What happens if a dog eats a cheese puff?

Our dogs are our best friends, so they go where we go, and sometimes, they eat what we eat. But is this always healthy?

When it comes to junk food, the answer is no. Cheetos fall into this junk food category, and dogs should not eat them as part of a healthy diet.

Don’t panic if you have fed Cheetos to your dogs before, as they are not toxic or particularly harmful to them in minimal amounts. Feeding them one or two puffs won’t hurt them. However, any more than that, and their digestive systems could start to show unfortunate results.

What makes Cheetos so unhealthy for dogs? What happens when they eat them? Do they hold any nutritional value? If you want the answer to these questions, keep reading. We also go over alternatives to Cheetos in their diet.

Cheetos Ingredients List

It is often easier to understand what snacks are healthy additions to your pooch’s diet if you want to know what ingredients help and harm dogs. Then, you can screen the snacks before you give them to your dog.

First, here are the specific ingredients in Cheetos:

  • Enriched cornmeal (added chemicals, e.g., thiamin mononitrate)
  • Vegetable oil (corn, canola, or sunflower oil)
  • Cheese seasoning
  • Whey
  • Canola oil
  • Maltodextrin
  • Whey protein concentrate
  • Natural and artificial flavors
  • MSG
  • Yellow #6

Photo by Ryan Quintal on Unsplash

Not surprisingly, many of our favorite snacks have a similar recipe. However, most of them are not suitable for our canine counterparts.

Dogs need a certain amount of fats in their diet. However, not all fats are the same. They need healthy sources of fat, and Cheetos do not contain any of these. The corn, canola, or sunflower oil are not virgin oils, but in fact, low-grade oil that shouldn’t be fit for anyone to consume as part of a healthy diet.

Cheese by itself is a questionable addition to a pup’s diet, but the cheese flavoring in Cheetos only comes from the unhealthy leftovers in cheese production, the processed whey. Protein in the whey can be healthy, but there is often not much of it left in a usable form in the processed version.

Monosodium glutamate (MSG) is a flavor enhancer that makes products like Cheetos rather addictive. It has been banned in most products, or there at least has to be a warning on the packaging. It is not good to have in any part of a dog’s diet. Their digestive system is not made to process it well.

The yellow #6 coloring hasn’t been thoroughly tested for dogs to consume. It is potentially harmful to them, much like MSG.

The base of Cheetos is cornmeal. It can sometimes be a source of carbohydrates in dog food and is not healthy for dogs. In Cheetos, it is “enhanced,” meaning it is full of other chemicals and fats for a better taste and a hard punch of calories.

Are There Any Nutritional Benefits in Cheetos?

After looking through the ingredients list and their individual effects, you might wonder if there is any way that Cheetos benefit your dog?

There is not, to put it simply. Cheetos contain no nutritional benefits for dogs. They have shockingly high fat and sodium content. Canines need a meager amount of sodium in their diet to be sufficient. Too much can cause bloating and other detrimental health effects.

Dogs are relatively sensitive to the amount and type of fat that they consume. Unfortunately for them, Cheetos are brimming with all the wrong kinds, mostly saturated fats. Too much, which isn’t that many, can lead to some severe health issues.

Image credit: Bruno Cervera, Pexels

What Happens to Your Dog If They Eat Cheetos?

Feeding your pup one or two puffs is fine, although it should happen infrequently. Unless they have sensitive digestive systems, they won’t suffer from any illness or symptoms.

If they end up consuming a significant amount of Cheetos, watch out for more dangerous conditions. These can include:

Everybody loves a good dish or a tasty snack. Dogs are no different. Some don’t have enough self-control and can end up overeating too fast. This pattern can bring on vomiting, but toxic or disagreeable substances may as well. If it only occurs once, then keep an eye on it. If the symptom continues, consider taking your pooch to a vet for confirmation of gastrointestinal issues.

You might not realize it, but many of the same diseases that come from unhealthy lifestyles in humans can also manifest in a dog. Diabetes is one of these and can affect them at any age. It can be treated, mostly through dietary changes. These don’t include Cheetos.

Whether a diet is healthy or unhealthy and the specifics of the food can change your pup. They might act completely differently than the dog you are familiar with after receiving too much of a particular snack or during a diet change. Watch for anxiety or increased lethargy and consider healthier options.

The various preservatives and chemicals used in human food can sometimes cause loss of appetite for dogs. It can also be a sign of a deeper problem. There are not many dogs who refuse to eat. If it continues, consider a visit to your veterinarian.

Although this won’t occur after a single Cheeto puff, it is something to keep an eye on. Treats should only make up a maximum of 10% of your pup’s diet. Even this can put some sensitive dogs in danger. Be aware of what their ideal weight is for their breed and age. Dog’s bodies do not handle extra weight well, and they will be exponentially more at risk for heart disease, cancer, joint issues, and more.

What About Hot Cheetos?

In 2010, Cheetos was at the top of the popularity chain for cheese puffs in the United States. Worldwide, the annual sales equaled about $4 billion. The adoration for the snack has been the driver for Frito-Lay to develop many Cheetos flavors. But whether your favorite is Crunchy, Cheddar Jalapeno, or Flamin’ Hot Limon, your dog shouldn’t taste any.

The only difference between Crunchy Cheetos and otherwise are a couple of different ingredients, some of which make them even more dangerous for your pup.

