What is the least number that should be added to 10000 so that it is completely divisible by 327?

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What least number should be added to 10000 so that the sum is exactly divisible by 83

10,000 : 83 = 120 and reminder 40

the first number after 10,000 divisible by 83 is 10,043

10,043 : 83 = 121

43 is the least number that should be added to 10,000.


327 is a multiple of 3.

So, a number should be added to 10000 which will make it divisible by 3.

And 327 is also a multiple of 109.

So, To make 10000 completely divisible by 327, a number should be added to that number which would be divisible by 109 also.

So, $$(10000+137)=10137$$ is divisible by 3 as well as 109.

So,Option C is correct.

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