's ears. The most common ear mite of cats is Otodectes cynotis, and therefore an infestation with ear mites is sometimes called "otodectic mange."

Ear mites primarily live in the ear canal, where they feed on ear wax and skin oils. Their presence causes inflammation, and can also lead to secondary ear infections. Eggs are laid in the ear, and it takes about three weeks for eggs to hatch and develop into adult mites that can reproduce. 

Uwe Gille / Wikimedia Commons

It's not difficult to recognize ear mites, based on your pet's behavior and appearance. The mites themselves, however, are generally too small to see with the naked eye. The most common signs of ear mites among cats include the following:

  • Head shaking
  • Scratching at ears
  • Ear discharge
  • Unusual amount of scratching on the body

You can tell your cat has ear mites if it's frequently and vigorously shaking its head, along with the other noted symptoms.

If your cat is constantly and aggressively scratching or rubbing its ears or has redness or hair loss around the ears, check inside for ear discharge. Ear mites are likely living inside the ear. The intense itching sensation your cat may have is also probably due to the feeling of mite droppings inside the ear and on the skin.

Ear mites are so tiny that they're hard to see with the naked eye. A dark waxy or crusty discharge or substance sitting in your cat's ears is the hallmark characteristic of ear mites. The discharge looks a bit like coffee grounds because it is a mixture of ear wax, blood, and secretions from mites.

While ear mites are generally found in the ears, they can also wander out onto the body, causing irritation and itchiness of the skin as well. Irritation of other parts of the body results in an unusual amount of scratching.

The Spruce / Nusha Ashjaee

Cats are commonly affected by ear mites, which are spread mostly by direct contact with another animal. They are especially common in young animals. Cats can catch ear mites from other, affected cats, or the environment. Mites are not breed-specific.

The diagnosis of ear mites is confirmed when the mites are found in a sample of the ear discharge examined under a microscope. Sometimes the mites can even be seen as little white specks moving around in the ear (when using a magnifying scope, or otoscope, to examine the ear). 

Confirming the presence of the mites is necessary to distinguish ear mites from other ear infections, such as yeast infections, so don't try to diagnose them at home. Always consult a veterinarian before beginning any course of treatment.

There are several options for treating ear mites, and your veterinarian will recommend a treatment protocol for your pet. Over-the-counter medications (and DIY treatments) are often less effective or require extended treatment times compared to medications prescribed by your vet. In fact, some newer medications require only a single application to be effective so you can quickly relieve your cat of this annoyance.

First, thorough cleaning of the ears can help clear the discharge, calm the irritation, and remove some of the mites. This can be followed up in one of several ways:

  • One-time medication treatments applied to the ear can be successful.
  • One-time treatments applied to the skin are typically used as monthly parasite control medications. A single dose usually takes care of an ear mite infection but you may consider using them monthly to prevent reinfection and control other pests.
  • Repeated applications of medication to the ear might be required.
  • Injectable ivermectin can also be used; this is an off-label use for ear mites.

It is important to strictly follow your vet's recommended dosage schedule for the successful treatment of ear mites. Though more time-consuming to apply, some medications can calm inflammation and treat secondary bacterial or yeast infections.

Even if they are not showing symptoms, all pets in the home, including dogs, should be treated at the same time.

Untreated cats can experience bacterial infections, damaged ear canals, and potential deafness. Treated cats will typically respond well. However, if your cat has a persistent problem with mites, the skin may become oily, flaky, thickened, and sores may develop that turn crusty or oozy, and may require other treatment from your vet.

The best prevention against ear mites is to keep your cat indoors. If your cat is an indoor/outdoor cat, the best defense is to keep your pet's bedding and toys clean, take it for regular vet appointments, and stay aware of your cat's behavior so you can recognize any symptoms.

Ear mites do not survive for long periods on humans so they do not cause long-term infections in people. Very rarely, however, ear mites may transiently hang out on humans—on arms or extremities—and produce a transient rash.


  • How do I check for ear mites in cats?

    Because they're so small, ear mites are typically confirmed by a vet when discharge from your cat's ears is examined under a microscope. That being said, you can sometimes even see the mites as little white specks moving around in your cat's ear if you're looking closely with a magnifying glass. As a pet owner, you will most typically notice the symptoms of ear mites and have their presence confirmed by a vet.

  • What do ear mites look like in cats?

    There are several symptoms to keep an eye out for if you suspect your cat may have ear mites. Look for excessive scratching at the ears or head shaking, which may be your cat's attempt at alleviating discomfort. You may also notice dark waxy or crusty discharge in your cat's ears, which is one of the hallmark signs of ear mites.

  • What causes ear mites in cats?

    Cats may acquire ear mites for several reasons, but the most common is contact with other infected cats. Ear mites are commonly seen in cats that have spent time in shelters or in close proximity to other infested cats. Likewise, outdoor cats are more likely to become afflicted with ear mites.

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If you suspect your pet is sick, call your vet immediately. For health-related questions, always consult your veterinarian, as they have examined your pet, know the pet's health history, and can make the best recommendations for your pet.

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