What to do when your baby daddy ignores you while pregnant

Getting your baby daddy back after the breakup works the exact same way as getting your boyfriend, husband, or fiancé back.

The only difference is that when you have a child together, you also get to prove how confident, mature, strong, and self-dependent you can be when it comes to your kid.

In other words, you can show your ex-boyfriend what a great mother you are and earn some extra brownie points that way.

Just make sure you don’t abuse the situation and drag your child into the breakup with you. This likely won’t get you the results that you’re hoping for. On the contrary, it will probably make you look desperate for love, attention, and recognition.

Especially if you try to guilt-trip, manipulate, or force your baby daddy to commit to you and the child.

Keep in mind that there’s nothing guys hate more than being forced against their will. They hate it so much, it makes them feel sick to the stomach.

Literally, they feel hate, anger, and disgust.

The key to getting your baby daddy back, therefore, is to make your baby daddy want to come back. And by making him come back, we’re not talking about using some sneaky text your ex-back technique that you can find on the internet.

That would just push your unreceptive ex-partner further away from you and make him resent you (or increase his resentment if he already resents you).

To make your baby daddy regret leaving you, you first need to give him the freedom to experience life without you.

By giving him the chance to do as he pleases with his life, you’ll essentially allow him to process the initial stages of a breakup and encourage him to reach out to you and talk to you on equal terms again.

It’s so important that your partner actually wants to converse with you. If he doesn’t want to talk and you try to make him take responsibility by sheer force, you’ll never restore the lost interest and power to your relationship.

All you’ll do is remind him why he needed to leave you and permit him to continue to paint a negative picture of you.

So to increase your chances of reconciliation, leave your baby daddy completely alone. Follow the rules of no contact, focus on improving yourself, and look after your child/ren.

A time will come when your ex gets into some kind of trouble (breakup, health concerns, financial problems, friends issues, depression, etc) and becomes receptive to you.

That’s when he could notice the new and improved you (provided you worked on yourself) and feel more positive emotions for you.

But before that happens, you actually have to put in the effort, stick to the breakup plan, and wait for your ex to get in a pickle.

Today’s post is for brave women who think to themselves, “How to make your baby daddy regret leaving you?”

How to make your baby daddy regret leaving you?

No man ever wants to go back to a woman who’s an emotional wreck. Sad and desperate women, unfortunately, don’t prove how much they love their ex-boyfriend.

That’s very, very rarely the case.

Women who lack control of their emotions usually suffocate, repulse, and guilt-trip men and make them feel nauseating emotions.

That’s why before you make your baby daddy regret leaving you, you must do your best to regain your composure and stand on your two feet again.

You can do this by trying your hardest to lose reconciliation hope and by working around the clock on accepting the breakup.

The moment you do and you rationally as well as emotionally discern that your ex may never come back, something great will happen to you.

You won’t just start feeling happier, independent, and detached from your ex. That’s just the beginning.

You’ll also fall in love with yourself and by doing so, decrease the risk of suffocating your baby daddy whenever the two of you converse about important relationship matters.

Matters such as finances, children, divorce, and any unfinished business. These are one of the few topics you should talk to your ex about.

Everything else (non-urgent) counts as breaking no contact and is extremely dangerous.

It’s dangerous because if you reach out to your baby daddy for no reason, you’ll require him to talk about something he’s not interested in.

You need to understand that even if your ex is your child’s father, he could perceive you in a negative way and feel smothered by you.

The way he feels really depends on (the negative) emotions he associated with you throughout and after the relationship.

For most people, these associated emotions are quite bad—and chances are that yours are too.

So don’t worry about reattracting your baby daddy back if your breakup is fresh. This is something that happens at a much later stage.

It happens during the inducement stage of getting back together with an ex when your ex hits a snag and suffers badly.

Until then, you shouldn’t worry about your ex and what he’s thinking and feeling in no contact. This will hinder your detachment process and personal growth—and make you even more obsessed with your ex.

The most important thing for you is that you get your old confident self back and find happiness in yourself and your child again.

Take this seriously so that you don’t accidentally give your ex the power to stomp all over you. You need to take the power away from your ex and retain your value as a person and a romantic partner.

Here’s what you need to do in order to get your baby daddy back.

4 Ways to get your baby daddy back

If you hope to come across some kind of push-pull manipulation technique that will bring your baby daddy back, know that there is no such thing.

Manipulation techniques work only on emotionally receptive people. That’s why nothing and no one can fix your broken relationship other than your ex.

It has to be your baby daddy’s idea to willingly come back to you.

So to encourage your ex to feel more positive emotions for you without obstructing his choice and freedom, here are 5 simple tips you should follow to get your baby daddy back.

1)Become independent

The best way to get your baby daddy to want you back is to fall back in love with yourself.

You can do this by lowering your expectations of your ex coming back and by creating a new life for yourself and your child.

It’s extremely important that you show your ex that you possess the ability to take care of yourself as well as your child. If you do this right, your ex might just realize that you don’t depend on him for anything.

Not even for his help with the child.

2)Become successful

As you may have heard before, the best revenge in life is success. And that’s because personal success makes people envious.

It makes them crave that which they don’t have and draws them closer to people who they can benefit from.

So to make your baby daddy regret leaving you, obtain emotional, financial, spiritual, intellectual, and physical success.

The moment you do and your ex notices it, he will respect you for it and maybe even contact you to see why you became successful without him.

3)Love yourself and focus on your son/daughter

Self-love after the breakup is very important. It depicts self-respect and high self-esteem—and tells people that you possess the emotional strength to carry on with your life.

So focus strongly on yourself and your loved ones—and your baby daddy might even become curious about your ability to persevere.

