What is a good first message to a girl on Facebook?

To text a girl for the first time on Facebook can be daunting, but not knowing what to say can even be more challenging.

However, two out of every three of the people you may know are on Facebook and thank goodness for the amazing features Facebook has.

Facebook allows users to share photos, videos and probably what’s on their mind. You can also tag friends, react to a post, comment or share content and even more…

One of the amazing features of Facebook is the Facebook Messenger chat, a lot of conversations can be done using FB Messenger.

If you’re looking for a girl online, Facebook is a nice place to meet people too, you don’t have to be on a dating app and wait to be matched by the dating site algorithm before you can be able to message singles for free.

I didn’t become good at texting in a day, it requires practice and time. My first message to a girl I barely know on Facebook wasn’t anywhere close to nice. But that was a message sent out from the heart of a teenager who was pretty much overwhelmed talking to a girl for the first time online.

Over the years, I have been able to learn from my Messenger chat mistakes as I most times narrowly escape been blocked by a girl on Facebook.

I am here to share with you things I have learned so far on how to text a girl without being creepy on FB. Take this to be the only Facebook chatting rule to attract a girl online.

Honestly, the conversation between a boy and a girl on Facebook can trigger a lot of feelings, it can make you excited or nervous. The feeling is usually different for different persons but you wouldn’t like to create a bad impression and appear awkward. That’s probably why you are here.

If you have been on the search for how to start a conversation on Facebook without being awkward, here are the Messenger chat tips with a girl to gain a deep level of conversation with her.

1. First, take a look at her Facebook profile

To talk to a girl you have never met before without seeming like a creeper on Facebook, first take a look at her profile and explore her timeline to know a little more about her.

You’re going to use this opportunity to check her relationship status on Facebook, photos she shared, her religion and other information she wishes to make public on Facebook.

The information you get when you explore her Facebook wall, will serve as a good conversation starter for you to start up a chat with her for the very first time.

2. Send her a friend request

If she is not already on your Facebook friend list, you would have to send her a friend request first.

Although Facebook allows users to send messages to someone who’s on Facebook even if you’re not friends yet, this will have to be in the message request folder. She might not see your Facebook chats.

If she accepts your friend request on Facebook, then you can move to the next step which is “how to start a conversation with a girl for the first time on Facebook“.

One among the all time best tips for making a girl accept your friend request fast is by having a descent Facebook profile.

If you have a weird Facebook description and content on your wall, it is most likely to scare a lot of ladies from accepting your friend request in the first place.

3. Polite introduction

Friend requesting a girl on Facebook is a way to seek her consent before sliding into her inbox. The next thing to follow up is a nice intro to have her engaged in the chat with you. This is where most guys find it exhausting.

To start a chat with a stranger girl on Facebook, try the following;

“Hey, I am Joe, so sorry to bother you. I came across your profile on Facebook through a mutual friend (name of the mutual friend), while reading a post (post on friendly cats)

Your comments are inspiring, and I thought it would be nice to make a new friend. You seem to be quite intelligent/nice (based on the post), and I also think you’re quite pretty. If it’s ok with you, can we be friends?” This is casual; she is most likely to say “yes, for sure, we can be friends”.

Despite the fact that this is a good way to start talking to a girl on Facebook, there’s no guarantee she would say yes immediately.

To approach a girl for the first time on Facebook, it is pertinent to let her know how you found her on Facebook.

4. Find out her interests

Although you might have come across her interests on her Facebook timeline, that isn’t enough for you to act on. You just have to be yourself, be confident enough to ask what her interests are and then see how other things unfold.

You will always have something to say, you may decide to just ask her about her day or how she’s doing. They are all good conversation starters but I am more focused on how you can keep the conversation going with her on messenger. That’s the need for you to know what she likes to talk about.

It is pertinent to ask about her interests because not all girls like to talk about the same thing, finding out the specific things she like, is golden to hold a conversation with her.

5. Chat her often

When starting a conversation over Facebook chats with a girl, try to maintain steady chats with her. Always be there and able to bring up interesting topics but don’t flood her with messages at a go.

Most women receive a lot of messages on Facebook, you wouldn’t want to appear as one of the stalkers she dislikes chatting with.

Wait for a reply from her before you send another chat.

Know when to reply, sometimes hold on a little bit or more before replying her chats. Don’t be in a rush to show how desperate you’re when talking with her on Facebook messenger. You may also ask to know if she’s free for a chat at the moment.

Make use of sweet and short conversations that are not creepy, focus on discussing interesting topics with her instead of always talking about yourself.

When chatting with a strange girl on Facebook, be polite and avoid unnecessary self-made abbreviations, this can be a turn off for her. Maintain a common ground in whichever language you’re using to communicate with her.

Add humour to your chats with her and don’t send lengthy paragraphs that could be boring for her to read, avoid excessive use of good morning images and never ask her for n*des.

6. Stay active around her

Comment on her photos and status updates, you don’t have to comment on every picture or status update or react to every post they share.

Trying to make her recognize you by dropping witty comments will make you appear like a creepy person.

7. Stop hiding behind the chats

If you guys have been talking well on Facebook messenger, it can be a nice sign she’s beginning to like you online. Try to meet her in person at least for the first time.

“I really enjoy your chats with me here on Facebook, I was wondering if it is okay by you that we meet at the ______ any day within the week?”

There’s no need to keep lurking around the point, you need to have the confidence to ask her out on Facebook. Since your intentions are genuine and your request to meet her in person is plain, she might say yes to you.

If she say no, there’s probably no need to keep disturbing her, that’s not the end of the world and always remember to appreciate her for her time.

What should I say when I message a girl on Facebook?

Just send her a few lines about something that reminded you of her, or direct her to a link you think she'd like. You can be a little flirtatious, but don't overwhelm the girl. Wait for her to respond. If she asks you questions, then she wants to keep the messaging thing going.

How start a conversation with a girl on Facebook?

Starting a conversation with an attractive girl on Facebook can be intimidating, especially if the two of you are only acquaintances or strangers. Try beginning the discussion with a remark or question that demonstrates sincere interest in her, then follow through by being respectful and attentive.

What should I say in the first message to a girl?

Ways to Just Say Hi:.
Hi, how was your weekend?.
Hey, how's your week going so far?.
Hi. What have you been up to lately?.
Hey, how are things with you today?.
Hi, any fun plans for the weekend?.
Hi, I hope your week is going well..
Hi, how are you? 🙂.
Hi there. How's life treating you today?.

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