For example, the Flamin’ Hot Limon contains unknown ingredients, not a good sign for anyone. Beyond that, they have garlic powder, a substance toxic to dogs.

The jalapeno pepper and other spices in some of the different flavors are not suitable for your pup. They can induce much more volatile reactions if they are eaten.

Photo by Giorgio Trovato on Unsplash

Alternative Dog Snack Options

When they look up at you with their big puppy-dog eyes, just begging for a little taste, it is practically heartbreaking to tell them “no.” However, we are their caretakers. When we adopted them, we committed to their overall wellbeing.

That doesn’t mean that you aren’t allowed ever to give them any treats. Instead, try healthier treats. If Cheetos is the only thing your dog wants, consider not eating them around the pup.

Options to consider include:

  • Apple with peanut butter
  • Green beans
  • Carrot sticks
  • Homemade dog treats
  • Dried bananas
  • Pumpkin

Even though these are better for your dog, it is still essential that treats only make up a 10% maximum of their daily diet.


Having a Cheeto puff or two rarely isn’t going to induce great harm for your dog. It is not hurtful for them to intake a small amount. However, if they have a sensitive system or are allergic to any of the ingredients, watch for more significant reactions.

If you are looking to do the best you can for your canine, treat them to healthier snacks. Cheetos contain no nutritional benefits. The significant quantity of salt in Cheetos is unhealthy for them, along with a few of the other ingredients.

There are many tasty treats for dogs out there, but Cheetos are not one of them. Steer clear of processed snacks, and your pup will appreciate you more for it.

Featured Image Credit: Pixabay, Pikrepo

The question I get from many pet owners is "Can dogs eat cheese puffs?". The simple answer is yes, but I would not recommend you feed cheese puffs to your dog.

Many of us enjoy our snacks such as potato chips, Cheetos or pretzels. These snacks fall into the category of junk food because they have no nutritional value and are high in calories, saturated fats and MSG. 

Yes, dogs can eat cheese puffs (Cheetos) in moderation but not recommended.

Plain cheese puffs are safer than flavored cheese puffs. They may contain spices that are not safe for dogs. Limit to one or two at any given time to minimize the effects of saturated fats and excessive salts.

Let me go through some of the reasons why your pet should not eat cheese puffs.

The ingredients in cheese puffs are not safe for dogs. Made from enriched corn meal, MSG and yellow number 6 covered in cheese seasonings.

  • Enriched corn meal
  • Vegetable oil
  • Canola oil
  • Cheese seasoning
  • Maltodextrin
  • Natural and artificial flavors
  • Whey protein concentrate
  • Yellow 6
  • MSG

The is no nutritional value in cheese puffs providing only empty calories. The main ingredient is enriched corn meal cooked and then covered in cheese seasoning made with MSG, yellow number 6 coloring. 

Even humans shouldn't eat cheese puffs. Other foods such as oranges, popcorn, Cheerios, and red peppers are better options to this snack food.

Cheetos brand of cheese puffs nutritional facts state that the serving size of 13 Cheetos has 160 calories, 1.5 grams of saturated fats, 270 mg of sodium. 

Only allow your dog to have a few once in a while. Don't make it a habit.

Sassy begging for Cheetos

Cheetos cheese puffs are high in saturated fats, sodium (salt) which are dangerous for your pet. Saturated fats are one of the leading factors for heart disease, obesity, diabetes, arthritis and kidney disease.

Dogs have a very low tolerance for salt. Consuming too much sodium (salt) can cause a stroke, high blood pressure and heart issues in dogs. If your dog eats too much salt in one sitting, however, the effects may be life-threatening.

  • Vomiting
  • Fatigue
  • Loss of appetite
  • Behavioral changes
  • Clumsiness
  • Seizures
  • Tremors
  • Excessive thirst

Monosodium Glutamate (MSG) even in small amounts can triple your dog’s insulin levels making it very difficult to lose weight no matter how much exercise it gets. MSG is used to intensify flavors in foods and found in many human foods. 

MSG can cause your dog to develop any of these symptoms: headaches, asthmatic reactions, depression, mood changes and irritability, reproductive dysfunction, nervous disorders and an irregular heartbeat.

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Dogs who suffer from obesity are far more likely to suffer from diabetes, arthritis, heart disease, many types of cancer, kidney problems, respiratory problems, insulin resistance, and a decreased life expectancy.

Instead of giving your dog cheese puffs as a snack, try something that will provide your pet nourishment. Stick to meat proteins or treats made specifically for dogs.

Ideally, you want to stick to treats that contain no soy, corn or artificial ingredients of any kind. Again, one or two is fine, just don't make it a habit.

While it's not recommended to give your puppy cheese puffs, one or two once in a while should not be harmful as long as your dog is not allergic to any of the ingredients. 

Monitoring your pet's diet and an active lifestyle will ensure your dog has a long happy life. Not to mention, that you will also need to stay active and healthy to keep up with your buddy. A benefit to both of you. Most dogs are happy to go on long walks twice a day to take care of business.

You should resist the urge to give cheese puffs to your dog with any regularity. As mentioned previously, cheese puffs contain quite a bit of added salt and saturated fats which are unhealthy for pets and humans alike.

I hope I've answered the question, "can dogs eat cheese puffs?" to your satisfaction. Please leave a comment or question below. I look forward to responding to your comments. Don't forget to share the article with your friends and loved ones too.

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