4)Get over the breakup

If you want to get your baby daddy back, you have to get over him. By doing so, you’ll reveal that you’re moving forward with your life and show your ex that you aren’t desperate for reconciliation.

When your ex notices that you’re moving forward, he, of course, won’t rush back to you.

As we said before, your ex need to find an motive to crawl back into your life. That motive can be any negative experience that forces your ex to self-reflect on his life.

When he self-reflects, he’ll probably reset his deep-rooted associations for you and seek love and shelter in your intimacy.

Get your baby daddy back by getting yourself back

Just like women, men are also attracted to confidence and self-esteem. They love it when a woman appears physically, mentally, and financially well and feels comfortable in her skin.

Knowing that a woman is self-sufficient (not overly reliant on them) tells them that she’s strong enough to selflessly give back to the relationship.

If you truly want to be respected by people you love, you must prove to them that you can survive without them.

Michael Bassey Johnson

On top of that, men also love mature, openminded, non-reactive, and self-aware women.

They love hem because such women have already heavily invested in themselves. They’ve taken the time to eliminate as many shortcomings, weaknesses, and stressors as possible—and by doing so, created a peaceful life for themselves and their children.

This is something that guys notice very, very quickly. They may not say it out loud, but they definitely feel the attraction toward the girl that has her life under control.

They’re attracted to strength, after all.

That’s why it’s super important that you focus on improving your flaws, weaknesses, and insecurities—and become enthusiastic about life again.

It will probably be difficult for you to become excited about your hobbies and passions if it hasn’t been very long since your ex-boyfriend, husband, or fiancé left.

But you must nonetheless muster up the courage to pull away from your ex and start getting over your ex as soon as possible.

It’s okay to grieve, cry and feel lonely. It’s also okay to think about your ex all day and all night. In fact, it’s perfectly normal as most dumpees uncontrollably obsess over their exes.

The separation anxiety and shattered self-esteem caused by the breakup make sure that they do.

But don’t deliberately hold on to your ex and refuse to move forward without your ex. If you do that, it will take you a really long time to move on from the person who discarded you.

It could take you years, so save yourself from months or years of self-torment and keep moving toward your goals and passions.

You will likely struggle to live without your ex for a few weeks or months (depending on how emotionally invested and heartbroken you are), but it will be so worth it in the end.

You can rest assured that you’ll become happy again as long as you try your hardest to leave your baby’s daddy in the past.

Signs baby daddy wants you back

If you and your child’s father still converse or if for some reason you have insight into his life, you might notice some signs that your ex will eventually come back.

You might see changes in your ex’s behavior and notice that things are looking more promising than ever.

Here are 5 signs your baby daddy wants you back.

1)His rebound ended

One of the most obvious signs your baby daddy wants you back is if your ex just came out of a rebound relationship and takes the initiative to talk to you.

This kind of behavior could indicate that your ex is afraid of asking you to take him back. But just because there’s a chance that he’s afraid, you shouldn’t try to make it easier on him.

He has to put in the effort to balance out the power in the new relationship.

2)Something/someone hurt him

As we mentioned earlier, exes come back when they go through some unpleasant experience.

This experience can be anything painful that helps them realize they’ve made a big mistake.

3)He’s suddenly interested in you and your child

If your baby daddy suddenly wants to spend time with you and your child, chances are that he’s trying to take responsibility.

He could be looking for a way to crawl back into your life, so observe his behavior and figure out his intentions.

If he wants you back, rest assured that he won’t let you wait forever. He’ll take action.

4)He’s reaching out on his own

Another great sign of a returning ex is when an ex initiates conversations and talks about non-essential things.

Such behavior shows that an ex is interested in talking again.

It’s your job to figure out whether he’s interested in being friends, partners, or if he’s just trying to breadcrumb you to relieve his guilt.

5)He’s complimenting you and saying you’ve improved

If your ex no longer sees you in a poor light and compliments your looks and personality improvements, you’ve got one of the signs that your baby daddy wants you back.

The reason why this sign is so special is that a change in mentality signifies a change of emotions, including pre/breakup and post-breakup associations.

This means that when your baby daddy compliments you directly or indirectly, he does so to acknowledge your personal growth.

It doesn’t get much better than that.

A guy’s compliment should reassure you that you’ve improved tremendously and inspire you to continue to become the best version of yourself.

What if your baby daddy doesn’t want you back?

If your baby daddy doesn’t want to step up and be your baby’s daddy, that’s completely fine too! You don’t want nor need a person in your life who’s less than 100% committed to you.

Especially if he’s choosing between you and someone else.

The truth is that you’re better off alone or with someone who’s ready to commit to you.

You don’t want to put your life on hold and continue to receive false hope from the person who possesses the power to hurt you and prolong your pain.

You might not admit it, but you actually want to be happy and move on with your life. It just so happens that your baby daddy left you and hurt you, so you’re now looking for the quickest solution that may not necessarily be the best.

So for now, focus on becoming happy again and you’ll slowly sever the bond that keeps you attached to your ex.

That’s when you’ll stop worrying about your baby daddy being an engaging, supportive, and loving father.

All you’ll care about is being the best mom that you can possible be.

And that’s how it should be. You should focus on the things that you can control, affect, and change.

One day, if your baby daddy doesn’t come back and you’re over your ex, someone new will fall in love with you and give you the love and support that you and your child deserve.

But until then, make sure not to develop any trust issues and positively strive for emotional independence.

I hope you’ve learned how to make your baby daddy regret leaving you. I know that the strategy in this article is very similar to attracting a detached ex back, but I believe it’s always better to memorize the things you should and shouldn’t do. It’s better than committing post-breakup mistakes and suffering as a result.

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